944 resultados para allocation and extraction


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Esta pesquisa procura examinar, à luz da metodologia exegética, a perícope de Miqueias 2,1-5, a fim de reconstruir o cenário no qual emergiu a dura crítica social do profeta. O texto apresenta, em sua análise literária, características de um dito profético coeso, em estilo poético. Sua estrutura encontra-se dividida em duas unidades (denúncia e castigo), sendo que cada uma das unidades possui outras duas subunidades (genérica e específica). O gênero literário harmoniza-se com um dito profético de julgamento geralmente conhecido como oráculo ai . A análise da dimensão histórica situa o acontecimento fundante em 701 a.C., na Sefelá judaíta. Numa análise investigativa do conteúdo da denúncia norteado pelo modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, observa-se um conflito entre dois grupos. Nesse conflito, Miqueias faz uma acusação a um grupo de poder em Judá que planeja e executa ações criminosas contra a herança camponesa. O castigo descreve a conspiração e o plano divino contra esse grupo de poder. Javé havia planejado um mal idêntico ao que eles haviam cometido, desonra e privação de suas possessões. Os valores culturais de honra e vergonha subjazem a esse oráculo. Por descumprirem seus deveres junto a Javé e ao povo, os criminosos perderiam todos os seus direitos e, sobretudo, a honra perante a própria comunidade. Com base no modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, constata-se que, na situação social em Judá no oitavo século, prevalecia um conflito entre campo e cidade. As comunidades aldeãs pagavam tributo à cidade em forma de produtos e serviços. A excessiva arrecadação de tributo e as falhas no sistema de ajuda mútua forçaram os indivíduos e famílias a contrair dívidas, a hipotecar suas terras herdadas dos pais e eventualmente perdê-las. O profeta Miqueias é o porta-voz do protesto da classe campesina que resolve reagir aos desmandos praticados pela elite citadina. Para ele, Javé escuta a queixa dos que estão sendo oprimidos e intervém na história tomando o partido do oprimido.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa procura examinar, à luz da metodologia exegética, a perícope de Miqueias 2,1-5, a fim de reconstruir o cenário no qual emergiu a dura crítica social do profeta. O texto apresenta, em sua análise literária, características de um dito profético coeso, em estilo poético. Sua estrutura encontra-se dividida em duas unidades (denúncia e castigo), sendo que cada uma das unidades possui outras duas subunidades (genérica e específica). O gênero literário harmoniza-se com um dito profético de julgamento geralmente conhecido como oráculo ai . A análise da dimensão histórica situa o acontecimento fundante em 701 a.C., na Sefelá judaíta. Numa análise investigativa do conteúdo da denúncia norteado pelo modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, observa-se um conflito entre dois grupos. Nesse conflito, Miqueias faz uma acusação a um grupo de poder em Judá que planeja e executa ações criminosas contra a herança camponesa. O castigo descreve a conspiração e o plano divino contra esse grupo de poder. Javé havia planejado um mal idêntico ao que eles haviam cometido, desonra e privação de suas possessões. Os valores culturais de honra e vergonha subjazem a esse oráculo. Por descumprirem seus deveres junto a Javé e ao povo, os criminosos perderiam todos os seus direitos e, sobretudo, a honra perante a própria comunidade. Com base no modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, constata-se que, na situação social em Judá no oitavo século, prevalecia um conflito entre campo e cidade. As comunidades aldeãs pagavam tributo à cidade em forma de produtos e serviços. A excessiva arrecadação de tributo e as falhas no sistema de ajuda mútua forçaram os indivíduos e famílias a contrair dívidas, a hipotecar suas terras herdadas dos pais e eventualmente perdê-las. O profeta Miqueias é o porta-voz do protesto da classe campesina que resolve reagir aos desmandos praticados pela elite citadina. Para ele, Javé escuta a queixa dos que estão sendo oprimidos e intervém na história tomando o partido do oprimido.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa procura examinar, à luz da metodologia exegética, a perícope de Miqueias 2,1-5, a fim de reconstruir o cenário no qual emergiu a dura crítica social do profeta. O texto apresenta, em sua análise literária, características de um dito profético coeso, em estilo poético. Sua estrutura encontra-se dividida em duas unidades (denúncia e castigo), sendo que cada uma das unidades possui outras duas subunidades (genérica e específica). O gênero literário harmoniza-se com um dito profético de julgamento geralmente conhecido como oráculo ai . A análise da dimensão histórica situa o acontecimento fundante em 701 a.C., na Sefelá judaíta. Numa análise investigativa do conteúdo da denúncia norteado pelo modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, observa-se um conflito entre dois grupos. Nesse conflito, Miqueias faz uma acusação a um grupo de poder em Judá que planeja e executa ações criminosas contra a herança camponesa. O castigo descreve a conspiração e o plano divino contra esse grupo de poder. Javé havia planejado um mal idêntico ao que eles haviam cometido, desonra e privação de suas possessões. Os valores culturais de honra e vergonha subjazem a esse oráculo. Por descumprirem seus deveres junto a Javé e ao povo, os criminosos perderiam todos os seus direitos e, sobretudo, a honra perante a própria comunidade. Com base no modelo teórico do modo de produção tributário, constata-se que, na situação social em Judá no oitavo século, prevalecia um conflito entre campo e cidade. As comunidades aldeãs pagavam tributo à cidade em forma de produtos e serviços. A excessiva arrecadação de tributo e as falhas no sistema de ajuda mútua forçaram os indivíduos e famílias a contrair dívidas, a hipotecar suas terras herdadas dos pais e eventualmente perdê-las. O profeta Miqueias é o porta-voz do protesto da classe campesina que resolve reagir aos desmandos praticados pela elite citadina. Para ele, Javé escuta a queixa dos que estão sendo oprimidos e intervém na história tomando o partido do oprimido.(AU)


