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In this paper, the method of Galerkin and the Askey-Wiener scheme are used to obtain approximate solutions to the stochastic displacement response of Kirchhoff plates with uncertain parameters. Theoretical and numerical results are presented. The Lax-Milgram lemma is used to express the conditions for existence and uniqueness of the solution. Uncertainties in plate and foundation stiffness are modeled by respecting these conditions, hence using Legendre polynomials indexed in uniform random variables. The space of approximate solutions is built using results of density between the space of continuous functions and Sobolev spaces. Approximate Galerkin solutions are compared with results of Monte Carlo simulation, in terms of first and second order moments and in terms of histograms of the displacement response. Numerical results for two example problems show very fast convergence to the exact solution, at excellent accuracies. The Askey-Wiener Galerkin scheme developed herein is able to reproduce the histogram of the displacement response. The scheme is shown to be a theoretically sound and efficient method for the solution of stochastic problems in engineering. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an accurate and efficient solution for the random transverse and angular displacement fields of uncertain Timoshenko beams. Approximate, numerical solutions are obtained using the Galerkin method and chaos polynomials. The Chaos-Galerkin scheme is constructed by respecting the theoretical conditions for existence and uniqueness of the solution. Numerical results show fast convergence to the exact solution, at excellent accuracies. The developed Chaos-Galerkin scheme accurately approximates the complete cumulative distribution function of the displacement responses. The Chaos-Galerkin scheme developed herein is a theoretically sound and efficient method for the solution of stochastic problems in engineering. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The selection criteria for Euler-Bernoulli or Timoshenko beam theories are generally given by means of some deterministic rule involving beam dimensions. The Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is used to model the behavior of flexure-dominated (or ""long"") beams. The Timoshenko theory applies for shear-dominated (or ""short"") beams. In the mid-length range, both theories should be equivalent, and some agreement between them would be expected. Indeed, it is shown in the paper that, for some mid-length beams, the deterministic displacement responses for the two theories agrees very well. However, the article points out that the behavior of the two beam models is radically different in terms of uncertainty propagation. In the paper, some beam parameters are modeled as parameterized stochastic processes. The two formulations are implemented and solved via a Monte Carlo-Galerkin scheme. It is shown that, for uncertain elasticity modulus, propagation of uncertainty to the displacement response is much larger for Timoshenko beams than for Euler-Bernoulli beams. On the other hand, propagation of the uncertainty for random beam height is much larger for Euler beam displacements. Hence, any reliability or risk analysis becomes completely dependent on the beam theory employed. The authors believe this is not widely acknowledged by the structural safety or stochastic mechanics communities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the Askey-Wiener scheme and the Galerkin method are used to obtain approximate solutions to stochastic beam bending on Winkler foundation. The study addresses Euler-Bernoulli beams with uncertainty in the bending stiffness modulus and in the stiffness of the foundation. Uncertainties are represented by parameterized stochastic processes. The random behavior of beam response is modeled using the Askey-Wiener scheme. One contribution of the paper is a sketch of proof of existence and uniqueness of the solution to problems involving fourth order operators applied to random fields. From the approximate Galerkin solution, expected value and variance of beam displacement responses are derived, and compared with corresponding estimates obtained via Monte Carlo simulation. Results show very fast convergence and excellent accuracies in comparison to Monte Carlo simulation. The Askey-Wiener Galerkin scheme presented herein is shown to be a theoretically solid and numerically efficient method for the solution of stochastic problems in engineering.


