467 resultados para bandejas de poliestireno
This study was conducted in the Department of Horticulture and Experimentation at the University Jose do Rosario Vellano (UNIFENAS) in Alfenas-MG, Brasil in order to evaluate the formation of lettuce seedlings in trays filled with different substrates. The materials used to compose the substrates were pig bed base with wood shavings (M), pig bed with base coffee straw (C), earthworm humus (H) and commercial substrates Nutriorg (R) and Plantmax (R) The use of these pure substrates and various mixtures permitted the formation of 18 substrates that constituted the treatments. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with three replications. The lettuce seedlings were formed with the lettuce cultivar Regina. The seeds were sown in trays with 128 cells filled with the substrates under study. Each experimental unit was compost of 64 cells. The conduct of the experiment was within a protective structure of 85 m 2, model chapel with transparent plastic cover 100 microns thickness, additives against ultraviolet rays. After 30 days of sowing, ten seedlings were harvested randomly within each experimental unit for evaluating the number of leaves and the plant height. It was also evaluated the fresh and dry mass of aerial part and fresh and dry mass of root. It was concluded that the substrate T1 - M met the best features for the formation of lettuce seedlings in trays of 128 cells.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
In this work polymeric composites reinforced with cotton fibers, from the textile industry, were developed in order to manufacture printed circuit boards. It was used expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a thermoplastic matrix by melting it. For the obtention of 10% and 15% of fiber volume fraction in cotton fibers composites, it was used wasted cotton fibers as an incentive of recycling and reusing of the domestic and industrial wastes as well as for Expanded Polystyrene(EPS). The mechanical properties of the composites were evaluated by tensile and flexural strength from standardized test methods. Composites were characterized by a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric analysis. The analysis of the results showed that fiber in the composite directly influenced in the thermal and mechanical properties
In this work polystyrene composites reinforced with recycled sisal fibers were processed, in order to apply in the manufacture of printed circuit boards. A thermoplastic matrix of recycled polystyrene was used, this material came from waste expanded polystyrene (EPS) used in appliance's packages. Composites were prepared with 15% and 25% of sisal fibers. To obtain the composites, wasted EPS and natural sisal fibers were chosen, to encourage recycling and reuse of household waste and also the use of renewable resources. The composites were analyzed by standard tensile and flexural test, in order to verify the mechanical properties of the material. The characterization of the composite was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) , thermogravimetry (TGA / DTG) , differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric analysis . The analysis of the results showed that the percentage of fibers in the composite influences directly the thermal and mechanical properties. Plates with a lower percentage of fibers showed superior properties at a higher percentage. The composite material obtained is easy to process and it's use is feasible for the confection of printed circuit boards, considering it's mechanical, thermal and insulative properties
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Características pós-colheita em frutos de pitaya orgânica submetida a diferentes doses de irradiação
The objective was to evaluate the influence of different irradiation doses in post-harvest characteristics of pitaya organic species Hylocereus undatus grown in the municipality of Itajobi - SP. The experiment was conducted at the Fruit and Vegetable Department of Agribusiness Management and Technology - FCA / UNESP - Botucatu - SP from December 2008 to January 2009. The radiation process was conducted at the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN) located in Sao Paulo. The design was randomized blocks with six treatments and three replications. The fruits were harvested on the third day after onset of color, selected, cleaned, packed in polystyrene trays covered with PVC film, pre - cooled (8 ° C for 24 hours) and subjected to different doses of gamma irradiation (0.0; 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 kGy of cobalt-60) and subsequently stored in cold temperature of 8 degrees C, with relative humidity of about 85 ± 5%. The fruits were evaluated at twenty days after irradiation for pH, soluble solids (SS), Titratable Acidity (TA), ratio (SS / TA) and percentage loss of mass (weight). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. There were no statistically significant differences (p <0.05) for pH (4.82), soluble solids (11.33) Titratable acidity (0.12) and ratio (79.42) compared to non-irradiated fruit. Regarding the percentage of loss of mass (weight), the highest among the patients treated irradiated with 0.8 kGy (12.12%), whereas for treatment at a dose of 0.0 kGy (irradiated) showed a lower loss weight (11.59%), a result that differs significantly (P <0.05) from the remaining doses of irradiation. The loss of mass (weight) of fruit irradiated with other doses was not statistically significant (P> 0.05).