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This study verified the effect of unilateral teeth extraction on the periodontal ligament in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Ten adult male gerbils weighing about 50 g had induced occlusal alterations by upper left molar extractions while the other ten animals, only submitted to surgical stress, were considered as controls. The periodontal ligament was characterized by qualitative and quantitative analysis, histological description and histomorphometric quantification. Significant alterations were observed on the left side of the experimental group (P < 0.05), the hypofunctional region, when it was compared with the contralateral side and the corresponding region of the control group. Two months after occlusal alterations induced by unilateral teeth extraction, atrophic histological alterations and a decrease in the periodontal space on the ipsilateral side characterized the periodontal ligament. In this study it was possible to conclude that the gerbil can be used in experimental models attempting to correlate the periodontium's biological response to various mechanical stresses, as the periodontal ligament was shown to be highly sensitive to occlusal alterations. © 2008 The Authors.


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Banana, an important component in the diet of the global population, is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. This fruit is also very favorable to industry processes (e. g., fermented beverages) due to its rich content on soluble solids and minerals, with low acidity. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of factors such as banana weight and extraction time during a hot aqueous extraction process on the total soluble solids content of banana. The extract is to be used by the food and beverage industries. The experiments were performed with 105 mL of water, considering the moisture of the ripe banana (65%). Total sugar concentrations were obtained in a beer analyzer and the result expressed in degrees Plato (degrees P, which is the weight of the extract or the sugar equivalent in 100 g solution at 20 degrees C), aiming at facilitating the use of these results by the beverage industries. After previous studies of characterization of the fruit and of ripening performance, a 2(2) full-factorial star design was carried out, and a model was developed to describe the behavior of the dependent variable (total soluble solids) as a function of the factors (banana weight and extraction time), indicating as optimum conditions for extraction 38.5 g of banana at 39.7 min.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 protocol proposes a flexible communication solution for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN) including wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It presents the advantage to fit different requirements of potential applications by adequately setting its parameters. When in beaconenabled mode, the protocol can provide timeliness guarantees by using its Guaranteed Time Slot (GTS) mechanism. However, power-efficiency and timeliness guarantees are often two antagonistic requirements in wireless sensor networks. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and propose a methodology for setting the relevant parameters of IEEE 802.15.4-compliant WSNs that takes into account a proper trade-off between power-efficiency and delay bound guarantees. First, we propose two accurate models of service curves for a GTS allocation as a function of the IEEE 802.15.4 parameters, using Network Calculus formalism. We then evaluate the delay bound guaranteed by a GTS allocation and express it as a function of the duty cycle. Based on the relation between the delay requirement and the duty cycle, we propose a power-efficient superframe selection method that simultaneously reduces power consumption and enables meeting the delay requirements of real-time flows allocating GTSs. The results of this work may pave the way for a powerefficient management of the GTS mechanism in an IEEE 802.15.4 cluster.


