871 resultados para alternative fertilizer
This paper reports on the fate of nitrogen (N) in a first ratoon sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) crop in the wet tropics of Queensland when urea was either surface applied or drilled into the soil 3-4 days after harvesting the plant cane. Ammonia volatilization was measured with a micrometeorological method, and fertilizer N recovery in plants and soil, to a depth of 140 cm, was determined by mass balance in macroplots with N labelled urea 166 and 334 days after fertilizer application. The bulk of the fertilizer and soil N uptake by the sugarcane occurred between fertilizing and the first sampling on day 166. Nitrogen use efficiency measured as the recovery of labelled N in the plant was very low. At the time of the final sampling (day 334), the efficiencies for the surface and subsurface treatments were 18.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The tops, leaves, stalks and roots in the subsurface treatment contained significantly more fertilizer N than the corresponding parts in the surface treatment. The total recoveries of fertilizer N for the plant-trash-soil system on day 334 indicate significant losses of N in both treatments ( 59.1% and 45.6% of the applied N in the surface and subsurface treatments, respectively). Drilling the urea into the soil instead of applying it to the trash surface reduced ammonia loss from 37.3% to 5.5% of the applied N. Subtracting the data for ammonia loss from total loss suggests that losses by leaching and denitrification combined increased from 21.8% and 40.1% of the applied N as a result of the change in method of application. While the treatment resulted in increased denitrification and/or leaching loss, total N loss was reduced from 59.1% to 45.6%, ( a saving of 13.5% of the applied N), which resulted in an extra 9.9% of the applied N being assimilated by the crop.
Background: Presently the surgical approach to the adrenal gland is in a state of flux. While the traditional approach to the adrenal gland has been the open transabdominal technique, more recently laparoscopic approaches, particularly via the transabdominal route, have increasingly been utilized. However, laparoscopic intervention for the adrenal gland can be problematic in certain circumstances, particularly for large adrenal masses and in instances of adrenal malignancies. Methods: In this report we describe the use of hand-assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy as an alternative minimal invasive surgical approach to the adrenal gland. Hand-assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy using the HandPort system (Smith & Nephew, Sydney, Australia) was undertaken in three patients requiring adrenalectomy for mass lesions including one patient with Conn's syndrome. Results: In all three cases, surgery proceeded promptly and uneventfully. In the present paper, the details of the technique of hand-assisted adrenalectomy are described. This is the first report in the world literature of this new technique for the adrenal gland. Conclusions: Hand-assisted laparoscopic adrenalectomy is an easily performed technique, which can be completed within a short operative time span and which has the advantage of providing intraoperative tactile localization for the adrenal gland. It may be particularly applicable for large adrenal tumours, yet only involves the performance of a small abdominal incision. Postoperative recovery is comparable with that reported for the laparoscopic-only technique. Hand-assisted adrenalectomy is a new technique which has great potential and which warrants further evaluation.
Both angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and AT-1 receptor antagonists reduce the effects of angiotensin II, however they may have different clinical effects. This is because the ACE inhibitors, but not the AT-1 receptor antagonists, increase the levels of substance P, bradykinin and tissue plasminogen activator. The AT-1 receptor antagonists, but not the ACE inhibitors, are capable of inhibiting the effects of angiotensin II produced by enzymes other than ACE. On the basis of the present clinical trial evidence, AT-1 receptor antagonists, rather than the ACE inhibitors, should be used to treat hypertension associated with left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy. Both groups of drugs are useful when hypertension is not complicated by LV hypertrophy, and in diabetes. In the treatment of diabetes with or without hypertension, there is good clinical support for the use of either an ACE inhibitor or an AT-1 receptor antagonist. ACE inhibitors are recommended in the treatment of renal disease that is not associated with diabetes, after myocardial infarction when left ventricular dysfunction is present, and in heart failure. As the incidence of cough is much lower with the AT-1 receptor antagonists, these can be substituted for ACE inhibitors in patients with hypertension or heart failure who have persistent cough. Preliminary studies suggest that combining an AT-1 receptor antagonist with an ACE inhibitor may be more effective than an ACE inhibitor alone in the treatment of hypertension, diabetes with hypertension, renal disease without diabetes and heart failure. However, further trials are required before combination therapy can be recommended in these conditions.
