993 resultados para biological invasion


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Several inositol-containing compounds play key roles in receptor-mediated cell signaling events. Here, we describe a function for a specific inositol polyphosphate, d-myo-inositol 1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5,6)P4], that is produced acutely in response to a receptor-independent process. Thus, infection of intestinal epithelial cells with the enteric pathogen Salmonella, but not with other invasive bacteria, induced a multifold increase in Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 levels. To define a specific function of Ins(1,4,5,6)P4, a membrane-permeant, hydrolyzable ester was used to deliver it to the intracellular compartment, where it antagonized epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced inhibition of calcium-mediated chloride (Cl−) secretion (CaMCS) in intestinal epithelia. This EGF function is likely mediated through a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PtdIns3K)-dependent mechanism because the EGF effects are abolished by wortmannin, and three different membrane-permeant esters of the PtdIns3K product phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate mimicked the EGF effect on CaMCS. We further demonstrate that Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 antagonized EGF signaling downstream of PtdIns3K because Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 interfered with the PtdInsP3 effect on CaMCS without affecting PtdIns3K activity. Thus, elevation of Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 in Salmonella-infected epithelia may promote Cl− flux by antagonizing EGF inhibition mediated through PtdIns3K and PtdInsP3.


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Sodalis glossinidius is a maternally transmitted secondary endosymbiont residing intracellularly in tissues of the tsetse flies, Glossina spp. In this study, we have used Tn5 mutagenesis and a negative selection procedure to derive a S. glossinidius mutant that is incapable of invading insect cells in vitro and is aposymbiotic when microinjected into tsetse. This mutant strain harbors Tn5 integrated into a chromosomal gene sharing high sequence identity with a type III secretion system invasion gene (invC) previously identified in Salmonella enterica. With the use of degenerate PCR, we have amplified a further six Sodalis inv/spa genes sharing high sequence identity with type III secretion system genes encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 1. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on the inv/spa genes of Sodalis and other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae have consistently identified a well-supported clade containing Sodalis and the enteric pathogens Shigella and Salmonella. These results suggest that Sodalis may have evolved from an ancestor with a parasitic intracellular lifestyle, possibly a latter-day entomopathogen. These observations lend credence to a hypothesis suggesting that vertically transmitted mutualistic endosymbionts evolve from horizontally transmitted parasites through a parasitism–mutualism continuum.


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The circumsporozoite (CS) protein of malaria parasites (Plasmodium) covers the surface of sporozoites that invade hepatocytes in mammalian hosts and macrophages in avian hosts. CS genes have been characterized from many Plasmodium that infect mammals; two domains of the corresponding proteins, identified initially by their conservation (region I and region II), have been implicated in binding to hepatocytes. The CS gene from the avian parasite Plasmodium gallinaceum was characterized to compare these functional domains to those of mammalian Plasmodium and for the study of Plasmodium evolution. The P. gallinaceum protein has the characteristics of CS proteins, including a secretory signal sequence, central repeat region, regions of charged amino acids, and an anchor sequence. Comparison with CS signal sequences reveals four distinct groupings, with P. gallinaceum most closely related to the human malaria Plasmodium falciparum. The 5-amino acid sequence designated region I, which is identical in all mammalian CS and implicated in hepatocyte invasion, is different in the avian protein. The P. gallinaceum repeat region consists of 9-amino acid repeats with the consensus sequence QP(A/V)GGNGG(A/V). The conserved motif designated region II-plus, which is associated with targeting the invasion of liver cells, is also conserved in the avian protein. Phylogenetic analysis of the aligned Plasmodium CS sequences yields a tree with a topology similar to the one obtained using sequence data from the small subunit rRNA gene. The phylogeny using the CS gene supports the proposal that the human malaria P. falciparum is significantly more related to avian parasites than to other parasites infecting mammals, although the biology of sporozoite invasion is different between the avian and mammalian species.


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Nonnative aquatic species are invasive worldwide. These species adversely affect natural aquatic ecosystems in a variety of ways and can negatively affect agriculture, recreation and industry. This study addresses identification and control of aquatic plant species of concern in Colorado State Parks. Seventeen species identified as potential threats to the parks and safe, effective chemical control methodologies were determined for each species. A matrix was developed to include the plants, appropriate chemical controls and the type of aquatic habitat where chemical use would be safe and effective. The matrix and recommendations for its use will be provided to the Colorado Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation to develop a management plan under Section 1204 of the National Invasive Species Act.


