980 resultados para bacterial proteins


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The plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas brassicacearum forms phenotypic variants in vitro as well as in planta during root colonization under natural conditions. Transcriptome analysis of typical phenotypic variants using microarrays containing coding as well as noncoding DNA fragments showed differential expression of several genes relevant to secondary metabolism and of the small RNA (sRNA) genes rsmX, rsmY, and rsmZ. Naturally occurring mutations in the gacS-gacA system accounted for phenotypic switching, which was characterized by downregulation of antifungal secondary metabolites (2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and cyanide), indoleacetate, exoenzymes (lipase and protease), and three different N-acyl-homoserine lactone molecules. Moreover, in addition to abrogating these biocontrol traits, gacS and gacA mutations resulted in reduced expression of the type VI secretion machinery, alginate biosynthesis, and biofilm formation. In a gacA mutant, the expression of rsmX was completely abolished, unlike that of rsmY and rsmZ. Overexpression of any of the three sRNAs in the gacA mutant overruled the pleiotropic changes and restored the wild-type phenotypes, suggesting functional redundancy of these sRNAs. In conclusion, our data show that phenotypic switching in P. brassicacearum results from mutations in the gacS-gacA system.


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Certain fluorescent pseudomonads can protect plants from soil-borne pathogens, and it is important to understand how these biocontrol agents survive in soil. The persistence of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif under plough pan conditions was assessed in non-sterile soil microcosms by counting total cells (immunofluorescence microscopy), intact cells (BacLight membrane permeability test), viable cells (Kogure's substrate-responsiveness test) and culturable cells (colony counts on selective plates) of the inoculant. Viable but non-culturable cells of CHA0-Rif (106 cells g-1 soil) were found in flooded microcosms amended with fermentable organic matter, in which the soil redox potential was low (plough pan conditions), in agreement with previous observations of plough pan samples from a field inoculated with CHA0-Rif. However, viable but non-culturable cells were not found in unamended flooded, amended unflooded or unamended unflooded (i.e. control) microcosms, suggesting that such cells resulted from exposure of CHA0-Rif to a combination of low redox potential and oxygen limitation in soil. CHA0-Rif is strictly aerobic. Its anaerobic regulator ANR is activated by low oxygen concentrations and it controls production of the biocontrol metabolite hydrogen cyanide under microaerophilic conditions. Under plough pan conditions, an anr-deficient mutant of CHA0-Rif and its complemented derivative displayed the same persistence pattern as CHA0-Rif, indicating that anr was not implicated in the formation of viable but non-culturable cells of this strain at the plough pan.


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In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, cell-cell communication based on N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) signal molecules (termed quorum sensing) is known to control the production of extracellular virulence factors. Hence, in pathogenic interactions with host organisms, the quorum-sensing (QS) machinery can confer a selective advantage on P. aeruginosa. However, as shown by transcriptomic and proteomic studies, many intracellular metabolic functions are also regulated by quorum sensing. Some of these serve to regenerate the AHL precursors methionine and S-adenosyl-methionine and to degrade adenosine via inosine and hypoxanthine. The fact that a significant percentage of clinical and environmental isolates of P. aeruginosa is defective for QS because of mutation in the major QS regulatory gene lasR, raises the question of whether the QS machinery can have a negative impact on the organism's fitness. In vitro, lasR mutants have a higher probability to escape lytic death in stationary phase under alkaline conditions than has the QS-proficient wild type. Similar selective forces might also operate in natural environments.


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In the plant-beneficial soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the production of biocontrol factors (antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes) is controlled at a posttranscriptional level by the GacS/GacA signal transduction pathway involving RNA-binding protein RsmA as a key regulatory element. This protein is assumed to bind to the ribosome-binding site of target mRNAs and to block their translation. RsmA-mediated repression is relieved at the end of exponential growth by two GacS/GacA-controlled regulatory RNAs RsmY and RsmZ, which bind and sequester the RsmA protein. A gene (rsmE) encoding a 64-amino-acid RsmA homolog was identified and characterized in strain CHA0. Overexpression of rsmE strongly reduced the expression of target genes (hcnA, for a hydrogen cyanide synthase subunit; aprA, for the main exoprotease; and phlA, for a component of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthesis). Single null mutations in either rsmA or rsmE resulted in a slight increase in the expression of hcnA, aprA, and phlA. By contrast, an rsmA rsmE double mutation led to strongly increased and advanced expression of these target genes and completely suppressed a gacS mutation. Both the RsmE and RsmA levels increased with increasing cell population densities in strain CHA0; however, the amount of RsmA showed less variability during growth. Expression of rsmE was controlled positively by GacA and negatively by RsmA and RsmE. Mobility shift assays demonstrated specific binding of RsmE to RsmY and RsmZ RNAs. The transcription and stability of both regulatory RNAs were strongly reduced in the rsmA rsmE double mutant. In conclusion, RsmA and RsmE together account for maximal repression in the GacS/GacA cascade of strain CHA0.


