983 resultados para anti-PGL-1 test
O Vírus Linfotrópico Humano de Células T é um oncoretrovírus responsável por doenças linfoproliferativas, inflamatórias, degenerativas do Sistema Nervoso Central e por algumas alterações imunológicas do ser humano. Embora tenha associações com várias outras patologias, a Paraparesia Espástica Tropical ou Mielopatia Associada ao HTLV (PET/MAH), doença progressiva e incapacitante do Sistema Nervoso, e a Leucemia/Linfoma de Células T do Adulto (LLcTA), doença linfoproliferativa maligna e letal, são os principais agravos consistentemente definidos como provocados pelo HTLV-1. A propagação do vírus acontece de forma silenciosa, especialmente de mãe para filhos e pela via sexual. No Brasil, onde existem regiões de alta prevalência, ainda são escassas informações oficiais sobre essa transmissão. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a soroprevalência de anticorpos contra o Vírus Linfotrópico Humano de Células T – tipos 1 e 2 (HTLV-1/2) entre familiares de portadores confirmados do vírus, matriculados no ambulatório do Núcleo de Medicina Tropical (NMT), para estudar as características da transmissão do HTLV nos grupos familiares da região metropolitana de Belém do Pará. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, de base ambulatorial, envolvendo 82 pacientes matriculados no NMT e seus respectivos familiares, os quais foram submetidos à pesquisa de anticorpos anti-HTLV-1/2, utilizando-se o teste de ELISA (Ortho Diagnostic System Inc., US), no período entre junho de 2007 e novembro de 2009. A Soroprevalência da infecção pelo HTLV-1/2 foi observada em 40,2 % (33/82) das famílias e 24,0 % (50/208) no total de familiares pesquisados. A transmissão de mãe para filho(a) ocorreu em 23,2 % (19/82) das famílias, com taxas de soropositividade de 22,4 % (17/76) para filhas e 15,2 % (7/46) para filhos (p > 0.05). A transmissão sexual provável ocorreu em 25,6 % (21/82) das famílias e em 42,0 % (21/50) dos casais, com taxas de soropositividade de esposas e maridos de 53,1 % (18/34) e 18,8 % (3/16), respectivamente (p < 0.05). Não houve diferença significativa de soroprevalência entre familiares de portadores sintomáticos e assintomáticos e entre HTLV-1 e HTLV-2. Conclui-se que existe agregação da infecção nas famílias investigadas e que os dados obtidos estão em acordo com os previamente relatados na literatura. Os serviços de atendimento precisam realizar, rotineiramente, a educação dos indivíduos portadores de HTLV e manter ativas as medidas de controle dos comunicantes familiares, para evitar a propagação do vírus principalmente através do contacto sexual e amamentação.
O Strongyloides stercoralis é um nematódeo intestinal de seres humanos causador da estrongiloidíase, doença com distribuição mundial especificamente comum em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Estudos epidemiológicos têm demonstrado a existência da associação desta parasitose com o Vírus Linfotrópico de Células T Humanas do tipo 1 (HTLV-1). Em regiões onde ambos agentes são endêmicos, a coinfecção pode resultar no desenvolvimento da estrongiloidíase grave, pois o HTLV-1 provoca uma redução na produção dos componentes imunológicos participantes dos mecanismos de defesa contra S. stercoralis. Baseado nessa questão, esse estudo prentedeu contribuir para esclarecer o papel da imunossupressão induzida pelo HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 na persistência e disseminação do Strongyloides stercoralis. Testes sorológicos e moleculares foram utilizados para verificar a frequência da infecção pelo HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 nos portadores de S. stercoralis atendidos no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto em Belém-Pará, no período de Julho de 2009 a Junho de 2011. Nesse estudo observamos a frequência (5,50%) de anticorpos anti-HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 em portadores de Strongyloides stercoralis. A prevalência de HTLV-1 (3,67%) foi superior à de HTLV-2 (0,92%). A análise da amostra estudada mostrou que não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas na frequência do HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 entre homens e mulheres. Quanto à distribuição dos portadores de HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 por faixa etária, observou-se maior frequência do vírus entre os pacientes com idade mais avançada. Baseados nos resultados deste estudo, concluímos que há necessidade de medidas profiláticas que previnam a disseminação do HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 entre portadores de S. stercoralis e como consequência evitar o desenvolvimento de complicações resultantes da associação desses agentes.
