986 resultados para atmospheric trace gases
On the time scale of a century, the Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) is sensitive to the global surface salinity distribution. The advection of salinity toward the deep convection sites of the North Atlantic is one of the driving mechanisms for the THC. There is both a northward and a southward contributions. The northward salinity advection (Nsa) is related to the evaporation in the subtropics, and contributes to increased salinity in the convection sites. The southward salinity advection (Ssa) is related to the Arctic freshwater forcing and tends on the contrary to diminish salinity in the convection sites. The THC changes results from a delicate balance between these opposing mechanisms. In this study we evaluate these two effects using the IPSL-CM4 ocean-atmosphere-sea-ice coupled model (used for IPCC AR4). Perturbation experiments have been integrated for 100 years under modern insolation and trace gases. River runoff and evaporation minus precipitation are successively set to zero for the ocean during the coupling procedure. This allows the effect of processes Nsa and Ssa to be estimated with their specific time scales. It is shown that the convection sites in the North Atlantic exhibit various sensitivities to these processes. The Labrador Sea exhibits a dominant sensitivity to local forcing and Ssa with a typical time scale of 10 years, whereas the Irminger Sea is mostly sensitive to Nsa with a 15 year time scale. The GIN Seas respond to both effects with a time scale of 10 years for Ssa and 20 years for Nsa. It is concluded that, in the IPSL-CM4, the global freshwater forcing damps the THC on centennial time scales.
This conference, held 14-18 September 1981, addressed many aspects of high resolution molecular spectroscopy. Measurement techniques for remotely identifying trace gases in the atmosphere were discussed. Instrumentation for highly accurate and precise measurement of molecular emissions were described. The objective of the colloquium was to bring together molecular spectroscopists working in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum from the ultraviolet to radio frequencies. These scientists shared a common interest in high resolution gas phase spectra and their analyses. The objective was met through the presentation of about 20 invited papers and many more contributed papers.
A number of transient climate runs simulating the last 120kyr have been carried out using FAMOUS, a fast atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). This is the first time such experiments have been done with a full AOGCM, providing a three-dimensional simulation of both atmosphere and ocean over this period. Our simulation thus includes internally generated temporal variability over periods from days to millennia, and physical, detailed representations of important processes such as clouds and precipitation. Although the model is fast, computational restrictions mean that the rate of change of the forcings has been increased by a factor of 10, making each experiment 12kyr long. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs), northern hemisphere ice sheets and variations in solar radiation arising from changes in the Earth's orbit are treated as forcing factors, and are applied either separately or combined in different experiments. The long-term temperature changes on Antarctica match well with reconstructions derived from ice-core data, as does variability on timescales longer than 10 kyr. Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) cooling on Greenland is reasonably well simulated, although our simulations, which lack ice-sheet meltwater forcing, do not reproduce the abrupt, millennial scale climate shifts seen in northern hemisphere climate proxies or their slower southern hemisphere counterparts. The spatial pattern of sea surface cooling at the LGM matches proxy reconstructions reasonably well. There is significant anti-correlated variability in the strengths of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) on timescales greater than 10kyr in our experiments. We find that GHG forcing weakens the AMOC and strengthens the ACC, whilst the presence of northern hemisphere ice-sheets strengthens the AMOC and weakens the ACC. The structure of the AMOC at the LGM is found to be sensitive to the details of the ice-sheet reconstruction used. The precessional component of the orbital forcing induces ~20kyr oscillations in the AMOC and ACC, whose amplitude is mediated by changes in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. These forcing influences combine, to first order, in a linear fashion to produce the mean climate and ocean variability seen in the run with all forcings.
Climate models provide compelling evidence that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at present rates, then key global temperature thresholds (such as the European Union limit of two degrees of warming since pre-industrial times) are very likely to be crossed in the next few decades. However, there is relatively little attention paid to whether, should a dangerous temperature level be exceeded, it is feasible for the global temperature to then return to safer levels in a usefully short time. We focus on the timescales needed to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases and associated temperatures back below potentially dangerous thresholds, using a state-of-the-art general circulation model. This analysis is extended with a simple climate model to provide uncertainty bounds. We find that even for very large reductions in emissions, temperature reduction is likely to occur at a low rate. Policy-makers need to consider such very long recovery timescales implicit in the Earth system when formulating future emission pathways that have the potential to 'overshoot' particular atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and, more importantly, related temperature levels that might be considered dangerous.