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The increased demographic performance of biological invaders may often depend on their escape from specifically adapted enemies. Here we report that native taxa in colonized regions may swiftly evolve to exploit such emancipated exotic species because of selection caused by invaders. A native Australian true bug has expanded it host range to include a vine imported from tropical America that has become a serious environmental weed. Based on field comparisons and historical museum specimens, we show that over the past 30-40 years, seed feeding soapberry bugs have evolved 5-10% longer mouthparts, better suited to attack the forest-invading balloon vines, which have large fruits. Laboratory experiments show that these differences are genetically based, and result in a near-doubling of the rate at which seeds are attacked. Thus a native biota that initially permits invasion may rapidly respond in ways that ultimately facilitate control.


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Purpose: PI-88 is a mixture of highly sulfated oligosaccharides that inhibits heparanase, an extracellular matrix endoglycosidase, and the binding of angiogenic growth factors to heparan sulfate. This agent showed potent inhibition of placental blood vessel angiogenesis as well as growth inhibition in multiple xenograft models, thus forming the basis for this study. Experimental Design: This study evaluated the toxicity and pharmacokinetics of PI-88 (80-315 mg) when administered s.c. daily for 4 consecutive days bimonthly (part 1) or weekly (part 2). Results: Forty-two patients [median age, 53 years (range, 19-78 years); median performance status, 1] with a range of advanced solid tumors received a total of 232 courses. The maximum tolerated dose was 250 mg/d. Dose-limiting toxicity consisted of thrombocytopenia and pulmonary embolism. Other toxicity was generally mild and included prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time and injection site echymosis. The pharmacokinetics were linear with dose. Intrapatient variability was low and interpatient variability was moderate. Both AUC and C-max correlated with the percent increase in activated partial thromboplastin time, showing that this pharmacodynamic end point can be used as a surrogate for drug exposure, No association between PI-88 administration and vascular endothelial growth factor or basic fibroblast growth factor levels was observed. One patient with melanoma had a partial response, which was maintained for >50 months, and 9 patients had stable disease for >= 6 months. Conclusion: The recommended dose of PI-88 administered for 4 consecutive days bimonthly or weekly is 250 mg/d. PI-88 was generally well tolerated. Evidence of efficacy in melanoma supports further evaluation of PI-88 in phase II trials.


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Endogenous retroviruses are a common ancestral feature of mammalian genomes with most having been inactivated over time through mutation and deletion(1). A group of more intact endogenous retroviruses are considered to have entered the genomes of some species more recently, through infection by exogenous viruses(2), but this event has never been directly proved. We have previously reported koala retrovirus (KoRV) to be a functional virus that is associated with neoplasia(3). Here we show that KoRV also shows features of a recently inserted endogenous retrovirus that is vertically transmitted. The finding that some isolated koala populations have not yet incorporated KoRV into their genomes, combined with its high level of activity and variability in individual koalas, suggests that KoRV is a virus in transition between an exogenous and endogenous element. This ongoing dynamic interaction with a wild species provides an exciting opportunity to study the process and consequences of retroviral endogenization in action, and is an attractive model for studying the evolutionary event in which a retrovirus invades a mammalian genome.


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One of the main problems with the use of synthetic polymers as biomaterials is the invasion of micro-organisms causing infection. A study of the properties of polymeric antibacterial agents, in particular polyhexamethylene biguanide, has revealed that the essential components for the design of a novel polymeric antibacterial are a balance between hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity coupled with sites of cationicity. The effect of cation incorporation on the physical properties of hydrogels has been investigated. Hydrogel systems copolymerised with either N-vinyl imidazole or dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate have been characterised in terms of their water binding, mechanical and surface properties. It has been concluded that the incorporation of these monomers does not adversely affect the properties of such hydrogels and that these materials are potential candidates for further development for use in biomedical applications. It has been reported that hydro gels with ionic character may increase the deposition of biological material onto the hydrogel surface when it is in contact with body fluids. An investigation into the deposition characteristics of hydrogels containing the potentially cationic monomers has been carried out, using specific protein adsorption and in vitro spoilation techniques. The results suggest that at low levels of cationicity, the deposition of positively charged proteins is reduced without adversely affecting the uptake of the other proteins. The gross deposition characteristics were found to be comparable to some commercially available contact lens materials. A preliminary investigation into the development of novel antibacterial polymers has been completed and some novel methods of bacterial inhibition discussed. These methods include development of an hydrogel whose potential application is as a catheter coating.


