965 resultados para area-based matching


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Dans les dernières décennies, les changements morphologiques des maisons iraniennes, l’arrivage de l'éclairage artificiel et le manque de connaissance suffisante de la valeur de la lumière du jour pour le bien-être des occupants ont résulté une diminution de l'utilisation de la lumière du jour dans les habitations iraniennes contemporaines. En conséquence, le niveau du bien-être des occupants a décru ce qui peut être corrélée avec la diminution de l'utilisation de la lumière du jour. Considérant l'architecture traditionnelle iranienne et l'importance de la lumière du jour dans les habitations traditionnelles, cette recherche étudie l’utilisation de la lumière du jour dans les habitations traditionnelles et explore comment extrapoler ces techniques dans les maisons contemporaines pourrait augmenter l'utilisation de la lumière du jour et par conséquence améliorer le bien-être des occupants. Une revue de littérature, une enquête des experts iraniens et une étude de cas des maisons à cour traditionnelles à la ville de Kashan ont permis de recueillir les données nécessaires pour cette recherche. De par le contexte de recherche, la ville de Kashan a été choisie particulièrement grâce à sa texture historique intacte. L’analyse de la lumière du jour a été faite par un logiciel de simulation pour trois maisons à cour de la ville de Kashan ayant les mêmes caractéristiques de salon d’hiver. Cette étude se concentre sur l’analyse de la lumière du jour dans les salons d'hiver du fait de la priorité obtenue de l'enquête des experts et de la revue de littérature. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que l’extrapolation des techniques traditionnelles de l'utilisation de lumière du jour dans les habitations modernes peut être considéré comme une option de conception alternative. Cette dernière peut optimiser l'utilisation de lumière du jour et par conséquence améliorer le bien-être des occupants. L'approche utilisée dans cette recherche a fourni une occasion d’étudier l'architecture du passé et d’évaluer plus précisément son importance. Cette recherche contribue ainsi à définir un modèle en tirant les leçons du passé pour résoudre les problèmes actuels.


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The composition and variability of heterotrophic bacteria along the shelf sediments of south west coast of India and its relationship with the sediment biogeochemistry was investigated. The bacterial abundance ranged from 1.12 x 103 – 1.88 x 106 CFU g-1 dry wt. of sediment. The population showed significant positive correlation with silt (r = 0.529, p< 0.05), organic carbon (OC) (r = 0.679, p< 0.05), total nitrogen (TN) (r = 0.638, p< 0.05), total protein (TPRT) (r = 0.615, p< 0.05) and total carbohydrate (TCHO) (r = 0.675, p< 0.05) and significant negative correlation with sand (r = -0.488, p< 0.05). Community was mainly composed of Bacillus, Alteromonas, Vibrio, Coryneforms, Micrococcus, Planococcus, Staphylococcus, Moraxella, Alcaligenes, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium and Aeromonas. BIOENV analysis explained the best possible environmental parameters i.e., carbohydrate, total nitrogen, temperature, pH and sand at 50m depth and organic matter, BPC, protein, lipid and temperature at 200m depth controlling the distribution pattern of heterotrophic bacterial population in shelf sediments. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the environmental variables showed that the first and second principal component accounted for 65% and 30.6% of the data variance respectively. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed a strong correspondence between bacterial distribution and environmental variables in the study area. Moreover, non-metric MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) analysis demarcated the northern and southern latitudes of the study area based on the bioavailable organic matter


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La evaluación de los procesos formativos en el área clínica, basados en competencias, es fundamental para la Fisioterapia. Este proceso articula la teoría con la práctica, orienta la organización de los procesos académicos, promueve la formación integral y establece mecanismos de retroalimentación permanentes y rigurosos, basados en la evaluación del desempeño del profesional en formación ante situaciones del día a día que dan cuenta de su toma de decisiones profesional. Se espera que los estudiantes se formen y puedan actuar como profesionales competitivos a nivel nacional e internacional, de manera integral, con sólidos compromisos éticos y sociales para responder a las necesidades del entorno social en el que se desenvuelven (PEP, Universidad del Rosario). Los esfuerzos actuales en investigación de la evaluación educativa se encuentran orientados a la integración de la adquisición del conocimiento y al desarrollo de estrategias de medición y cuantificación de capacidades técnico-científicas dentro de cada disciplina. En este sentido, hasta el momento, en Colombia no se encuentra evidencia alrededor de la validación de instrumentos de medición de las competencias clínicas, ni se cuenta con estándares para la evaluación en práctica clínica en el proceso de formación del recurso humano en Fisioterapia. En el proyecto se desarrolló y fueron evaluadas las propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento que mide las competencias clínicas del estudiante de fisioterapia en la práctica clínica. Este proceso involucró a Fisioterapeutas que con experiencia en el área de docencia y clínica, contribuyen con la formación de fisioterapeutas en Colombia.


