980 resultados para anomalous Hall effect
Swallowable capsule endoscopy is used for non-invasive diagnosis of some gastrointestinal (GI) organs. However, control over the position of the capsule is a major unresolved issue. This study presents a design for steering the capsule based on magnetic levitation. The levitation is stabilized with the aid of a computer-aided feedback control system and diamagnetism. Peristaltic and gravitational forces to be overcome were calculated. A levitation setup was built to analyze the feasibility of using Hall Effect sensors to locate the in- vivo capsule. CAD software Maxwell 3D (Ansoft, Pittsburgh, PA) was used to determine the dimensions of the resistive electromagnets required for levitation and the feasibility of building them was examined. Comparison based on design complexity was made between positioning the patient supinely and upright.
The study of III-nitride materials (InN, GaN and AlN) gained huge research momentum after breakthroughs in the production light emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) over the past two decades. Last year, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura for inventing a new energy efficient and environmental friendly light source: blue light-emitting diode (LED) from III-nitride semiconductors in the early 1990s. Nowadays, III-nitride materials not only play an increasingly important role in the lighting technology, but also become prospective candidates in other areas, for example, the high frequency (RF) high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) and photovoltaics. These devices require the growth of high quality III-nitride films, which can be prepared using metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The main aim of my thesis is to study and develop the growth of III-nitride films, including AlN, u-AlGaN, Si-doped AlGaN, and InAlN, serving as sample wafers for fabrication of ultraviolet (UV) LEDs, in order to replace the conventional bulky, expensive and environmentally harmful mercury lamp as new UV light sources. For application to UV LEDs, reducing the threading dislocation density (TDD) in AlN epilayers on sapphire substrates is a key parameter for achieving high-efficiency AlGaNbased UV emitters. In Chapter 4, after careful and systematic optimisation, a working set of conditions, the screw and edge type dislocation density in the AlN were reduced to around 2.2×108 cm-2 and 1.3×109 cm-2 , respectively, using an optimized three-step process, as estimated by TEM. An atomically smooth surface with an RMS roughness of around 0.3 nm achieved over 5×5 µm 2 AFM scale. Furthermore, the motion of the steps in a one dimension model has been proposed to describe surface morphology evolution, especially the step bunching feature found under non-optimal conditions. In Chapter 5, control of alloy composition and the maintenance of compositional uniformity across a growing epilayer surface were demonstrated for the development of u-AlGaN epilayers. Optimized conditions (i.e. a high growth temperature of 1245 °C) produced uniform and smooth film with a low RMS roughness of around 2 nm achieved in 20×20 µm 2 AFM scan. The dopant that is most commonly used to obtain n-type conductivity in AlxGa1-xN is Si. However, the incorporation of Si has been found to increase the strain relaxation and promote unintentional incorporation of other impurities (O and C) during Si-doped AlGaN growth. In Chapter 6, reducing edge-type TDs is observed to be an effective appoach to improve the electric and optical properties of Si-doped AlGaN epilayers. In addition, the maximum electron concentration of 1.3×1019 cm-3 and 6.4×1018 cm-3 were achieved in Si-doped Al0.48Ga0.52N and Al0.6Ga0.4N epilayers as measured using Hall effect. Finally, in Chapter 7, studies on the growth of InAlN/AlGaN multiple quantum well (MQW) structures were performed, and exposing InAlN QW to a higher temperature during the ramp to the growth temperature of AlGaN barrier (around 1100 °C) will suffer a significant indium (In) desorption. To overcome this issue, quasi-two-tempeature (Q2T) technique was applied to protect InAlN QW. After optimization, an intense UV emission from MQWs has been observed in the UV spectral range from 320 to 350 nm measured by room temperature photoluminescence.