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In Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, an antagonist of root-pathogenic fungi, the GacS/GacA two-component system tightly controls the expression of antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes at a posttranscriptional level, involving the RNA-binding protein and global regulator of secondary metabolism RsmA. This protein was purified from P. fluorescens, and RNA bound to it was converted to cDNA, which served as a probe to isolate the corresponding chromosomal locus, rsmZ. This gene encoded a regulatory RNA of 127 nucleotides and a truncated form lacking 35 nucleotides at the 3' end. Expression of rsmZ depended on GacA, increased with increasing population density, and was stimulated by the addition of a solvent-extractable extracellular signal produced by strain CHA0 at the end of exponential growth. This signal appeared to be unrelated to N-acyl-homoserine lactones. A conserved upstream element in the rsmZ promoter, but not the stress sigma factor RpoS, was involved in rsmZ expression. Overexpression of rsmZ effectively suppressed the negative effect of gacS and gacA mutations on target genes, i.e., hcnA (for hydrogen cyanide synthase) and aprA (for the major exoprotease). Mutational inactivation of rsmZ resulted in reduced expression of these target genes in the presence of added signal. Overexpression of rsmA had a similar, albeit stronger negative effect. These results support a model in which GacA upregulates the expression of regulatory RNAs, such as RsmZ of strain CHA0, in response to a bacterial signal. By a titration effect, RsmZ may then alleviate the repressing activity of RsmA on the expression of target mRNAs.


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In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the GacS/GacA two-component system positively controls the quorum-sensing machinery and the expression of extracellular products via two small regulatory RNAs, RsmY and RsmZ. An rsmY rsmZ double mutant and a gacA mutant were similarly impaired in the synthesis of the quorum-sensing signal N-butanoyl-homoserine lactone, the disulfide bond-forming enzyme DsbA, and the exoproducts hydrogen cyanide, pyocyanin, elastase, chitinase (ChiC), and chitin-binding protein (CbpD). Both mutants showed increased swarming ability, azurin release, and early biofilm development.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa undergoes spontaneous mutation that impairs secretion of several extracellular enzymes during extended cultivation in vitro in rich media, as well as during long-term colonization of the cystic fibrosis lung. A frequent type of strong secretion deficiency is caused by inactivation of the quorum-sensing regulatory gene lasR. Here we analyzed a spontaneously emerging subline of strain PAO1 that exhibited moderate secretion deficiency and partial loss of quorum-sensing control. Using generalized transduction, we mapped the secretion defect to the vfr gene, which is known to control positively the expression of the lasR gene and type II secretion of several proteases. We confirmed this secretion defect by sequencing and complementation of the vfr mutation. In a reconstruction experiment conducted with a 1:1 mixture of wild-type strain PAO1 and a vfr mutant of PAO1, we observed that the vfr mutant had a selective advantage over the wild type after growth in static culture for 4 days. Under these conditions, spontaneous vfr emerged in a strain PAO1 population after four growth cycles, and these mutants accounted for more than 40% of the population after seven cycles. These results suggest that partial or complete loss of quorum sensing and secretion can be beneficial to P. aeruginosa under certain environmental conditions.


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Aerobic respiration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves four terminal oxidases belonging to the heme-copper family (that is, three cytochrome c oxidases and one quinol oxidase) plus one copper-independent, cyanide-insensitive quinol oxidase (CIO). The PA0114 gene encoding an SCO1/SenC-type protein, which is known to be important for copper delivery to cytochrome c in yeast, Rhodobacter spp. and Agrobacterium tumefaciens, was found to be important for copper acquisition and aerobic respiration in P. aeruginosa. A PA0114 (senC) mutant grew poorly in low-copper media and had low cytochrome cbb(3)-type oxidase activity, but expressed CIO at increased levels, by comparison with the wild-type PAO1. Addition of copper reversed these phenotypes, suggesting that periplasmic copper capture by the SenC protein helps P. aeruginosa to adapt to copper deprivation.


