198 resultados para baits


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For an adequate management program of urban ants, knowledge on their biology is required, with the aim of detecting and exploring their vulnerabilities. This type of information has been used in the manufacture of baits, which must show, among other characteristics, attractiveness to several species to be considered efficient and economically viable. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate in the laboratory the attractiveness of sweet and fatty substances to Camponotus vittatus, trying to find which substances would be more efficient to be introduced as the attractive component in baits. Five colonies, 68 sweet substances and 23 fatty substances were utilized in the laboratory trials. The most attractive sweet and fatty substances, were, respectively, 75% demerara sugar and vegetable fat. When substances of both natures were tested together, sweet substances presented slightly higher attractive indexes than oily substances.


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the habitat fragmentation on the Ant Fauna in an urban fragment of Semideciduous Seasonal Atlantic Forest located in the municipality of Marilia, São Paulo, Brazil. The studied fragment was divided into three environments in relation to edge: "Edge" (2m), "Transition" (30m) and "Interior" (90m). By using pitfalls traps and attractive baits there were done nine samples between November 2007 and February 2008. There were collected 3.873 individuals distributed into five subfamilies, 19 genera and 33 species. Five species were abundant on three studied environments: Ectatomma sp1, Mycocepurus goeldii, Paratrechina sp1, Pheidole sp2, Trachymyrmex sp1, Wasmannia auropunctata. The edge and transition environments presented the lower Simpsons diversity index and higher species dominance. However, it was observed little variation between these parameters between environments. Faunistic similarity between environments, expressed by Jaccard's similarity index showed high similarity between all studied environments. Because the studied site is an urban fragment, the similarity found between these areas can be related to habitat fragmentation process, an historical of constant anthropic perturbation and low local colonization rates. However, we suggest that a posteriori evaluation should be done with other arthropods groups like spiders and beetles in due to understand the changes that occur in urban fragments and support the choice of conservation and management actions in favor of this important forest remnant localized in urban area of Marilia, São Paulo, Brazil.


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Patterns of dietary and foraging strata utilization by the ground ant community of a Brazilian cocoa planatation were examined using sugar, meat and flour baits on the surface as well as buried. A total of 49 ant species was recorded, including 10 species of Pheidole. Strong dominance was exercised by Solenopsis geminata at both surface and subterranean strata, and at all food resources. The dissimilarity matrix of the epigaeic ant fauna was much greater than that for the hypogaeic species. At least four guilds were identified: the fungus-growing ants, epigaeic nectivores, epigaeic carnivores, and hypogaeic foragers. Niche breadth reduction, leading to the formation of guilds, permits the coexistence of many species in the this ground ant community from a tropical cocoa plantation. -Authors


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The significance of recruitment systems for community structure of epigaeic ants in a tropical upland forest in southern Brazil was evaluated by examining patterns of spatial occurrence at fixed points. Normal exploratory activity was evaluated with pitfall traps, while the effect of recruitment and diet was evaluated by using honey and sardine baits at the same points. Through techniques developed for environmental impact assessment, the significance of recruitment was evaluated following perturbation, or the placement of bait. Of the 46 species encountered, 15 were sufficiently frequent to study. Of these, only 6 showed significant spatial frequency changes at baits when compared with pitfall trap collections. In one analysis, monthly differences were important for a few smaller species, suggesting thermic limitations, while bait types either increased or decreased spatial point usage. The magnitude of spatial point variation is an index for the strength of recruitment in community organization. Bait types suggest nutritional possibilities of each species. Both recruitment and diet are probably functions of the species composition of the ant community.