Compósitos de poliestireno/montmorilonita (PS/MMT) contendo 2,5% em peso de argila foram preparados com dois tipos de argila modificada com sais quaternários de amônio. Também foram preparadas amostras do PS + sal quaternário de amônio, utilizando-se proporção de sal semelhante à usada na modificação da argila. Todas as amostras foram expostas à radiação UV por períodos de até 12 semanas, e em seguida foram realizados testes para avaliar as modificações em massa molar, propriedades mecânicas (tração e impacto), estrutura química (FTIR) e superfície de fratura (MEV) dessas amostras. Os resultados mostraram que compostos metálicos existentes na argila catalisam o processo fotodegradativo do PS e a presença isolada do sal não altera significativamente o comportamento do PS frente à radiação UV.
Este trabalho visa avaliar a influência do tipo de polipropileno no comportamento da blenda polipropileno/poliestireno de alto impacto (PP/HIPS) quando exposta à radiação UV. Foram usados uma resina virgem de PP (PPv) e outra reprocessada (PPrep). Inicialmente, avaliou-se o comportamento individual dos componentes da blenda, HIPS, PPv e PPrep, quando submetidos à radiação UV por até 15 semanas de exposição. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas para monitorar o desempenho tanto das resinas individualmente quanto das blendas submetidas à radiação UV foram: propriedades mecânicas (tração e impacto), medidas de índice de fluidez (MFI), análise térmica (DSC), espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A partir dos resultados com essas técnicas verificou-se que o PPv foi a resina mais afetada pela radiação e consequentemente as blendas preparadas com esse PP também foram mais sensíveis à fotodegradação do que as demais. Em termos de fotoestabilização este resultado mostra-se interessante, já que as blendas PP/HIPS preparadas com uma resina previamente degradada necessitariam de menores teores de aditivos do que esse mesmo tipo de blenda preparada com resina virgem.
La cubierta plana invertida se forma, cuando sobre una membrana impermeable se coloca un aislamiento térmico. Estos materiales pueden separarse con capas auxiliares que impiden el contacto directo entre ellos. Muchos de los materiales que forman esta solución constructiva pueden ser polímeros, como lo son algunas membranas impermeables, las capas auxiliares separadoras o el poliestireno extrusionado (XPS). La mayoría de los polímeros son incompatibles entre sí, por lo que en esta tesis se plantea como hipótesis la posibilidad de que se produzcan interacciones e incompatibilidades entre algunos de estos materiales. Por ello se hace una búsqueda bibliográfica y documental de otras investigaciones que pudieran estar relacionadas con el tema, y se estudian y analizan normas y documentación facilitada por fabricantes. Sin embargo, tras consultar toda la bibliografía y documentación que se referencia en esta tesis doctoral, no fue encontrado ningún trabajo de investigación sobre la influencia de la interacción entre los materiales que componen las cubiertas planas invertidas, y de cómo afecta esta a la durabilidad de las mismas. El propósito de esta tesis es el análisis de la durabilidad de la cubierta plana invertida, desde el punto de vista de las interacciones e incompatibilidades que pueden producirse entre los materiales formantes de esta solución constructiva. Además de este objetivo general, se estudian alternativas que puedan prolongar el ciclo de vida de la cubierta plana invertida. Para ello, se desarrolla un plan experimental con el fin de analizar dichas incompatibilidades, y estudiar los factores que las condicionan. Algunos de los resultados obtenidos, muestran que determinadas láminas impermeables utilizadas normalmente para la construcción de cubiertas planas, pueden interactuar con el XPS y sufrir deterioro. El contacto con el mismo, la incorrecta separación, la presión y el calor, son factores determinantes para que se produzca deterioro. Se puede señalar como una de las conclusiones de esta investigación, que la protección térmica que proporciona el XPS a la cubierta plana invertida, puede no ser suficiente (dependiendo del espesor del mismo, y de la ubicación de la cubierta fundamentalmente), para reducir la cantidad de calor que alcanza la línea de contacto entre los materiales, y por tanto paliar las interacciones que se producen. Además, aunque los geotextiles utilizados como capas auxiliares separadoras, en los gramajes por metro cuadrado, recomendados