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The gacA gene of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 codes for a response regulator which, together with the sensor kinase GacS (=LemA), is required for the production of exoenzymes and secondary metabolites involved in biocontrol, including hydrogen cyanide (HCN). A gacA multicopy suppressor was isolated from a cosmid library of strain CHA0 and identified as the infC-rpmI-rplT operon, which encodes the translation initiation factor IF3 and the ribosomal proteins L35 and L20. The efficiency of suppression was about 30%, as determined by the use of a GacA-controlled reporter construct, i.e. a translational hcnA'-'lacZ fusion. Overexpression of the rsmA gene (coding for a global translational repressor) reversed the suppressive effect of the amplified infC operon. This finding suggests that some product(s) of the infC operon can compete with RsmA at the level of translation in P. fluorescens CHA0 and that important biocontrol traits can be regulated at this level.


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A novel two-component system, CbrA-CbrB, was discovered in Pseudomonas aeruginosa; cbrA and cbrB mutants of strain PAO were found to be unable to use several amino acids (such as arginine, histidine and proline), polyamines and agmatine as sole carbon and nitrogen sources. These mutants were also unable to use, or used poorly, many other carbon sources, including mannitol, glucose, pyruvate and citrate. A 7 kb EcoRI fragment carrying the cbrA and cbrB genes was cloned and sequenced. The cbrA and cbrB genes encode a sensor/histidine kinase (Mr 108 379, 983 residues) and a cognate response regulator (Mr 52 254, 478 residues) respectively. The amino-terminal half (490 residues) of CbrA appears to be a sensor membrane domain, as predicted by 12 possible transmembrane helices, whereas the carboxy-terminal part shares homology with the histidine kinases of the NtrB family. The CbrB response regulator shows similarity to the NtrC family members. Complementation and primer extension experiments indicated that cbrA and cbrB are transcribed from separate promoters. In cbrA or cbrB mutants, as well as in the allelic argR9901 and argR9902 mutants, the aot-argR operon was not induced by arginine, indicating an essential role for this two-component system in the expression of the ArgR-dependent catabolic pathways, including the aruCFGDB operon specifying the major aerobic arginine catabolic pathway. The histidine catabolic enzyme histidase was not expressed in cbrAB mutants, even in the presence of histidine. In contrast, proline dehydrogenase, responsible for proline utilization (Pru), was expressed in a cbrB mutant at a level comparable with that of the wild-type strain. When succinate or other C4-dicarboxylates were added to proline medium at 1 mM, the cbrB mutant was restored to a Pru+ phenotype. Such a succinate-dependent Pru+ property was almost abolished by 20 mM ammonia. In conclusion, the CbrA-CbrB system controls the expression of several catabolic pathways and, perhaps together with the NtrB-NtrC system, appears to ensure the intracellular carbon: nitrogen balance in P. aeruginosa.


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The sensor kinase GacS and the response regulator GacA are members of a two-component system that is present in a wide variety of gram-negative bacteria and has been studied mainly in enteric bacteria and fluorescent pseudomonads. The GacS/GacA system controls the production of secondary metabolites and extracellular enzymes involved in pathogenicity to plants and animals, biocontrol of soilborne plant diseases, ecological fitness, or tolerance to stress. A current model proposes that GacS senses a still-unknown signal and activates, via a phosphorelay mechanism, the GacA transcription regulator, which in turn triggers the expression of target genes. The GacS protein belongs to the unorthodox sensor kinases, characterized by an autophosphorylation, a receiver, and an output domain. The periplasmic loop domain of GacS is poorly conserved in diverse bacteria. Thus, a common signal interacting with this domain would be unexpected. Based on a comparison with the transcriptional regulator NarL, a secondary structure can be predicted for the GacA sensor kinases. Certain genes whose expression is regulated by the GacS/GacA system are regulated in parallel by the small RNA binding protein RsmA (CsrA) at a posttranscriptional level. It is suggested that the GacS/GacA system operates a switch between primary and secondary metabolism, with a major involvement of posttranscriptional control mechanisms.


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The anaerobically inducible arcDABC operon encodes the enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Upon induction, the arcAB mRNAs and proteins reach high intracellular levels, because of a strong anaerobically controlled promoter and mRNA processing in arcD, leading to stable downstream transcripts. We explored the usefulness of this system for the construction of expression vectors. The lacZ gene of Escherichia coli was expressed to the highest levels when fused close to the arc promoter. Insertion of lacZ further downstream into arcA or arcB did not stabilize the intrinsically unstable lacZ mRNA. On the contrary, lacZ mRNA appeared to be a vulnerable endonuclease target destabilizing arcAB mRNAs in the 5'-to-3' direction in P. aeruginosa. The native arc promoter was modified for optional expression in the -10 sequence and in the -40 region, which is a binding site for the anaerobic regulator ANR. In P. aeruginosa grown either anaerobically or with oxygen limitation in unshaken cultures, this promoter was stronger than the induced tac promoter. The P. aeruginosa lipAH genes, which encode extracellular lipase and lipase foldase, respectively, were fused directly to the modified arc promoter in an IncQ vector plasmid. Semianaerobic static cultures of P. aeruginosa PAO1 carrying this recombinant plasmid overproduced extracellular lipase 30-fold during stationary phase compared with the production by strain PAO1 without the plasmid. Severe oxygen limitation, in contrast, resulted in poor lipase productivity despite effective induction of the ANR-dependent promoter, suggesting that secretion of active lipase is blocked by the absence of oxygen. In conclusion, the modified arc promoter is useful for driving the expression of cloned genes in P. aeruginosa during oxygen-limited growth and stationary phase.