Title of dissertation: MAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC INVESTIGATIONS OF TURBULENT SPHERICAL COUETTE FLOW Matthew M. Adams, Doctor of Philosophy, 2016 Dissertation directed by: Professor Daniel Lathrop Department of Physics This dissertation describes experiments in spherical Couette devices, using both gas and liquid sodium. The experimental geometry is motivated by the Earth's outer core, the seat of the geodynamo, and consists of an outer spherical shell and an inner sphere, both of which can be rotated independently to drive a shear flow in the fluid lying between them. In the case of experiments with liquid sodium, we apply DC axial magnetic fields, with a dominant dipole or quadrupole component, to the system. We measure the magnetic field induced by the flow of liquid sodium using an external array of Hall effect magnetic field probes, as well as two probes inserted into the fluid volume. This gives information about possible velocity patterns present, and we extend previous work categorizing flow states, noting further information that can be extracted from the induced field measurements. The limitations due to a lack of direct velocity measurements prompted us to work on developing the technique of using acoustic modes to measure zonal flows. Using gas as the working fluid in our 60~cm diameter spherical Couette experiment, we identified acoustic modes of the container, and obtained excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. For the case of uniform rotation of the system, we compared the acoustic mode frequency splittings with theoretical predictions for solid body flow, and obtained excellent agreement. This gave us confidence in extending this work to the case of differential rotation, with a turbulent flow state. Using the measured splittings for this case, our colleagues performed an inversion to infer the pattern of zonal velocities within the flow, the first such inversion in a rotating laboratory experiment. This technique holds promise for use in liquid sodium experiments, for which zonal flow measurements have historically been challenging.
This investigation is motivated by the need for new visible frequency direct bandgap semiconductor materials that are abundant and low-cost to meet the increasing demand for optoelectronic devices in applications such as solid state lighting and solar energy conversion. Proposed here is the utilization of zinc-IV-nitride materials, where group IV elements include silicon, germanium, and tin, as earth-abundant alternatives to the more common III-nitrides in optoelectronic devices. These compound semiconductors were synthesized under optimized conditions using reactive radio frequency magnetron sputter deposition. Single phase ZnSnN2, having limited experimental accounts in literature, is validated by identification of the wurtzite-derived crystalline structure predicted by theory through X-ray and electron diffraction studies. With the addition of germanium, bandgap tunability of ZnSnxGe1-xN2 alloys is demonstrated without observation of phase separation, giving these materials a distinct advantage over InxGa1-xN alloys. The accessible bandgaps range from 1.8 to 3.1 eV, which spans the majority of the visible spectrum. Electron densities, measured using the Hall effect, were found to be as high as 1022 cm−3 and indicate that the compounds are unintentionally degenerately doped. Given these high carrier concentrations, a Burstein-Moss shift is likely affecting the optical bandgap measurements. The discoveries made in this thesis suggest that with some improvements in material quality, zinc-IV-nitrides have the potential to enable cost-effective and scalable optoelectronic devices.
The focus of the thesis is the application of different attitude’s determination algorithms on data evaluated with MEMS sensor using a board provided by University of Bologna. MEMS sensors are a very cheap options to obtain acceleration, and angular velocity. The use of magnetometers based on Hall effect can provide further data. The disadvantage is that they have a lot of noise and drift which can affects the results. The different algorithms that have been used are: pitch and roll from accelerometer, yaw from magnetometer, attitude from gyroscope, TRIAD, QUEST, Magdwick, Mahony, Extended Kalman filter, Kalman GPS aided INS. In this work the algorithms have been rewritten to fit perfectly with the data provided from the MEMS sensor. The data collected by the board are acceleration on the three axis, angular velocity on the three axis, magnetic fields on the three axis, and latitude, longitude, and altitude from the GPS. Several tests and comparisons have been carried out installing the electric board on different vehicles operating in the air and on ground. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the Magdwich filter is the best trade-off between computational capabilities required and results obtained. If attitude angles are obtained from accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometer, inconsistent data are obtained for cases where high vibrations levels are noticed. On the other hand, Kalman filter based algorithms requires a high computational burden. TRIAD and QUEST algorithms doesn’t perform as well as filters.
