973 resultados para blue light


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The blending of perfluorinated bile ester derivatives with the gelator 2,3-didecyloxyanthracene (DDOA) yields a new class of hybrid organo- and aerogels displaying a combination of optical and mechanical properties that differ from those of pure gels. Indeed, the nanofibers constituting the hybrid organogels emit polarized blue light and display dichroic near-UV absorption via the achiral DDOA molecules, thanks to their association with a chiral bile ester. Moreover, the thermal stability and the mechanical yield stress of the mixed organogels in DMSO are enhanced for blends of DDOA with the deoxycholic gelator (DC11) having a C-11 chain, as compared to the pure components' gels. When the chain length of the ester is increased to C-13 (DC13) a novel compound for aerogel formation directly in scCO(2) is obtained under the studied conditions. A mixture of this compound with DDOA is also able to gelate scCO(2) leading to novel composite aerogel materials. As revealed by SAXS measurements, the hybrid and the pure DDOA and DC13 aerogels display cell parameters that are very similar. These SAXS experiments suggest that crystallographic conditions are very favorable for the growth of hybrid molecular arrangements in which DDOA and DC13 units could be interchanged. Specific molecular interactions between two components are not always a pre-requisite condition for the formation of a hybrid nanostructured material in which the components mutually induce properties.


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In the current communication, we report the synthesis, spectroscopic, crystal structure, DFT and photophysical studies of a new nicotinonitrile derivative, viz. 2-methoxy-6-(4-methoxy-phenyl)-4-p-tolyl-nicotinonitrile (2) as a potential blue light emitting material. The compound 2 was synthesized in good yield via a simple route. The acquired spectral and elemental analysis data were in consistent with the chemical structure of 2. The single crystal study further confirms its three dimensional structure, molecular shape, and nature of short contacts. Its DFT calculations reveal that compound 2 possesses a non-planar structure and its theoretical IR spectral data are found to be in accordance with experimental values. In addition, its UV visible and fluorescence spectral measurements prove that the compound exhibits good absorption and fluorescence properties. Also, it shows positive solvatochromic effect when the solvent polarity was varied from non-polar to polar. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eu2+ ion doped into a suitable host results in an efficient luminophore with engineering relevance; however stabilizing this ion in a host is known to be a challenge. Here we report a novel approach for the synthesis of efficient CaAl2O4 phosphor containing Eu2+ luminophore and Cr3+ activator. CaAl2O4:Eu2+, Cr3+ is prepared by a solution combustion (SCS) method using (i) urea, (ii) oxalyl dihydrazide (ODH) and (iii) fuel-blend (in which overall fuel to oxidizer ratio (F/O) = 1). A Multi-channel thermocouple setup is used to measure the flame temperatures to study the nature of combustion of various fuel mixtures. The variation of adiabatic flame temperature is calculated theoretically for different urea/ODH mixture ratios according to thermodynamic concept and correlated with the observed flame temperatures. Blue emission of the CaAl2O4:Eu2+ phosphor is enhanced similar to 20 times using the fuel-blend approach. Using the observed reaction kinetics, and the known chemistry of smoldering type combustion, a mechanism is proposed for the observed stabilization of Eu2+ ion in the fuel-blend case. This also explains the observed improvement in blue light emission. We show that the right choice of the fuel ratio is essential for enhancing photoluminescence (PL) emission. The PL intensity is highest for ODH lean and urea rich combination (i.e. when the ratio of ODH:urea is 1:5); measured color purity is comparable to commercial blue phosphor, BAM:Eu2+. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single crystal gallium nitride (GaN) is an important technological material used primarily for the manufacture of blue light lasers. An important area of contemporary research is developing a viable growth technique. The ammonothermal technique is an important candidate among many others with promise of commercially viable growth rates and material quality. The GaN growth rates are a complicated function of dissolution kinetics, transport by thermal convection and crystallization kinetics. A complete modeling effort for the growth would involve modeling each of these phenomena and also the coupling between these. As a first step, the crystallization and dissolution kinetics were idealized and the growth rates as determined purely by transport were investigated. The growth rates thus obtained were termed ‘transport determined growth rates’ and in principle are the maximum growth rates that can be obtained for a given configuration of the system. Using this concept, a parametric study was conducted primarily on the geometric and the thermal boundary conditions of the system to optimize the ‘transport determined growth rate’ and determine conditions when transport might be a bottleneck.