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Meat, flour and sugar baits were used on the soil surface and buried to examine species composition of the ant fauna in three separate tropical forests in Brazil, and to control for the effect of the regional faunal pool. Compositional mosaic diversities were comparable among areas, bait types and foraging strata. Mosaic diversity was independent of mean assemblage size. The number of unique species per sampling unit was correlated with mean assemblage size. Canonical correspondence analysis ordered species first by foraging substrate, second by geographic location, and third by diet. The first axis was significantly correlated with mean similarity and affinity. Mean Mahanalobis distances between centroids of groups based upon foraging strata were significantly larger than between localities, indicating local ecological pressures stronger than regional species pool constraints. As most. species foraged in only one stratum in one geographical position and were not omnivorous, the response of species to environmental gradients (continuums) showed a lower coherency with these patterns than did communities, structured around guilds based upon foraging strata and diet.


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The active ingredients used in the formulation of toxic baits for leaf-cutting ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) should possess a delayed action defined as an insecticidal activity whereby worker mortality is ≤15% at 24 hours and ≥90% at 21 days. Serious shortcomings have occurred in the search for new active ingredients, such as the initial selection of fenoxycarb, copper oxychloride and diflubenzuron, compounds considered very promising but whose inefficiency was verified only later, indicating methodological problems. In view of this situation, we developed a classification method for insecticidal activity over time using workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel. The insecticides used were fipronil, sulfluramid GX071HB and sulfluramid GX439, vehicled in an attractive pasty formulation prepared based on citrus pulp. The results obtained were consistent from a toxicological viewpoint and agreed with the literature in terms of the control of colonies. Sulfluramids were found to possess a delayed action at a broad range of concentrations, in agreement with the fact that these substances are highly effective in the control of all leaf-cutting ant species. The smaller range of concentrations of fipronil with delayed action is probably related to its lower efficacy for species more difficult to control such as Atta capiguara (Forti et al. 2003). We discuss the importance of relating behavioral particularities to the specific feeding habits of leaf-cutting ants, with methodological adequacy of the assessment of insecticides aimed at toxic baits.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the microfungi present in young nests of Atta sexdens rubropilosa when the fungus gardens were deprived of worker ants. The results were compared with another study in which worker ants had been killed by using toxic baits, and some species such as Acremonium kiliense, Escovopsis weberi, Moniliella suaveolens and Trichoderma sp. were confirmed among the most common inhabitants of this microenvironment, but differences in composition and proportion of species were observed. The importance and the role of these and other species of fungi within the symbiosis are discussed.


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Toxic baits are the most used control method for leaf-cutting ants due to their high effectiveness and because they are considered the safest for humans. Taking into account that the importance of leaf-cutting ants as pests, knowing the process by which dispersal and worker contamination is achieved becomes essential to understand several aspects about the functioning of a bait-borne AI (active ingredient) used in toxic baits. It has been established that an effective toxic bait should have a delayed- action AI, but its dispersion among the different sizes of workers is unknown. Workers of different sizes are involved in quite different tasks such foraging, cultivation of symbiotic macrofungus or control of deleterious microfungi. Therefore, we prepared a toxic bait containing the delayed-action AI sulfluramid and a dye (Rhodamine B) as an AI tracer in order to study dispersal and contamination in colonies, evaluated at different periods and in relation to different workers' sizes. Both field and laboratory colonies were evaluated. The great level of contamination, about 50% at 24 hours, in all sizes of workers demonstrates that worker contact with toxic bait is intense within this period. The distribution in field and laboratory colonies was similar. This contamination pattern is probably enough to cause the colony to die because of contamination of smaller workers, leading to the loss of control of the aggressive microfungi, which can quickly overgrow the symbiotic fungus culture. The dispersal dynamics of AI in leaf-cutting ant workers is important for investigations on the mode of action of this insecticide in the colony, and as a reference in future studies, such as those attempting to reduce the concentration of AIs in baits to reduce their environmental impact, or for facilitation of new AI screening.