A prevalência da infecção por agentes virais como o HIV-1, HTLV1/2, VHB e CMV, ainda é pouco conhecida na população de adolescentes grávidas na região norte do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como um dos objetivos descrever esta prevalência das infecções HIV-1, HTLV1/2, VHB e CMV em adolescentes grávidas atendidas em um centro de referência do estado do Pará. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 324 gestantes procedentes de vários municípios do estado no período de novembro de 2009 a fevereiro de 2010. As amostras foram submetidas a um ensaio imunoenzimático do tipo ELISA, para a detecção de anticorpos anti-HIV, anti HTLV-1/2, anti-VHB e anti-CMV IgM/IgG. A análise sorológica revelou uma amostra soropositiva para o HIV-1, duas amostras positivas para HTLV1/2, enquanto a maioria das amostras apresentaram anticorpos anti-CMV IgG, embora a ocorrência da infecção aguda tenha sido baixa (2,2%). A prevalência da infecção para VHB em adolescentes gestantes foi de 0,62%, porém numero expressivo (83,3%) de adolescentes estão suscetíveis a infecção pelo VHB, o que sugere que não foram imunizadas. A maioria (63,4%) das adolescentes continuaram estudando mesmo sabendo da gravidez e 34,6% buscaram o pré-natal tardiamente possibilitando um numero mínimo de quatro consultas de pre natal O resultado reforça a hipótese que estas adolescentes grávidas possuem uma prevalência de infecções desses tipos virais, semelhante a taxas nacionais das gestantes de modo geral. A prevalência dos subtipos virais (HTLV-2 e HIV-1 subtipo B) obtidas através da caracterização molecular das amostras soropositivas das gestantes foi concordante com a prevalência dos subtipos da região norte.
Os HTLV-1/2 pertencem à família Retroviridae, a qual inclui o HIV. O HHV-8 pertence à família Herpesviridae. Os HTLV-1/2, o HHV-8 e o HIV apresentam as mesmas formas de transmissão, resultando em fatores comuns de risco e isso pode justificar a coinfecção HIV/HTLV e HIV/HHV-8. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a epidemiologia molecular das infecções causadas pelos HTLV-1/2 e o HHV-8 em indivíduos portadores do HIV-1 com ou sem SIDA/AIDS, da cidade de Belém, Pará. Das 520 amostras incluídas no estudo, 515 foram testadas para a presença de anticorpos anti- HTLV-1/2 e 499 para a presença de anticorpos anti-HHV-8, pelo método de ELISA. As amostras reativas para o HTLV e para o HHV-8 foram submetidas à métodos moleculares. A soroprevalência da co-infecção HIV/HTLV foi de 2,3%, enquanto que da co-infecção HIV/HHV-8 foi de 35,9%. Nove amostras do HTLV foram seqüenciadas e 1 classificada como HTLV-1 pertencente ao subtipo Cosmopolita, subgrupo Transcontinental e 3 como HTLV-2 do subtipo HTLV-2c, enquanto que a do HHV-8 agrupou-se ao subtipo B. Foi verificada a heterossexualização, menor escolaridade e pauperização entre os portadores do HIV-1 e não houve associação com fatores de risco. Não houve associação da co-infecção HIV/HTLV com fatores de risco e nem com a contagem de células CD4+ e CD8+ e Carga Viral do HIV-1. Houve associação da co-infecção HIV/HHV-8 com a Carga Viral do HIV- 1. Ocorreu maior taxa da carga viral plasmática do HIV-1 no intervalo 1000|—100000 cópias/mL no grupo dos co-infectados HIV/HHV-8.