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This paper addresses the time-variant reliability analysis of structures with random resistance or random system parameters. It deals with the problem of a random load process crossing a random barrier level. The implications of approximating the arrival rate of the first overload by an ensemble-crossing rate are studied. The error involved in this so-called ""ensemble-crossing rate"" approximation is described in terms of load process and barrier distribution parameters, and in terms of the number of load cycles. Existing results are reviewed, and significant improvements involving load process bandwidth, mean-crossing frequency and time are presented. The paper shows that the ensemble-crossing rate approximation can be accurate enough for problems where load process variance is large in comparison to barrier variance, but especially when the number of load cycles is small. This includes important practical applications like random vibration due to impact loadings and earthquake loading. Two application examples are presented, one involving earthquake loading and one involving a frame structure subject to wind and snow loadings. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: Hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus (DM) may be one of the most important factors responsible for the development of oxidative stress, which promotes the main complications in DM patients. Therefore, this study evaluated if the hyperglycemia could be related to oxidative stress biomarkers, lipid profile, and renal function in type 2 diabetes patients without clinic complications. Methods: Plasmatic malondialdehyde (MDA), serum protein carbonyl (PCO), serum creatinine levels, microalbuminuria, glycated hemoglobin, and lipid profile were analyzed in 37 type 2 diabetic patients and 25 subjects with no diabetes. Results: Serum creatinine levels were within the reference values, but microalbuminuria presented increased levels in all the patients compared with controls (P G 0.05) and above of the reference values. The MDA, PCO, low- density lipoprotein, and triglyceride levels showed positive correlation with microalbuminuria levels. Moreover, glycated hemoglobin presented positive correlation with MDA, PCO, and microalbuminuria levels. Conclusions: The hyperglycemia could be responsible for the increase of the microalbuminuria levels and for the oxidation process in lipids and proteins in DM patients. Therefore, we suggested that the microvascular lesion is a direct consequence from hyperglycemia and an indirect one from the increased oxidative stress. Malondialdehyde and protein carbonyl levels could be suggested as additional biochemical evaluation to verify tissue damage in type 2 DM patients.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-awareness, emotional distress, motivation, and outcome in adults with severe traumatic brain injury. A sample of 55 patients were selected from 120 consecutive patients with severe traumatic brain injury admitted to the rehabilitation unit of a large metropolitan public hospital. Subjects received multidisciplinary inpatient rehabilitation and different types of outpatient rehabilitation and community-based services according to availability and need, Measures used in the cluster analysis were the Patient Competency Rating Scale, Self-Awareness of Deficits Interview, Head Injury Behavior Scale, Change Assessment Questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Anxiety Inventory; outcome measures were the Disability Rating Scale, Community Integration Questionnaire, and Sickness Impact Profile. A three-cluster solution was selected, with groups labeled as high self-awareness (n = 23), low self-awareness (n = 23), and good recovery (n = 8). The high self-awareness cluster had significantly higher levels of self-awareness, motivation, and emotional distress than the low self-awareness cluster but did not differ significantly in outcome. Self-awareness after brain injury is associated with greater motivation to change behavior and higher levels of depression and anxiety; however, it was not clear that this heightened motivation actually led to any improvement in outcome. Rehabilitation timing and approach may need to be tailored to match the individual's level of self-awareness, motivation, and emotional distress.


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Objective. A 6 month prospective randomized double blind study was conducted to investigate hydroxychloroquine dose concentration-effect relationships in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods. Patients were randomized in 2 groups: one group received 200 mg hydroxychloroquine sulfate daily (A) and one group received 400 mg daily (B). Each month, 8 disease variables were assessed, adverse events recorded, and hydroxychloroquine blood concentrations determined. Results. Twenty-three patients were included: 10 in group A and 13 in group B. After 6 months of therapy, a significant improvement in disease activity was noted for 6 criteria with no statistical differences between groups: pain (assessed by a visual analog scale), joint scores (swelling and tenderness), impairment in daily Living activity (18 activities graded 0 to 8), patient assessment of disease state, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Hydroxychloroquine steady-state blood concentrations (Month 6) were significantly different between groups (mean +/- SD): 450.6 +/- 285.3 ng/ml (A) vs 870.3 +/- 329.3 ng/ml(B) (p = 0.0001). Steady-state concentrations were correlated with the daily dose (r = 0.63, p = 0.005), the improvement in activity of daily living (r = 0.49, p = 0.03), and the improvement in joint tenderness score (r = 0.47, p = 0.038). Conclusion. The data indicate that hydroxychloroquine is an effective therapy, but there were no further improvements observed in the group receiving 400 mg daily compared to those receiving 200 mg. There were some correlations between hydroxychloroquine steady-state blood concentrations and effects.


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Objectives. The present study was designed to test the diathesis-stress components of Beck's cognitive theory of depression and the reformulated learned helplessness model of depression in the prediction of postpartum depressive symptomatology. Design and methods. The research used a two-wave longitudinal design-data were collected from 65 primiparous women during their third trimester of pregnancy and then 6 weeks after the birth. Cognitive vulnerability and initial depressive symptomatology were assessed at Time 1, whereas stress and postpartum depressive symptomatology were assessed at Time 2. Results. There was some support for the diathesis-stress component of Beck's cognitive theory, to the extent that the negative relationship between both general and maternal-specific dysfunctional attitudes associated with performance evaluation and Time 2 depressive symptomatology was strongest for women who reported high levels of parental stress. In a similar vein, the effects of dysfunctional attitudes (general and maternal-specific) associated with performance evaluation and need for approval (general measure only) on partner ratings of emotional distress were evident only among those women whose infants were rated as being temperamentally difficult. Conclusion. There was no support for the diathesis-stress component of the reformulated learned helplessness model of depression; however, there was some support for the diathesis-stress component of Beck's cognitive theory.