The turbulent mixing in thin ocean surface boundary layers (OSBL), which occupy the upper 100 m or so of the ocean, control the exchange of heat and trace gases between the atmosphere and ocean. Here we show that current parameterizations of this turbulent mixing lead to systematic and substantial errors in the depth of the OSBL in global climate models, which then leads to biases in sea surface temperature. One reason, we argue, is that current parameterizations are missing key surface-wave processes that force Langmuir turbulence that deepens the OSBL more rapidly than steady wind forcing. Scaling arguments are presented to identify two dimensionless parameters that measure the importance of wave forcing against wind forcing, and against buoyancy forcing. A global perspective on the occurrence of waveforced turbulence is developed using re-analysis data to compute these parameters globally. The diagnostic study developed here suggests that turbulent energy available for mixing the OSBL is under-estimated without forcing by surface waves. Wave-forcing and hence Langmuir turbulence could be important over wide areas of the ocean and in all seasons in the Southern Ocean. We conclude that surfacewave- forced Langmuir turbulence is an important process in the OSBL that requires parameterization.
From the concentrations of dissolved atmospheric noble gases in water, a so-called “noble gas temperature” (NGT) can be determined that corresponds to the temperature of the water when it was last in contact with the atmosphere. Here we demonstrate that the NGT concept is applicable to water inclusions in cave stalagmites, and yields NGTs that are in good agreement with the ambient air temperatures in the caves. We analysed samples from two Holocene and one undated stalagmite. The three stalagmites originate from three caves located in different climatic regions having modern mean annual air temperatures of 27 °C, 12 °C and 8 °C, respectively. In about half of the samples analysed Kr and Xe concentrations originated entirely from the two well-defined noble gas components air-saturated water and atmospheric air, which allowed NGTs to be determined successfully from Kr and Xe concentrations. One stalagmite seems to be particularly suitable for NGT determination, as almost all of its samples yielded the modern cave temperature. Notably, this stalagmite contains a high proportion of primary water inclusions, which seem to preserve the temperature-dependent signature well in their Kr and Xe concentrations. In future work on stalagmites detailed microscopic inspection of the fluid inclusions prior to noble gas analysis is therefore likely to be crucial in increasing the number of successful NGT determinations.
Large changes in the extent of northern subtropical arid regions during the Holocene are attributed to orbitally forced variations in monsoon strength and have been implicated in the regulation of atmospheric trace gas concentrations on millenial timescales. Models that omit biogeophysical feedback, however, are unable to account for the full magnitude of African monsoon amplification and extension during the early to middle Holocene (˜9500–5000 years B.P.). A data set describing land-surface conditions 6000 years B.P. on a 1° × 1° grid across northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula has been prepared from published maps and other sources of palaeoenvironmental data, with the primary aim of providing a realistic lower boundary condition for atmospheric general circulation model experiments similar to those performed in the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project. The data set includes information on the percentage of each grid cell occupied by specific vegetation types (steppe, savanna, xerophytic woods/scrub, tropical deciduous forest, and tropical montane evergreen forest), open water (lakes), and wetlands, plus information on the flow direction of major drainage channels for use in large-scale palaeohydrological modeling.
During the winter of 2013/14, much of the UK experienced repeated intense rainfall events and flooding. This had a considerable impact on property and transport infrastructure. A key question is whether the burning of fossil fuels is changing the frequency of extremes, and if so to what extent. We assess the scale of the winter flooding before reviewing a broad range of Earth system drivers affecting UK rainfall. Some drivers can be potentially disregarded for these specific storms whereas others are likely to have increased their risk of occurrence. We discuss the requirements of hydrological models to transform rainfall into river flows and flooding. To determine any general changing flood risk, we argue that accurate modelling needs to capture evolving understanding of UK rainfall interactions with a broad set of factors. This includes changes to multiscale atmospheric, oceanic, solar and sea-ice features, and land-use and demographics. Ensembles of such model simulations may be needed to build probability distributions of extremes for both pre-industrial and contemporary concentration levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases.
A recent temperature reconstruction of global annual temperature shows Early Holocene warmth followed by a cooling trend through the Middle to Late Holocene [Marcott SA, et al., 2013, Science 339(6124):1198–1201]. This global cooling is puzzling because it is opposite from the expected and simulated global warming trend due to the retreating ice sheets and rising atmospheric greenhouse gases. Our critical reexamination of this contradiction between the reconstructed cooling and the simulated warming points to potentially significant biases in both the seasonality of the proxy reconstruction and the climate sensitivity of current climate models.
This paper presents a novel extraction device for water and noble gases from speleothem samples for noble gas paleotemperature determination. The “combined vacuum crushing and sieving (CVCS) system” was designed to reduce the atmospheric noble gas contents from air inclusions in speleothem samples by up to 2 orders of magnitude without adsorbing atmospheric noble gases onto the freshly produced grain surfaces, a process that had often hampered noble gas temperature (NGT) determination in the past. We also present the results from first performance tests of the CVCS system processing stalagmite samples grown at a known temperature. This temperature is reliably reproduced by the NGTs derived from Ar, Kr, and Xe extracted from the samples. The CVCS system is, therefore, suitable for routine determinations of accurate NGTs. In combination with stalagmite dating, these NGTs will allow reconstructing past regional temperature evolutions, and also support the interpretation of the often complex stable isotope records preserved in the stalagmites' calcite.