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Currently there are few observations of the urban wind field at heights other than rooftop level. Remote sensing instruments such as Doppler lidars provide wind speed data at many heights, which would be useful in determining wind loadings of tall buildings, and predicting local air quality. Studies comparing remote sensing with traditional anemometers carried out in flat, homogeneous terrain often use scan patterns which take several minutes. In an urban context the flow changes quickly in space and time, so faster scans are required to ensure little change in the flow over the scan period. We compare 3993 h of wind speed data collected using a three-beam Doppler lidar wind profiling method with data from a sonic anemometer (190 m). Both instruments are located in central London, UK; a highly built-up area. Based on wind profile measurements every 2 min, the uncertainty in the hourly mean wind speed due to the sampling frequency is 0.05–0.11 m s−1. The lidar tended to overestimate the wind speed by ≈0.5 m s−1 for wind speeds below 20 m s−1. Accuracy may be improved by increasing the scanning frequency of the lidar. This method is considered suitable for use in urban areas.


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Dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) typically rely on plant functional types (PFTs), which are assigned distinct environmental tolerances and replace one another progressively along environmental gradients. Fixed values of traits are assigned to each PFT; modelled trait variation along gradients is thus driven by PFT replacement. But empirical studies have revealed "universal" scaling relationships (quantitative trait variations with climate that are similar within and between species, PFTs and communities); and continuous, adaptive trait variation has been proposed to replace PFTs as the basis for next-generation DGVMs. Here we analyse quantitative leaf-trait variation on long temperature and moisture gradients in China with a view to understanding the relative importance of PFT replacement vs. continuous adaptive variation within PFTs. Leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and nitrogen content of dry matter were measured on all species at 80 sites ranging from temperate to tropical climates and from dense forests to deserts. Chlorophyll fluorescence traits and carbon, phosphorus and potassium contents were measured at 47 sites. Generalized linear models were used to relate log-transformed trait values to growing-season temperature and moisture indices, with or without PFT identity as a predictor, and to test for differences in trait responses among PFTs. Continuous trait variation was found to be ubiquitous. Responses to moisture availability were generally similar within and between PFTs, but biophysical traits (LA, SLA and LDMC) of forbs and grasses responded differently from woody plants. SLA and LDMC responses to temperature were dominated by the prevalence of evergreen PFTs with thick, dense leaves at the warm end of the gradient. Nutrient (N, P and K) responses to climate gradients were generally similar within all PFTs. Area-based nutrients generally declined with moisture; Narea and Karea declined with temperature, but Parea increased with temperature. Although the adaptive nature of many of these trait-climate relationships is understood qualitatively, a key challenge for modelling is to predict them quantitatively. Models must take into account that community-level responses to climatic gradients can be influenced by shifts in PFT composition, such as the replacement of deciduous by evergreen trees, which may run either parallel or counter to trait variation within PFTs. The importance of PFT shifts varies among traits, being important for biophysical traits but less so for physiological and chemical traits. Finally, models should take account of the diversity of trait values that is found in all sites and PFTs, representing the "pool" of variation that is locally available for the natural adaptation of ecosystem function to environmental change.


