208 resultados para appraisals


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L’exposition à la violence conjugale est une forme répandue de mauvais traitement psychologique envers l’enfant dont les conséquences néfastes sont maintenant bien connues. Les enfants ne sont pas tous affectés de la même manière par la violence conjugale et peuvent présenter différents profils d’adaptation. Des recherches de plus en plus nombreuses suggèrent l’importance de variables médiatrices qui permettent d’établir le lien entre l’exposition à la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Toutefois, peu d’études permettent encore de préciser les relations entre ces variables, ni de connaître la pertinence de ces variables pour un profil d’adaptation particulier. Cette thèse, comprenant deux études empiriques, visait deux objectifs principaux. La première étude avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens entre le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence conjugale et sur ses relations familiales, deux facteurs reconnus comme des médiateurs entre la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Il était prévu que le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence, pouvant se refléter par le blâme que l’enfant s’attribue pour la violence, sa perception de menace et sa peur d’être abandonné par ses parents, prédit son point de vue sur ses relations familiales, étudié sous l’angle de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté de l’enfant. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 79 enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans et vivant avec leur mère dans un refuge pour femmes violentées. Les résultats révèlent que le blâme et la peur d’abandon prédisent la parentification et que la peur d’abandon prédit aussi les conflits de loyauté. L’objectif de la deuxième étude était de dégager des profils d’adaptation parmi les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale et d’identifier les facteurs qui leur sont associés. Ces facteurs renvoient à l’expérience de violence de l’enfant, à son point de vue sur la violence, à la qualité de la relation mère-enfant et à la parentification. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 116 enfants âgés entre 8 et 12 ans vivant en maison d’hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale ou fréquentant d’autres organismes offrant des services aux familles confrontées à la violence conjugale. Les résultats révèlent la présence de quatre profils d’adaptation : troubles extériorisés seulement, troubles intériorisés seulement, troubles à la fois extériorisés et intériorisés et absence de problème apparent. Ces quatre profils se distinguent selon la présence d’abus physique envers l’enfant, la qualité de la relation mère-enfant, le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence et le degré de parentification de l’enfant. Les résultats sont discutés en fonction de l’apport respectif des parents et de l’enfant dans le développement de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté chez l’enfant exposé à la violence conjugale. La discussion souligne également la variabilité des manifestations de la détresse des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale. Les facteurs associés aux différents profils d’adaptation laissent entrevoir les besoins des enfants appartenant à un profil particulier et permettent de suggérer des liens entre ces facteurs.


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La notion de réussite criminelle a essentiellement été définie au moyen de l’indicateur objectif des gains monétaires. Si l’idée selon laquelle l’argent est au coeur de la réussite professionnelle fait l’objet d’un large consensus social, il semble improbable que les gains monétaires permettent à eux seuls d’appréhender la réussite. Pour mieux comprendre certaines dimensions des carrières criminelles telles que la persistance et le désistement, il paraît utile de se pencher sur la manière dont les criminels définissent leur propre réussite. Il a été établi que l’auto-efficacité, soit la croyance que possède un individu en sa capacité à accomplir une tâche, permet de prédire plusieurs dimensions des carrières légitimes. À partir de la théorie sur l’auto-efficacité, ce mémoire examine de quelle manière se forme l’auto-efficacité criminelle. Nous soutenons que les perceptions relatives à la réussite criminelle sont affectées par des facteurs semblables à ceux qui jouent dans le développement de l’auto-efficacité légitime. Nous partons de l’hypothèse que les criminels forgent leur auto-efficacité à partir de quatre sources d’expérience : les réussites personnelles, l’apprentissage vicariant, la persuasion sociale et les états physiologiques. Il est également avancé que certaines caractéristiques individuelles et environnementales ont un impact significatif sur le développement de l’auto-efficacité criminelle. Sur la base d’entrevues auprès de 212 délinquants, nos résultats indiquent que l’auto-efficacité criminelle est une construction complexe fondée sur les caractéristiques individuelles et environnementales, ainsi que sur les expériences criminelles personnelles. Nous discutons de l’impact éventuel de ces conclusions sur l’appréhension de la persévérance et du désistement dans les carrières criminelles.


