989 resultados para basic concepts
En aquest article es presenta una visió global del camp de l'anàlisi del discurs que pretén ser més que exhaustiva clari ficadora. Aquest objectiu es persegueix a partir de la proposta de considerar que la major part dels treballs en anàlisi del discurs es poden classi ficar en una de les tres perspectives següents: el discurs com a acció, com a sistema i com a informació. L'autor de l'article revisa els conceptes bàsics en cada una d'aquestes perspectives i integra les propostes que s'han fet des de diferents 'escoles' d'anàlisi del discurs en l'esquema que proposa.
Workflow technology is expanding rapidly. In doing so, new technologies are employed. The internet, which is one such technology, could allow every user within an organization to make use of workflow. The internet- based workflows are discussed in this thesis from technical and, also, from economical points of view. First, as an ampler introduction, there are presented the basic concepts related to this topic: the workflow concept, about processes and workflows and the workflow management system. Also in this introduction it is discussed about the XML language and the overview of the Web Services stack. Then is explained how the internet-based workflows work: is presented the architecture of an internet-based enterprise and, also, the flows between web-services. Finally, there are presented, briefly, some workflow languages. In addition, based on this knowledge, a sample workflow was implemented.
Työn tavoitteena oli kuvata ja ottaa käyttöön sahauseräkohtaisen kannattavuuden laskentamenetelmä sahalle, sekä tehdä laskentamalli menetelmän tueksi. Sahauksen peruskäsitteiden jälkeen työssä on esitelty sahan tuotantoprosessi. Tuotantoprosessi on kuvattu kirjallisuuden ja asiantuntijoiden haastattelujen perusteella. Seuraavaksi kartoitettiin hyötyjä ja vaikutuksia, mitä laskentamenetelmältä odotetaan.. Kustannuslaskennan teoriaa selvitettiin kirjallisuuslähteitä käyttäen silmälläpitäen juuri tätä kehitettävää laskentamenetelmää. Lisäksi esiteltiin Uimaharjun sahalla käytettävät ja laskentaan liittyvät laskenta- ja tietojärjestelmät.Nykyisin sahalla ei ole minkäänlaista menetelmää sahauseräkohtaisen tuloksen laskemiseksi. Pienillä muutoksilla sahan tietojärjestelmään ja prosessikoneisiin voidaan sahauserä kuljettaa prosessin läpi niin, että jokaisessa prosessin vaiheessa sille saadaan kohdistettua tuotantotietoa. Eri vaiheista saatua tietoa käyttämällä saadaan tarkasti määritettyä tuotteet, joita sahauserä tuotti ja paljonko tuotantoresursseja tuottamiseen kului. Laskentamalliin syötetään tuotantotietoja ja kustannustietoa ja saadaan vastaukseksi sahauserän taloudellinen tulos.Toimenpide ehdotuksena esitetään lisätutkimusta tuotantotietojen automaattisesta keräämisestä manuaalisen työn ja virheiden poistamiseksi. Suhteellisen pienillä panoksilla voidaan jokaiselle sahauserälle kerätä tuotantotiedot täysin automaattisesti. Lisäksi kehittämäni laskentamallin tilalle tulisi hankkia sovellus, joka käyttäisi paremmin hyväksi nykyisiä tietojärjestelmiä ja poistaisi manuaalisen työvaiheen laskennassa.
Optical trapping is an attractive and multidisciplinary topic that has become the center of attention to a large number of researchers. Moreover, it is a suitable subject for advanced students that requires a knowledge of a wide range of topics. As a result, it has been incorporated into some syllabuses of both undergraduate and graduate programs. In this paper, basic concepts in laser trapping theory are reviewed. To provide a better understanding of the underlying concepts for students, a Java application for simulating the behavior of a dielectric particle trapped in a highly focused beam has been developed. The program illustrates a wide range of theoretical results and features, such as the calculation of the force exerted by a beam in the Mie and Rayleigh regimes or the calibration of the trap stiffness. Some examples that are ready to be used in the classroom or in the computer lab are also supplied.
Työssä on tutkittu sähkösuunnittelun projektityön hallintaa ja kehittämistä. Tavoitteena oli löytää ongelmia ja pyrkiä korjaamaan niitä, jotta suunnittelu olisi mahdollisimman toimivaa. Tutkimus perustuu kirjallisuuteen ja haastatteluihin. Työssä perehdytään kirjallisuuden avulla projektin peruskäsitteisiin ja hallintaan sekä sähkösuunnittelun projektin yleiseen toteutukseen. Haastattelujen avulla on selvitetty tämän hetkistä tilannetta sähkösuunnitteluprojektin hallinnasta ja siihen liittyvistä ongelmista Pöyryn Kouvolan konttorissa. Työn tuloksena on selvitetty merkittävimpiä ongelmia, jotka esiintyvät sähkösuunnitteluprojektissa. Työ keskittyy pääosin sähkösuunnitteluprojektin hallinnallisiin ongelmiin ja niiden toteutukseen. Kirjallisuuden ja haastattelujen pohjalta on koottu ohjeita sähkösuunnittelun projektinhallintaan
The modern technological ability to handle large amounts of information confronts the chemist with the necessity to re-evaluate the statistical tools he routinely uses. Multivariate statistics furnishes theoretical bases for analyzing systems involving large numbers of variables. The mathematical calculations required for these systems are no longer an obstacle due to the existence of statistical packages that furnish multivariate analysis options. Here basic concepts of two multivariate statistical techniques, principal component and hierarchical cluster analysis that have received broad acceptance for treating chemical data are discussed.
