971 resultados para animal-plant protein ratio


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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O cupuaçu desponta como um importante produto agrícola de exportação com ampla perspectiva de mercado devido à aceitação que desfruta entre os consumidores regionais e de outros estados do país. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade protéica de produtos em pó formulados com amêndoas torradas de cupuaçu e cacau. De acordo com o ensaio biológico Net Protein Ratio, realizado a partir de dietas contendo 10% de proteína na proporção de cupuaçu ou cacau:caseína (50:50), verificou-se que as proteínas do cupuaçu apresentaram valor biológico significativamente superior (p ≤ 0,05) ao das proteínas de cacau, promovendo aumento de peso dos animais 57,4% maior. No que se refere às necessidades diárias para crianças e adultos, o perfil aminoacídico das proteínas do cupuaçu teve desempenho superior ao das proteínas do cacau.


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A criação da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí em 1985, inundou uma área de 2.400 Km² de floresta, originando centenas de ilhas de tamanhos diferentes, onde diversos organismos, dentre eles os cuxiús (Chiropotes spp.), tiveram suas populações fragmentadas. A área de estudo, ilha de Gennoplasrna, possui 129 ha e abriga uma população de Chiropotes utahickae, atualmente com 23 membros, já estudada por Santos (2002). O objetivo principal deste estudo foi descrever aspectos da ecologia do cuxiú de Uta Hick e caracterizar a exploração alimentar de espécies arbóreas. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em oito dias de coleta mensal de dados, utilizando-se o método de varredura instantânea de um minuto de duração e cinco de intervalo, aplicado paralelamente ás amostragens de árvore-focal e fruto-focal, intercalando-se estes dois tipos. As principais categorias comportamentais foram alimentação, deslocamento, forrageio, repouso e interação social. Foram obtidos 11.277 registros de varredura, 259 de árvore-focal e 711 de fruto-focal durante o período de março a agosto de 2004. Foram gastos 50,6% do tempo em deslocamento, 31,9% em alimentação, 10,6% em repouso, 5,4% em forrageio e 1,2% em interação social. A dieta foi composta principalmente de semente imatura (31,7%), mesocarpo imaturo (21,2%), fruto maduro (18,3%) e flores (14,4%). A comparação com o estudo de Santos (2002) sugere diferenças longitudinais e sazonais. Os frutos explorados variaram de 0,4 cm a 15,3 cm de comprimento e as sementes, de 0,1cm a 2,3 cm. Os cuxiús foram considerados predadores para 74,2% das 31 espécies analisadas. Não houve relação significativa entre o tamanho das sementes e o tipo de interação. Também não existiu relação significativa entre a distância de deposição das sementes e o tamanho destas, sugerindo que o transporte de sementes pelos cuxiús pode estar ligado a outros fatores (dimensão da copa, tamanho do subagrupamento). Após vinte anos de isolamento, os cuxiús pareceram apresentar um padrão comportamental típico do gênero Chiropotes. Esta tolerância ao ambiente fragmentado, pareceu ser evidenciada nesse estudo, pelo intenso consumo do mesocarpo imaturo de ingás (Inga spp.) e de flores de castanheira (Bertholletia excelsa). Flores parecem ser um recurso importante para os cuxiús da área de influência do reservatório de Tucuruí (Santos, 2002; Silva, 2003). Este trabalho vem contribuir para o conhecimento da ecologia da espécie, ressaltando que o monitoramento das populações nas áreas do reservatório de Tucuruí, precisa ser continuado a fim de que se reúna mais informações a respeito da sua organização social, dieta e interferência na comunidade vegetal, necessárias para o planejamento de medidas de manejo e conservação.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alves C. J., Alcino J. F., Farias A. E. M., Higino S. S. S., Santos F. A., Azevedo S. S., Costa D. F. & Santos C. S. A. B. 2012. [Epidemiological characterization and risk factors associated with leptospirosis in the brazilian semiarid.] Caracterizacao epidemiologica e fatores de risco associados a leptospirose em ovinos deslanados do semiarido brasileiro. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(6): 523-528. