971 resultados para bridging


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This paper reports the results of research into social capital levels in the Central Housing Community Network, part of the community consultation structure of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. Membership of the forum increased the bonding, bridging and linking social capital of its members and appeared to improve community relations, although that was not its stated purpose. However, the empirical link between social capital and the quality of community relations remains unproven. The research provides an example of the state creating a positive space for interaction with civil society through consultation on service delivery issues. In an international policy environment where ‘mixed’ communities are the ideal, the potential of service-based forums to contribute to community cohesion may have been underestimated.


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Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry experiments showed that liquid Group 1 metal salts of the bistriflamide anion undergoing reduced-pressure distillation exhibit a remarkable behavior that is in transition between that of the vapor-liquid equilibrium characteristics of aprotic ionic liquids and that of the Group 1 metal halides: the unperturbed vapors resemble those of aprotic ionic liquids, in the sense that they are essentially composed of discrete ion pairs. However, the formation of large aggregates through a succession of ion-molecule reactions is closer to what might be expected for Group I metal halides. Similar experiments were also carried out with bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amine to investigate the effect of H+, which despite being the smallest Group 1 cation, is generally regarded as a nonmetal species. In this case, instead of the complex ion-molecule reaction pattern found for the vapors of Group I metal salts, an equilibrium similar to those observed for aprotic ionic liquids was observed.


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For many years Northern Ireland has been a divided society where members of the two main religious groups, Catholics and Protestants, have limited opportunities to interact due to segregation in their social lives. Attempts have been made to encourage religious mixing through integration in schools, housing and workplaces predicated on the theory that bringing people together can improve community relations and remove prejudices – known as the ‘contact hypothesis’. However, little is known about those who enter into mixed-religion partnerships often against the wishes of their families and communities. This paper examines the characteristics and attitudes of mixed-religion couples and suggests that they differ in their socio-demographic characteristics and in their attitudes from those who marry within their own religion. These findings add to the weight of evidence from other countries in conflict suggesting that intermarriage has a role to play in contributing to less sectarian views and improved community relations.


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Raman spectroelectrochemical and X-ray crystallographic studies have been made for the binuclear copper(I) complex, [(Ph(3)P)(2)Cu(dpq)Cu(PPh(3))(2)][BF4](2), where dpq is the bridging ligand 2,3-di(2-pyridyl)quinoxaline. The X-ray data show that the pyridine rings are twisted out of plane with respect to the quinoxaline ring which is itself non-planar. The UV/VIS spectra of the metal-to-ligand charge-transfer excited state and those of the electrochemically reduced complex are similar. The resonance-Raman spectrum of the latter species exhibits little change in the frequency of the pyridinylquinoxaline inter-ring C-C bond stretching mode, compared to the ground electronic state. This suggests minimum change in the inter-ring C-C bond order in the electrochemically or charge-transfer generated radical anion. Semiempirical molecular-orbital calculations on both the neutral dpq and radical anion show two near-degenerate lowest unoccupied orbitals in the neutral species. One is strongly bonding across the inter-ring C-C bond while the other is almost nun-bonding. The Raman data suggest that it is this latter orbital which is populated in the transient and electrochemical experiments.


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Belief revision characterizes the process of revising an agent’s beliefs when receiving new evidence. In the field of artificial intelligence, revision strategies have been extensively studied in the context of logic-based formalisms and probability kinematics. However, so far there is not much literature on this topic in evidence theory. In contrast, combination rules proposed so far in the theory of evidence, especially Dempster rule, are symmetric. They rely on a basic assumption, that is, pieces of evidence being combined are considered to be on a par, i.e. play the same role. When one source of evidence is less reliable than another, it is possible to discount it and then a symmetric combination operation
is still used. In the case of revision, the idea is to let prior knowledge of an agent be altered by some input information. The change problem is thus intrinsically asymmetric. Assuming the input information is reliable, it should be retained whilst the prior information should be changed minimally to that effect. To deal with this issue, this paper defines the notion of revision for the theory of evidence in such a way as to bring together probabilistic and logical views. Several revision rules previously proposed are reviewed and we advocate one of them as better corresponding to the idea of revision. It is extended to cope with inconsistency between prior and input information. It reduces to Dempster
rule of combination, just like revision in the sense of Alchourron, Gardenfors, and Makinson (AGM) reduces to expansion, when the input is strongly consistent with the prior belief function. Properties of this revision rule are also investigated and it is shown to generalize Jeffrey’s rule of updating, Dempster rule of conditioning and a form of AGM revision.


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A happy medium: Volumetric adsorption of carbon monoxide at 308 K and UHR-HAADF-STEM, HREM, and computer modeling techniques were compared. Experimental CO/Au ratios at saturation coverage for two supported gold catalysts were shown to fit very well the predictions of a nanostructural model that considers CO adsorption on gold sites with coordination numbers of less than eight.


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Participatory citizenship education has been highlighted as a strategy to promote social cohesion in divided societies whereby collaborations with Non-Governmental Organisations and inter-school links have been proposed as tools to improve social networks between schools and communities. This article explores the role and meaning of citizenship education and cross-community participation in promoting social capital and social cohesion. School survey findings, focus groups and interviews with young people and educators indicated that differences between school sectors and established allegiances with particular communities and NGOs may limit the potential for citizenship education to produce bridging social capital and serve to reproduce bonding social capital. It is argued that the introduction of citizenship curricula into segregated schools systems in divided societies may be useful to promote citizenship values and positive attitudes to the other but insufficient to promote the development of bridging social capital and, ultimately, social cohesion in the long term.


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We present here a detailed study of the complex relationship between the electromagnetic near-field and far-field responses of "real" nanostructured metallic surfaces. The near-field and far-field responses are specified in terms of (spectra of) the surface-enhanced Raman-scattering enhancement factor (SERS EF) and optical extinction, respectively. First, it is shown that gold nanorod- and nanotube-array substrates exhibit three distinct localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs): a longitudinal, a transverse, and a cavity mode. The cavity mode simultaneously has the largest impact on the near-field behavior (as observed through the SERS EF) and the weakest optical interaction: It has a "near-field-type" character. The transverse and longitudinal modes have a significant impact on the far-field behavior but very little impact on SERS: They have a "far-field-type" character. We confirm the presence of the cavity mode using a combination of SERS EF spectra, electron microscopy, and electromagnetic modeling and thus clearly illustrate and explain the (lack of) correlation between the SERS EF spectra and the optical response in terms of the contrasting character of the three LSPRs. In doing so, we experimentally demonstrate that, for a surface that supports multiple LSPRs, the near-field and far-field properties can in fact be tuned almost independently. It is further demonstrated that small changes in geometrical parameters that tune the spectral location of the LPSRs can also drastically influence the character of these modes, resulting in certain unusual behavior, such as the far-field resonance redshift as the near-field resonance blueshifts. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.3.011001