The peroxyoxalate system is still one of the most efficient chemiluminescence reactions and the only one supposed to involve the "Chemically Initiated Electron Exchange Luminescence - CIEEL" mechanism, with proved high efficiency. Besides the academic interest in the elucidation of the mechanism of this complex reaction, the peroxyoxalate system has found a variety of applications in analytical chemistry. This review contains (i) a short introduction to basic concepts in chemiluminescence, (ii) a critical summary of mechanistic studies on the peroxyoxalate reaction, (iii) and some examples of analytical applications. Although there are some recent reviews on chemiluminescence, no specific critical revision on mechanistic and analytical features of the peroxyoxalate system has been published.
The aim of this work is to present a tutorial on Multivariate Calibration, a tool which is nowadays necessary in basically most laboratories but very often misused. The basic concepts of preprocessing, principal component analysis (PCA), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS) are given. The two basic steps on any calibration procedure: model building and validation are fully discussed. The concepts of cross validation (to determine the number of factors to be used in the model), leverage and studentized residuals (to detect outliers) for the validation step are given. The whole calibration procedure is illustrated using spectra recorded for ternary mixtures of 2,4,6 trinitrophenolate, 2,4 dinitrophenolate and 2,5 dinitrophenolate followed by the concentration prediction of these three chemical species during a diffusion experiment through a hydrophobic liquid membrane. MATLAB software is used for numerical calculations. Most of the commands for the analysis are provided in order to allow a non-specialist to follow step by step the analysis.
In this work we first introduce the reader to the basic concepts of biology, bioenergetics and biochemistry, concerning the area of cell biology. Then we explain what diauxism is and an example of this phenomenon, applied to S. cerevisiae, is presented. Finally, thermograms obtained by microcalorimetry, from S. cerevisiae that undergo diauxism, are discussed from a biochemical point of view.
Este capítulo tiene como objetivo acercar al trabajador a los conceptos básicos que definen la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo. Con esta finalidad, se establece la relación existente entre trabajo y salud, se definen las condiciones de trabajo y se analiza la aparición de factores de riesgo, así como el modo en el que éstos pueden traducirse en daños para la salud de los trabajadores. Además, se introducirá al trabajador en el marco normativo básico de referencia en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales, que intenta garantizar la seguridad y salud en el trabajo
One of the main problems in quantitative analysis of complex samples by x-ray fluorescence is related to interelemental (or matrix) effects. These effects appear as a result of interactions among sample elements, affecting the x-ray emission intensity in a non-linear manner. Basically, two main effects occur; intensity absorption and enhancement. The combination of these effects can lead to serious problems. Many studies have been carried out proposing mathematical methods to correct for these effects. Basic concepts and the main correction methods are discussed here.
The microwave oven became a common domestic equipment, due mainly to the short time spent to heat foods. One of the most interesting characteristics of the microwave oven is the selective heating. Different from the conventional oven, where the heating is not selective, the heating by microwave depends on the chemical nature of the matter. Many Students of Chemistry have no knowledge of the principles involved in this selective heating, in spite of the daily microwave oven use. The heating by microwave is feasible for chemistry courses. In discussions about the microwave absorption by the matter it is possible to explore chemical properties like: heat capacity, chemical bound, molecular structure, dipole moments, polarization and dielectric constant. This paper presents the basic principles involved in the microwave heating. It is proposed a simple and inexpensive experiment that could be developed in general chemistry courses, to illustrate the relationship between heating and the chemical properties of some solvents. Experiments to check the power of the microwave oven are also proposed.
Fuzzy subsets and fuzzy subgroups are basic concepts in fuzzy mathematics. We shall concentrate on fuzzy subgroups dealing with some of their algebraic, topological and complex analytical properties. Explorations are theoretical belonging to pure mathematics. One of our ideas is to show how widely fuzzy subgroups can be used in mathematics, which brings out the wealth of this concept. In complex analysis we focus on Möbius transformations, combining them with fuzzy subgroups in the algebraic and topological sense. We also survey MV spaces with or without a link to fuzzy subgroups. Spectral space is known in MV algebra. We are interested in its topological properties in MV-semilinear space. Later on, we shall study MV algebras in connection with Riemann surfaces. In fact, the Riemann surface as a concept belongs to complex analysis. On the other hand, Möbius transformations form a part of the theory of Riemann surfaces. In general, this work gives a good understanding how it is possible to fit together different fields of mathematics.
The purpose of this paper is the development of simple strategies to teach basic concepts of atomic spectrometry. Metals present in samples found in the daily lives of students are determined by flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES). FAES is an accurate, precise, and inexpensive analytical method often used for determining sodium, potassium, lithium, and calcium. Historical aspects and their contextualization for students are also presented and experiments with samples that do not require pre-treatment are described.
Affinity reactions have been used for specific detection of their complementary partners and an enormous variety of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) formats are used in research and in routine serological tests. With the advent of the atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique, the immune reactions have been monitored by these devices. In the present article we focus on applications of AFM to immunoassays. After introducing the basic concepts of AFM, a brief discussion on the monitoring of the interactions between antigens and antibodies through both topographic image and biosensor systems is presented.