856 resultados para allied health fields


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Objective To verify the effect of bathing on the body temperature of preterm infants (PTI). Method Systematic review conducted in the following bibliographic electronic sources: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde/Lilacs (BVS), Cumulated Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, PubMed, SCOPUS and Web of Science, using a combination of search terms, keywords and free terms. The review question was adjusted to the PICO acronym (Patient/population, Intervention, Control/comparative intervention, Outcome). The selected publications were evaluated according to levels of evidence and grades of recommendation for efficacy/effectiveness studies, as established by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Results Eight hundred and twenty four (824) publications were identified and four studies met the inclusion criteria, of which three analyzed the effect of sponge baths and the effect of immersion baths. Conclusion Sponge baths showed a statistically significant drop in body temperature, while in immersion baths the body temperature remained stable, although they studied late preterm infants.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify the composition of the smoke produced by electrocautery use during surgery. METHOD Integrative review with search for primary studies conducted in the databases of the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences, covering the studies published between 2004 and 2014. RESULTS The final sample consisted of 14 studies grouped into three categories, namely; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile compounds and volatile organic compounds. CONCLUSION There is scientific evidence that electrocautery smoke has volatile toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds, and its inhalation constitutes a potential chemical risk to the health of workers involved in surgeries.


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A national survey conducted in Switzerland aimed to evaluate the knowledge of physiotherapists regarding the legal requirements for record keeping and to collect their feedback about record keeping in general. Three physiotherapists from various professional practice groups and a lawyer specialised in health law developed a questionnaire that was sent to the 7,753 members of two existing national associations of physiotherapists. The questionnaire evaluated the participants' knowledge by calculating a score of legal knowledge, which had a maximum of 30 points. We included 825 questionnaires in the analysis. The large majority (83.4%) of participants confessed an ignorance of the legal requirements concerning record keeping prior to the survey. The average score of legal compatibility was 8 points. The younger age of the physiotherapists was a significant predictor of having knowledge of the legal requirements for record keeping (p <0.001). The participants had an appreciation of the value of records, but they did not have the relevant knowledge regarding the legal requirements for keeping records. The participants blamed a lack of time and remuneration for their failure to keep records according to known requirements. All practising allied health professionals should keep up-to-date and accurate records that conform to active legal requirements and existing international guidelines. In addition to the existing legal requirements, the emergence of e-health and the electronic era will trigger major changes in patient record management by physiotherapists.


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Aim: Conduct a search and analytic review of literature regarding attributes of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Advance Directive in order to identify the experiences and the best care strategies for older adults resident in nursing homes or long term institutions. Methodology: An extensive electronic search was undertaken in the following databases: Pubmed (via Ovid search), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL, via EBHOST), psychINFO and Cochrane. After analyzing and eliminating duplicates and professional's point of view (19), 144 titles were considered relevant: 28 opinion papers, 94 descriptive/qualitative studies or predictive studies, 17 experimental and five systematic reviews. Most of them were produced in North America and only 10 were in French. Results: With regard to European experiences, studies are scarce and further research could benefit from North American evidence. Contrary to Europe, nurses in North America play a major role in the process of care planning. The major findings were related to the poor efficacy of the completion of Advance Directives, even in presence of a substantial variety of implementation strategies. The evidence supports interventions that conceptualize ACP as a process, with an emphasis on the ascertainment of patients' values and beliefs and the necessity to include the family or loved ones from the beginning of the process in order to favor the expression and sharing of one's life perspectives and priorities in care. The most relevant findings were associated with the conceptualization of the ACP as a change in health behaviors which needs an involvement in different stages to overcome a variety of barriers. Conclusion: Rigorous research in ACP for the older adults in Swiss nursing homes that promote respect and dignity in this frail population is needed. How to best achieve patients and families goals should be the focus of nursing intervention and research in this domain.


