954 resultados para bacterial growth


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During bacterial growth, a cell approximately doubles in size before division, after which it splits into two daughter cells. This process is subjected to the inherent perturbations of cellular noise and thus requires regulation for cell-size homeostasis. The mechanisms underlying the control and dynamics of cell size remain poorly understood owing to the difficulty in sizing individual bacteria over long periods of time in a high-throughput manner. Here we measure and analyse long-term, single-cell growth and division across different Escherichia coli strains and growth conditions. We show that a subset of cells in a population exhibit transient oscillations in cell size with periods that stretch across several (more than ten) generations. Our analysis reveals that a simple law governing cell-size control-a noisy linear map-explains the origins of these cell-size oscillations across all strains. This noisy linear map implements a negative feedback on cell-size control: a cell with a larger initial size tends to divide earlier, whereas one with a smaller initial size tends to divide later. Combining simulations of cell growth and division with experimental data, we demonstrate that this noisy linear map generates transient oscillations, not just in cell size, but also in constitutive gene expression. Our work provides new insights into the dynamics of bacterial cell-size regulation with implications for the physiological processes involved.


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Over 70% of nosocomial infections in the United States are resistant to one or more traditional antibiotics, necessitating research for alternative treatment options. This study aims to chelate gallium (Ga) onto a bacterial siderophore, desferrioxamine (DFO), to retard bacterial growth. By exploiting natural bacterial pathways, metal-siderophore treatments are hypothesized to circumvent traditional resistance mechanisms. Additionally, the GaDFO complex will be tested against several bacterial species to determine the specificity of DFO uptake. This research aims to prove the feasibility of siderophore piracy as an alternative to antibiotics. In showing the feasibility of siderophore piracy mechanisms, this research will enable the development of future avenues for protecting against resistant nosocomial infections.


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The aim of this research was to make the first depth profiles of the microbial assimilation of methanol carbon and its oxidation to carbon dioxide and use as an energy source from the microlayer to 1000 m. Some of the highest reported methanol oxidation rate constants of 0.5–0.6 d−1 were occasionally found in the microlayer and immediately underlying waters (10 cm depth), albeit these samples also showed the greatest heterogeneity compared to other depths down to 1000 m. Methanol uptake into the particulate phase was exceptionally low in microlayer samples, suggesting that any methanol utilised by microbes in this environment is for energy generation. The sea surface microlayer and 10 cm depth also showed a higher proportion of bacteria with a low DNA content, and bacterial leucine uptake rates in surface microlayer samples were either less than or the same as those in the underlying 10 cm layer. The average methanol oxidation and particulate rates were however statistically the same throughout the depths sampled, although the latter were highly variable in the near-surface 0.25–2 m compared to deeper depths. The statistically significant relationship demonstrated between uptake of methanol into particles and bacterial leucine incorporation suggests that many heterotrophic bacteria could be using methanol carbon for cellular growth. On average, methanol bacterial growth efficiency (BGEm) in the top 25 m of the water column is 6% and decreases with depth. Although, for microlayer and 10 cm-depth samples, BGEm is less than the near-surface 25–217 cm, possibly reflecting increased environmental UV stress resulting in increased maintenance costs, i.e. energy required for survival. We conclude that microbial methanol uptake rates, i.e. loss from seawater, are highly variable, particularly close to the seawater surface, which could significantly impact upon seawater concentrations and hence the air–sea flux.


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The aim of this research was to make the first depth profiles of the microbial assimilation of methanol carbon and its oxidation to carbon dioxide and use as an energy source from the microlayer to 1000 m. Some of the highest reported methanol oxidation rate constants of 0.5–0.6 d−1 were occasionally found in the microlayer and immediately underlying waters (10 cm depth), albeit these samples also showed the greatest heterogeneity compared to other depths down to 1000 m. Methanol uptake into the particulate phase was exceptionally low in microlayer samples, suggesting that any methanol utilised by microbes in this environment is for energy generation. The sea surface microlayer and 10 cm depth also showed a higher proportion of bacteria with a low DNA content, and bacterial leucine uptake rates in surface microlayer samples were either less than or the same as those in the underlying 10 cm layer. The average methanol oxidation and particulate rates were however statistically the same throughout the depths sampled, although the latter were highly variable in the near-surface 0.25–2 m compared to deeper depths. The statistically significant relationship demonstrated between uptake of methanol into particles and bacterial leucine incorporation suggests that many heterotrophic bacteria could be using methanol carbon for cellular growth. On average, methanol bacterial growth efficiency (BGEm) in the top 25 m of the water column is 6% and decreases with depth. Although, for microlayer and 10 cm-depth samples, BGEm is less than the near-surface 25–217 cm, possibly reflecting increased environmental UV stress resulting in increased maintenance costs, i.e. energy required for survival. We conclude that microbial methanol uptake rates, i.e. loss from seawater, are highly variable, particularly close to the seawater surface, which could significantly impact upon seawater concentrations and hence the air–sea flux.


