975 resultados para breast tumors
Activation of Rho family small G proteins is thought to be a critical event in breast cancer development and metastatic progression. Rho protein activation is stimulated by a family of enzymes known as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (Rho GEFs). The neuroepithelioma transforming gene 1 (Net1) is a Rho GEF specific for the RhoA subfamily that is overexpressed in primary breast tumors and breast cancer cell lines. Net1 isoform expression is also required for migration and invasion of breast cancer cells in vitro. These data indicate that Net1 may be a critical regulator of metastatic progression in breast cancer. Net1 activity is negatively regulated by sequestration in the nucleus, and relocalization of Net1 outside the nucleus is required to stimulate RhoA activation, actin cytoskeletal reorganization, and oncogenic transformation. However, regulatory mechanisms controlling the extranuclear localization of Net1 have not been identified. In this study, we have addressed the regulation of Net1A isoform localization by Rac1. Specifically, co-expression of constitutively active Rac1 with Net1A stimulates the relocalization of Net1A from the nucleus to the plasma membrane in breast cancer cells, and results in Net1A activation. Importantly, Net1A localization is also driven by endogenous Rac1 activity. Net1A relocalizes outside the nucleus in cells spreading on collagen, and when endogenous Rac1 expression was silenced by siRNA, Net1A remained nuclear in spreading cells. These data indicate that Rac1 controls the localization of the Net1A isoform and suggests a physiological role for Net1A in breast cancer cell adhesion and motility.
ErbB2 overexpression in breast tumors increases metastasis, angiogenesis, and reduces survival. To study ErbB2 signaling mechanisms in metastasis and angiogenesis, a spontaneous metastasis assay was performed using human breast cancer cells transfected with constitutively active ErbB2 kinase (V659E), an ErbB2 kinase-dead mutant (K753M), or vector control. Mice injected with V659E had increased metastasis and tumor microvessel density; and the increased angiogenesis in vivo from the V659E transfectants paralleled increased angiogenic potential in vitro, which resulted from increased VEGF by increased protein synthesis. This appeared to be mediated through a PI3K, Akt, mTOR, p70S6K-signaling pathway. Furthermore, V659E xenografts had significantly increased phosphorylated Akt, phosphorylated p70S6K, and VEGF compared with control. To validate the clinical relevance of these findings, human breast tumor samples were examined. Tumors overexpressing ErbB2 correlated with p70S6K phosphorylation and VEGF expression, which significantly correlated with higher levels of Akt and mTOR phosphorylation. Additionally, patients with tumors having increased p70S6K phosphorylation showed a trend for worse disease-free survival and increased metastasis. Together, ErbB2 increases VEGF expression by activating the p70S6K signaling pathway, which may serve as targets for antiangiogenic and antimetastatic therapies. ^ Herceptin is an anti-ErbB2 antibody that demonstrated anti-tumor function, especially in combination with other chemotherapies such as Taxol, in patients with ErbB2-overexpressing tumors. Since the repeated administration of low-dose chemotherapy endorsed an antiangiogenic effect in vitro, and Herceptin was shown to inhibit angiogenesis in tumor xenografts, I investigated whether combined Taxol plus Herceptin treatment inhibits ErbB2-mediated angiogenic responses more effectively. Mice with ErbB2-overexpressing xenografts were treated with control, Herceptin, Taxol, or