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[Table des matières] I. Formations de base : Aide-soignant - Ambulancier - Diététicien - Ergothérapeute - Hygiéniste dentaire - Infirmier niveau I; niveau II - Laborantin medical - Pédicure ; podologue - Physiothérapeute - Sage-femme - Technicien en radiologie médicale - Technicien en salle d'opération - Assistant social. II. Formations continues : Ambulancier - Ergothérapeutes - Centre romand d'éducation permanente, Association suisse des infirmières - Laborantin médical - Formation continue en physiothérapie- Technicien en radiologie médicale, Contrôle de qualité en radiodiagnostic - Technicien en radiologie médicale, Formation continue en radioprotection et technique radiologique - Laborantin médical - Programme du service de formation continue du CHUV - Activités de formation continue du centre de formation H+ - Introduction à l'éthique en psychiatrie. III. Formations complémentaires : ESEI - Les activités de formation complémentaire du centre de formation H+ - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire de clinicien niveau I - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire en anesthésie - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire en soins intensifs - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire en salle d'opération - Laborantin médical, Formation supérieure et de cadres - Laborantin médical, Formation complémentaire spécialisée cytotechnicien - Assistant social - Formation de physiothérapeute enseignant. IV. Formations universitaires : Séminaire de gestion hospitalière - Bioéthique - Diplôme en économie et administration de la santé - Management des Institutions de santé - Ingéniérie biomédicale - Certificat en nutrition humaine - Cours postgrade de santé au travail.


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OBJECTIVE: Accurate identification of major trauma patients in the prehospital setting positively affects survival and resource utilization. Triage algorithms using predictive criteria of injury severity have been identified in paramedic-based prehospital systems. Our rescue system is based on prehospital paramedics and emergency physicians. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the prehospital triage performed by physicians and to identify the predictive factors leading to errors of triage.METHODS: Retrospective study of trauma patients triaged by physicians. Prehospital triage was analyzed using criteria defining major trauma victims (MTVs, Injury Severity Score >15, admission to ICU, need for immediate surgery and death within 48 h). Adequate triage was defined as MTVs oriented to the trauma centre or non-MTV (NMTV) oriented to regional hospitals.RESULTS: One thousand six hundred and eighti-five patients (blunt trauma 96%) were included (558 MTV and 1127 NMTV). Triage was adequate in 1455 patients (86.4%). Overtriage occurred in 171 cases (10.1%) and undertriage in 59 cases (3.5%). Sensitivity and specificity was 90 and 85%, respectively, whereas positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 75 and 94%, respectively. Using logistic regression analysis, significant (P<0.05) predictors of undertriage were head or thorax injuries (odds ratio >2.5). Predictors of overtriage were paediatric age group, pedestrian or 2 wheel-vehicle road traffic accidents (odds ratio >2.0).CONCLUSION: Physicians using clinical judgement provide effective prehospital triage of trauma patients. Only a few factors predicting errors in triage process were identified in this study.


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Le thème de la santé mentale des intervenants de l'Aide médicale urgente est particulièrement important. Le sens que revêt le travail pour ces professionnels semble central pour comprendre les motivations qui permettent aux personnes de gérer des situations à forte composante relationnelle. Comment faire pour éviter la perte de sens au travail ou la retrouver ? Une étude réalisée en Suisse auprès de " paramédics " apporte quelques pistes de réflexion. Il convient de rappeler que les ambulanciers français ne disposent pas de la même formation que les ambulanciers suisses. Le sens que revêt le travail pour les ambulanciers est central pour expliquer ce choix de carrière et de vie. Il permet aussi en partie de compenser les différents risques pour la santé que comporte cette profession. C'est du moins ce que suggèrent certaines théories récentes en santé au travail. Selon ces théories, le fait d'accorder une certaine importance à son travail, de se sentir utile et engagé dans un projet qui a du sens contribuerait à préserver la santé et l'implication du travailleur. Toutefois, un travail qui demanderait un engagement trop important (en terme de temps, de compétences ou autre) de la part du travailleur pourrait mener à la sur-implication de ce dernier et dans certains cas porter atteinte à sa santé. Un certain équilibre doit alors être retrouvé. [Auteurs]


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The aim of our study was to identify and document some key cognitive aptitudes used by ambulance people in emergency situations. Better knowing such aptitudes is necessary for a school of ambulance people in order to improve the selection and education of students. The idea was to better consider real work activity requirements and characteristics, and to develop and implement genuine educational content and selection tools. We followed the work activity of ambulance professionals involved in real emergency situations. Some interventions were filmed and post-analyzed. We completed and validated our analysis by means of interviews with ambulance personnel. We selected some video sequences and used them as a support for the interviews. We identified and documented many different key aptitudes like orientation and spatial sense, the capacity to perform complex cognitive tasks and delicate manipulations in the context of divided attention, as well as diverse aptitudes relevant in collaborative work.