The inhibitory effect of sucrose on the kinetics of thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the chromogenic substrate S-2238 (D-phenylalanyl-pipecolyl-arginoyl-p-nitroanilide) is re-examined as a possible consequence of thermodynamic non-ideality-an inhibition originally attributed to the increased viscosity of reaction mixtures. However, those published results may also be rationalized in terms of the suppression of a substrate-induced isomerization of thrombin to a slightly more expanded (or more asymmetric) transition state prior to the irreversible kinetic steps that lead to substrate hydrolysis. This reinterpretation of the kinetic results solely in terms of molecular crowding does not signify the lack of an effect of viscosity on any reaction step(s) subject to diffusion control. Instead, it highlights the need for development of analytical procedures that can accommodate the concomitant operation of thermodynamic non-ideality and viscosity effects.
The weight of poultry manure produced per day approximately equals the weight of feed eaten by poultry each day. Diet reformulation may reduce valuable nutrient waste but feed waste in manure can be used economically as a source of fertilizer, fuel and ruminant feed. Its value as a poultry feed is uncertain and needs further investigation.
Agriculture in limited resource areas is characterized by small farms which an generally too small to adequately support the needs of an average farm family. The farming operation can be described as a low input cropping system with the main energy source being manual labor, draught animals and in some areas hand tractors. These farming systems are the most important contributor to the national economy of many developing countries. The role of tillage is similar in dryland agricultural systems in both the high input (HICS) and low input cropping systems (LICS), however, wet cultivation or puddling is unique to lowland rice-based systems in low input cropping systems. Evidence suggest that tillage may result in marginal increases in crop yield in the short term, however, in the longer term it may be neutral or give rise to yield decreases associated with soil structural degradation. On marginal soils, tillage may be required to prepare suitable seedbeds or to release adequate Nitrogen through mineralization, but in the longer term, however, tillage reduces soil organic matter content, increases soil erodibility and the emission of greenhouse gases. Tillage in low input cropping systems involves a very large proportion of the population and any changes: in current practices such as increased mechanization will have a large social impact such as increased unemployment and increasing feminization of poverty, as mechanization may actually reduce jobs for women. Rapid mechanization is likely to result in failures, but slower change, accompanied by measures to provide alternative rural employment, might be beneficial. Agriculture in limited resource areas must produce the food and fiber needs of their community, and its future depends on the development of sustainable tillage/cropping systems that are suitable for the soil and climatic conditions. These should be based on sound biophysical principles and meet the needs of and he acceptable to the farming communities. Some of the principle requirements for a sustainable system includes the maintenance of soil health, an increase in the rain water use efficiency of the system, increased use of fertilizer and the prevention of erosion. The maintenance of crop residues on the surface is paramount for meeting these requirements, and the competing use of crop residues must be met from other sources. These requirements can be met within a zonal tillage system combined with suitable agroforestry, which will reduce the need for crop residues. It is, however, essential that farmers participate in the development of any new technologies to ensure adoption of the new system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
O lodo de esgoto possui alto teor de matéria orgânica porém, também estão presentes diferentes poluentes e patógenos. Desta forma, neste trabalho foi extraído ácido húmico (AH) o qual é um composto resultante do fracionamento de substâncias húmicas que compreendem um grupo de compostos de carbono gerados na decomposição de resíduos orgânicos que sofrem ressíntese formando o húmus. O ácido húmico promove diversos benefícios nos vegetais, como crescimento, elongação celular, tolerância a estresses e aumento da permeabilidade da membrana plasmática. Com base nestas características, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos citogenéticos (ensaio Allium cepa), fisiológicos, anatômicos e bioquímicos do ácido húmico do lodo de esgoto sanitário. Foi realizada caracterização elementar do material para a definição das doses. Após 20 dias de tratamento, foram realizadas coletas do material e, posteriormente, analisadas. A caracterização química do AH indicou-o como bom condicionador para culturas apresentando elevadas taxas de C, H e N. Não foi observado efeito de toxicidade, citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade e mutagenicidade do AH. Foi verificado aumento expressivo de todos os pigmentos fotossintéticos vegetais nas concentrações mais altas (2 mM C L-1 e 4 mM C L-1). Houve aumento da expressão da ATPAse em todos os tratamentos e das enzimas do estresse oxidativo (CAT, SOD, APX, GST) em diferentes concentrações. A integração destas análises permitiu concluir que o ácido húmico do lodo de esgoto pode ser utilizado como adubo orgânico, pois foi observado benefícios no vegetal tais como maior crescimento vegetal e aumento da atividade nas enzimas do estresse oxidativo.