por algunas de las normas reguladoras de este tipo de cubiertas minoran las interacciones, estas siguen produciéndose. ABSTRACT The inverted flat roof is formed from a waterproofing membrane on which the thermal insulation is placed. These materials may be separated with auxiliary layers, which prevent the direct contact between them. Many of the materials forming this constructive solution can be polymers, such as some waterproofing membranes, the auxiliary separating layers, or the extruded polystyrene board (XPS). Most polymers are incompatible, so this thesis hypothesized that interactions and incompatibilities between some of these materials might be possible. Therefore, a literature search, and other documentation that could be related to the topic, are studied and analyzed, as well as, standards and documentation provided by manufacturers. However, after consulting all literature and documents referenced in this dissertation, it was not found any research about the influence of interaction between the materials forming the inverted flat roof, and how this affects to the durability of them. The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of the durability of the inverted flat roof, from the point of view of interactions and incompatibilities may occur between the materials setting up this constructive solution. Along with this general objective, alternatives that can prolong the life cycle of the inverted roof are studied. To get this, an experimental plan is developed, in order to analyze these incompatibilities, and study the factors conditioning them. Some of the results show, that certain normally used waterproofing laminas for building flat roofs, may interact with XPS producing lamina deterioration. Contact, incorrect separation, pressure and heat, are determinant factors for degradation. It can be pointed out, as one of the conclusions of this research, that the thermal protection provided by XPS to the inverted flat roof, cannot be enough (depending on the XPS thickness, and the location of the flat mainly) to reduce the amount of heat that reaches the contact line between materials, and thus to cut down interactions. Furthermore, although geotextiles used as auxiliary separating layers, within the weights per square meter recommended by some of the regulating rules of this type of roofs reduce interactions, these still occur.
Este trabajo estudia el comportamiento de una matriz de yeso de construcción a la que se le han añadido residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD), residuos de poliestireno extruido (XPS) y residuos cerámicos respectivamente, combinados y en diferentes porcentajes en función del peso del yeso. Los residuos de XPS son producto de una obra en Madrid donde el material fue utilizado como aislamiento térmico y los residuos cerámicos corresponden a trozos de ladrillos toscos encontrados en una obra paralizada en la ciudad de Ávila. Se confeccionaron probetas con porcentajes hasta 3% de XPS y hasta 50% de cerámicos en función del peso del yeso utilizado, como referencia se confeccionaron probetas sin adición de RCD. Fueron ensayadas en laboratorio y se determinaron las características físicas y mecánicas de las mismas. Tras un análisis comparativo se evidencian que la adición de residuos de XPS y residuos cerámicos en conjunto disminuye la densidad seca del material y la absorción de agua por capilaridad, en algunos casos disminuye la conductividad térmica y aumenta la dureza superficial. ABSTRACT: This paper studies the behavior of a building gypsum matrix to which have been added Construction and Demolition waste (CDW), residues of extruded polystyrene (XPS) and ceramic waste respectively, and combined in different percentages depending on the weight of gypsum. XPS waste are the product of a work in Madrid where the material was used as thermal insulation and ceramic waste correspond to pieces of rough bricks found in a paralyzed work in the city of Avila. Specimens were prepared with percentages up to 3% of XPS and up to 50% depending on the weight ceramic gypsum used as reference samples were prepared without addition of CDW. They were tested in laboratory and determined the physical and mechanical characteristics thereof. After a comparative analysis they show that the addition of ceramic waste and waste XPS decreases together dry material density and water absorption by capillary action, in some cases the thermal conductivity decreases and increases surface hardness.