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Hand hygiene compliance of patients receiving hemodialysis treatment is a contemporary discussion topic among health care professionals in the Nephrology Clinic of Helsinki University City Hospital. The purpose of the Final Thesis is to review patient hand hygiene in terms of risks its lack entails and based on the evidence based findings to design an end product as a poster. The poster can be utilised in the Nephrology Clinic's nursing environment to educate and motivate patients to pay specifid attention to the importance of hand hygiene. The method used was a systematic literature review. The most important evidence based findings were extracted from the chosen thirteen scientific articles. All articles were searched from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature electronic database. The gathered information was then used to build the content of a patient education tool that for this project was defined as a Poster. The findings in this study showed that transmission of bloodborne infections, like Hepatitis B or C virus can occur through a vascular access and that the consequences of this can be very fatal. Additionally, environmental surfaces such as furniture, door knobs and dialysis machine control knobs were all possible infection sources for the patient receiving hemodialysis treatment. Adherence to good hand hygiene behaviour lowered the risk for infections. The end product of this study is a poster that is targeted to patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. Using a health promotion agenda in the Poster, it is hoped that patients will pay more attention to the importance of hand hygiene and that they will be more motivated to use aseptic methods such as alcohol based hand rubs in the hemodialysis setting.


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Introduction : Le bloc transverse de l'abdomen (bloc TAP, Transversus Abdominis Plane) échoguidé consiste en l'injection d'anesthésique local dans la paroi abdominale entre les muscles oblique interne et transverse de l'abdomen sous contrôle échographique. Ceci permet de bloquer l'innervation sensitive de la paroi antérolatérale de l'abdomen afin de soulager la douleur après des interventions chirurgicales. Auparavant, cette procédure reposait sur une technique dite « à l'aveugle » qui utilisait des repères anatomiques de surface. Depuis quelques années, cette technique est effectuée sous guidage échographique ; ainsi, il est possible de visualiser les structures anatomiques, l'aiguille et l'anesthésique local permettant ainsi une injection précise de l'anesthésique local à l'endroit désiré. Les précédentes méta- analyses sur le bloc TAP n'ont inclus qu'un nombre limité d'articles et n'ont pas examiné l'effet analgésique spécifique de la technique échoguidée. L'objectif de cette méta-analyse est donc de définir l'efficacité analgésique propre du bloc TAP échoguidé après des interventions abdominales chez une population adulte. Méthode : Cette méta-analyse a été effectuée selon les recommandations PRISMA. Une recherche a été effectuée dans les bases de donnée MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Clinical Trials, Excerpta Medica database (EMBASE) et Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). Le critère de jugement principal est la consommation intraveineuse de morphine cumulée à 6 h postopératoires, analysée selon le type de chirurgie (laparotomie, laparoscopie, césarienne), la technique anesthésique (anesthésie générale, anesthésie spinale avec/ou sans morphine intrathécale), le moment de l'injection (début ou fin de l'intervention), et la présence ou non d'une analgésie multimodale. Les critères de jugement secondaires sont, entre autres, les scores de douleur au repos et à l'effort à 6 h postopératoires (échelle analogique de 0 à 100), la présence ou non de nausées et vomissements postopératoires, la présence ou non de prurit, et le taux de complications de la technique. Résultats : Trente et une études randomisées contrôlées, incluant un total de 1611 adultes ont été incluses. Indépendamment du type de chirurgie, le bloc TAP échoguidé réduit la consommation de morphine à 6 h postopératoires (différence moyenne : 6 mg ; 95%IC : -7, -4 mg ; I =94% ; p<0.00001), sauf si les patients sont au bénéfice d'une anesthésie spinale avec morphine intrathécale. Le degré de réduction de consommation de morphine n'est pas influencé par le moment de l'injection (I2=0% ; p=0.72) ou la présence d'une analgésie multimodale (I2=73% ; p=0.05). Les scores de douleurs au repos et à l'effort à 6h postopératoire sont également réduits (différence moyenne au repos : -10 ; 95%IC : -15, -5 ; I =92% ; p=0.0002; différence moyenne en mouvement : -9 ; 95%IC : -14, -5 ; I2=58% ; p<0. 00001). Aucune différence n'a été retrouvée au niveau des nausées et vomissements postopératoires et du prurit. Deux complications mineures ont été identifiées (1 hématome, 1 réaction anaphylactoïde sur 1028 patients). Conclusions : Le bloc TAP échoguidé procure une analgésie postopératoire mineure et ne présente aucun bénéfice chez les patients ayant reçu de la morphine intrathécale. L'effet analgésique mineure est indépendant du moment de l'injection ou de la présence ou non d'une analgésie multimodale.