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To investigate whether there are gender differences in the bone geometry of the proximal femur during the adolescent years we used an interactive computer program ?Hip Strength Analysis? developed by Beck and associates (Beck et al., Invest Radiol. 1990,25:6-18.) to derive femoral neck geometry parameters from DXA bone scans (Hologic 2000, array mode). We analyzed a longitudinal data-set collected on 70 boys and 68 girls over a seven year period. Distance and velocity curves for height were fitted for each child utilizing a cubic spline procedure and the age of peak height velocity (PHV) was determined. To control for maturational differences between children of the same chronological age and between boys and girls, section modulus (Z) an index of bending strength, cross sectional area of bone (CSA), sub-periosteal width (SPW), and BMD values at the neck and shaft of the proximal femur were determined for points on each individual?s curve at the age of PHV and one and two years on either side of peak. To control for size differences, height and weight were introduced as co-variates in the two-way analyses of variance looking at gender over time measured at the maturational age points (-2, -1, age of PHV, +1, +2). The following figure presents the results of the analyses on two variables, BMD and Z at neck and shaft regions:After the age of peak linear growth (PHV), independent of body size, there was a gender difference in BMD at the shaft but not at the neck. Section modulus at both sites indicated that male bones became significantly stronger after PHV. Underlying these maturational changes, male bones became wider (SPW) after PHV in both the neck and shaft and enclosed more material (CSA) at all maturational age points at both regions. These results call into question the emphasis on using BMD as a measure of skeletal integrity in growing children


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In this article we report on progress in high magnetic field MRI at the University of Florida in support of our new 750MHz wide bore and 11.7T/40cm MR instruments. The primary emphasis is on the associated rf technology required, particularly high frequency volume and phased array coils. Preliminary imaging results at 750MHz are presented. Our results imply that the pursuit of even higher fields seems warranted. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Endoparasitoid wasps produce maternal protein secretions, which are transported into the body of insect hosts at oviposition to regulate host physiology for successful development of their offspring. Venturia canescens calyx fluid contains so-called virus-like particles (VLPs) that are essential for immune evasion of the developing parasitoid inside the host. VLPs consist of four major proteins. In this paper, we describe the isolation and molecular cloning of a gene (vlp2) that is a constituent of VLPs and discuss its possible role in VLP structure and function.


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Environmental processes have been modelled for decades. However. the need for integrated assessment and modeling (IAM) has,town as the extent and severity of environmental problems in the 21st Century worsens. The scale of IAM is not restricted to the global level as in climate change models, but includes local and regional models of environmental problems. This paper discusses various definitions of IAM and identifies five different types of integration that Lire needed for the effective solution of environmental problems. The future is then depicted in the form of two brief scenarios: one optimistic and one pessimistic. The current state of IAM is then briefly reviewed. The issues of complexity and validation in IAM are recognised as more complex than in traditional disciplinary approaches. Communication is identified as a central issue both internally among team members and externally with decision-makers. stakeholders and other scientists. Finally it is concluded that the process of integrated assessment and modelling is considered as important as the product for any particular project. By learning to work together and recognise the contribution of all team members and participants, it is believed that we will have a strong scientific and social basis to address the environmental problems of the 21st Century. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Maternal protein secretions from endoparasitoid wasps are evolutionary adaptations to regulate host physiology as part of an extended wasp phenotype. Virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in the calyx region of Venturia canescens wasps are involved in immune evasion of the developing parasitoid inside the host. In contrast to polydnaviruses (PDVs), VcVLPs are devoid of any nucleic acids. To understand the role of these particles in the regulation of host physiology and phylogenetic relationship between VLPs and PDVs, it is essential to identify particle proteins. In this paper, we describe the isolation and molecular cloning of a neprilysin-like gene (VcNEP) coding for a 94 kDa VcVLP protein and discuss its possible role in host regulation.


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The beta subunit of the Escherichia coli replicative DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is the sliding clamp that interacts with the alpha (polymerase) subunit to maintain the high processivity of the enzyme. The beta protein is a ring-shaped dimer of 40.6 kDa subunits whose structure has previously been determined at a resolution of 2.5 Angstrom [Kong et al. (1992), Cell, 69, 425-437]. Here, the construction of a new plasmid that directs overproduction of beta to very high levels and a simple procedure for large-scale purification of the protein are described. Crystals grown under slightly modified conditions diffracted to beyond 1.9 Angstrom at 100 K at a synchrotron source. The structure of the beta dimer solved at 1.85 Angstrom resolution shows some differences from that reported previously. In particular, it was possible at this resolution to identify residues that differed in position between the two subunits in the unit cell; side chains of these and some other residues were found to occupy alternate conformations. This suggests that these residues are likely to be relatively mobile in solution. Some implications of this flexibility for the function of beta are discussed.