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Today India is seeking a speedy transformation of her semi-stagnant economy to a dynamic one by means of economic planning in a democratic set up. In the context of this growth oriented endeavour public sector has a vital role to play. After three decades of planned development, it has become important that India must make fresh appraisals on the role of public sector in the economic renaissance of the country. Almost no comprehensive study has been made on this vital segment of the economy vis-a-vis the growth economics. This study is an attempt to fill this need in a very modest way. It presents the subject in a new perspective. An earnest attempt is made to reveal the critical problems inhibiting the growth of the public sector from a new angle which focusses the spot-light on the economics of development.


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Organic agriculture in Uganda is developing at a fast pace and despite this trend Uganda is still unable to produce enough fresh and dry organic fruits mainly pineapple to meet the exporters demand. This current research investigated the strategies of farmers at production level by assessing the pros and cons of fruit growing, organic agriculture and fruit drying in order to understand the underlying causal factor for the low production of organic dry fruits in a major fruit producing district of Uganda. The study was carried out in two separate and distinctive areas; one which only produces and export fresh organic pineapple and the other which exports dried fruits (mainly pineapple and papaya). About 10% of the farmers in the two study areas were surveyed using questionnaires which were further followed by semi-structured interviews and participatory rural appraisals activities with various types of farmers in order to understand the different decisions and strategies of farmers. 82% and 74% of farmers in the two study areas grew fruits as it gave better economic returns and for 77% and 90% respectively in the two study areas, the reasons for growing fruit was the ease of selling compared to other crops. All the farmers were relying on coffee husk for growing organic pineapples. However, 50% of the farmers want to grow pineapples (either organic or conventional) but couldn't afford to buy coffee husk. Fruit drying was mainly a strategy to utilize cheap fruits during harvesting seasons for value addition. 71% and 42% of farmers in the two study areas wanted to dry fruits but it was beyond their economic capacity to buy the driers. Decision of the farmers whether to grow fruits or cereals, organic or conventional agriculture and selling the fruits as fresh or dry were dependent mainly on the economic, knowledge and resource availability of each type of practices. It is concluded that the main barrier for an increase in the production of organic dried fruits is at the processing level, and the limited capacity for investments in drying facilities.


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En este ensayo reconcilio la epistemología idealista de Peirce con su realismo metafísico, al proponer una idea de realidad permanentemente corregida por los resultados de la indagación. Esto implica prescindir del acuerdo último y aceptar uno actual y falible.


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In this article we focus on the dual identities of relatively young Trinidadians who have decided to return to the island of their birth, or of their parents, while still in their thirties and forties. Highly-educated professional transnational migrants mostly make tip our sample of 36; 26 possess dual citizenship. We focus on our informants' narratives about their transnational experiences, self-appraisals of their dual identities and how they value dual citizenship. More generally, we ask does transnationalism supplant nationalism among our returning informants? Unsurprisingly, the diverse responses we document do not support the commonly held explanatory relationship between return adaptations, 'national belonging' and the expected dominance of 'transnational belonging'. Family, relations intervene significantly, both to encourage transnationalism and to strengthen nationalism. Feelings of notional belonging often accompany transnationalism. Notably, we view dual citizenship strategically and pragmatically as advantageous to the continuation of transnational practices.


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A computer game was used to study psychophysiological reactions to emotion-relevant events. Two dimensions proposed by Scherer (1984a, 1984b) in his appraisal theory, the intrinsic pleasantness and goal conduciveness of game events, were studied in a factorial design. The relative level at which a player performed at the moment of an event was also taken into account. A total of 33 participants played the game while cardiac activity, skin conductance, skin temperature, and muscle activity as well as emotion self-reports were assessed. The self-reports indicate that game events altered levels of pride, joy, anger, and surprise. Goal conduciveness had little effect on muscle activity but was associated with significant autonomic effects, including changes to interbeat interval, pulse transit time, skin conductance, and finger temperature. The manipulation of intrinsic pleasantness had little impact on physiological responses. The results show the utility of attempting to manipulate emotion-constituent appraisals and measure their peripheral physiological signatures.