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We report experimental and theoretical studies of nonvolatile photorefractive holographic recording in LiNbO3:Cu:Ce crystals with two illumination schemes: (1) UV light for sensitization and a red interfering pattern for recording and (2) blue light for sensitization and a red pattern for recording. The results show that the oxidized LiNbO3:Cu:Ce crystals can provide high, persistent refractive-index modulation with weak lightinduced scattering. The optimal working conditions and the prescription for doping and oxidation-reduction processing that yields the maximum refractive-index modulation are discussed. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 050.7330, 190.5330, 090.2900.


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The absorption characteristic of lithium niobate crystals doped with chromium and copper (Cr and Cu) is investigated. We find that there are two apparent absorption bands for LiNbO3:Cr:Cu crystal doped with 0.14 wt.% Cr2O3 and 0.011 wt.% CuO; one is around 480 nm, and the other is around 660 nm. With a decrease in the doping composition of Cr and an increase in the doping composition of Cu, no apparent absorption band in the shorter wavelength range exists. The higher the doping level of Cr, the larger the absorbance around 660 nm. Although a 633 nm red light is located in the absorption band around 660 nm, the absorption at 633 nm does not help the photorefractive process; i.e., unlike other doubly doped crystals, for example, LiNbO3:Fe:Mn crystal, a nonvolatile holographic recording can be realized by a 633 nm red light as the recording light and a 390 nm UV light as the sensitizing light. For LiNbO3:Cr:Cu crystals, by changing the recording light from a 633 nm red light to a 514 nm green light, sensitizing with a 390 nm UV light and a 488 nm blue light, respectively, a nonvolatile holographic recording can be realized. Doping the appropriate Cr (for example, N-Cr = 2.795 X 10(25)m(-3) and N-Cr/N-Cu = 1) benefits the improvement of holographic recording properties. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Laccases (benzenediol : oxygen oxi doreductases; EC are wide spread i n nature. They are usually found in higher plants and fungi (Thurston 19 94; Mayer and Staples 2002), but recently some bacterial laccases have also been found . The first laccase studied was from Rhus vernicifera in 1883, a Japanese lacquer tree, fr om which the name laccase was derived (Yoshida , 1883). These enzymes belong to the group of bl ue multi - copper oxidases (MCOs) . They usually contain four copper atoms located in three distinct sites. Each site reacts differently to light. The Type 1 (T1) site copper atom absorbs intensely at 600 nm and emits the blue light , the Type 2 (T2) site copper atom is not visible in the absorption spectr um and last, the Type 3 (T3) site has two c opper atoms and absorbs at 330 nm ( Santhanam et al . , 2011; Quintanar et al . , 2007 ) . The protei n structure acts as a complex ligand for the catalytic coppers, providing them the right structure where changes between the reduction states are thermodynamically possible (Dub é , 2008 ) . These enzymes oxidize a surprisingly wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds like, diphenols, polyphenols, substituted phenols, diamines and a romatic amines, with concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water (Thurston , 1


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O presente estudo baseou-se na análise das variações verticais do conteúdo orgânico de 50 amostras derivadas do furo de sondagem 9-FBA-61-BA, que permitiu conhecer melhor os representantes palinofaciológicos e palinológicos do Cretáceo Inferior da Bacia do Recôncavo, na área estudada. Através da observação a luz da microscopia óptica em luz branca transmitida e luz ultravioleta, foi possível posicionar temporalmente a seção, e individualizar quatro tipos de palinofácies distintas, levando-se em conta os tipos e o grau de preservação da matéria orgânica. As análises quantitativas do conteúdo orgânico mostram um predomínio de material orgânico de origem alóctone, representado por grãos de pólen, esporos e fitoclastos na base e no topo da seção, sendo sua porção média dominada por material orgânico amorfo autóctone. As mais altas fluorescências são observadas nas porções média e basal da seção indicando um ambiente mais redutor à época de sedimentação, destes estratos. Os dados de ICE apresentam valores de maturação entre 4,5 e 5,0 caracterizando um material orgânico maturo para geração de hidrocarbonetos. A associação palinoflorística identificada, bem como os dados litológicos obtidos, indicam um paleoambiente exclusivamente continental, composto por um sistema fluvial e deltaico-lacustre, sob um clima quente árido para a época deposicional. Tal associação enquadra-se àquelas observadas nas bacias do nordeste brasileiro e insere-se nas características das associações pertencentes à Província Microflorística Dicheiropollis (ex-WASA). Foram identificadas 57 espécies de palinomorfos, incluindo grãos de pólen, esporos, algas e fungos. A detecção das espécies, Dicheiropollis etruscus e Aequitriradites spinulosus, nos permitiu posicionar o intervalo nas biozonas Vitreisporites pallidus e Dicheiropollis etruscus, consideradas como de idades Hauteriviano Barremiano.