En esta tesis se estudia cómo lograr el equilibrio entre dos fenómenos naturales que afectan a los huecos de fachadas: la iluminación natural y la ganancia solar. Es decir, el cómo, conseguir la optimización de la iluminación natural que se introduce a través de las ventanas existentes, sin realizar una laboriosa intervención de sustitución de las mismas y el cómo, conseguir la protección de la radiación solar directa de la zona acristalada, para evitar tanto las ganancias térmicas innecesarias como el deslumbramiento que afecta a la calidad lumínica de los recintos. Para el desarrollo esta investigación se ha propuesto una metodología de estudio dividida en dos fases: La primera, de Análisis y Diagnóstico, en la que se han de definir los estándares a cumplir y las variables con las que se evaluarán las bandejas. Y, la segunda, de Evaluación y Comprobación en la que se han de establecer los criterios de valoración y ponderación de cada variable. En la primera fase, se definirán las variables físico-ambientales, para lo que se seleccionarán algunas ciudades a estudiar, a las cuales se les estudiará las necesidades de confort térmico, se determinarán las dimensiones que deben tener las protecciones solares en esas ciudades, además se determinarán las actuaciones a realizar en los huecos de fachada según sea su posición en el plano vertical de la misma. Así mismo, se plantea hacer un análisis de casos reales, para lo que se caracterizarán desde el punto de vista lumínico algunas viviendas, realizando medidas “in situ” y comparando resultados con los que se obtienen de los programas de simulación, para seleccionar las viviendas en las que la realidad y la simulación se aproximen más, una de estas viviendas servirá de modelo en las simulaciones que se realizará en la segunda fase. También, en esta primera fase, mediante un modelo neutro, se estudiará el comportamiento térmico y lumínico del tamaño del hueco en el que se insertará la bandeja posteriormente, para luego estudiar la posición de la bandeja en el plano vertical de la ventana, desde el punto de vista ergonómico. Y finalmente se estudiará, el comportamiento térmico y lumínico del modelo con la bandeja ubicada a 40, 50 y 60cm del techo. En la segunda fase, se establecerá la valoración y ponderación de las variables con las que seleccionar la bandeja que mejor equilibre los aspectos térmicos y lumínicos, teniendo en cuenta estrategias pasivas de acondicionamiento ambiental, como favorecer las ganancias solares en invierno en horas diurnas y evitar las pérdidas de calor en horas nocturnas; y en verano implementar sistemas de sombreamiento en la zona acristalada para evitar las ganancias de calor; y, tanto en verano como en invierno, aprovechar la iluminación natural, para favorecer la iluminancia útil y evitar el deslumbramiento. Una vez definidos los criterios de valoración y ponderación se aplicará a la evaluación térmica y lumínica del modelo neutro con la bandeja, consiguiendo seleccionar la bandeja con mejor comportamiento. Posteriormente se comprobará la metodología de estudio desarrollada en el modelo seleccionado, se evaluará el comportamiento térmico y lumínico, con la incorporación de algunas alternativas de bandeja. Con esta investigación se quiere demostrar que mediante la aplicación de esta metodología de estudio, es posible evaluar y seleccionar bandejas que respondan a las necesidades requeridas en distintos casos de estudio, por lo que se considera que, la bandeja puede ser un elemento arquitectónico aplicable tanto en rehabilitación como en nueva construcción, de espacios en los que sea necesario mejorar sus condiciones lumínicas y térmicas simultáneamente. ABSTRACT This thesis studies how to balance two natural events that affect the window opening of facades: daylighting and solar gain. That is to say, how to achieve optimization of natural light that gets in through the existing windows, without making a laborious intervention of replacing them and how to get protection from direct solar radiation from the glass area, to avoid unnecessary heat gain and glare affecting the light quality of the enclosures. To develop this research, it has been proposed a methodology of study divided into two phases: First phase, Analysis and Diagnostics, in which the variables with which the light shelf are evaluated will be defined along with the standards the light shelves will meet. The second phase, Assessment and Verification, in which the assessment criteria and weighting of each variable will be established. In the first phase, the physical and environmental variables shall be defined, various cities will be selected to be studied, and in each the needs of thermal comfort will be determined along with the dimensions