900 resultados para boundary integral method


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We investigate the problem of determining the stationary temperature field on an inclusion from given Cauchy data on an accessible exterior boundary. On this accessible part the temperature (or the heat flux) is known, and, additionally, on a portion of this exterior boundary the heat flux (or temperature) is also given. We propose a direct boundary integral approach in combination with Tikhonov regularization for the stable determination of the temperature and flux on the inclusion. To determine these quantities on the inclusion, boundary integral equations are derived using Green’s functions, and properties of these equations are shown in an L2-setting. An effective way of discretizing these boundary integral equations based on the Nystr¨om method and trigonometric approximations, is outlined. Numerical examples are included, both with exact and noisy data, showing that accurate approximations can be obtained with small computational effort, and the accuracy is increasing with the length of the portion of the boundary where the additionally data is given.


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Regions containing internal boundaries such as composite materials arise in many applications.We consider a situation of a layered domain in IR3 containing a nite number of bounded cavities. The model is stationary heat transfer given by the Laplace equation with piecewise constant conductivity. The heat ux (a Neumann condition) is imposed on the bottom of the layered region and various boundary conditions are imposed on the cavities. The usual transmission (interface) conditions are satised at the interface layer, that is continuity of the solution and its normal derivative. To eciently calculate the stationary temperature eld in the semi-innite region, we employ a Green's matrix technique and reduce the problem to boundary integral equations (weakly singular) over the bounded surfaces of the cavities. For the numerical solution of these integral equations, we use Wienert's approach [20]. Assuming that each cavity is homeomorphic with the unit sphere, a fully discrete projection method with super-algebraic convergence order is proposed. A proof of an error estimate for the approximation is given as well. Numerical examples are presented that further highlights the eciency and accuracy of the proposed method.


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We propose and investigate an application of the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to the radially symmetric and axisymmetric backward heat conduction problem (BHCP) in a solid or hollow cylinder. In the BHCP, the initial temperature is to be determined from the temperature measurements at a later time. This is an inverse and ill-posed problem, and we employ and generalize the MFS regularization approach [B.T. Johansson and D. Lesnic, A method of fundamental solutions for transient heat conduction, Eng. Anal. Boundary Elements 32 (2008), pp. 697–703] for the time-dependent heat equation to obtain a stable and accurate numerical approximation with small computational cost.


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A numerical method based on integral equations is proposed and investigated for the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in 3-dimensional smooth bounded doubly connected domains. To numerically reconstruct a harmonic function from knowledge of the function and its normal derivative on the outer of two closed boundary surfaces, the harmonic function is represented as a single-layer potential. Matching this representation against the given data, a system of boundary integral equations is obtained to be solved for two unknown densities. This system is rewritten over the unit sphere under the assumption that each of the two boundary surfaces can be mapped smoothly and one-to-one to the unit sphere. For the discretization of this system, Weinert’s method (PhD, Göttingen, 1990) is employed, which generates a Galerkin type procedure for the numerical solution, and the densities in the system of integral equations are expressed in terms of spherical harmonics. Tikhonov regularization is incorporated, and numerical results are included showing the efficiency of the proposed procedure.


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In this thesis, a numerical program has been developed to simulate the wave-induced ship motions in the time domain. Wave-body interactions have been studied for various ships and floating bodies through forced motion and free motion simulations in a wide range of wave frequencies. A three-dimensional Rankine panel method is applied to solve the boundary value problem for the wave-body interactions. The velocity potentials and normal velocities on the boundaries are obtained in the time domain by solving the mixed boundary integral equations in relation to the source and dipole distributions. The hydrodynamic forces are calculated by the integration of the instantaneous hydrodynamic pressures over the body surface. The equations of ship motion are solved simultaneously with the boundary value problem for each time step. The wave elevation is computed by applying the linear free surface conditions. A numerical damping zone is adopted to absorb the outgoing waves in order to satisfy the radiation condition for the truncated free surface. A numerical filter is applied on the free surface for the smoothing of the wave elevation. Good convergence has been reached for both forced motion simulations and free motion simulations. The computed added-mass and damping coefficients, wave exciting forces, and motion responses for ships and floating bodies are in good agreement with the numerical results from other programs and experimental data.


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A new variant of the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method, that combines the diffraction method, to characterize the crack tip solution, and the Heaviside enrichment function for representing discontinuity due to a crack, has been used to model crack propagation through non-homogenous materials. In the case of interface crack propagation, the kink angle is predicted by applying the maximum tangential principal stress (MTPS) criterion in conjunction with consideration of the energy release rate (ERR). The MTPS criterion is applied to the crack tip stress field described by both the stress intensity factor (SIF) and the T-stress, which are extracted using the interaction integral method. The proposed EFG method has been developed and applied for 2D case studies involving a crack in an orthotropic material, crack along an interface and a crack terminating at a bi-material interface, under mechanical or thermal loading; this is done to demonstrate the advantages and efficiency of the proposed methodology. The computed SIFs, T-stress and the predicted interface crack kink angles are compared with existing results in the literature and are found to be in good agreement. An example of crack growth through a particle-reinforced composite materials, which may involve crack meandering around the particle, is reported.


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In this paper, a method of separating variables is effectively implemented for solving a time-fractional telegraph equation (TFTE) in two and three dimensions. We discuss and derive the analytical solution of the TFTE in two and three dimensions with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. This method can be extended to other kinds of the boundary conditions.