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Sa de e Tecnologia Rural, Unidade Academica de Medicina Veterinaria, Av. Universitaria s/n(o), Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: clebertja@uol.com.br The aim of this investigation was to determine the herd-level and animal-level prevalence of leptospirosis in sheep from the semiarid of Paraiba State, Northeast Brazil, as well as to identify risk factors. Blood samples were collected from 1,275 sheep from 117 flocks in 19 counties in the Sertao mesoregion, Paraiba. For the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) using 24 Leptospira spp. serovars as antigens was carried out. Of the 117 flocks studied 33 (28.20%) presented at least one seropositive sheep, and of the 1,275 animals 69 (5.41%) were seropositive with titers ranging from 100 to 3,200. Reactant serovars were Autumnalis (49.30%), Andamana (27.53%), Sentot (17.39%), Whitcomb (4.34%) and Australis (1.44%). Herd size > 48 sheep (odds ratio = 2.26; 95% CI = 1.33-5.07; p = 0.021) and participation in animal exhibits (odds ratio = 9.05; 95% CI = 0.96-85.71; p = 0.055) were identified as risk factors. The need was suggested for studies on the isolation of the agent, characterization of its pathogenicity and its economic impact on sheep flocks of the region, and sanitary control in sheep agglomerations was recommended.


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The microencapsulation of Lippia sidoides extracts in blends of carbohydrates was investigated. The extraction conditions were determined through a 2(2) factorial design. The effects of the plant:solvent ratio (A - 7.5:100 and 15:100 m/m) and the extraction time (B - 30 and 90 min) on thymol content of extractive solutions were evaluated, using a 2:1 (v/v) of ethanol:water at a temperature of 50 degrees C, as a solvent system. The selected extract was subjected to spray drying. Blends of maltodextrin and gum arabic at different proportions (4:1; 3:2; 2:3; 0:1) (m/m) were used as encapsulating material. The protective effects of the maltodextrin and gum arabic blends were evaluated by determination of the thymol retention in the dried product, which ranged from 70.2 to 84.2% (related to the content in the extractive solution). An increase in the gum arabic to maltodextrin (DE10) ratio has positive effect on thymol retention. L. sidoides extracts and spray-dried products showed antifungal activity against tested fungal strains (Candida albicans - ATCC 64548, Candida glabrata - ATCC 90030, Candida krusei - ATCC 6258, and Candida parapsilosis - ATCC 22019), evidencing their potential as a natural antifungal agent for medicinal, food, and cosmeceutical purposes. (C) 2012 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden verschiedene Kandidatengene für den Wilmstumor (WT), eine Tumorerkrankung der Niere, identifiziert und charakterisiert. Da dieses frühkindliche Malignom aus einer inkorrekt ablaufenden Metanephrogenese resultiert, wurden die Genexpressionsmuster verschiedener humaner Wilmstumor- und Normalnierengewebe (adulte sowie fetale Niere) mit Hilfe der Technik des differential display verglichen und die als differenziell exprimiert identifizierten Gene kloniert und charakterisiert. Bei TM7SF1 handelt es sich um ein neues Gen, dessen Transkription im Zuge der Metanephrogenese angeschaltet wird. Das von ihm codierte putative Protein kann aufgrund von Strukturvorhersagen vermutlich zur Familie G Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren gezählt werden. Die ableitbare Funktion als Signalmolekül der Nierenentwicklung, sowie seine Lokalisation in einem WT-Lokus (1q42-q43) machen TM7SF1 zu einem aussichtsreichen Kandidatengen für den WT. Darüber hinaus konnten die Voraussetzungen für funktionelle Tests, die eine weitere Charakterisierung von TM7SF1 erlauben, geschaffen werden (Identifikation und Klonierung des murinen Homologen, stabil überexprimierende WT-Zelllinien, Antikörper gegen den Aminoterminus des putativen Proteins). Mit TCF2 wurde ein weiteres Gen identifiziert, dessen Produkt in Prozessen der Metanephrogenese eine Rolle spielt. Die signifikante Herunterregulation der TCF2-Expression in der großen Mehrzahl der untersuchten WTs, die innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigte Regulation durch das WT1-Genprodukt, sowie seine genomische Lokalisation in einem Intervall für die familiäre Form des WT (FWT1 in 17q12-q21) zeigen das Potenzial von TCF2, als Kandidatengen für den FWT zu gelten. Darüber hinaus wurde