combination Herceptin plus Taxol. Mice treated with the combination exhibited reduced tumor volumes, tumor microvessel densities, and lung metastasis; and ErbB2-overexpressing cells treated with the combination secreted less VEGF, and stimulated less endothelial cell migration. Furthermore, Akt phosphorylation contributed to VEGF upregulation and was most effectively reduced by combination treatment. ^ In summary, ErbB2 activates signaling to Akt and p70S6K leading to increased VEGF and angiogenesis. Combination Herceptin plus Taxol treatment most effectively inhibited ErbB2-mediated angiogenesis, resulting in pronounced tumoricidal effects, and may be mediated through reduction of phosphorylated Akt, a positive regulator in the p70S6K pathway. ^
The central role of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) in cell cycle regulation makes them a promising target for studying inhibitory molecules that can modify the degree of cell proliferation. The discovery of specific inhibitors of CDKs such as polyhydroxylated flavones has opened the way to investigation and design of antimitotic compounds. A novel flavone, (-)-cis-5,7-dihydroxyphenyl-8-[4-(3-hydroxy-1-methyl)piperidinyl] -4H-1-benzopyran-4-one hydrochloride hemihydrate (L868276), is a potent inhibitor of CDKs. A chlorinated form, flavopiridol, is currently in phase I clinical trials as a drug against breast tumors. We determined the crystal structure of a complex between CDK2 and L868276 at 2.33 angstroms resolution and refined to an Rfactor 20.3%. The aromatic portion of the inhibitor binds to the adenine-binding pocket of CDK2, and the position of the phenyl group of the inhibitor enables the inhibitor to make contacts with the enzyme not observed in the ATP complex structure. The analysis of the position of this phenyl ring not only explains the great differences of kinase inhibition among the flavonoid inhibitors but also explains the specificity of L868276 to inhibit CDK2 and CDC2.
We have studied the effects of food restriction (FR) and substitution of fish oil (FO; omega 3) for corn oil (CO; omega 6) on breast tumor incidence and survival in mouse mammary tumor virus/v-Ha-ras transgenic (Onco) mice. The diets were as follows: group 1, 5% (wt/wt) CO fed ad libitum (AL); group 2, 5% CO, restricted calories (40% fewer calories than AL; FR); group 3, 20% CO fed AL; and group 4, 20% FO fed AL. After 3 years, 40% of FR Onco (group 2) mice were alive, whereas there were no survivors in the other three groups. Similarly, tumor incidence was reduced to 27% (5 out of 18) in FR animals (group 2), whereas it was 83% (11 out of 13) in group 1 mice, 89% (16 out of 18) in group 3 mice, and 71% (10 out of 14) in group 4 mice. These protective effects of FR on survival and tumor incidence were paralleled by higher expression of the tumor suppressor gene p53 (wild type) and free-radical scavenging enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase) in breast tumors. Immunoblotting showed less ras gene product, p21, and increased p53 levels in the tumors of FR mice. In addition, FR decreased RNA levels of c-erbB-2, interleukin 6, and the transgene v-Ha-ras in tumors. In contrast, analysis of hepatic mRNA from tumor-bearing FR mice revealed higher expression of catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase. Survival and tumor incidence were not influenced significantly by dietary supplementation with FO in place of CO. Taken together, our studies suggest that moderate restriction of energy intake significantly inhibited the development of mammary tumors and altered expression of cytokines, oncogenes, and free-radical scavenging enzymes.