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Optimisation of reproductive investment is crucial for Darwinian fitness, and detailed long-term studies are especially suited to unravel reproductive allocation strategies. Allocation strategies depend on the timing of resource acquisition, the timing of resource allocation, and trade-offs between different life-history traits. A distinction can be made between capital breeders that fuel reproduction with stored resources and income breeders that use recently acquired resources. In capital breeders, but not in income breeders, energy allocation may be decoupled from energy acquisition. Here, we tested the influence of extrinsic (weather conditions) and intrinsic (female characteristics) factors during energy storage, vitellogenesis and early gestation on reproductive investment, including litter mass, litter size, offspring mass and the litter size and offspring mass trade-off. We used data from a long-term study of the viviparous lizard, Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara. In terms of extrinsic factors, rainfall during vitellogenesis was positively correlated with litter size and mass, but temperature did not affect reproductive investment. With respect to intrinsic factors, litter size and mass were positively correlated with current body size and postpartum body condition of the previous year, but negatively with parturition date of the previous year. Offspring mass was negatively correlated with litter size, and the strength of this trade-off decreased with the degree of individual variation in resource acquisition, which confirms theoretical predictions. The combined effects of past intrinsic factors and current weather conditions suggest that common lizards combine both recently acquired and stored resources to fuel reproduction. The effect of past energy store points out a trade-off between current and future reproduction.


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Iowa Department of Natural Resources commitment to improving the management of both the quantity and quality of water resources, a committee was formed to assess the current policies and practices regarding water rights and allocation, and to make recommendations that would assist the state in moving toward a sustainable future. Water allocation concerns have been raised again in the past few years as increases in the demand for water are projected due to ethanol production, geothermal heating-cooling, and potential irrigation expansion.


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Separation of carboxylic acids from aqueous streams is an important part of their manufacturing process. The aqueous solutions are usually dilute containing less than 10 % acids. Separation by distillation is difficult as the boiling points of acids are only marginally higher than that of water. Because of this distillation is not only difficult but also expensive due to the evaporation of large amounts of water. Carboxylic acids have traditionally been precipitated as calcium salts. The yields of these processes are usually relatively low and the chemical costs high. Especially the decomposition of calcium salts with sulfuric acid produces large amounts of calcium sulfate sludge. Solvent extraction has been studied as an alternative method for recovery of carboxylic acids. Solvent extraction is based on mixing of two immiscible liquids and the transfer of the wanted components form one liquid to another due to equilibrium difference. In the case of carboxylic acids, the acids are transferred from aqueous phase to organic solvent due to physical and chemical interactions. The acids and the extractant form complexes which are soluble in the organic phase. The extraction efficiency is affected by many factors, for instance initial acid concentration, type and concentration of the extractant, pH, temperature and extraction time. In this paper, the effects of initial acid concentration, type of extractant and temperature on extraction efficiency were studied. As carboxylic acids are usually the products of the processes, they are wanted to be recovered. Hence the acids have to be removed from the organic phase after the extraction. The removal of acids from the organic phase also regenerates the extractant which can be then recycled in the process. The regeneration of the extractant was studied by back-extracting i.e. stripping the acids form the organic solution into diluent sodium hydroxide solution. In the solvent regeneration, the regenerability of different extractants and the effect of initial acid concentration and temperature were studied.


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The chemical analysis of flesh and seed of date palm fruit (Kentichi) was evaluated. Carbohydrates were the predominant component in all studied date cultivars (~78.69-83.46 g/100g dry matter), followed by moisture content (~9.23-11.17%), along with moderate amount of fat (~0.56-7.10 g/100g dry matter), protein (~2.16-2.80 g/100g dry matter), and ash (~1.18-1.64 g/100 g dry matter). Some antioxidants (Ascorbic acid, total phenolic, total flavonoid, chlorophyll and carotenoids) were found in different values in both date fruit and seed. The physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of both flesh and seed oil which was extracted using Hexane, Soxhlet and Modified Bligh - Dyer extraction methods were determined. The experimental results showed that temperature, different solvents and extraction time had significant effect on the yield of the date palm oil and physicochemical properties. Date Flesh oil showed an important free radical scavenging activity towards 1-1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical.