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Recent publications have demonstrated that the protease caspase-1 is responsible for the processing of pro-interleukin 18 (IL-18) into the active form. Studies on cell lines and murine macrophages have shown that the bacterial invasion factor SipB activates caspase-1, triggering cell death. Thus, we investigated the role of SipB in the activation and release of IL-18 in human alveolar macrophages (AM), which are the first line of defense against inhaled pathogens. Under steady-state conditions, AM are a more important source of IL-18 than are dendritic cells (DC) and monocytes. Cytokine production by AM and DC was compared after both types of cells had been infected with a virulent strain of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and an isogenic sipB mutant, which were used as an infection model. Infection with virulent Salmonella led to marked cell death with features of apoptosis while both intracellular activation and release of IL-18 were demonstrated. In contrast, the sipB mutant did not induce such cell death or the release of active IL-18. The specific caspase-1 inhibitor Ac-YVAD-CMK blocked the early IL-18 release in AM infected with the virulent strain. However, the type of Salmonella infection did not differentially regulate IL-18 gene expression. We concluded that the bacterial virulence factor SipB plays an essential posttranslational role in the intracellular activation of IL-18 and the release of the cytokine in human AM.


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The aim of this study was to identify genes involved in solute and matric stress mitigation in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading Novosphingobium sp. strain LH128. The genes were identified using plasposon mutagenesis and by selection of mutants that showed impaired growth in a medium containing 450 mM NaCl as a solute stress or 10% (wt/vol) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 as a matric stress. Eleven and 14 mutants showed growth impairment when exposed to solute and matric stresses, respectively. The disrupted sequences were mapped on a draft genome sequence of strain LH128, and the corresponding gene functions were predicted. None of them were shared between solute and matric stress-impacted mutants. One NaCl-affected mutant (i.e., NA7E1) with a disruption in a gene encoding a putative outer membrane protein (OpsA) was susceptible to lower NaCl concentrations than the other mutants. The growth of NA7E1 was impacted by other ions and nonionic solutes and by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), suggesting that opsA is involved in osmotic stress mitigation and/or outer membrane stability in strain LH128. NA7E1 was also the only mutant that showed reduced growth and less-efficient phenanthrene degradation in soil compared to the wild type. Moreover, the survival of NA7E1 in soil decreased significantly when the moisture content was decreased but was unaffected when soluble solutes from sandy soil were removed by washing. opsA appears to be important for the survival of strain LH128 in soil, especially in the case of reduced moisture content, probably by mitigating the effects of solute stress and retaining membrane stability.


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Isogenic Staphylococcus aureus strains with different capacities to produce sigma(B) activity were analyzed for their ability to attach to fibrinogen- or fibronectin-coated surfaces or platelet-fibrin clots and to cause endocarditis in rats. In comparison to the sigma(B)-deficient strain, BB255, which harbors an rsbU mutation, both rsbU-complemented and sigma(B)-overproducing derivatives exhibited at least five times greater attachment to fibrinogen- and fibronectin-coated surfaces and showed increased adherence to platelet-fibrin clots. No differences in adherence were seen between BB255 and a DeltarsbUVWsigB isogen. Northern blotting analyses revealed that transcription of clfA, encoding fibrinogen-binding protein clumping factor A, and fnbA, encoding fibronectin-binding protein A, were positively influenced by sigma(B). Sigma(B) overproduction resulted in a statistically significant increase in positive spleen cultures and enhanced bacterial densities in both the aortic vegetations and spleens at 16 h postinoculation. In contrast, at 72 h postinoculation, tissues infected with the sigma(B) overproducer had lower bacterial densities than did those infected with BB255. These results suggest that although sigma(B) appears to increase the adhesion of S. aureus to various host cell-matrix proteins in vitro, it has limited effect on pathogenesis in the rat endocarditis model. Sigma(B) appears to have a transient enhancing effect on bacterial density in the early stages of infection that is lost during progression.