Células tumorais desenvolvem diversas estratégias para escapar da identificação e eliminação pelo sistema imune. Dessa forma, a investigação dos mecanismos envolvidos na comunicação celular no microambiente tumoral e na desregulação local do sistema imune é crítica para uma melhor compreensão da progressão da doença e para o desenvolvimento de alternativas terapêuticas mais eficazes. Nós aqui demonstramos que SIGIRR/IL-1R8, um importante regulador negativo de receptores de Interleucina-1 (ILRs) e receptores do tipo Toll (TLRs), apresenta expressão aumentada em uma linhagem celular epitelial mamária transformada pela superexpressão do oncogene HER2 e em tumores primários de mama, e promove o crescimento tumoral e metástase através da modulação da inflamação associada ao câncer e da atenuação da resposta imune antitumoral. Observamos que IL-1R8 tem sua expressão correlacionada com HER2 em tecidos mamários e sua alta expressão é fator de pior prognóstico em câncer de mama de baixo grau. Notavelmente, níveis aumentados de IL-1R8 foram observados especialmente nos subtipos HER2+ e Luminais de tumores de mama, e sua expressão aumentada em células epiteliais de mama transformadas por HER2 diminui a ativação da via de NF-κB e a expressão de diferentes citocinas pro-inflamatórias (IL-6, IL-8, TNF, CSF2, CSF3 e IFN-β1). Meio condicionado de células transformadas por HER2, mas não de variantes celulares com o gene IL-1R8 silenciado, induz a polarização de macrófagos para o fenótipo M2 e inibe a ativação de células NK. Em um modelo murino transgênico de tumorigênese espontânea mediada por HER2, MMTV-neu, verificamos que a deficiência de IL-1R8 (IL-1R8-/-neu) retardou o aparecimento de tumores e reduziu a incidência, a carga tumoral e a disseminação metastática. Contudo, não foram observadas diferenças significativas no crescimento tumoral quando animais IL-1R8-/-neu receberam medula óssea de animais IL-1R8+/+, confirmando um papel importante da expressão de IL-1R8 em células não hematopoiéticas na tumorigênese da mama. Tumores IL-1R8+/+neu apresentaram maiores níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias como IL-1β e VEGF, e menores níveis da citocina imunomodulatória IFN-γ. Além disso, tumores que expressavam IL-1R8 apresentaram menor infiltrado de células NK maduras, células dendríticas (DCs) e linfócitos T-CD8+ e um maior infiltrado de macrófagos M2 e linfócitos T-CD4+. Coletivamente, esses resultados indicam que a expressão de IL-1R8 em tumores de mama pode representar um novo mecanismo de escape da resposta imune e suportam IL-1R8 como potencial alvo terapêutico.
To examine whether nucleolar organizer regions detected by argyrophilia (Ag-NOR counts) can be used as a prognostic indicator in phyllodes tumors of the breast, and to compare its usefulness with that of DNA flow cytometric analysis, 28 cases of breast phyllodes tumors (including 15 benign, two borderline and 11 malignant tumors) were subjected to Ag-NOR staining and counting as well as DNA flow cytometric analysis. S-phase fraction and DNA ploidy analysis showed useful trends for improving outcome predictions in malignant phyllodes tumors. However, high Ag-NOR counts were significant in predicting survival status (P = 0.013) and reached near statistical significance in predicting survival times (P = 0.07). In predicting survival status, results for Ag-NOR counts were significantly better than those for ploidy analysis (P = 0.02) and S-phase fraction (P < 0.01). Only S-phase fraction was significantly predictive of survival times (P = 0.025). It is concluded that Ag-NOR counts and DNA flow cytometric analysis, easily performed using paraffin sections, give information that can improve predictions made by histopathological classification. Ag-NOR counts are significant in predicting survival in the presence of histopathological features of malignancy.
Mouse models are important tools to decipher the molecular mechanisms of mammary carcinogenesis and to mimic the respective human disease. Despite sharing common phenotypic and genetic features, the proper translation of murine models to human breast cancer remains a challenging task. In a previous study we showed that in the SV40 transgenic WAP-T mice an active Met-pathway and epithelial-mesenchymal characteristics distinguish low- and high-grade mammary carcinoma. To assign these murine tumors to corresponding human tumors we here incorporated the analysis of expression of transcription factor (TF) coding genes and show that thereby a more accurate interspecies translation can be achieved. We describe a novel cross-species translation procedure and demonstrate that expression of unsupervised selected TFs, such as ELF5, HOXA5 and TFCP2L1, can clearly distinguish between the human molecular breast cancer subtypes-or as, for example, expression of TFAP2B between yet unclassified subgroups. By integrating different levels of information like histology, gene set enrichment, expression of differentiation markers and TFs we conclude that tumors in WAP-T mice exhibit similarities to both, human basal-like and non-basal-like subtypes. We furthermore suggest that the low- and high-grade WAP-T tumor phenotypes might arise from distinct cells of tumor origin. Our results underscore the importance of TFs as common cross-species denominators in the regulatory networks underlying mammary carcinogenesis.