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AbstractAnthocyanins are present in high concentrations in Chinese bayberry, Myrica rubra Sieb. & Zucc. Herein, a microwave-assisted extraction was used to extract the anthocyanins from Chinese bayberry. The HPLC chromatogram of the extracts showed that the anthocyanin components were slightly hydrolysed during the extraction process. Further experiments confirmed that microwave irradiation slightly hydrolysed cyanidin-3-O-glucoside to cyanidin, but did not significantly influence the antioxidant activity of the extracts. Optimized extraction conditions for total anthocyanin content were a solid-to-liquid ratio, extraction temperature, and extraction time of 1:50, 80 °C, and 15 min, respectively. Under these conditions, the anthocyanin content was 2.95 ± 0.08 mg·g−1, and the antioxidant activity yield was 279.96 ± 0.1 μmol.·g−1 Trolox equivalent on a dry weight basis. These results indicated that microwave-assisted extraction was a highly efficient extraction method with reduced processing time. However, under some extraction conditions it could damage the anthocyanins. These results provide an important guide for the application of microwave extraction.


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The main goal of this work was to evaluate thermodynamic parameters of the soybean oil extraction process using ethanol as solvent. The experimental treatments were as follows: aqueous solvents with water contents varying from 0 to 13% (mass basis) and extraction temperature varying from 50 to 100 degrees C. The distribution coefficients of oil at equilibrium have been used to calculate enthalpy, entropy and free energy changes. The results indicate that oil extraction process with ethanol is feasible and spontaneous, mainly under higher temperature. Also, the influence of water level in the solvent and temperature were analysed using the response surface methodology (RSM). It can be noted that the extraction yield was highly affected by both independent variables. A joint analysis of thermodynamic and RSM indicates the optimal level of solvent hydration and temperature to perform the extraction process.


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A variety of substrates have been used for fabrication of microchips for DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and DNA fragment separation, including the more conventional glass and silicon as well as alternative polymer-based materials. Polyester represents one such polymer, and the laser-printing of toner onto polyester films has been shown to be effective for generating polyester-toner (PeT) microfluidic devices with channel depths on the order of tens of micrometers. Here, we describe a novel and simple process that allows for the production of multilayer, high aspect-ratio PeT microdevices with substantially larger channel depths. This innovative process utilizes a CO(2) laser to create the microchannel in polyester sheets containing a uniform layer of printed toner, and multilayer devices can easily be constructed by sandwiching the channel layer between uncoated cover sheets of polyester containing precut access holes. The process allows the fabrication of deep channels, with similar to 270 mu m, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of multilayer PeT microchips for dynamic solid phase extraction (dSPE) and PCR amplification. With the former, we found that (i) more than 65% of DNA from 0.6 mu L of blood was recovered, (ii) the resultant DNA was concentrated to greater than 3 ng/mu L., (which was better than other chip-based extraction methods), and (iii) the DNA recovered was compatible with downstream microchip-based PCR amplification. Illustrative of the compatibility of PeT microchips with the PCR process, the successful amplification of a 520 bp fragment of lambda-phage DNA in a conventional thermocycler is shown. The ability to handle the diverse chemistries associated with DNA purification and extraction is a testimony to the potential utility of PeT microchips beyond separations and presents a promising new disposable platform for genetic analysis that is low cost and easy to fabricate.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Seaweeds are photosynthetic organisms important to their ecosystem and constitute a source of compounds with several different applications in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and biotechnology industries, such as triacylglycerols, which can be converted to fatty acid methyl esters that make up biodiesel, an alternative source of fuel applied in economic important areas. This study evaluates the fatty acid profiles and concentrations of three Brazilian seaweed species, Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J.V. Lamouroux (Rhodophya), Sargassum cymosum C. Agardh (Heterokontophyta), and Ulva lactuca L. (Chlorophyta), comparing three extraction methods (Bligh & Dyer - B&D; AOAC Official Methods - AOM; and extraction with methanol and ultrasound - EMU) and two transesterification methods (7% BF3 in methanol - BF3; and 5% HCl in methanol - HCl). The fatty acid contents of the three species of seaweeds were significantly different when extracted and transesterified by the different methods. Moreover, the best method for one species was not the same for the other species. The best extraction and transesterification methods for H. musciformis, S. cymosum and U. lactuca were, respectively, AOM-HCl, B&D-BF3 and B&D-BF3/B&D-HCl. These results point to a matrix effect and the method used for the analysis of the fatty acid content of different organisms should be selected carefully.