Development of alternative propellants for Hall thruster operation is an active area of research. Xenon is the current propellant of choice for Hall thrusters, but can be costly in large thrusters and for extended test periods. Condensible propellants may offer an alternative to xenon, as they will not require costly active pumping to remove from a test facility, and may be less expensive to purchase. A method has been developed which uses segmented electrodes in the discharge channel of a Hall thruster to divert discharge current to and from the main anode and thus control the anode temperature. By placing a propellant reservoir in the anode, the evaporation rate, and hence, mass flow of propellant can be controlled. Segmented electrodes for thermal control of a Hall thruster represent a unique strategy of thruster design, and thus the performance of the thruster must be measured to determine the effect the electrodes have on the thruster. Furthermore, the source of any changes in thruster performance due to the adjustment of discharge current between the shims and the main anode must be characterized. A Hall thruster was designed and constructed with segmented electrodes. It was then tested at anode voltages between 300 and 400 V and mass flows between 4 and 6 mg/s, as well as 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and <5% of the discharge current on the shim electrodes. The level of current on the shims was adjusted by changing the shim voltage. At each operating point, the thruster performance, plume divergence, ion energy, and multiply charged ion fraction were measured performance exhibited a small change with the level of discharge current on the shim electrodes. Thrust and specific impulse increased by as much as 6% and 7.7%, respectively, as discharge current was shifted from the main anode to the shims at constant anode voltage. Thruster efficiency did not change. Plume divergence was reduced by approximately 4 degrees of half-angle at high levels of current on the shims and at all combinations of mass flow and anode voltage. The fraction of singly charged xenon in the thruster plume varied between approximately 80% and 95% as the anode voltage and mass flow were changed, but did not show a significant change with shim current. Doubly and triply charged xenon made up the remainder of the ions detected. Ion energy exhibited a mixed behavior. The highest voltage present in the thruster largely dictated the most probable energy; either shim or anode voltage, depending on which was higher. The overall change in most probable ion energy was 20-30 eV, the majority of which took place while the shim voltage was higher than the anode voltage. The thrust, specific impulse, plume divergence, and ion energy all indicate that the thruster is capable of a higher performance output at high levels of discharge current on the shims. The lack of a change in efficiency and fraction of multiply charged ions indicate that the thruster can be operated at any level of current on the shims without detrimental effect, and thus a condensible propellant thruster can control the anode temperature without a decrease in efficiency or a change in the multiply charged ion fraction.
We investigated the electrical transport properties of ultraheavily Ti-implanted silicon layers subsequently pulsed laser melted (PLM). After PLM, the samples exhibit anomalous electrical behaviour in sheet resistance and Hall mobility measurements, which is associated with the formation of an intermediate band (IB) in the implanted layer. An analytical model that assumes IB formation and a current limitation effect between the implanted layer and the substrate was developed to analyse this anomalous behaviour. This model also describes the behaviour of the function V/Delta V and the electrical function F that can be extracted from the electrical measurements in the bilayer. After chemical etching of the implanted layer, the anomalous electrical behaviour observed in sheet resistance and Hall mobility measurements vanishes, recovering the unimplanted Si behaviour, in agreement with the analytical model. The behaviour of V/Delta V and the electrical function F can also be successfully described in terms of the analytical model in the bilayer structure with the implanted layer entirely stripped.
We have used a high-energy ball mill to prepare single-phased nanocrystalline Fe, Fe90Ni10, Fe85Al4Si11, Ni99Fe1 and Ni90Fe10 powders. We then increased their grain sizes by annealing. We found that a low-temperature anneal (T < 0.4 Tm) softens the elemental nanocrystalline Fe but hardens both the body-centered cubic iron- and face-centered cubic nickel-based solid solutions, leading in these alloys to an inverse Hall–Petch relationship. We explain this abnormal Hall–Petch effect in terms of solute segregation to the grain boundaries of the nanocrystalline alloys. Our analysis can also explain the inverse Hall–Petch relationship found in previous studies during the thermal anneal of ball-milled nanocrystalline Fe (containing ∼1.5 at.% impurities) and electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni (containing ∼1.0 at.% impurities).