Thin films of Ga1-xMnxN have great interest in its potential for control of electron spin (spintronics), in most cases this material is synthesized by techniques that have a high degree of control the deposition parameters, such as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and deposition of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The sputtering technique is an alternative route to produce such materials. Here we study the film deposition Ga1-xMnxN by reactive sputtering technique and apply enhancements such as a glove box, a residual gas analyzer and temperature control system, in order to growth films epitaxially using an analysis of the preconditions of films analyzed by spectroscopic techniques and microscopic. These procedures helped to improve the technique of deposition by cleaning substrates in an inert environment, and by the analysis of trace gases and heating the substrate holder as explained in the literature. Through the applications and comparisons it can be pointed out that the technique has the advantage of its simplicity and relatively low cost compared to MBE and MOCVD, but produces polycrystalline material
The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a long-term (20 years) research effort aimed at the understanding of the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem. The strong biosphere-atmosphere interaction is a key component of the ecosystem functioning. Two aerosol components are the most visible: The natural biogenic emissions of particles and VOCs, and the biomass burning emissions. Two aerosol and trace gases monitoring stations were operated for 4 years in Manaus and Porto Velho, two very distinct sites, with different land use change. Manaus is a very clean and pristine site and Porto Velho is representative of heavy land use change in Amazonia. Aerosol composition, optical properties, size distribution, vertical profiling and optical depth were measured from 2008 to 2012. Aerosol radiative forcing was calculated over large areas. It was observed that the natural biogenic aerosol has significant absorption properties. Organic aerosol dominates the aerosol mass with 80 to 95%. Light scattering and light absorption shows an increase by factor of 10 from Manaus to Porto Velho. Very few new particle formation events were observed. Strong links between aerosols and VOC emissions were observed. Aerosol radiative forcing in Rondonia shows a high -15 watts/m² during the dry season of 2010, showing the large impacts of aerosol loading in the Amazonian ecosystem. The increase in diffuse radiation changes the forest carbon uptake by 20 to 35%, a large increase in this important ecosystem.
Im Rahmen der Projekte CARIBIC ('Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container') und INDOEX ('Indian Ocean Experi-ment') wurde ein Gaschromatograph mit Massenspektrometer zur Analyse von Luftproben auf Nicht-Methan-Kohlenwasserstoffe (NMKW) im ppb- und ppt-Bereich entwickelt. Während INDOEX erfolgte die Probennahme auf dem Forschungsschiff Ronald Brown, während CARIBIC mit einem automatischen Probensammler an Bord eines Passagierflugzeuges (Boeing 767-ER, LTU). Die NMKW-Meßergebnisse wurden zusammen mit Ergebnissen von Mes-sungen von Kohlenmonoxid (CO, einschließlich Isotopenzusam-mensetzung), Ozon (O3), Methan (CH4), Kohlendioxid (CO2), Distickstoffmonoxid (N2O), Schwefelhexafluorid (SF6) und Aerosoleigenschaften sowie meteorologischen Daten inter-pretiert. Während INDOEX (Februar / März 1999) wurde in der maritimen Grenzschicht (MBL) des Indischen Ozeans (IO) eine starke Variabilität diverser Spurengase beobachtet, die teilweise durch regionale Emissionen hervorgerufen wurde, die stärkste Variabilität war jedoch durch Langstrecken-transport aus mittleren Breiten der Nordhemisphäre bedingt. Aufgrund der Abweichungen vom klimatologischen Mittel, sollten regionale Quellen die MBL des IO im allgemeinen stärker beeinflussen. Die Einteilung des IO in meteorologi-sche Luftmassenregime wurde bestätigt. Starke Spurengasgra-dienten an der innertropischen Konvergenzzone (ITCZ) zeigen, daß die ITCZ in erster Linie den Austausch von Luftmassen zwischen den Hemisphären behindert. Bei CARIBIC werden Messungen von Spurengasen (ein-(schließlich NMKW) und Aerosoleigenschaften auf Flügen in der oberen Troposphäre / unteren Stratosphäre durchgeführt. Während eines Flug über Afrika wurden der Einfluß von durch Konvektion in die obere Troposphäre eingebrachten, frischen Abgasen aus Biomassenverbrennung nachgewiesen. Andere Luft-massen wurden durch Emissionen von Erdgas bzw. durch die Stratosphäre beeinflußt.