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Since the last decade the problem of surface inspection has been receiving great attention from the scientific community, the quality control and the maintenance of products are key points in several industrial applications.The railway associations spent much money to check the railway infrastructure. The railway infrastructure is a particular field in which the periodical surface inspection can help the operator to prevent critical situations. The maintenance and monitoring of this infrastructure is an important aspect for railway association.That is why the surface inspection of railway also makes importance to the railroad authority to investigate track components, identify problems and finding out the way that how to solve these problems. In railway industry, usually the problems find in railway sleepers, overhead, fastener, rail head, switching and crossing and in ballast section as well. In this thesis work, I have reviewed some research papers based on AI techniques together with NDT techniques which are able to collect data from the test object without making any damage. The research works which I have reviewed and demonstrated that by adopting the AI based system, it is almost possible to solve all the problems and this system is very much reliable and efficient for diagnose problems of this transportation domain. I have reviewed solutions provided by different companies based on AI techniques, their products and reviewed some white papers provided by some of those companies. AI based techniques likemachine vision, stereo vision, laser based techniques and neural network are used in most cases to solve the problems which are performed by the railway engineers.The problems in railway handled by the AI based techniques performed by NDT approach which is a very broad, interdisciplinary field that plays a critical role in assuring that structural components and systems perform their function in a reliable and cost effective fashion. The NDT approach ensures the uniformity, quality and serviceability of materials without causing any damage of that materials is being tested. This testing methods use some way to test product like, Visual and Optical testing, Radiography, Magnetic particle testing, Ultrasonic testing, Penetrate testing, electro mechanic testing and acoustic emission testing etc. The inspection procedure has done periodically because of better maintenance. This inspection procedure done by the railway engineers manually with the aid of AI based techniques.The main idea of thesis work is to demonstrate how the problems can be reduced of thistransportation area based on the works done by different researchers and companies. And I have also provided some ideas and comments according to those works and trying to provide some proposal to use better inspection method where it is needed.The scope of this thesis work is automatic interpretation of data from NDT, with the goal of detecting flaws accurately and efficiently. AI techniques such as neural networks, machine vision, knowledge-based systems and fuzzy logic were applied to a wide spectrum of problems in this area. Another scope is to provide an insight into possible research methods concerning railway sleeper, fastener, ballast and overhead inspection by automatic interpretation of data.In this thesis work, I have discussed about problems which are arise in railway sleepers,fastener, and overhead and ballasted track. For this reason I have reviewed some research papers related with these areas and demonstrated how their systems works and the results of those systems. After all the demonstrations were taking place of the advantages of using AI techniques in contrast with those manual systems exist previously.This work aims to summarize the findings of a large number of research papers deploying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for the automatic interpretation of data from nondestructive testing (NDT). Problems in rail transport domain are mainly discussed in this work. The overall work of this paper goes to the inspection of railway sleepers, fastener, ballast and overhead.


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A study to assess distribution, numbers and habitat of the Rufous Bristlebird was conducted during 1997 and 1998 along the coast at Aireys Inlet, Victoria. Monthly surveys were conducted along selected pathways for 1 h at sunrise, noon and late afternoon. Birds were recorded on the basis of sightings and calls; 75% of records were from calls. The number of records of birds for April–June was significantly lower than for January–March, July–September and October–December. There was no difference in frequency of records due to weather conditions (clear, overcast or rain), presence of wind or difference in temperature. The Rufous Bristlebird inhabited remnant coastal vegetation, but also utilised nearby house gardens and road verges. Birds appeared to occupy distinct territories, with each separate territory occuring along a narrow strip of land on the coastal cliffs. The number of territories identified ranged from 14 to 33. Territories were occupied predominantly by pairs of birds. The minimum number of birds present was estimated for each survey session and ranged from 2 to 34. A conservative estimate of the bristlebird population in the area, based on the assumption that a territory was occupied by a pair, was thus between 28 and 66. A number of threats to the Rufous Bristlebird were identified in the study area including loss and fragmentation of habitat from housing developments and walking tracks. Introduced predators including foxes, cats and rats have been recorded, but their impact is unknown. The effect of people walking along the tracks and the presence of dogs is unclear.


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The implementation of various management systems and standards has become an important activity for organisations irrespective of their size, sector or nature of the business. Even with a history of implementing change across the organisation, managers continue to experience resistance and challenges when implementing and maintaining the systems/standards, whether they be in quality, occupational health and safety, environmental or any other area. Based on a major research project recently completed, this paper presents the critical success factors for successful implementation of an environmental management system. The project involved three phases of fieldwork: preliminary interviews, a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews. A brief summary of the findings from each of these phases of research is presented. Based on the findings, the paper discusses the critical success factors for the successful implementation and maintenance of EMS.


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In 2005, a unit was converted to ‘wholly online’ delivery mode, where all teaching occurred online. Student evaluation survey data for 2005 suggested that students rated many aspects of the wholly online unit delivery significantly lower than previously. For 2006, ten percent of the unit marks were dedicated to an assessed assignment activity based around an online discussion area. Based on student evaluation items common to the preand post-2006 period, overall student satisfaction with the unit returned to the same levels as prior to the introduction of wholly online delivery. These findings suggest that careful thought, but not necessarily major changes, may be required to avoid student disillusionment and maximise student learning outcomes when moving an existing unit to wholly online delivery. During 2005 and 2006, the same unit was included in a large survey to gauge students’ perceptions of studying wholly online units. The sub-set of respondents relating to this unit was found to have a good demographic match to the total unit enrolment. The survey included the following question item, ‘39: How satisfied have you been with this unit being offered wholly online?’, as an overall measure of student satisfaction with studying the unit in wholly online mode. Multivariate linear regression analysis was conducted with survey item 39 as the dependent variable. While the resultant regression model should not be interpreted literally as a formula for student satisfaction, it does suggest some areas for action to improve student satisfaction with studying this unit in wholly online mode.