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Smallholdings in the rural areas of northwest Syria are a result of land fragmentation that is due to inheritance. Because of rapid population growth combined with land fragmentation, these smallholdings are increasing and cannot sustain the rural households whose sizes and needs are also increasing rapidly. This situation has led to increasing numbers of mates migrating to urban areas in Syria and to neighbouring countries looking for work opportunities. In addition, recent agricultural intensification trends seem to have led to the emergence of a waged labour force which, in the absence of male workers owing to significant rates of migration, is now predominantly female. Agricultural labour use depends upon household characteristics and resources (type of labour used, gender of labour waged/exchanged/familial). The article attempts to present a comprehensive analysis of household labour use in distinctive farming systems in one region of Syria that has undergone great change in recent decades, and examines the changes in the composition of the agricultural labour force. Secondary information, rapid rural appraisals and formal farm surveys were used to gather information on the households in a study area where different farming systems coexist. The results show that the decrease in landholding size, the resulting male migration, and land intensification have resulted in the expansion of female labour in agricultural production, which has been termed in this research a 'feminization of agricultural labour'. This suggests that agricultural research and extension services will have to work more with women farmers and farm workers, seek their wisdom and involve them in technology and tran, fer This is not easy in conservative societies but requires research and extension institutions to take this reality into consideration in their programmes.


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Diabetes incurs heavy personal and health system costs. Self-management is required if complications are to be avoided. Adolescents face particular challenges as they learn to take responsibility for their diabetes. A systematic review of educational and psychosocial programmes for adolescents with diabetes was undertaken. This aimed to: identify and categorise the types of programmes that have been evaluated; assess the cost-effectiveness of interventions; identify areas where further research is required. Sixty-two papers were identified and Subjected to a narrative review. Generic programmes focus on knowledge/skills, psychosocial issues, and behaviour/self-management. They result in modest improvements across a range of outcomes but improvements are often not sustained, suggesting a need for continuous support, possibly integrated into normal care. In-hospital education at diagnosis confers few advantages over home treatment. The greatest returns may be obtained by targeting poorly controlled individuals. Few studies addressed resourcing issues and robust cost-effectiveness appraisals are required to identify interventions that generate the greatest returns on expenditure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The authors examined caregivers' characteristics and experiences. Previously suggested principles for identifying the primary caregiver in 22 multiple-caregiver families were assessed, but none reliably distinguished the primary caregiver. The authors then compared primary (n = 22), nonprimary (n = 22), and lone caregivers' (n = 43) appraisals of caregiving and psychological distress. Lone and primary caregivers' experiences were similar. but nonprimary caregivers' experiences were less adverse. Despite these findings, greater psyhcological distress in primary caregivers indicated greater psychological distress in nonprimary caregivers.


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There is a substantial literature which suggests that appraisals are smoothed and lag the true level of prices. This study combines a qualitative interview survey of the leading fund manager/owners in the UK and their appraisers with a empirical study of the number of appraisals which change each month within the IPD Monthly Index. The paper concentrates on how the appraisal process operates for commercial property performance measurement purposes. The survey interviews suggest that periodic appraisal services are consolidating in fewer firms and, within these major firms, appraisers adopt different approaches to changing appraisals on a period by period basis, with some wanting hard transaction evidence while others act on "softer' signals. The survey also indicates a seasonal effect with greater effort and information being applied to annual and quarterly appraisals than monthly. The analysis of the appraisals within the Investment Property Databank Monthly Index confirms this effect with around 5% more appraisals being moved at each quarter day than the other months. January and August have significantly less appraisal changes than other months.


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There is a substantial literature which suggests that appraisals are smoothed and lag the true level of prices. This study combines a qualitative interview survey of the leading fund manager/owners in the UK and their appraisers with a empirical study of the number of appraisals which change each month within the IPD Monthly Index. The paper concentrates on how the appraisal process operates for commercial real estate performance measurement purposes. The survey interviews suggest that periodic appraisal services are consolidating in fewer firms and, within these major firms, appraisers adopt different approaches to changing appraisals on a period by period basis, with some wanting hard transaction evidence while others act on ‘softer’ signals. The survey also indicates a seasonal effect with greater effort and information being applied to annual and quarterly appraisals than monthly. The analysis of the appraisals within the IPD Monthly Index confirms this effect with around 5% more appraisals being moved at each quarter day than the other months. More November appraisals change than expected and this suggests that the increased information flows for the December end year appraisals are flowing through into earlier appraisals, especially as client/appraiser draft appraisal meetings for the December appraisals, a regular occurrence in the UK, can occur in November. January illustrates significantly less activity than other months, a seasonal effect after the exertions of the December appraisals.