This doctoral thesis focuses on ground-based measurements of stratospheric nitric acid (HNO3)concentrations obtained by means of the Ground-Based Millimeter-wave Spectrometer (GBMS). Pressure broadened HNO3 emission spectra are analyzed using a new inversion algorithm developed as part of this thesis work and the retrieved vertical profiles are extensively compared to satellite-based data. This comparison effort I carried out has a key role in establishing a long-term (1991-2010), global data record of stratospheric HNO3, with an expected impact on studies concerning ozone decline and recovery. The first part of this work is focused on the development of an ad hoc version of the Optimal Estimation Method (Rodgers, 2000) in order to retrieve HNO3 spectra observed by means of GBMS. I also performed a comparison between HNO3 vertical profiles retrieved with the OEM and those obtained with the old iterative Matrix Inversion method. Results show no significant differences in retrieved profiles and error estimates, with the OEM providing however additional information needed to better characterize the retrievals. A final section of this first part of the work is dedicated to a brief review on the application of the OEM to other trace gases observed by GBMS, namely O3 and N2O. The second part of this study deals with the validation of HNO3 profiles obtained with the new inversion method. The first step has been the validation of GBMS measurements of tropospheric opacity, which is a necessary tool in the calibration of any GBMS spectra. This was achieved by means of comparisons among correlative measurements of water vapor column content (or Precipitable Water Vapor, PWV) since, in the spectral region observed by GBMS, the tropospheric opacity is almost entirely due to water vapor absorption. In particular, I compared GBMS PWV measurements collected during the primary field campaign of the ECOWAR project (Bhawar et al., 2008) with simultaneous PWV observations obtained with Vaisala RS92k radiosondes, a Raman lidar, and an IR Fourier transform spectrometer. I found that GBMS PWV measurements are in good agreement with the other three data sets exhibiting a mean difference between observations of ~9%. After this initial validation, GBMS HNO3 retrievals have been compared to two sets of satellite data produced by the two NASA/JPL Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) experiments (aboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) from 1991 to 1999, and on the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura mission from 2004 to date). This part of my thesis is inserted in GOZCARDS (Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere), a multi-year project, aimed at developing a long-term data record of stratospheric constituents relevant to the issues of ozone decline and expected recovery. This data record will be based mainly on satellite-derived measurements but ground-based observations will be pivotal for assessing offsets between satellite data sets. Since the GBMS has been operated for more than 15 years, its nitric acid data record offers a unique opportunity for cross-calibrating HNO3 measurements from the two MLS experiments. I compare GBMS HNO3 measurements obtained from the Italian Alpine station of Testa Grigia (45.9° N, 7.7° E, elev. 3500 m), during the period February 2004 - March 2007, and from Thule Air Base, Greenland (76.5°N 68.8°W), during polar winter 2008/09, and Aura MLS observations. A similar intercomparison is made between UARS MLS HNO3 measurements with those carried out from the GBMS at South Pole, Antarctica (90°S), during the most part of 1993 and 1995. I assess systematic differences between GBMS and both UARS and Aura HNO3 data sets at seven potential temperature levels. Results show that, except for measurements carried out at Thule, ground based and satellite data sets are consistent within the errors, at all potential temperature levels.
Der Austausch von Spurengasen und Aerosolpartikeln zwischenAtmosphäre und Biosphäre spielt eine wichtige Rolle in derAtmosphärenphysik und -chemie. Wälder repräsentieren sowohleine signifikante Senke als auch Quelle für Spurengase undPartikel und tragen somit maßgeblich zu derenatmosphärischem Budget bei. Strahlungsnebel beeinflußt durchAufnahme, Entfernen und Prozessieren von Aerosolpartikelnund löslichen Spurengasen deren Konzentrationen in derGasphase. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmalig ein Modell präsentiert,welches die Simulation des Austausches zwischen Atmosphäreund Biosphäre unter Berücksichtigung der dynamischenWechselwirkung zwischen Strahlungsnebel, Blattflächenwasserund Mehrphasenchemie ermöglicht. Numerische Fallstudien mitfolgenden Schwerpunkten werden präsentiert: - Einfluß von Vegetation und Blattflächenwasser auf diezeitlichen und räumlichen Schwankungen derGrößenabhängigkeit der Flüssigphasenkonzentrationen inNebeltropfen, - Einfluß von Blattflächenwasser auf dieTrockendepositionsflüsse von Ammoniak im Wald - Simulationenwurden mit einem neuen dynamischen Depositionsmodelldurchgeführt und mit dem Widerstandsansatz verglichen -, - Einfluß von physikalischen und chemischen Prozessen aufdie Reduktion von NO- und Isoprenemissionen aus demWaldbestand verglichen mit den primären Emissionen.