Previous resistively detected NMR (RDNMR) studies on the nu approximate to 1 quantum Hall state have reported a ""dispersionlike"" line shape and extremely short nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation times, observations which have been attributed to the formation of a skyrme lattice. Here we examine the evolution of the RDNMR line shape and nuclear-spin relaxation for Zeeman: Coulomb energy ratios ranging from 0.012 to 0.036. According to theory, suppression of the skyrme crystal, along with the associated Goldstone mode nuclear-spin-relaxation mechanism, is expected at the upper end of this range. However, we find that the anomalous line shape persists at high Zeeman energy, and only a modest decrease in the RDNMR-detected nuclear-spin-relaxation rate is observed.
The results on the measurement of electrical conductivity and magnetoconductivity of a GaAs double quantum well between 0.5 and 1.1 K are reported. The zero magnetic-field conductivity is well described from the point of view of contributions made by both the weak localization and electron-electron interaction. At low field and low temperature, the magnetoconductivity is dominated by the weak localization effect only. Using the weak localization method, we have determined the electron dephasing times tau(phi) and tunneling times tau(t). Concerning tunneling, we concluded that tau(t) presents a minimum around the balance point; concerning dephasing, we observed an anomalous dependence on temperature and conductivity (or elastic mean free path) of tau(phi). This anomalous behavior cannot be explained in terms of the prevailing concepts for the electron-electron interaction in high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems.
Cold-rolled (0-19% of reduction) 0.5% Si electrical steel sheets were studied in detail, including macro and micro residual stress measurements, crystallographic texture, dc-hysteresis curves and iron losses. Even for the smallest deformation, losses increase significantly, with large increase of the hysteresis losses, whereas the anomalous losses reduce slightly. The residual microstresses are similar to 150-350 MPa, whereas residual macrostresses are compressive, similar to 50 MPa. The large increase of the hysteresis losses is attributed to the residual microstresses. The dislocation density estimated by X-ray diffraction is in reasonable agreement with that predicted from the Sablik et al. model for effect of plastic deformation on hysteresis. The intensity of the texture fibers {1 1 1}< u v w > and < 110 >//RD (RD = rolling direction) increases with the reduction. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Eletter to Tobacco Control in response to an eletter published in the same journal about whether snus (Swedish moist oral snuff) was responsible for a decline in smoking prevalence among men in Sweden.
Nanocomposite materials have received considerable attention in recent years due to their novel properties. Grain boundaries are considered to play an important role in nanostructured materials. This work focuses on the finite element analysis of the effect of grain boundaries on the overall mechanical properties of aluminium/alumina composites. A grain boundary is incorporated into the commonly used unit cell model to investigate its effect on material properties. By combining the unit cell model with an indentation model, coupled with experimental indentation measurements, the ''effective'' plastic property of the grain boundary is estimated. In addition, the strengthening mechanism is also discussed based on the Estrin-Mecking model.
A persistent photoconductivity effect (PPC) has been investigated in Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films and solar cells as a function of temperature. An anomalous increase of the PPC decay time with temperature was observed in all samples. The PPC decay time activation energy was found to increase when temperature rises above a crossover value, and also to grow with the increase of the sulfurization temperature and pressure. Both the anomalous behavior of the PPC decay time and the existence of two different activation energies are explained in terms of local potential fluctuations in the band edges of CZTS.
The aim of this work was to investigate the effect on a display gamut of varying the optical density and the position of the maximum sensitivity of the cones spectra of anomalous trichromatic observers. The anomalous cone spectral sensitivities were estimated for a set of varying optical density and maximum sensitivity spectra conditions and used to compute the display color gamut. The computed display gamut simulated for normal observers the chro- matic diversity perceived by anomalous observers. It was found that even small variations on the optical density and on the position of the maximum sensitivity spectra have an impact on the simulations of the display gamut for anomalous observers. It was also found that simulations for deuteroanomalous observers are the ones with greater impact if the estimation of the corresponding color display gamut is not carefully adjusted for the observer.