Leprosy in children is correlated with community-level factors, including the recent presence of disease and active foci of transmission in the community. We performed clinical and serological examinations of 1,592 randomly selected school children (SC) in a cross-sectional study of eight hyperendemic municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon Region. Sixty-three (4%) SC, with a mean age of 13.3 years (standard deviation = 2.6), were diagnosed with leprosy and 777 (48.8%) were seropositive for anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I). Additionally, we evaluated 256 house-hold contacts (HHCs) of the students diagnosed with leprosy; 24 (9.4%) HHC were also diagnosed with leprosy and 107 (41.8%) were seropositive. The seroprevalence of anti-PGL-I was significantly higher amongst girls, students from urban areas and students from public schools (p < 0.0001). Forty-five (71.4%) new cases detected amongst SC were classified as paucibacillary and 59 (93.6%) patients did not demonstrate any degree of physical disability at diagnosis. The results of this study suggest that there is a high rate of undiagnosed leprosy and subclinical infection amongst children in the Amazon Region. The advantages of school surveys in hyperendemic areas include identifying leprosy patients at an early stage when they show no physical disabilities, preventing the spread of the infection in the community and breaking the chain of transmission.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Leprosy in children is correlated with community-level factors, including the recent presence of disease and active foci of transmission in the community. We performed clinical and serological examinations of 1,592 randomly selected school children (SC) in a cross-sectional study of eight hyperendemic municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon Region. Sixty-three (4%) SC, with a mean age of 13.3 years (standard deviation = 2.6), were diagnosed with leprosy and 777 (48.8%) were seropositive for anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I). Additionally, we evaluated 256 household contacts (HHCs) of the students diagnosed with leprosy; 24 (9.4%) HHC were also diagnosed with leprosy and 107 (41.8%) were seropositive. The seroprevalence of anti-PGL-I was significantly higher amongst girls, students from urban areas and students from public schools (p < 0.0001). Forty-five (71.4%) new cases detected amongst SC were classified as paucibacillary and 59 (93.6%) patients did not demonstrate any degree of physical disability at diagnosis. The results of this study suggest that there is a high rate of undiagnosed leprosy and subclinical infection amongst children in the Amazon Region. The advantages of school surveys in hyperendemic areas include identifying leprosy patients at an early stage when they show no physical disabilities, preventing the spread of the infection in the community and breaking the chain of transmission.
Untersuchungen zur Expression der induzierbaren NO-Synthetase (NOS2) belegen eine häufige Expression dieses Enzyms in Tumoren unterschiedlicher Gewebe. Bislang ist jedoch ungeklärt, ob die Expression der NOS2 in Tumorzellen die apoptotische Eliminierung durch zytotoxische T-Zellen beeinflussen kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Folgen einer endogenen NO-Synthese auf die Apoptosesensitivität von HEK293-Zellen untersucht. Um primäre NO-Wirkungen von NO-induzierten, sekundären (kompensatorischen) Veränderungen zu trennen, wurde mit einem induzierbaren Vektorsystem gearbeitet. Die NOS2 wurde zunächst unter der Kontrolle eines Ecdyson-sensitiven Promoters in HEK293-Zellen kloniert. Es konnten regulierbare NOS2-Klone selektiert werden, die nach Ponasteronbehandlung dosisabhängig die NOS2 exprimieren und NO synthetisieren. Die NOS2-Expression wurde durch Western Blot Analyse und Immunfluoreszenzfärbung dargestellt und die NO-Produktion mit Hilfe der Griess-Reaktion gemessen. An den NOS2-induzierten Zellen wurde dann der Einfluss von NO auf die CD95-vermittelte Apoptose analysiert. Es zeigte sich nach Stimulation des CD95-Rezeptors eine deutliche Korrelation der Apoptoserate mit der NOS2-Expression. In Kokulturexperimenten mit Peptid-spezifischen zytotoxischen T-Zellen zeigte sich, dass NO-produzierende Zielzellen effektiver eliminiert werden konnten. Auch nach Behandlung der Zellen mit TRAIL ergab sich eine höhere Apoptoserate in NO-produzierenden Zellen. Die weitere Analyse der durch NO beeinflussten Signalwege ergab eine Beteiligung von ER-Stress-vermittelten Apoptosewegen. Dies zeigte sich an der Hochregulation des ER-Stress-Proteins Grp78 (BiP) nach NOS2-Expression und der Spaltung der am ER-lokalisierten Caspase-4. Darüber hinaus konnte der schnellere Verlust des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials in Abhängigkeit von der