Fertilizer recommendation to most agricultural crops is based on response curves. Such curves are constructed from field experimental data, obtained for a particular condition and may not be reliable to be applied to other regions. The aim of this study was to develop a Lime and Fertilizer Recommendation System for Coconut Crop based on the nutritional balance. The System considers the expected productivity and plant nutrient use efficiency to estimate nutrient demand, and effective rooting layer, soil nutrient availability, as well as any other nutrient input to estimate the nutrient supply. Comparing the nutrient demand with the nutrient supply the System defines the nutrient balance. If the balance for a given nutrient is negative, lime and, or, fertilization is recommended. On the other hand, if the balance is positive, no lime or fertilizer is needed. For coconut trees, the fertilization regime is divided in three stages: fertilization at the planting spot, band fertilization and fertilization at the production phase. The data set for the development of the System for coconut trees was obtained from the literature. The recommendations generated by the System were compared to those derived from recommendation tables used for coconut crop in Brazil. The main differences between the two procedures were for the P rate applied in the planting hole, which was higher in the proposed System because the tables do not pay heed to the pit volume, whereas the N and K rates were lower. The crop demand for K is very high, and the rates recommended by the System are superior to the table recommendations for the formation and initial production stage. The fertilizer recommendations by the System are higher for the phase of coconut tree growth as compared to the production phase, because greater amount of biomass is produced in the first phase.
Nitrogen has a complex dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. N fertilizers are subject to chemical and microbial transformations in soils that can result in significant losses. Considering the cost of fertilizers, the adoption of good management practices like fertigation could improve the N use efficiency by crops. Water balances (WB) were applied to evaluate fertilizer N leaching using 15N labeled urea in west Bahia, Brazil. Three scenarios (2008/2009) were established: i) rainfall + irrigation the full year, ii) rainfall only; and iii) rainfall + irrigation only in the dry season. The water excess was considered equal to the deep drainage for the very flat area (runoff = 0) with a water table located several meters below soil surface (capillary rise = 0). The control volume for water balance calculations was the 0 - 1 m soil layer, considering that it involves the active root system. The water drained below 1 m was used to estimate fertilizer N leaching losses. WB calculations used the mathematic model of Penman-Monteith for evapotranspiration, considering the crop coefficient equal to unity. The high N application rate associated to the high rainfall plus irrigation was found to be the main cause for leaching, which values were 14.7 and 104.5 kg ha-1 for the rates 400 and 800 kg ha-1 of N, corresponding to 3.7 and 13.1 % of the applied fertilizer, respectively.
Calcium-magnesium silicates improve the soil physicochemical properties and provide benefits to plant nutrition, since they are sources of silica, calcium and magnesium. The objective of this study was to evaluate the grain yield of irrigated corn fertilized with calcium-magnesium silicate. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in Campina Grande - PB, Brazil, using plastic pots containing 80 kg of soil. The treatments consisted of the combination of four irrigation depths, related to water replacement of 50, 75, 100 and 125% of the crop evapotranspiration, with fertilizer levels of 0, 82, 164 and 246 g of calcium-magnesium silicate, with three replications. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with the irrigation depths distributed in bands while the silicon levels constituted the subplots. Corn yield was influenced by calcium-magnesium silicate and by irrigation depth, obtaining the greatest grain yield with the dose of 164 g pot-1 irrigated at the highest water level. The water-use efficiency of in corn production tended to decrease when the irrigation depth was increased. The best water-use efficiency was observed when the irrigation level was between 87 and 174 mm, and the dose of silicate was 164 g pot-1.