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Yeasts and filamentous fungi are beginning to emerge as significant microbial pathogens in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), particularly in relation to allergic-type responses, as seen in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), Aspergillus bronchitis and in invasive fungal disease in lung transplant patients. Four fungal media were compared in this study, including Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Medium B, with and without the addition of selective antibiotics, where antibiotic-supplemented media were designated with (+). These media were compared for their ability to suppress contaminating, mainly Gram-ve pathogens, in CF sputa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia complex [BCC] organisms) and to enhance the growth of fungi present in CF sputum. Medium B consisted of glucose (16.7 g/l), agar (20 g/l), yeast extract (30 g/l) and peptone (6.8 g/l) at pH 6.3 and both SDA(+) and Medium B+ were supplemented with cotrimethoxazole, 128 mg/l; chloramphenicol, 50 mg/l; ceftazidime, 32 mg/l; colistin, 24 mg/l). Employment of SDA(+) or Medium B+ allowed an increase in specificity in the detection of yeasts and moulds, by 42.8% and 39.3%, respectively, over SDA when used solely. SDA(+) had a greater ability than Medium B+ to suppress bacterial growth from predominantly Gram-ve co-colonisers. This is a significant benefit when attempting to detect and isolate fungi from the sputum of CF patients, as it largely suppressed any bacterial growth, with the exception of the BCC organisms, thus allowing for an increased opportunity to detect target fungal organisms in sputum and represented a significant improvement over the commercial medium (SDA), which is currently used. Overall, both novel selective media were superior in their ability to suppress bacteria in comparison with the commercially available SDA medium, which is routinely employed in most clinical microbiology diagnostic laboratories presently. Alternatively, Medium B+ had a great ability to grow fungi than SDA(+) and when employed together, the specificity of combined use was 82%, with a sensitivity for yeasts, filamentous fungi, and combined overall fungi of 96.0%, 92.3% and 96.0%, respectively. Overall, when employing one fungal selective medium for the routine detection of yeasts and filamentous fungi in the sputum of CF patients, we would recommend employment of Medium B+. However, we would recommend the combined employment of SDA(+) and Medium B+, in order to synergistically isolate and detect the greatest number of fungi present in CF sputa. (C) 2008 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Silver coating of catheters has been shown to have inhibitory effects on bacterial growth and adhesion to catheter surfaces. In this study, plasma-modification was used to enhance the adhesion of an electroless silver coating on polyurethane. Both the antibacterial and antiadhesive properties of these coatings were investigated. Bacterial growth was inhibited in cultures exposed to silver-treated polyurethane compared to unmodified polyurethane. Higher growth inhibition was observed for polyurethane surfaces with lower silver coverage. Bacterial adhesion was completely inhibited on all silver-coated surfaces.


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The authors previously reported increased expression of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. typhi) rfaH gene when the bacterial cells reach stationary phase. In this study, using a lacZ fusion to the rfaH promoter region, they demonstrate that growth-dependent regulation of rfaH expression occurs at the level of transcription initiation. It was also observed that production of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen by S. typhi Ty2 correlated with the differential expression of rfaH during bacterial growth. This was probably due to the increased cellular levels of RfaH, since expression of the distal gene in the O-antigen gene cluster of S. typhi Ty2, wbaP, was also increased during stationary growth, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis. Examination of the sequences upstream of the rfaH coding region revealed homologies to potential binding sites for the RcsB/RcsA dimer of the RcsC/YopJ/RcsB phosphorelay regulatory system and for the RpoN alternative sigma factor. The expression of the rfaH gene in rpoN and rcsB mutants of S. typhi Ty2 was measured. The results indicate that inactivation of rpoN, but not of rcsB, suppresses the growth-phase-dependent induction of rfaH expression. Furthermore, production of beta-galactosidase mediated by the rfaH-lacZ fusion increased approximately fourfold when bacteria were grown in a nitrogen-limited medium. Nitrogen limitation was also shown to increase the expression of the O-antigen by the wild-type S. typhi Ty2, as demonstrated by a similar electrophoretic profile to that observed during the stationary phase of growth in rich media. It is therefore concluded that the relationship between LPS production and nitrogen limitation parallels the pattern of rfaH regulation under the control of RpoN and is consistent with the idea that RpoN modulates LPS formation via its effect on rfaH gene expression during bacterial growth.