NOS2-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde die Wirkung einer dauerhaften NO-Exposition auf die Apoptosesensitivität der Zellen untersucht. Auch ohne zusätzliche CD95-Stimulation induzierte eine kontinuierliche NOS2-Expression nach wenigen Tagen in den EcR293-NOS2-Zellen Apoptose. Diese Dauerbehandlung führte zum nahezu vollständigen Absterben der Kulturen. Einige Zellen überlebten jedoch diese Behandlung und wuchsen zu Zellklonen. Diese NO-resistenten Klone konnten isoliert werden. Sie zeigten eine zusätzliche Resistenz für CD95-vermittelte Apoptosesignale und waren besser vor dem Angriff Peptid-spezifischer CTLs geschützt. Die Apoptoseresistenz blieb auch nach längerer Kultur erhalten und scheint auf NO-induzierter Genotoxizität zu beruhen. Anhand dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass allein durch chronische NO-Behandlung eine Selektion apoptoseresistenter Zellen stattfinden kann.
Transendothelial migration is a crucial step in the complex process of lymphocyte extravasation during lymphocyte homing, immunosurveillance and inflammation. However, little is known about the precise role of cell adhesion molecules (CAM) involved in this particular event. To define the CAM involved in T cell adhesion versus transendothelial migration, we have previously established an in vitro transendothelial migration system using mouse T cells and mouse endothelioma cells. We demonstrate here that, using ICAM-1-deficient endothelioma cells derived from ICAM-1 mutant mice, transendothelial migration of T cells was inhibited to a much greater extent when compared to migration across wild-type cells treated with a blocking anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody. This unexpected result was confirmed by a rescue experiment using retroviral transfer of wild-type ICAM-1 into ICAM-1-deficient endothelial cells. Additional experiments showed that, in the absence of functional ICAM-1, only ICAM-2 was involved in transendothelial migration, but not PECAM-1, VCAM-1, or E-selectin. Taking this novel approach, we show that ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 are essential for transendothelial migration of T cells.
Power transformers are key components of the power grid and are also one of the most subjected to a variety of power system transients. The failure of a large transformer can cause severe monetary losses to a utility, thus adequate protection schemes are of great importance to avoid transformer damage and maximize the continuity of service. Computer modeling can be used as an efficient tool to improve the reliability of a transformer protective relay application. Unfortunately, transformer models presently available in commercial software lack completeness in the representation of several aspects such as internal winding faults, which is a common cause of transformer failure. It is also important to adequately represent the transformer at frequencies higher than the power frequency for a more accurate simulation of switching transients since these are a well known cause for the unwanted tripping of protective relays. This work develops new capabilities for the Hybrid Transformer Model (XFMR) implemented in ATPDraw to allow the representation of internal winding faults and slow-front transients up to 10 kHz. The new model can be developed using any of two sources of information: 1) test report data and 2) design data. When only test-report data is available, a higher-order leakage inductance matrix is created from standard measurements. If design information is available, a Finite Element Model is created to calculate the leakage parameters for the higher-order model. An analytical model is also implemented as an alternative to FEM modeling. Measurements on 15-kVA 240?/208Y V and 500-kVA 11430Y/235Y V distribution transformers were performed to validate the model. A transformer model that is valid for simulations for frequencies above the power frequency was developed after continuing the division of windings into multiple sections and including a higher-order capacitance matrix. Frequency-scan laboratory measurements were used to benchmark the simulations. Finally, a stability analysis of the higher-order model was made by analyzing the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration as used in ATP. Numerical damping was also added to suppress oscillations locally when discontinuities occurred in the solution. A maximum error magnitude of 7.84% was encountered in the simulated currents for different turn-to-ground and turn-to-turn faults. The FEM approach provided the most accurate means to determine the leakage parameters for the ATP model. The higher-order model was found to reproduce the short-circuit impedance acceptably up to about 10 kHz and the behavior at the first anti-resonant frequency was better matched with the measurements.