Since the early 1980s high dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell support was adopted by many oncologists as a potentially curative option for solid tumors, supported by a strong rationale from laboratory studies and apparently convincing results of early phase II studies. As a result, the number and size of randomized trials comparing this approach with conventional chemotherapy initiated (and often abandoned before completion) to prove or disprove its value was largely insufficient. In fact, with the possible exception of breast carcinoma, the benefit of a greater escalation of dose of chemotherapy with stem cell support in solid tumors is still unsettled and many oncologists believe that this approach should cease. In this article, we critically review and comment on the data from studies of high dose chemotherapy so far reported in adult patients with small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, germ cell tumors and sarcomas.
Bis-[(p-methoxybenzyl)cyclopentadienyl] titanium dichloride, better known as Titanocene Y, is a newly synthesized transition metal-based anticancer drug. We studied the antitumor activity of Titanocene Y with concentrations of 2.1, 21 and 210 mu mol/l against a freshly explanted human breast cancer, using an in-vitro soft agar cloning system. The sensitivity against Titanocene Y was highly remarkable in the breast cancer tumor in the full concentration range. Titanocene Y showed cell death induction at 2.1 mu mol/l, well comparable to cisplatin, given at a concentration of 1.0 mu mol/l. A further preclinical development of Titanocene Y was warranted and therefore an MCF-7 human breast cancer xenograft nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient mouse model was used. Titanocene Y was given for 21 days at 30 mg/kg/ day (75% of the maximum tolerable dose of Titanocene Y), which resulted in the reduction of the tumor volume to around one-third, whereas no mouse was lost because of the surprisingly low toxicity of Titanocene Y.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women worldwide. Research using breast cancer cell lines derived from primary tumors may provide valuable additional knowledge regarding this type of cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the phenotypic profiles of MACL-1 and MGSO-3, the only Brazilian breast cancer cell lines available for comparative studies. We evaluated the presence of hormone receptors, proliferation, differentiation and stem cell markers, using immunohistochemical staining of the primary tumor, cultured cells and xenografts implanted in immunodeficient mice. We also investigated the ability of the cell lines to form colonies and copy number alterations by array comparative genomic hybridization. Histopathological analysis showed that the invasive primary tumor from which the MACL-1 cell line was derived, was a luminal A subtype carcinoma, while the ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) that gave rise to the MGSO-3 cell line was a HER2 subtype tumor, both showing different proliferation levels. The cell lines and the tumor xenografts in mice preserved their high proliferative potential, but did not maintain the expression of the other markers assessed. This shift in expression may be due to the selection of an 'establishment' phenotype in vitro. Whole-genome DNA evaluation showed a large amount of copy number alterations (CNAs) in the two cell lines. These findings render MACL-1 and MGSO-3 the first characterized Brazilian breast cancer cell lines to be potentially used for comparative research. © 2013 Spandidos Publications Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction. Breast phyllodes tumors (PT) are uncommon fibroepithelial lesions having potential malignant features. These tumors have characteristic features, like phleomorphism, mitoses and overgrowth of the stroma with possible infiltrative margins. The clinical behaviour could be unpredictable, since the relatively high recurrence rate despite correct surgical strategy. Conventional diagnostic examinations show high sensitivity and specificity, but cannot demonstrate the differences between benign and malignant PT. MRI is not more effective. Patients and methods. Sixteen patients affected by PT have been surgically treated at our Institution. All patients received mammography and ultrasonography (US) as preoperative diagnostic work-up. Results. in 13 patients, US was effective in preoperative diagnosis of PT. Mammography was uneffective in detecting breast lesions in 5 cases, while in 11 cases mammographic findings presented benign features, with a round opacity with moderate tissue density and well-defined wall. Conclusion. US remains the most useful diagnostic test in detecting PT. However, there is no test effective in identifying malignat PT. In case of suspicion, fine needle biopsy should be performed.