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Phytoplankton primary productivity of eleven irrigation reservoirs located in five river basins in Sri Lanka was determined on a single occasion together with light climate and nutrient concentrations. Although area-based gross primary productivity (1.43–11.65 g O2 m−2 d−1) falls within the range already established for tropical water bodies, net daily rate was negative in three water bodies. Light-saturated optimum rates were found in water bodies, with relatively high algal biomass, but photosynthetic efficiency or specific rates were higher in water bodies with low algal biomass, indicating nutrient limitation or physiological adaptation of phytoplankton. Concentrations of micronutrients and algal biomass in the reservoirs are largely altered by high flushing rate resulting from irrigation release. Underwater light climate and nutrient availability control the rate of photosynthesis and subsequent areabased primary production to a great extent. However, morpho-edephic index or euphotic algal biomass in the most productive stratum of the water column is not a good predictor of photosynthetic capacity or daily rate of primary production of these shallow tropical irrigation reservoirs.


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The study of folklore within Australia to date has been consistently hampered by the lack of any systematic and comprehensive subject bibliography available to researchers interested in the area. The present work provides a conceptual framework for folklore generally, and Australian folklore, specifically. The framework utilises contemporary scholarship and government policy formulations in the subject area. Based upon that framework, a comprehensive bibliographic listing of all folklore material published within Australia between the years 1790 and 1990 is provided comprising 1661 works. An account of the bibliographic problems pertinent to the subject area is provided together with an explanation of the causes of those problems. An historical summary and interpretation of the bibliography is presented in conjunction with an appraisal of the state of folklore research in Australia at the present time.


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The literature has revealed that autistic persons of all ages show an interest in sexuality and relationships, but the poor social and communication skills found among those with autism hinders the experience of this. Unfortunately, most research to date in this domain has relied exclusively upon parental or caregiver reports. Thus there remains a need for research to be undertaken in this area based on direct reports from autistic individuals. We hypothesised that compared to Typically Developing (TD) persons, persons with High-Functioning Autism (HFA) would reveal lesser levels of sexual experience, lower levels of sexual and social behaviour, and less understanding of privacy on various subscales of the Sexualised Behaviour Scale. The results of this present study supported the hypothesis on all scales except Privacy and Sexualised Behaviour. Overall, compared to TD individuals, HFA individuals engaged in fewer social behaviours, had less sex education and fewer sexual experiences, had more pronounced concerns for the future, and showed similar levels of privacy knowledge and public sexualised behaviour. These findings suggest a need for specialised sex education programs for autistic populations; further, since social behaviour was significantly lower for autistic individuals and future concerns were higher, this suggests that sex education programs need to incorporate education about social rules to enhance social communication and understanding.


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Detection of lane boundaries of a road based on the images or video taken by a video capturing device in a suburban environment is a challenging task. In this paper, a novel lane detection algorithm is proposed without considering camera parameters; which robustly detects lane boundaries in real-time especially for sub-urban roads. Initially, the proposed method fits the CIE L*a*b* transformed road chromaticity values (that is a* and b* values) to a bi-variate Gaussian model followed by the classification of road area based on Mahalanobis distance. Secondly, the classified road area acts as an arbitrary shaped region of interest (AROI) in order to extract blobs resulting from the filtered image by a two dimensional Gabor filter. This is considered as the first cue of images. Thirdly, another cue of images was employed in order to obtain an entropy image. Moreover, results from the color based image cue and entropy image cue were integrated following an outlier removing process. Finally, the correct road lane points are fitted with Bezier splines which act as control points that can form arbitrary shapes. The algorithm was implemented and experiments were carried out on sub-urban roads. The results show the effectiveness of the algorithm in producing more accurate lane boundaries on curvatures and other objects on the road.


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Background : Although the association between lower socioeconomic status (SES) and obesity in women in developed countries is well-documented, current evidence regarding the relationship between obesity in men and area-based SES (equivalised for advantage and disadvantage) is inconsistent. Therefore, we aimed to examine obesity, lifestyle behaviours, physical activity in different domains and demographics in men using area-based SES.

Methods :
We performed a descriptive cross-sectional study of 1467 randomly selected white men (mean age 56 year (inter-quartile range (IQR) = 39–73 year)) recruited from the Barwon Statistical Division, South Western Victoria, Australia between 2001–06.

Results :
Age-adjusted BMI, waist circumference, % fat and lean mass and blood pressure were inversely associated with SES, with differences between low and upper SES (P for difference <0.05), independent of country of birth. Age-adjusted lifestyle behaviours associated with obesity and/or adverse health (especially cardiovascular disease), were also associated with lower SES.

Conclusions :
Subjects from lower SES had greater measures of obesity despite being more physically active at work, but were less likely to be physically active in the domains of sports and/or leisure. These findings suggest the possible influence of lifestyle behaviours and occupation upon obesity in men and should be investigated further.