Es wurde kürzlich gezeigt, dass die Stärke des Zusammenhangs zwischen Angst und Leistung von der momentan vorhandenen Selbstkontrollkraft abhängt. Wir untersuchten an einer Stichprobe aus Wirtschaftsschülern (N = 136), ob dieser Befund auf den Abruf von Wissen generalisierbar ist. Die Leistungsängstlichkeit der Teilnehmenden wurde erfasst und deren Selbstkontrollkraft experimentell manipuliert, woraufhin sie einen standardisierten Wortschatztest bearbeiteten. Während das Wissen nicht von der Leistungsängstlichkeit oder der Selbstkontrollkraft abhing, sagte die Interaktion aus beiden Variablen das gezeigte Wissen vorher. Übereinstimmend mit früheren Studien fiel die Leistung von Schülern mit niedriger Selbstkontrollkraft umso geringer aus, je leistungsängstlicher sie waren. Bei Schülern mit hoher Selbstkontrollkraft hingen die Leistungsängstlichkeit und die Wortschatzleistung hingegen nicht zusammen. Wir interpretieren dieses Muster dergestalt, dass Leistungsängstlichkeit den Wissensabruf nur dann behindert, wenn Selbstkontrolle nicht zur Kompensierung angstbezogener Aufmerksamkeitsdefizite herangezogen werden kann. Die Befunde implizieren, dass gründliche Vorbereitung keine guten Testnoten garantiert.
Therapeutic antibodies targeting programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) activate tumor-specific immunity and have shown remarkable efficacy in the treatment of melanoma. Yet, little is known about tumor cell-intrinsic PD-1 pathway effects. Here, we show that murine and human melanomas contain PD-1-expressing cancer subpopulations and demonstrate that melanoma cell-intrinsic PD-1 promotes tumorigenesis, even in mice lacking adaptive immunity. PD-1 inhibition on melanoma cells by RNAi, blocking antibodies, or mutagenesis of melanoma-PD-1 signaling motifs suppresses tumor growth in immunocompetent, immunocompromised, and PD-1-deficient tumor graft recipient mice. Conversely, melanoma-specific PD-1 overexpression enhances tumorigenicity, as does engagement of melanoma-PD-1 by its ligand, PD-L1, whereas melanoma-PD-L1 inhibition or knockout of host-PD-L1 attenuate growth of PD-1-positive melanomas. Mechanistically, the melanoma-PD-1 receptor modulates downstream effectors of mTOR signaling. Our results identify melanoma cell-intrinsic functions of the PD-1:PD-L1 axis in tumor growth and suggest that blocking melanoma-PD-1 might contribute to the striking clinical efficacy of anti-PD-1 therapy.