of shading devices in the cities. In addition the actions to be taken in the window opening of the façade will be determined, depending on their position in the vertical plane. An analysis of real cases will be undertaken, which will be characterized from the luminous point of view, performing "in situ" measurements and comparing results with those obtained from simulation programs, to select places/dwellings where reality and simulation are closer, one of these places/dwellings will be a model, in the simulations to perform at the second phase. Also, in this first phase, by a neutral model, the thermal and light behavior of the size of the window opening will be studied, in which the light shelf is inserted later, the position of the light shelf in the vertical plane of the window is studied, from an ergonomic point of view. And finally to study the thermal and light behavior of the model with the light shelf located at 40, 50 and 60cm from the ceiling. In the second phase, the evaluation and weighting of the variables will be established selecting the light shelf that best balances the thermal and daylighting aspects, taking into account passive environmental conditioning strategies; such as getting solar gains in winter during daylight hours, and preventing heat loss during the night hours; and in summer implementing shading systems in the glazing area to avoid heat gains. And in both summer and winter, taking advantage of natural lighting, to improve useful illuminance and avoid glare. Once defined, the evaluation criteria and weighting will be applied to thermal and daylighting evaluation to the neutral model with the light shelf, the best performing light shelf will be selected. The study methodology developed in the selected model will be verified the thermal and daylighting performance with the addition of some light shelf alternative will also be studied. With this research, we want to show that by applying this study methodology it is possible to evaluate and select the light shelf that meets the needs required in different case studies, so it is considered that the light shelf may be an applicable architectural element in both refurbishment and new construction of spaces where necessary to improve their daylighting and thermal conditions simultaneously.
Nesta Tese foram preparados, em solução, filmes híbridos de argila e poliestireno provenientes de copos descartáveis comercializados no mercado brasileiro, com acetato de etila e glicerol. Posteriormente, foi adicionado o Hemi-hidrato de sulfato de cálcio como carga de reforço. Tanto a argila quanto o glicerol, assim como o hemihidrato de sulfato de cálcio, foram utilizados nos percentuais relativos à massa do poliestireno fragmentado correspondendo a 1%,2%, 3%,4%, 5% e 7%. Dos filmes, nos percentuais 3, 4, 5 e 7, exclui-se o percentual de 4% e os demais foram fragmentados e submetidos a extrusão, com resfriamento natural, à seco, produzindo-se grãos com os quais foi avaliado o índice de fluidez e injetados para a moldagem de corpos de prova rígidos. O desempenho dos corpos rígidos, foi comparado com os resultados do HIPS 484, e o GPPS comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Os filmes foram caracterizados por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), além dos testes de resistência à tração, fluorescência de raios X, EDS e FTIR. Amostra do filme, ultrafino, obtido a partir da solução com o percentual de 5% foi observada ao microscópio ótico e no microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, assim como amostras de corpos rígidos microtomizadas. Nos corpos rígidos, além das análises instrumentais citadas, foram avaliadas a resistência à flexão, modulo de flexão, resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto Izod. O desempenho sob chama foi avaliado em amostras de filme e também do corpo rígido. Resultados do DRX, e da MET foram coerentes com a bibliografia para nanocompósitos argila-polímero e, associado às respostas dos demais ensaios, indicaram um material de boa qualidade morfológica e boas propriedades mecânicas comparadas ao HIPS 484 e ao GPPS. Sob a chama o material produzido apresentou maior resistência à queima avaliado pela quantidade aparente de material residual para um mesmo tempo sob fogo. Constatou-se, também, uma boa dispersão das cargas na matriz polimérica, assim como uma adequada interação entre os elementos orgânicos e inorgânicos do material, a delaminação parcial da argila e quebra da estrutura do hemi-hidrato. Isto resultou em um bom desempenho mecânico e térmico do compósito que pode ser atribuído, tanto a uma forte influência dos íons metálicos presentes nas cargas inorgânicas, quanto às adições presentes na formulação dos copos descartáveis.