mit GLI3 ein in verschiedenen WTs stark exprimiertes Gen identifiziert. Sein Produkt ist eine Komponente des entwicklungsbiologisch relevanten und in verschiedene Tumorerkrankungen involvierten sonic hedgehog-Signaltransduktionsweges. Mit FE7A3 und CDT151 konnten zwei differenziell exprimierte cDNAs identifiziert werden, die Teile neuer Gene darstellen und die in WT-Loci kartiert werden konnten. Aufgrund von Homologievergleichen im Bereich der identifizierten offenen Leserahmen konnte eine mögliche Bedeutung der putativen Genprodukte für die WT-Pathogenese als Zelladhäsionsmolekül (FE7A3) bzw. als mit der Proliferation assoziiertem Transkriptionsfaktor (CDT151) herausgearbeitet werden. Neben den komparativen Genexpressionsuntersuchungen wurde in einem zweiten Ansatz die transkriptionelle Regulation des einzigen bisher klonierten Wilmstumorgens (WT1) analysiert. Mit Hilfe vergleichender Reportergenanalysen in WT1-exprimierenden und nicht-exprimierenden Zelllinien konnten neue für die transkriptionelle Regulation von WT1 relevante Bereiche identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde der für die Transkriptionsfaktoren SP1 und SP3 an anderen Promotoren beschriebene funktionelle Antagonismus für die WT1-Expression untersucht und in Gelretardationsanalysen mit dem WT1-Expressionsstatus oben genannter Zelllinien korreliert.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Pigmentbindung verschiedener Pflanzenproteine untersucht, um daraus Rückschlüsse auf ihre Funktion zu ziehen. PsbS, die S-Untereinheit des Photosystems II, konnte mit Pigmenten isoliert werden. Es wurde kein Hinweis auf eine spezifische Wechselwirkung der Chromophore gefunden, Ergebnisse wie pigmentabhängig stärkere Helixbildung unterstützen jedoch die Vermutung, PsbS fungiere als transienter Pigmentcarrier. Die Sequenzverwandten OHP, Sep1 und Sep2 binden entweder keine Pigmente oder nur so schwach, dass eine Bindung mit den verwendeten Methoden nicht nachweisbar ist.WSCP aus Blumenkohl ist ein wasserlösliches chlorophyllbindendes Protein mit unbekannter Funktion. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein rekombinantes WSCP mit N-terminal angehängtem His-Tag hergestellt und überexprimiert. WSCP-his tetramerisiert pigmentabhängig und bindet Chlorophylle, nicht aber Carotinoide. In seinen biochemischen und spektroskopischen Eigenschaften gleicht das rekombinante dem nativen WSCP und kann als Werkzeug für Untersuchungen zur Funktion herangezogen werden. Rekonstitutionsexperimente mit Chlorophyll-Derivaten zeigten, dass der Phytolrest für die Oligomerisierung des Proteins verantwortlich ist. WSCP bindet außerdem die Chlorophyll-Vorstufen Chlorophyllid und Mg-Protoporphyrin IX. Es könnte sich um ein Carrierprotein handeln, welches die Vorstufen von der Chloroplastenhülle durch das Stroma zur Thylakoidmembran transportiert. Der Fall eines chlorophyllbindenden Pflanzenproteins ohne Carotinoide ist einmalig. Messungen zu Photostabilität und Singulettsauerstoffbildung zeigten, dass es dennoch gebundenes Chlorophyll vor photooxidativer Schädigung schützt.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate some important key factors able to promote the prospected growth of the aquaculture sector. The limited availability of fishmeal and fish oil led the attention of the aquafeed industry to reduce the dependency on marine raw materials in favor of vegetable ingredients. In Chapter 2, we reported the effects of fishmeal replacement by a mixture of plant proteins in turbot (Psetta maxima L.) juveniles. At the end of the trial, it was found that over the 15% plant protein inclusion can cause stress and exert negative effects on growth performance and welfare. Climate change aroused the attention of the aquafeed industry toward the production of specific diets capable to counteract high temperatures. In Chapter 3, we investigated the most suitable dietary lipid level for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) reared at Mediterranean summer temperature. In this trial, it was highlighted that 18% dietary lipid allows a protein sparing effect, thus making the farming of this species economically and environmentally more sustainable. The introduction of new farmed fish species makes necessary the development of new species-specific diets. In Chapter 4, we assessed growth response and feed utilization of common sole (Solea solea L.) juveniles fed graded dietary lipid levels. At the end of the trial, it was found that increasing dietary lipids over 8% led to a substantial decline in growth performance and feed utilization indices. In Chapter 5, we investigated the suitability of mussel meal as alternative ingredient in diets for common sole juveniles. Mussel meal proved to be a very effective alternative ingredient for enhancing growth performance, feed palatability and feed utilization in sole irrespectively to the tested inclusion levels. This thesis highlighted the importance of formulating more specific diets in order to support the aquaculture growth in a sustainable way.