ABSTRACT New nitrogen fertilizers are available in the market actually, however, does not have results on the efficiency of the Cerrado conditions. With that objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of urea including stabilized and controlled release urea on yield of irrigated common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) in no-tillage system. The experiment was conducted in the winter crop, at Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, in Santo Antônio de Goiás, State of Goiás, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with five replicates. Treatments consisted of five N sources (urea, urea + NBPT, urea + polymer, ammonium sulphate, and ammonium nitrate) and a control (without N) being applied 20 kg ha-1 of N at sowing and 80 kg ha-1 onf N in topdressing. We evaluated the chlorophyll content in leaves of common beans, the leaf N content and dry mass weight (MSPA) in the flowering of common beans, the number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, mass of 100 grains, grain yield and final stand of the common beans. The sources of nitrogen fertilizer did not influence, leaf N content, the mass of MSPA and the relative chlorophyll index of common beans. The use of polymerized urea and urea with urease inhibitor, did not produce increases in the number of grains per pod, number of pods per plant, mass of 100 grains and common beans yield compared to traditional sources of N, urea, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.
ABSTRACT The efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer in corn is usually low, negatively affecting plant nutrition, the economic return, and the environment. In this context, a variable rate of nitrogen, prescribed by crop sensors, has been proposed as an alternative to the uniform rate of nitrogen traditionally used by farmers. This study tested the hypothesis that variable rate of nitrogen, prescribed by optical sensor, increases the nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield as compared to uniform rate of nitrogen. The following treatments were evaluated: 0; 70; 140; and 210 kg ha-1 under uniform rate of nitrogen, and 140 kg ha -1 under variable rate of nitrogen. The nitrogen source was urea applied on the soil surface using a distributor equipped with the crop sensor. In this study, the grain yield ranged from 10.2 to 15.5 Mg ha-1, with linear response to nitrogen rates. The variable rate of nitrogen increased by 11.8 and 32.6% the nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency, respectively, compared to the uniform rate of nitrogen. However, no significant increase in grain yield was observed, indicating that the major benefit of the variable rate of nitrogen was reducing the risk of environmental impact of fertilizer.
Preliminary version
Introduction / Aims: Adopting the important decisions represents a specific task of the manager. An efficient manager takes these decisions during a sistematic process with well-defined elements, each with a precise order. In the pharmaceutical practice and business, in the supply process of the pharmacies, there are situations when the medicine distributors offer a certain discount, but require payment in a shorter period of time. In these cases, the analysis of the offer can be made with the help of the decision tree method, which permits identifying the decision offering the best possible result in a given situation. The aims of the research have been the analysis of the product offers of many different suppliers and the establishing of the most advantageous ways of pharmacy supplying. Material / Methods: There have been studied the general product offers of the following medical stores: A&G Med, Farmanord, Farmexim, Mediplus, Montero and Relad. In the case of medicine offers including a discount, the decision tree method has been applied in order to select the most advantageous offers. The Decision Tree is a management method used in taking the right decisions and it is generally used when one needs to evaluate the decisions that involve a series of stages. The tree diagram is used in order to look for the most efficient means to attain a specific goal. The decision trees are the most probabilistic methods, useful when adopting risk taking decisions. Results: The results of the analysis on the tree diagrams have indicated the fact that purchasing medicines with discount (1%, 10%, 15%) and payment in a shorter time interval (120 days) is more profitable than purchasing without a discount and payment in a longer time interval (160 days). Discussion / Conclusion: Depending on the results of the tree diagram analysis, the pharmacies would purchase from the selected suppliers. The research has shown that the decision tree method represents a valuable work instrument in choosing the best ways for supplying pharmacies and it is very useful to the specialists from the pharmaceutical field, pharmaceutical management, to medicine suppliers, pharmacy practitioners from the community pharmacies and especially to pharmacy managers, chief – pharmacists.