Memoranden und Briefe zur Antisemitismus-Forschung (Juni 1944 - Februar 1945): 1. Harold Schiff, Anti-Defamation Leage of B'nai B'rith: Memorandum: "Book and Literature Distribution Assignement No. 4" (14.2.1945), als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 3 Blatt; 2. "Memorandum on Program for the Commission on Antisemitism of the American Jewish Congress" (7.11.1944), Typoskript, 11 Blatt mit eigenhändigen Notizen von Paul W. Massing und Friedrich Pollock, 2 Blatt; 3. Joint Defense Appeal of the American Jewish Committee and Anti-Defamation Leage of B'nai B'rith: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Friedrich Pollock, New York, 4.12.1944; 4. Toni Stulper: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an Friedrich Pollock, New York, 14.6.1944; 5. W. Lloyd Warner: 1 Brief (Abschrift) an Philip (?) Klein, Chicago, 9.6.1944; 6. Friedrich Pollock: eigenhändige Notiz zur "Anti-Anti-Propaganda", 1 Blatt;
Heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins, G proteins, are integral components of eukaryotic signaling systems linking extracellular signals to intracellular responses. Through coupling to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, G proteins convey primary signaling events into multi-leveled cascades of intracellular activity by regulating downstream enzymes, collectively called effectors. The effector enzymes regulated by G proteins include adenylyl cyclase, cAMP phosphodiesterase, phospolipase C-β, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and ion channels. ^ Neurospora crassa is a multicellular, filamentous fungus that is capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction by elaboration of specialized, developmentally controlled structures that give rise to either asexual or sexual spores, respectively. N. crassa possesses at least three heterotrimeric Gα proteins (GNA-1–3) and one Gβ subunit (GNB-1). GNA-1 was the first microbial protein that could be classified in the Gαi superfamily based on its amino acid identity and demonstration that it is a substrate for ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. ^ Experiments were designed to identify the signal transduction pathways and the effector enzymes regulated by GNA-1. Targeted gene-replacement of gna-1 revealed that GNA-1 controls multiple developmental pathways including both asexual and sexual reproduction, maintenance of growth, and resistance to osmotic stress. The Gαi and Gαz members of the Gαi superfamily negatively regulate adenylyl cyclase activity in mammalian cells; therefore, adenylyl cyclase and cAMP levels were measured in Δgna-1 strains and also in strains that were deleted for both gna-1 and gna-2, a second Gα in N. crassa shown to have overlapping functions with GNA-1. Direct measurements of adenylyl cyclase activity revealed that GNA-1, but not GNA-2, was responsible for GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in N. crassa. Furthermore, anti-GNA-1 IgG could specifically inhibit GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in wild-type strain extracts. These studies also provided evidence that N. crassa possesses feedback mechanisms that control steady-state cAMP levels through indirect regulation of cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity; mutations in gna-1 and gna-2 were additive in their effect on lowering cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity under growth conditions where steady-state cAMP levels were normal but GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was reduced 90% in comparison to control strains. ^ Genetic and biochemical epistasis experiments utilizing a Δ gna-1 cr-1 mutant suggest that GNA-1 is essential for female fertility in a cAMP-independent pathway. Furthermore, deletion of gna-1 in a cr-1 background exacerbated many of the defects already observed in the cr-1 strain including more severe growth restriction and developmental defects. However, deletion of gna-1 had no effect on the increased thermotolerance of cr-1, which has been attributed to loss of cAMP. cr-1 possesses GNA-1 protein, and crude membrane fractions from this strain reconstituted GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in Δgna-1 membrane fractions. These studies provide direct evidence for the involvement of Gα proteins in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in eukaryotic microbes. ^
El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar si el test de velocidad crítica en natación predice adecuadamente el rendimiento específico en natación durante la competición en el MedioIronman. Para ello, 11 triatletas amateur fueron evaluados en ambas situaciones: 1) test de velocidad crítica y 2) Bloque de natación en la competición de MedioIronman. La primera situación de evaluación consistió en la realización del test de velocidad crítica en natación sobre las distancias de 200 y 400 metros, realizándose a partir de dichos datos la estimación del tiempo de la prueba de competición. La segunda situación de evaluación fue el bloque de nado en en la competición de MedioIronman. Se analizaron las diferencias y correlación entre ambos tiempos, el estimado por el test de velocidad crítica y el logrado en competición. Los resultados obtenidos confirman una relación positiva y significativa (r=0,82, p<0,05) entre la estimación del test de velocidad crítica y los tiempos obtenidos en competición. Igualmente, se observó una disminución del tiempo obtenido en competición respecto a la estimación del test, aunque dichas diferencias no fueron significativas (P = 0,16, t=7,823, gl = 10). Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, podría afirmarse que el test de velocidad crítica predice adecuadamente los tiempos de competición de MedioIronman en triatletas amateur.