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Evidence accumulated in the last ten years has demonstrated that a large proportion of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes in a variety of organisms is arranged in supramolecular assemblies called supercomplexes or respirasomes. Besides conferring a kinetic advantage (substrate channeling) and being required for the assembly and stability of Complex I, indirect considerations support the view that supercomplexes may also prevent excessive formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the respiratory chain. Following this line of thought we have decided to directly investigate ROS production by Complex I under conditions in which the complex is arranged as a component of the supercomplex I1III2 or it is dissociated as an individual enzyme. The study has been addressed both in bovine heart mitochondrial membranes and in reconstituted proteoliposomes composed of complexes I and III in which the supramolecular organization of the respiratory assemblies is impaired by: (i) treatment either of bovine heart mitochondria or liposome-reconstituted supercomplex I-III with dodecyl maltoside; (ii) reconstitution of Complexes I and III at high phospholipids to protein ratio. The results of this investigation provide experimental evidence that the production of ROS is strongly increased in either model; supporting the view that disruption or prevention of the association between Complex I and Complex III by different means enhances the generation of superoxide from Complex I . This is the first demonstration that dissociation of the supercomplex I1III2 in the mitochondrial membrane is a cause of oxidative stress from Complex I. Previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that lipid peroxidation can dissociate the supramolecular assemblies; thus, here we confirm that preliminary conclusion that primary causes of oxidative stress may perpetuate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by a vicious circle involving supercomplex dissociation as a major determinant.


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A differential expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (SERCA2a) and phospholamban (PLB) characterizes the remodeling process in heart failure and atrial arrhythmias in adult patients. Gender is known to modulate the course and prognosis of different forms of heart disease. We hypothesized that gender plays a role in molecular changes of myocardial calcium regulating components already in childhood. Moreover, we studied the influence of volume overloaded (VO) on SERCA2a and PLB in pediatric patients. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to measure mRNA expression of SERCA2a and PLB in atrial myocardium from 30 pediatric patients (12 girls, 18 boys). Eighteen patients had VO right atria, and 12 patients had not-overloaded atria (NO). Protein expression was studied by Western blot. In the entire population, SERCA2a and PLB expression was not different between girls and boys. If hemodynamic overload was taken into account, SERCA2a mRNA expression was significantly reduced in the VO group compared with the NO group (P = 0.021). The VO versus NO difference was restricted to boys, which corresponds to a highly significant interaction of gender versus VO status (P = 0.002). The PLB to SERCA2a protein ratio was significantly lower in girls (P = 0.028). The decrease in SERCA2a mRNA expression in VO atrial myocardium and the PLB to SERCA2a ratio of protein expression was modulated by gender in this pediatric population. To our knowledge, this study is the first to show the impact of gender on the differential expression of calcium-regulating components in pediatric cardiac patients.