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We have demonstrated that pure cultures of Bacteroides fragilis can be riboprobed with the oligoprobes BAC303 and EUB338, whilst simultaneously immunolabelled with either the mAb QUBF7, or polyclonal antiserum specific for a common antigen of B. fragilis. We were also able to distinguish between pure cultures of B. fragilis and Escherichia coli, by means of combined immunolabelling and riboprobing. The success of the combined technique is critically dependent on the size of the bacterial capsules, bacterial growth phase, antibody diluent and the length of the washing steps. The combined FISH and immunolabelling of bacteria has potential applications in studies of bacteria of medical and veterinary importance, as well as bacteria from other environments, as it yields information about both the identity and antigen expression of individual bacterial cells.


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Morbidity and mortality have declined only modestly in patients with clinical acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), despite extensive research into the pathophysiology. Current treatment remains primarily supportive with lung-protective ventilation and a fluid conservative strategy. Pharmacologic therapies that reduce the severity of lung injury in preclinical models have not yet been translated to effective clinical treatment options. Consequently, further research in translational therapies is needed. Cell-based therapy with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is one attractive new therapeutic approach. MSCs have the capacity to secrete multiple paracrine factors that can regulate endothelial and epithelial permeability, decrease inflammation, enhance tissue repair, and inhibit bacterial growth. This review will focus on recent studies, which support the potential therapeutic use of MSCs in ALI/ARDS, with an emphasis on the role of paracrine soluble factors.


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Recent in vivo studies indicate that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may have beneficial effects in the treatment of sepsis induced by bacterial infection. Administration of MSCs in these studies improved survival and enhanced bacterial clearance. The primary objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that human MSCs possessed intrinsic antimicrobial properties. We studied the effect of human MSCs derived from bone marrow on the bacterial growth of Gram-negative (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria. MSCs as well as their conditioned medium (CM) demonstrated marked inhibition of bacterial growth in comparison with control medium or normal human lung fibroblasts (NHLF). Analysis of expression of major antimicrobial peptides indicated that one of the factors responsible for the antimicrobial activity of MSC CM against Gram-negative bacteria was the human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, hCAP-18/LL-37. Both m-RNA and protein expression data showed that the expression of LL-37 in MSCs increased after bacterial challenge. Using an in vivo mouse model of E. coli pneumonia, intratracheal administration of MSCs reduced bacterial growth (in colony-forming unit) in the lung homogenates and in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and administration of MSCs simultaneously with a neutralizing antibody to LL-37 resulted in a decrease in bacterial clearance. In addition, the BAL itself from MSC-treated mice had a greater antimicrobial activity in comparison with the BAL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS)-treated mice. Human bone marrow-derived MSCs possess direct antimicrobial activity, which is mediated in part by the secretion of human cathelicidin hCAP-18/ LL-37.


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fA1122 is a T7-related bacteriophage infecting most isolates of Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague, and used by the CDC in the identification of Y. pestis. fA1122 infects Y. pestis grown both at 20 °C and at 37 °C. Wild-type Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains are also infected but only when grown at 37 °C. Since Y. pestis expresses rough lipopolysaccharide (LPS) missing the O-polysaccharide (O-PS) and expression of Y. pseudotuberculosis O-PS is largely suppressed at temperatures above 30 °C, it has been assumed that the phage receptor is rough LPS. We present here several lines of evidence to support this. First, a rough derivative of Y. pseudotuberculosis was also fA1122 sensitive when grown at 22 °C. Second, periodate treatment of bacteria, but not proteinase K treatment, inhibited the phage binding. Third, spontaneous fA1122 receptor mutants of Y. pestis and rough Y. pseudotuberculosis could not be isolated, indicating that the receptor was essential for bacterial growth under the applied experimental conditions. Fourth, heterologous expression of the Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 LPS outer core hexasaccharide in both Y. pestis and rough Y. pseudotuberculosis effectively blocked the phage adsorption. Fifth, a gradual truncation of the core oligosaccharide into the Hep/Glc (L-glycero-D-manno-heptose/D-glucopyranose)-Kdo/Ko (3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid/D-glycero-D-talo-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid) region in a series of LPS mutants was accompanied by a decrease in phage adsorption, and finally, a waaA mutant expressing only lipid A, i.e., also missing the Kdo/Ko region, was fully fA1122 resistant. Our data thus conclusively demonstrated that the fA1122 receptor is the Hep/Glc-Kdo/Ko region of the LPS core, a common structure in Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis.