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Abstract Two species of mangrove trees of Indo- Pacific origin have naturalized in tropical Atlantic mangrove forests in South Florida after they were planted and nurtured in botanic gardens. Two Bruguiera gymnorrhiza trees that were planted in the intertidal zone in 1940 have given rise to a population of at least 86 trees growing interspersed with native mangrove species Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa along 100 m of shoreline; the population is expanding at a rate of 5.6% year-1. Molecular genetic analyses confirm very low genetic diversity, as expected from a population founded by two individuals. The maximumnumber of alleles at any locus was three, and we measured reduced heterozygosity compared to native-range populations. Lumnitzera racemosa was introduced multiple times during the 1960s and 1970s, it has spread rapidly into a forest composed of native R. mangle, A. germinans, Laguncularia racemosa and Conocarpus erectus and now occupies 60,500 m2 of mangrove forest with stem densities of 24,735 ha-1. We estimate the population growth rate of Lumnitzera racemosa to be between 17 and 23% year-1. Populations of both species of naturalized mangroves are dominated by young individuals. Given the long life and water-dispersed nature of propagules of the two exotic species, it is likely that they have spread beyond our survey area. We argue that the species-depauperate nature of tropical Atlantic mangrove forests and close taxonomic relatives in the more species-rich Indo-Pacific region result in the susceptibility of tropical Atlantic mangrove forests to invasion by Indo-Pacific mangrove species.


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Two species of mangrove trees of Indo- Pacific origin have naturalized in tropical Atlantic mangrove forests in South Florida after they were planted and nurtured in botanic gardens. Two Bruguiera gymnorrhiza trees that were planted in the intertidal zone in 1940 have given rise to a population of at least 86 trees growing interspersed with native mangrove species Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa along 100 m of shoreline; the population is expanding at a rate of 5.6% year-1. Molecular genetic analyses confirm very low genetic diversity, as expected from a population founded by two individuals. The maximumnumber of alleles at any locus was three, and we measured reduced heterozygosity compared to native-range populations. Lumnitzera racemosa was introduced multiple times during the 1960s and 1970s, it has spread rapidly into a forest composed of native R. mangle, A. germinans, Laguncularia racemosa and Conocarpus erectus and now occupies 60,500 m2 of mangrove forest with stem densities of 24,735 ha-1. We estimate the population growth rate of Lumnitzera racemosa to be between 17 and 23% year-1. Populations of both species of naturalized mangroves are dominated by young individuals. Given the long life and water-dispersed nature of propagules of the two exotic species, it is likely that they have spread beyond our survey area. We argue that the species-depauperate nature of tropical Atlantic mangrove forests and close taxonomic relatives in the more species-rich Indo-Pacific region result in the susceptibility of tropical Atlantic mangrove forests to invasion by Indo-Pacific mangrove species.


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In the fall of 2005, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) contracted with Florida International University (FIU) to study the physical and biological drivers underlying the distribution of woody plant species in the marl prairie habitat of the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (CSSS). This report presents what we have learned about woody plant encroachment based on studies carried out during the period 2006-2008. The freshwater marl prairie habitat currently occupied by the Cape Sable seaside sparrow (CSSS; Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis) is a dynamic mosaic comprised of species-rich grassland communities and tree islands of various sizes, densities and compositions. Landscape heterogeneity and the scale of vegetative components across the marl prairie is primarily determined by hydrologic conditions, biological factors (e.g. dispersal and growth morphology), and disturbances such as fire. The woody component of the marl prairie landscape is subject to expansion through multiple positive feedback mechanisms, which may be initiated by recent land use change (e.g. drainage). Because sparrows are known to avoid areas where the woody component is too extensive, a better understanding of invasion dynamics is needed to ensure proper management.


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Controversy over the alpine route that Hannibal of Carthage followed from the Rhône Basin into Italia has raged amongst classicists and ancient historians for over two millennia. The motivation for identifying the route taken by the Punic Army through the Alps lies in its potential for identifying sites of historical archaeological significance and for the resolution of one of history's most enduring quandaries. Here, we present stratigraphic, geochemical and microbiological evidence recovered from an alluvial floodplain mire located below the Col de la Traversette (~3000 m asl-above sea level) on the French/Italian border that potentially identifies the invasion route as the one originally proposed by Sir Gavin de Beer (de Beer 1974). The dated layer is termed the MAD bed (mass animal deposition) based on disrupted bedding, greatly increased organic carbon and key/specialized biological components/compounds, the latter reported in Part II of this paper. We propose that the highly abnormal churned up (bioturbated) bed was contaminated by the passage of Hannibal's animals, possibly thousands, feeding and watering at the site, during the early stage of Hannibal's invasion of Italia (218 bc).