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Absorption spectrum from 400 to 2000 run and upconversion fluorescence spectra under 940 nm pumping of YAG single crystal codoped with 5 at.% Yb3+ and 4 at.% Tm3+ were studied at room temperature. The blue upconversion emission centered at 483 nm corresponds to the transition (1)G(4) -> H-3(6), the emission band around 646 nm corresponds to the transition (1)G(4) -> F-3(4) of Tm3+. Energy transfer from Yb3+ to Tm3+ is mainly nonradiative and the transfer efficiency was experimentally assessed. The line strengths, transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes of (1)G(4) level were calculated by using Judd-Ofelt theory. Gain coefficient calculated from spectra shows that the upconversion corresponding with transitions (1)G(4) -> H-3(6) in YAG doped with Yb3+ and Tm3+ is potentially useful for blue light Output. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have fabricated and characterized GaN-based vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) with a unique active region structure, in which three sets of InGaN asymmetric coupled quantum wells are placed in a half-wavelength (0.5 lambda) length. Lasing action was achieved under optical pumping at room temperature with a threshold pumping energy density of about 6.5 mJ/cm(2). The laser emitted a blue light at 449.5 nm with a narrow linewidth below 0.1 nm and had a high spontaneous emission factor of about 3.0x10(-2). The results indicate that this active region structure is useful in reducing the process difficulties and improving the threshold characteristics of GaN-based VCSELs.


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Large-scale synthesis of high-quality GaN nano-crystallites has been achieved by direct reaction of a 4:1 molar Ga/Ga2O3 mixture with ammonia at 950degreesC. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, selected-area electron diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy revealed that the produced GaN nanocrystallites were single hexagonal wurtzite structure with an average particle size around 45 nm. A sharp near band edge emission peak and a blue light emission peak were observed in photoluminescence spectroscopy. The synthesis approach is simple and easy to be commercialized.


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A CeO2 film with a thickness of about 80nm was deposited by a mass-analysed low-energy dual ion beam deposition technique on an Si(111) substrate. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction and x-ray diffraction measurements showed that the film is a single crystal. The tetravalent state of Ce in the film was confirmed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements, indicating that stoichiometric CeO2 was formed. Violet/blue light emission (379.5 nm) was observed at room temperature, which may be tentatively explained by charge transitions from the 4f band to the valence band of CeO2.


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The electronic properties of wide-energy gap zinc-blende structure GaN, A1N, and their alloys Ga(1-x)A1(x)N are investigated using the empirical pseudopotential method. Electron and hole effective mass parameters, hydrostatic and shear deformation potential constants of the valence band at Gamma and those of the conduction band at Gamma and X are obtained for GaN and AIN, respectively. The energies of Gamma, X, L conduction valleys of Ga(1-x)A1(x)N alloy versus Al fraction x are also calculated. The information will be useful for the design of lattice mismatched heterostructure optoelectronic devices based on these materials in the blue light range application. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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The electronic properties of wide energy gap zinc-blende structure GaN, AlN and their alloys Ga1-xAlxN are investigated using the empirical pseudopotential method. Electron and hole Effective mass parameters, hydrostatic and shear deformation potential constants of the valence band at Gamma and those of the conduction band at Gamma and X are obtained. The energies of Gamma, X, L conduction valleys of Ga1-xAlxN alloy versus Al fraction x are also calculated. The information will be useful for the design of lattice mismatched heterostructure optoelectronic devices in the blue light range.


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CdS nanoparticles were successfully prepared by polyol method with PVP-K30 as a surfactant. The microstructure, size and morphology of the products were investigated in detail by XRD, TEM and SEM. The results indicate that uniform CdS nanospheres were achieved. Photoluminescence properties of the resulted nanoparticles (S1 and S3) were investigated, and the results indicate that the CdS nanoparticles could be used as a potential blue light emitting material.