Actually, Brazil is one of the larger fruit producer worldwide, with most of its production being consumed in nature way or either as juice or pulp. It is important to highlig ht in the fruit productive chain there are a lot lose due mainly to climate reasons, as well as storage, transportation, season, market, etc. It is known that in the pulp and fruit processing industy a yield of 50% (in mass) is usually obtained, with the other part discarded as waste. However, since most this waste has a high nutrient content it can be used to generate added - value products. In this case, drying plays an important role as an alternative process in order to improve these wastes generated by the fruit industry. However, despite the advantage of using this technique in order to improve such wastes, issues as a higher power demand as well as the thermal efficiency limitation should be addressed. Therefore, the control of the main variables in t his drying process is quite important in order to obtain operational conditions to produce a final product with the target specification as well as with a lower power cost. M athematical models can be applied to this process as a tool in order to optimize t he best conditions. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the drying behaviour of a guava industrial pulp waste using a batch system with a convective - tray dryer both experimentally and using mathematical modeling. In the experimental study , the dryin g carried out using a group of trays as well as the power consume were assayed as response to the effects of operational conditions (temperature, drying air flow rate and solid mass). Obtained results allowed observing the most significant variables in the process. On the other hand, the phenomenological mathematical model was validated and allowed to follow the moisture profile as well as the temperature in the solid and gas phases in every tray. Simulation results showed the most favorable procedure to o btain the minimum processing time as well as the lower power demand.
Con la evaluación de la producción de pintura a partir de los residuos de poliestireno expandido (EPS) utilizando un solvente amigable con el ambiente, se pretende dar uso post industrial a los desechos de poliestireno expandido que cada vez se acumulan más en los rellenos sanitarios, lo que genera un descontento debido a su volumen -- Además de darle un trato más amigable a la fabricación de pintura buscando un solvente que no resulte tan tóxico para el trato humano y para el ambiente -- El desarrollo del proyecto se lleva a cabo planteando una metodología de investigación que sugiere inicialmente pruebas de caracterización al residuo de poliestireno expandido, que permiten saber características propias del material -- Luego de esto, se realiza un diseño de experimentos multifactorial con dos factores y tres niveles, donde se analiza el efecto de la temperatura en la fase de mezclado y la relación que tiene la concentración de poliestireno expandido como vehículo en la elaboración de pintura -- En el diseño se evalúan cuatro variables de respuesta: adhesión, viscosidad, tiempo de secado y poder de cubrimiento, comparando luego estas mismas propiedades con las realizadas en una pintura comercial -- El estudio muestra un alto grado de influencia de la concentración de poliestireno expandido sobre las propiedades de la pintura obtenida, mejorando cada una de ellas a medida que se aumenta la cantidad de poliestireno expandido -- Se observó también que la temperatura influyó en el tiempo de secado, es decir a mayor temperatura en la fase de mezclado mayor fue el tiempo que se demoró la pintura en secar -- Por último, al comparar el producto obtenido con uno comercial, se encuentra que el producto obtenido tiene menor tiempo de secado, una adhesión similar, posee mayor poder de cobertura y una viscosidad más alta, además de ser una pintura no toxica y amigable con el ambiente
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the hypothesis that the M. amazonicum prawns accept feeding in trays. Six ponds were stocked with 10 juveniles II (1.2 +/- 0.7 g) per m(2) in 02/14/2003. An entirely randomized experimental design with 2 treatments (feeding in trays or feeding to the throw) and 3 replicates was used. Prawn average weight, survival, productivity, and physical and chemical variables of the water were compared between treatments using "t" test of Student. Average weight, survival and productivity were, respectively, 7.2 +/- 0.3 g, 46.8 +/- 7.8% and 335 +/- 45 kg/ha in feeding tray treatment and 6.8 +/- 0.1 g, 85.8 +/- 5.2% and 586 +/- 42 kg/ha in feed to the throw treatment. Survival and productivity differed significantly (p<0.5), while that average weight didn't differ significantly. M. amazonicum needs to use further number of trays per area, possibly due to territorial and aggressive behavior.