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The unsteady boundary-layer development for thermomagnetic convection of paramagnetic fluids inside a square cavity has been considered in this study. The cavity is placed in a microgravity condition (no gravitation acceleration) and under a uniform magnetic field which acts vertically. A ramp temperature boundary condition is applied on left vertical side wall of the cavity where the temperature initially increases with time up to some specific time and maintain constant thereafter. A distinct magnetic convection boundary layer is developed adjacent to the left vertical wall due to the effect of the magnetic body force generated on the paramagnetic fluid. An improved scaling analysis has been performed using triple-layer integral method and verified by numerical simulations. The Prandtl number has been chosen greater than unity varied over 5-100. Moreover, the effect of various values of the magnetic parameter and magnetic Rayleigh number on the fluid flow and heat transfer has been shown.


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This thesis presents a promising boundary setting method for solving challenging issues in text classification to produce an effective text classifier. A classifier must identify boundary between classes optimally. However, after the features are selected, the boundary is still unclear with regard to mixed positive and negative documents. A classifier combination method to boost effectiveness of the classification model is also presented. The experiments carried out in the study demonstrate that the proposed classifier is promising.


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1 On the force and moment acting on a body in shear flow(物体在剪切流中所受的力和力矩1943年)
2 The flow of a compressible viscous fluid through a straight pipe.(可压缩黏性流体在直管中的流动1943年)
3 Two dimensional irrotational mixed subsonic and supersonic flow of a compressible fluid and the upper critical Mach number(可压缩流体二维无旋亚声速和超声速混合型流动及上临界马赫数1946年)
4 On the stability of transonic flows(论跨声速流的稳定性1947年)
5 The propagation of a spherical or a cylindrical wave of finite amplitude and the production of shock waves(有限振幅球面波或柱面波的传播及激波的产生1947年)
6 Two-dimensional irrotational transonic flows of a compressible fluid(可压缩流体二维无旋跨声速流动1948年)
7 On the hodograph method(关于速度图方法1949年)
8 Two-dimensional transonic flow past airfoils(绕翼型的二维跨声速流1951年)
9 On the stability of two-dimensional smooth transonic flows(论二元光滑跨声速流的稳定性1951年)
10 On the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a flat plate at moderate Reynolds numbers(中等雷诺数下不可压缩黏性流体绕平板的流动1953年)
11 Reflection of a weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.I:Interaction of weak shock waves with laminar and turbulent boundary lavers analyzed by momentum-integral method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅰ:用动量积分方法分析弱激波与层流和湍流边界层的相互作用1953年)
12 Reflection of weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.Ⅱ:Interaction of oblique shock wave with a laminar boundary layer analyzed by differential-equation method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅱ:用微分方程方法分析斜激波与层流边界层的相互作用1953年)
13 Plane subsonic and transonic potential flows(平面亚、跨音速势流1954年)
14 A similarity rule for the interaction between a conical field and a plane shock(锥型流和激波相互作用的相似律1955年)
15 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅰ】1956年)
16 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅱ】1956年)
17 The effects of Prandtl number on high-speed viscous flows over a flat plate(Prandtl数对绕平板高速黏性流的影响1956年)
18 Compressible viscous flow past a wedge moving at hypersonic speeds(楔的高超声速可压缩黏性绕流1956年)
19 Dissociation effects in hypersonic viscous flows(高超声速黏性流动中的离解效应1957年)
20 现代空气动力学的问题(1957年)
2l 在关于苏联发射成功第一颗人造卫星座谈会上的发言记录(1957年)
22 高超速钝体湍流传热问题(1963年)
23 宇宙飞船的回地问题(1965年)
24 激波的介绍


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Embedded propulsion systems, such as for example used in advanced hybrid-wing body aircraft, can potentially offer major fuel burn and noise reduction benefits but introduce challenges in the aerodynamic and acoustic integration of the high-bypass ratio fan system. A novel approach is proposed to quantify the effects of non-uniform flow on the generation and propagation of multiple pure tone noise (MPTs). The new method is validated on a conventional inlet geometry first. The ultimate goal is to conduct a parametric study of S-duct inlets in order to quantify the effects of inlet design parameters on the acoustic signature. The key challenge is that the mechanism underlying the distortion transfer, noise source generation and propagation through the non-uniform flow field are inherently coupled such that a simultaneous computation of the aerodynamics and acoustics is required. The technical approach is based on a body force description of the fan blade row that is able to capture the distortion transfer and the MPT noise generation mechanisms while greatly reducing computational cost. A single, 3-D full-wheel unsteady CFD simulation, in which the Euler equations are solved to second-order spatial and temporal accuracy, simultaneously computes the MPT noise generation and its propagation in distorted mean flow. Several numerical tools were developed to enable the implementation of this new approach. Parametric studies were conducted to determine appropriate grid and time step sizes for the propagation of acoustic waves. The Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings integral method is used to propagate the noise to far field receivers. Non-reflecting boundary conditions are implemented through the use of acoustic buffer zones. The body force modeling approach is validated and proof-of-concept studies demonstrate the generation of disturbances at both blade-passing and shaft-order frequencies using the perturbed body force method. The full methodology is currently being validated using NASA's Source Diagnostic Test (SDT) fan and inlet geometry. Copyright © 2009 by Jeff Defoe, Alex Narkaj & Zoltan Spakovszky.


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The radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure submerged in oblique seas of finite depth is investigated. The analytical expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials are derived as infinite series by use of the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the series are determined by the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and reflection and transmission coefficients are given and verified by the boundary element method. Using the present analytical solution, the hydrodynamic influences of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the width and the thickness of the structure on the wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are discussed in detail.