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O tributilestanho (TBT) é considerado um dos xenobióticos mais tóxicos, produzidos e deliberadamente introduzidos no meio ambiente pelo Homem. Tem sido usado numa variedade de processos industriais e subsequentemente descarregado no meio ambiente. O tempo de meia-vida do TBT em águas marinhas é de várias semanas, mas em condições de anóxia nos sedimentos, pode ser de vários anos, devido à sua degradação mais lenta. Embora o TBT tenha sido descrito como sendo tóxico para eucariotas e procariotas, muitas bactérias podem ser resistentes a este composto. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal elucidar o mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias. Para além disso, pretendeu-se desenvolver um biorepórter para detectar TBT no ambiente. Para atingir estes objetivos foram delineadas várias tarefas cujos principais resultados obtidos se apresentam a seguir. Várias bactérias resistentes ao TBT foram isoladas de sedimento e água do Porto de Pesca Longínqua (PPL) na Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. Entre estas, Aeromonas molluscorum Av27 foi selecionada devido à sua elevada resistência a este composto (concentrações até 3 mM), à sua capacidade de degradar o TBT em compostos menos tóxicos (dibutilestanho, DBT e monobutilestanho, MBT) e também por usar o TBT como fonte de carbono. A. molluscorum Av27 foi caracterizada genotipica e fenotipicamente. Os fatores de virulência estudados mostraram que esta estirpe i) possui atividade lipolítica; ii) não é citotóxica para células de mamíferos, nomeadamente para células Vero; iii) não possui integrões de classe I e II e iv) possui cinco plasmídeos com aproximadamente 4 kb, 7 kb, 10 kb, 100 kb e mais de 100 kb. Estes resultados mostraram que a estirpe Av27 não é tóxica, aumentando assim o interesse nesta bactéria para futuras aplicações, nomeadamente na bioremediação. Os testes de toxicidade ao TBT mostraram que este composto tem um impacto negativo no crescimento desta estirpe, bem como, na densidade, no tamanho e na atividade metabólica das células e é responsável pela formação de agregados celulares. Assim, o TBT mostrou ser bastante tóxico para as bactérias interferindo com a atividade celular geral. O gene Av27-sugE, que codifica a proteína SugE pertencente à família das “small multidrug resistance proteins” (SMR), foi identificado como estando envolvido na resistência ao TBT nesta estirpe. Este gene mostrou ser sobreexpresso quando as células crescem na presença de TBT. O promotor do gene Av27-sugE foi utilizado para construir um bioreporter para detetar TBT, contendo o gene da luciferase do pirilampo como gene repórter. O biorepórter obtido reúne as características mais importantes de um bom biorepórter: sensibilidade (intervalo de limite de detecção de 1-1000 nM), rapidez (3 h são suficientes para a deteção de sinal) e, possivelmente, não é invasivo (pois foi construído numa bactéria ambiental). Usando sedimento recolhido no Porto de Pesca Longínqua da Ria de Aveiro, foi preparada uma experiência de microcosmos com o intuito de avaliar a capacidade de Av27 para bioremediar o TBT, isoladamente ou em associação com a comunidade bacteriana indígena. A análise das amostras de microcosmos por PCR-DGGE e de bibliotecas de 16S rDNA revelaram que a comunidade bacteriana é relativamente estável ao longo do tempo, mesmo quando Av27 é inoculada no sedimento. Para além disso, o sedimento estuarino demonstrou ser dominado por bactérias pertencentes ao filo Proteobacteria (sendo mais abundante as Delta e Gammaproteobacteria) e Bacteroidetes. Ainda, cerca de 13% dos clones bacterianos não revelaram nenhuma semelhança com qualquer dos filos já definidos e quase 100% afiliou com bactérias não cultiváveis do sedimento. No momento da conclusão desta tese, os resultados da análise química de compostos organoestânicos não estavam disponíveis, e por essa razão não foi possível tirar quaisquer conclusões sobre a capacidade desta bactéria remediar o TBT em sedimentos. Esses resultados irão ajudar a esclarecer o papel de A. molluscorum Av27 na remediação de TBT. Recentemente, a capacidade da estirpe Av27 remediar solo contaminado com TBT foi confirmada em bioensaios realizados com plantas, Brassica rapa e Triticum aestivum (Silva 2011a), e também com invertebrados Porcellionides pruinosus (Silva 2011B). Assim, poder-se-á esperar que a bioremediação do sedimento na experiência de microcosmos também tenha ocorrido. No entanto, só a análise química dos compostos organostânicos deverá ser conclusiva. Devido à dificuldade em realizar a análise analítica de organoestânicos, um método de bioensaio fácil, rápido e barato foi adaptado para avaliar a toxicidade do TBT em laboratório, antes de se proceder à análise química das amostras. O método provou a sua utilidade, embora tenha mostrado pouca sensibilidade quando se usam concentrações de TBT baixas. Em geral, os resultados obtidos contribuíram para um melhor entendimento do mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias e mostraram o potencial biotecnológico de A. molluscorum Av27, nomeadamente, no que refere à sua possível aplicação na descontaminação de TBT no ambiente e também no desenvolvimento de biorepórteres.


