777 resultados para bipolar plates
Additional apple juice extraction with pulsed electric field pretreated apple cubes towards control samples is evaluated. Monopolar and bipolar shaped pulses are compared and their effect is studied with variation of electric field, pulse width and number of pulses. Variation of electric field strength is ranged from 100 V/cm to 1300 V/cm, pulse width from 20 mu s to 300 mu s and number of pulses from 10 to 200, at frequency of 200Hz. Two pulse trains separated by 1 second are applied to all samples. Bipolar pulses showed higher apple juice yields with all studied parameters. Calculation of specific energies consumed was assessed and a threshold where higher energy inputs do not increase juice yield is found for a number of used parameters. Qualitative parameters of total soluble matter (Brix) and absorbance at 390 nm wavelength were determined for each sample and results show that no substantial differences are found for PEF pre-treated and control samples.
Eukaryotic Cell, Vol.7, Nº6
The preliminary results from a bipolar industrial solidstate based Marx generator, developed for the food industry, capable of delivering 25 kV/250 A positive and negative pulses with 12 kW average power, are presented and discussed. This modular topology uses only four controlled switches per cell, 27 cells in total that can be charged up to 1000V each, the two extra cells are used for droop compensation. The triggering signals for all the switches are generated by a FPGA. Considering that biomaterials are similar to resistive type loads, experimental results from this new bipolar 25 kV modulator into resistive loads are presented and discussed.
This work provides an assessment of layerwise mixed models using least-squares formulation for the coupled electromechanical static analysis of multilayered plates. In agreement with three-dimensional (3D) exact solutions, due to compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the layers interfaces, certain mechanical and electrical variables must fulfill interlaminar C-0 continuity, namely: displacements, in-plane strains, transverse stresses, electric potential, in-plane electric field components and transverse electric displacement (if no potential is imposed between layers). Hence, two layerwise mixed least-squares models are here investigated, with two different sets of chosen independent variables: Model A, developed earlier, fulfills a priori the interiaminar C-0 continuity of all those aforementioned variables, taken as independent variables; Model B, here newly developed, rather reduces the number of independent variables, but also fulfills a priori the interlaminar C-0 continuity of displacements, transverse stresses, electric potential and transverse electric displacement, taken as independent variables. The predictive capabilities of both models are assessed by comparison with 3D exact solutions, considering multilayered piezoelectric composite plates of different aspect ratios, under an applied transverse load or surface potential. It is shown that both models are able to predict an accurate quasi-3D description of the static electromechanical analysis of multilayered plates for all aspect ratios.
The bending of simply supported composite plates is analyzed using a direct collocation meshless numerical method. In order to optimize node distribution the Direct MultiSearch (DMS) for multi-objective optimization method is applied. In addition, the method optimizes the shape parameter in radial basis functions. The optimization algorithm was able to find good solutions for a large variety of nodes distribution.
Nesta dissertação pretendeu-se estudar a viabilidade do uso de eletrodiálise com membranas bipolares (BM) na recuperação de ácido clorídrico e de hidróxido de sódio a partir de um efluente industrial que contém 1.4 mol/L de cloreto de sódio. Estas membranas mostraram ser uma ferramenta eficiente para a produção de ácidos e bases a partir do respetivo sal. Foi feita uma seleção de diferentes membranas bipolares (Neosepta, Fumatech e PCA) e aniónicas (PC-SA e PC-ACID 60) na tentativa de encontrar a combinação mais adequada para o tratamento do efluente. Dependendo do critério, o melhor arranjo de membranas é o uso de PC-ACID 60 (membrana aniónica), PC-SK (membrana catiónica) e membranas bipolares do tipo Neosepta para maior pureza dos produtos; membranas bipolares Fumatech para maior eficiência de dessalinização e membranas bipolares PCA para um maior grau de dessalinização. Tecnologicamente foi possível obter uma dessalinização de 99.8% em quatro horas de funcionamento em modo batch com recirculação de todas as correntes. Independentemente da combinação usada é recomendável que o processo seja parado quando a densidade de corrente deixa de ser máxima, 781 A/m2. Assim é possível evitar o aumento de impurezas nos produtos, contra difusão, descida instantânea do pH e uma dessalinização pouco eficiente. A nível piloto o principal fornecedor de membranas e unidade de tratamento “stack” é a marca alemã PCA. Sendo assim realizaram-se ensaios de repetibilidade, contra difusão, avaliação económica e upscaling utilizando as membranas bipolares PCA. A nível económico estudou-se o uso de dois tipos de unidades de tratamento; EDQ 380 e EDQ 1600, para diferentes níveis de dessalinização (50, 75 e 80%). Tendo em conta a otimização económica, é recomendável uma dessalinização máxima de 80%, uma vez que a eficiência de processo a este ponto é de 40%. A aplicação do método com a unidade EDQ 1600 para uma dessalinização de 50% é a mais vantajosa economicamente, com custos de 16 €/m3 de efluente tratado ou 0,78 €/kg Cl- removido. O número de unidades necessárias é 4 posicionados em série.