We present the case of a patient with a double adenocarcinoma of the right colon and sigma associated with a bilateral infiltrating ductal breast carcinoma. Sigma and caecum bowel cancers were diagnosed at colonoscopy, with computerized tomography staging, while breast cancer was found with screening mammography. Following right hemicolectomy , sigmoidectomy and bilateral mastectomy the histology confirmed the presence of colonic adenocarcinoma and infiltrating and in situ lobular cancer. This case report reviews the treatment of synchronous neoplasia.
Desmoid tumor (DT) is a common manifestation of Gardner's Syndrome (GS), although it is a rare condition in the general population. DT in patients with GS is usually located in the abdominal wall and/or intra-abdominal cavity. We report a case of a 32 years-old female patient with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), who was already submitted to total colectomy and developed multiple DT, located in the abdominal wall and in the left breast. The patient underwent several surgical procedures, with a multidisciplinary team of surgeons. Wide surgical resections of the left breast and the abdominal wall tumors were performed in separate steps. Polypropylene mesh reconstruction and muscle flaps were needed to cover the defects of the thoracic and abdominal walls. After partial necrosis of the adipose-cutaneous flap in the abdomen that required a new skin graft, she had a satisfactory outcome with complete healing of the surgical incisions. DT is frequent in GS, however, breast localization is very rare, with few cases reported in the literature. Recurrence of DT is not negligible, even after a wide surgical resection. GS patients must be followed up closely, and clinical examination, associated with imaging studies, should be performed to detect any signs of tumor. DT represents one of the most significant causes of the morbidity and mortality that affects FAP patients following colectomy. In general, the surgical procedures to excise DT are highly complex, requiring a multidisciplinary team.
Despite the remarkable improvements in breast cancer (BC) characterization, accurate prediction of BC clinical behavior is often still difficult to achieve. Some studies have investigated the association between the molecular subtype, namely the basal-like BC and the pattern of relapse, however only few investigated the association between relapse pattern and immunohistochemical defined triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of relapse in patients with TNBC, namely the primary distant relapse site. One-hundred twenty nine (129) invasive breast carcinomas with follow-up information were classified according to the molecular subtype using immunohistochemistry for ER, PgR and Her2. The association between TNBC and distant relapse primary site was analyzed by logistic regression. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis patients with TNBC displayed only 0.09 (95% CI: 0.00-0.74; p=0.02) the odds of the non-TNBC patients of developing bone primary relapse. Regarding visceral and lymph-node relapse, no differences between in this cohort were found. Though classically regarded as aggressive tumors, TNBCs rarely development primary relapse in bone when compared to non-TNBC, a clinical relevant fact when investigating a metastasis of an occult or non-sampled primary BC.
Simvastatin, a competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase widely used in the treatment and prevention of hyperlipidemia-related diseases, has recently been associated to in vitro anticancer stem cell (CSC) actions. However, these effects have not been confirmed in vivo. To assess in vivo anti-CSC effects of simvastatin, female Sprague-Dawley rats with 7,12-dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary cancer and control animals were treated for 14 days with either simvastatin (20 or 40 mg/kg/day) or soybean oil (N = 60). Tumors and normal breast tissues were removed for pathologic examination and immunodetection of CSC markers. At 40 mg/kg/day, simvastatin significantly reduced tumor growth and the expression of most CSC markers. The reduction in tumor growth (80%) could not be explained solely by the decrease in CSCs, since the latter accounted for less than 10% of the neoplasia (differentiated cancer cells were also affected). Stem cells in normal, nonneoplastic breast tissues were not affected by simvastatin. Simvastatin was also associated with a significant decrease in proliferative activity but no increase in cell death. In conclusion, this is the first study to confirm simvastatin anti-CSC actions in vivo, further demonstrating that this effect is specific for neoplastic cells, but not restricted to CSCs, and most likely due to inhibition of cell proliferation.