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The management of wound bioburden has previously been evaluated using various antimicrobial wound dressings on bacterial pathogens isolated from various wounds. In this present study, the antimicrobial effect of silver-impregnated dressings (Acticoat and Silvercel) and honey-impregnated dressing (Medihoney™ Apinate) on both planktonic bacteria and quasi-biofilms by Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus mirabilis were assessed using a 6-well plate and standard agar technique. In the 6-well plate assay, a bacterial suspension of 108 colony forming unit (CFU)/mL was inoculated on each dressing in excess Luria-Bertani broth and incubated at 35 – 37°C for 30 and 60 minutes and 24 hours. After each incubation time, bacteria were recovered in sodium thioglycolate solution (STS) and the CFU/mL determined on LB agar. Dressings were cut into circular shapes (2cm diameter and placed on Mueller Hinton agar plates pre-inoculated with bacterial suspensions to determine their zones of inhibition (ZOI) after 24 hours incubation. None of the dressings was effective to significantly inhibit bacterial growth or biofilm formation at all the times tested. Acticoat and Medihoney™ Apinate produced ZOIs between 1.5 – 15 mm against both Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus mirabilis. It is possible that, dressings augmented with antibiotics can significantly reduce quasi-biofilms on standard agar.


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The role of bacterial communication, also known as quorum sensing is an important mechanism in biofilm formation which is fundamental to the development of anti-biofilm strategies. In this current study, the synergy between a quorum sensing inhibitor (cinnamaldehyde) and two antibiotics (ceftazidime and levofloxacin) was evaluated in an attempt to develop a strategy for biofilm disruption using the high-throughput minimum biofilm eliminating concentration (MBEC) assay. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis biofilms of initial broth suspensions of 108 colony forming units (CFU) per mL, cultivated on the pegs of the MBEC device were challenged with 5120 µg/ml of ceftazidime and levofloxacin in a double dilution assay in the presence of 500 µM cinnamaldehyde. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) in the presence of cinnamaldehyde for ceftazidime and levofloxacin were 0.125% (640 µg/mL) and 0.0625% (320 µg/mL) respectively with no significant bacterial growth on LB agar. The MBECs for ceftazidime and levofloxacin were above 5120 and 2560 µg/mL respectively which yielded over 70% reduction in both Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis biofilms. The above results indicate the possibility that the synergy between antimicrobial agents may lead to biofilm eradication.


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Os Líquidos Iónicos (LIs) são sais orgânicos constituídos exclusivamente por iões e possuem pontos de fusão inferiores a 100ºC. As suas propriedades únicas e o facto de ser possível ajustar as suas propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas, de acordo com o objetivo pretendido, tornam esta classe de compostos, um grande objeto de estudo de inúmeros investigadores. Desde os inícios da sua aplicação até à atualidade, a investigação nesta área expandiu o seu raio de ação, estando já descrito o seu potencial como agentes antimicrobianos e, mais recentemente, como compostos farmacêuticos ativos. Atualmente muitas das suas aplicações são baseadas nas suas propriedades biológicas. Esta Tese teve como objetivo avaliar a influência que os LIs podem exercer a nível do crescimento bacteriano e estudar alternativas de combater a resistência bacteriana. Todos os LIs utilizados neste trabalho tinham como anião o ácido valpróico, sendo utilizados catiões orgânicos de amónio e de imidazólio. Foram utilizadas 4 bactérias e avaliou-se a atividade biológica e a respetiva taxa de crescimento. O estudo da sua atividade biológica foi feito através da determinação da Concentração Mínima Inibitória (CMI) e a análise das suas curvas de crescimentos na presença e ausência de composto. Com este trabalho foi possível verificar que dentro dos compostos em estudo, LIs derivados do valproato, o Valproato com o cetilperidínio [valp] [cetylpir] foi o que influenciou o crescimento de todas as bactérias estudadas. Este estudo demonstrou o potencial antibacteriano de alguns compostos, podendo desta forma vir a ser utilizados para fins farmacêuticos