Cognitive deficits are observed in a variety of domains in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). These deficits are attributed to neurobiological, functional and structural brain factors, particularly in prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, cortical alterations in each phase (mania/hypomania, euthymia and depression) are also present. A growing basis of evidence supports aerobic exercise as an alternative treatment method for BD symptoms. Its benefits for physical health in healthy subjects and some psychiatric disorders are fairly established; however evidence directly addressed to BD is scant. Lack of methodological consistency, mainly related to exercise, makes it difficult accuracy and extrapolation of the results. Nevertheless, mechanisms related to BD physiopathology, such as hormonal and neurotransmitters alterations and mainly related to brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF) can be explored. BDNF, specially, have a large influence on brain ability and its gene expression is highly responsive to aerobic exercise. Moreover, aerobic exercise trough BDNF may induce chronic stress suppression, commonly observed in patients with BD, and reduce deleterious effects caused by allostatic loads. Therefore, it is prudent to propose that aerobic exercise plays an important role in BD physiopathological mechanisms and it is a new way for the treatment for this and others psychiatric disorders.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Sociologia
The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.
This paper aims to evaluate experimentally the potentialities of Hybrid Composite Plates (HCPs) technique for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams that were previously subjected to intense damage in shear. HCP is a thin plate of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. For this purpose, an experimental program composed of two series of beams (rectangular and T cross section) was executed to assess the strengthening efficiency of this technique. In the first step of this experimental program, the control beams, without steel stirrups, were loaded up to their shear failure, and fully unloaded. Then, these pre-damaged beams were shear strengthened by applying HCPs to their lateral faces by using a combination of epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors. The bolts were applied with a certain torque in order to increase the concrete confinement. The obtained results showed that the increase of load carrying capacity of the damaged strengthened beams when HCPs were applied with epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors was 2 and 2.5 times of the load carrying capacity of the corresponding reference beams (without HCPs) for the rectangular and T cross section beam series, respectively. To further explore the potentialities of the HCPs technique for the shear strengthening, the experimental tests were simulated using an advanced numerical model by a FEM-based computer program. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the numerical model, a parametric study was executed to highlight the influence of SHCC as an alternative for mortar, as well as the influence of torque level applied to the mechanical anchors, on the load carrying capacity of beams strengthened with the proposed technique.
This article is intended to evaluate the density and the mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of compression moulded plates composed of granulate from electrical cables wastes. Those cable wastes are the insulation part from the electric cables, and are composed of PVC, PE, EMP and PEX rubber. After these materiais lose their initial properties and cease to be useful as insulation material, due to safety requirements, it is possible to reuse them into new applications like industrial or playground floorings, as sound insulation material to be applied in walls or floors, or to dampen vibrations from equipments. Recovering electric cable waste has been a major concern to the European Commission due to its leveis of toxicity when incineration and land fill ing is the solution to dispose this material. Such as the European Commission's study for DG Xl[1] suggested that recycling may be the most favourable future waste management option.
O transtorno de humor bipolar (THB) e o transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) são enfermidades graves, de evolução crônica e que geram forte impacto social, familiar e educacional. Por compartilharem sintomas comuns e freqüentemente se apresentarem em comorbidade, o seu diagnóstico diferencial torna-se difícil, porém imprescindível, visto que medicamentos utilizados no tratamento do TDAH podem agravar a bipolaridade em crianças não tratadas. São encontradas taxas que variam de 49% a 87% de diagnóstico de TDAH em crianças e adolescentes com THB. Crianças com ambos os transtornos têm um curso geralmente mais grave. São indivíduos com taxas maiores de sintomas psicóticos, depressão, problemas escolares, hospitalização, ansiedade e comportamentos disruptivos. A criança com transtorno de humor bipolar TDAH deve iniciar o tratamento com estabilizadores de humor, visto que o impacto dos sintomas maníacos é maior do que o dos sintomas de TDAH. Se os sintomas de desatenção, impulsividade e hiperatividade persistem após a estabilização do humor, pode-se preconizar o tratamento para o TDAH com o uso de psicoestimulantes.
OBJETIVO: Pesquisas recentes têm implicado fatores imunes na patogênese de diversos transtornos neuropsiquiátricos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é revisar os trabalhos que investigaram a associação entre transtorno bipolar e alterações em parâmetros imunes. MÉTODOS: Artigos que incluíam as palavras-chave: "bipolar disorder", "mania", "immunology", "cytokines", "chemokines", "interleukins", "interferon" e "tumor necrosis factor" foram selecionados em uma revisão sistemática da literatura. As bases de dados avaliadas foram MedLine e Scopus, entre os anos de 1980 e 2008. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 28 trabalhos que estudaram alterações imunes em pacientes com transtorno bipolar. Seis artigos investigaram genes relacionados à resposta imune; cinco, autoanticorpos; quatro, populações leucocitárias; 13, citocinas e/ou moléculas relacionadas à resposta imune e seis, leucócitos de pacientes in vitro. CONCLUSÕES: Embora haja evidências na literatura correlacionando o transtorno bipolar a alterações imunes, os dados não são conclusivos. O transtorno bipolar parece estar associado a níveis mais elevados de autoanticorpos circulantes, assim como à tendência à ativação imune com produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e redução de parâmetros anti-inflamatórios.