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The subterranean termite Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a pest of major economic importance in urban environments of southeastern Brazil. Compared to using pesticides for termite control, termite bait products target termites more specifically and also address environmental contamination issues. In this point of view, we performed two different bioassays in order to evaluate the efficacy of boric acid and fipronil against different populations of C. gestroi. The results showed that concentrations between 2000 and 3000 ppm of boric acid caused approximately 100 percent mortality in termites. Concentrations between 0.01 and 0.0001 ppm of fipronil resulted in 100% termite mortality after 2 wk exposure. The data displayed a fast mortality of termites contaminated with fipronil, even with small concentrations, and therefore it is not a suitable product to be used in baits against C. gestroi. The present study showed a delayed toxicity of boric acid against the subterranean termite C. gestroi which suggests a need for further field tests.


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The current study compared the toxicity of different concentrations of boric acid in adult workers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with toxicological bioassays, and examining the dose-dependent and time-dependent histopathological changes, of the midgut, Malpighian tubules, and postpharyngeal glands. Our results revealed the importance of conducting toxicological bioassays combined with morphological analyses of the organs of ants chronically exposed to insecticides used in commercial ant baits. In vitro bioassays showed that boric acid significantly decreases the survivorship of workers regardless of concentration, whereas the morphological data suggested progressive dose-dependent and time-dependent changes in the organs examined, which were evident in the midgut. The midgut is the first organ to be affected, followed by the postpharyngeal gland and Malpighian tubules. This sequence is in agreement with the absorption pathway of this chemical compound in the midgut, its transference to the hemolymph, possibly reaching the postpharyngeal glands, and excretion by the Malpighian tubules. These progressive changes might be due to the cumulative and delayed effect of boric acid. Our findings provide important information for the understanding of the action of boric acid in ant baits in direct and indirect target organs. © 2010 Entomological Society of America.


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In addition to feeding on carrion tissues and fluids, social wasps can also prey on immature and adult carrion flies, thereby reducing their populations and retarding the decomposition process of carcasses. In this study, we report on the occurrence and behavior of social wasps attracted to vertebrate carrion. The collections were made monthly from September 2006 to October 2007 in three environments (rural, urban, and forest) in six municipalities of southeast Brazil, using baited bottle traps. We collected Agelaia pallipes (Olivier, 1791) (n = 143), Agelaia vicina (Saussure, 1854) (n = 106), Agelaia multipicta (Haliday, 1836) (n = 18), and Polybia paulista Ihering, 1896 (n = 3). The wasps were observed feeding directly on the baits and preying on adult insects collected in the traps. Bait and habitat associations, temporal variability of social wasps, and possible forensic implications of their actions are discussed. © 2011 Entomological Society of America.


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The leaf-cut ants are important agricultural pest, because they can cause intense defoliation in plants and destroy large areas cultivated. Although there are several works for the control of these insects by examining the toxicity of natural chemical compounds on various species of ants, few are focused on analyses of morphological changes caused in the affected organs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of hydramethylnon on Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers through toxicological bioassays and morphological analysis of the post-pharyngeal glands, midgut, and Malpighian tubules of these ants. Hydramethylnon dissolved either in acetone (HA) or in a mixture of acetone and soy oil (HAO) was added to the artificial diet at a concentration of 200 μg/mL. The workers fed daily with the diet containing hydramethylnon showed higher mortality than the controls, especially when HAO was used. Moreover, light and electron microscopy revealed morphological alterations in the midgut and Malpighian tubules of workers treated with HA, whereas alterations of the post-pharyngeal glands were observed in the HAO-treated group. These results indicated that the presence of soy oil provided an alternate route for the ingestion of the formicide's active ingredient and corroborated previous studies that suggested a role for the post-pharyngeal glands in lipid metabolism. Our findings suggest that the oil may carry hydramethylnon to the gland lumen, resulting in lower quantity of the active ingredient in the intestinal lumen and Malpighian tubules that explains the lower degree of morphological alterations in these structures in the workers treated with HAO. These results may provide insight into the toxicological effects of hydramethylnon on leaf-cutting ants and the use of vegetable oil as an adjuvant in baits to control ants. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)