999 resultados para aerial part


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A greenhouse experiment was conducted in the Soil Science Department of the Botucatu College of Agricultural Sciences (UNESP), Brazil, using a Dark Red Latosol in 25 L pots. The soil was limed to 50 and 70% of base saturation; and doses 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 t ha-1 of chicken manure were applied, in December of 1999. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with a factorial arrangement 5x2, 10 treatments and three replications. This work was carried to evaluate leaf number, height plants, fresh and dry weight by aerial part of sweet fennel, and macronutrients and micronutrients removal. The organic fertilization affected the accumulation of N, P, K, S, B and Mn; liming affected the nutrient uptake, except for the Ca, Mg, S and Fe; the interaction of factors affected K, Mg and Mn.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of the biosolids used as substrate component for seedlings production of Eucalyptus. This way, different proportions of biosolid/carbonized rice (80/20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/05 and 40/60) were tested as substrates in mixture, which were compared to the common substrate used by forest nursery (Multiplant®), as control. The experiment was established with Eucalyptus grandis where growth seedlings-related parameters were assessed: shoot height, collar diameter, accumulation of dry matter on the shoot and root, chemical analysis of the vegetal tissue of aerial part and root, foliar area and chlorophyll content. The results revealed that Eucalypts seedlings developed in substrate with 50% biosolid were similar to the control in relation to the evaluated parameters, concluding that the use of biosolids for seedlings production is quite promising.


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The objective of the experiment was evaluating the development and production of turmeric, it was carried out at FCAV-UNESP, in Jaboticabal-SP, during 11/18/ 1999 to 7/18/2000, in randomized blocks, with three replications, factorial scheme 5 × 5. The factors evaluated were doses of N (0, 68, 136, 170 and 204 kg.ha-1) and doses of K2O (0, 92, 184, 230 and 276 kg.ha-1). The potassium doses influenced plant-mother's height significantly, answering lineally to the increment in the potassium fertilization. There was significant interaction between nitrogen and potassium on the number of leaves of the sons and total-plant. In the doses of 0 and 92 kg of K2O.ha-1 a lineal increase was observed in the number of leaves with the increment of the applied nitrogen. The potassium doses also influenced the foliar area of the sons and total-plant, reaching values of 3260 and 4971 cm2 per plant, respectively, for the application of 276 kg K2O.ha1. The number of sons had a lineal increment with the growing fertilization of potassium, contemplating on the dry mass of the aerial part of the sons. The production of rhizomes per plant wasn't influenced for the factors evaluated.


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The sugar cane crop is one of the main products in Brazil and according to several authors can generate, besides the industrialized stalks, an amount of crop residues from the order of 15 to 30 % in weight of the aerial part of the plants, depending on the field conditions. The sugar cane area in Brazil is around 5.5×106 hectares, with an amount of 400.106 tons of stalks, with stalks yield of 72 tons.ha-1. This study took place in a sugar cane plot (Latitude 22°46'S, Longitude 47°23'W and 600m of altitude) with 3% of slope, located in São Paulo State. The sugar cane variety was SP 80-1816, in its forth cut, 11 months old and with a planted row spacing of 1.40 m. By other side, several sugar mills are bringing the crop residue to their patio to produce energy with the bagasse. One choice is to bring the crop residue at the same moment with the stalks, avoiding the next operation of baling it. The objective of this study was to analyze some operational parameters of two different sugar cane harvesters under the same field conditions, which was divided in four treatments: T1 = CAMECO CHT2500B operating normally; T2 = CAMECO CHT2500B operating without the cleaning system; T3 = CASE 7700 operating normally; T4 = CASE 7700 operating without the cleaning system. The results obtained were: Table presented CEB = Gross effective capacity; CEL = Net effective capacity. The conclusion is that under normal operation the CASE harvester worked better then CAMECO in the parameters CEL stalks and Manipulation efficiency. And without the cleaning system operating CASE also worked better in the parameters of CEB raw material, CEB stalks, CEL raw material and CEL stalks.


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The sugar cane crop according to several authors can generate, besides the industrialized stalks, an amount of crop residues from the order of 15 to 30% in weight of the aerial part of the plants, depending on the field conditions. The sugar cane area in Brazil is around 5.5×106 hectares, with an amount of 400.106 tons of stalks, with stalks yield of 72 tons.ha-1 (Unica, 2005). This study took place in a sugar cane plot (Latitude 22°46'S, Longitude 47°23'W and 600m of altitude) with 3% of slope, located in São Paulo State. The sugar cane variety was SP 80-1816, in its forth cut, 11 months old and with a planted row spacing of 1.40m. By other side, several sugar mills are bringing the crop residue to their patio to produce energy with the bagasse. One way for that is the baling operation to bring the crop residue at the sugar mill. Some fundamental variables were obtained to define the best set of machines to work with in sugar cane crop residue removal in the baling system among the studied ones, some of the variables were: Soil Index (T1 = 0.83%, T2 = 0.46%, T3 = 0.65%, T4 = 0.57%); Energy Efficiency (T1 = 82.48%, T2 = 83.88%, T3 = 82.83% and T4 = 82.97%) of the system and Effective Cost for Equivalent Energy in US$.EBP-1 (T1 = 11.10, T2= 10.46, T3 = 11.47 and T4 = 10.57) of the baled trash delivered at the sugar mill.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different plant growth regulators on essential oil yield in Salvia officinalis L. plants. The experiment was held in a greenhouse and the experimental design was completely randomized, with 5 treatments and three replications. The Treatments consisted in the application of gibberellic acid (GA3), benzylaminopurine (BAP), 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid (ethephon), and Stimulate at 2%, compared with control plants (water). Applications of plant growth regulators were performed in three consecutive periods, in turn, 15, 25 and 35 days after transplanting of seeding germinating in the light at 25°C. The dry mass yield of the aerial part and the oil essential content were determined 131 days after the transplant. The aerial part of the plants was dried in an oven at 35°C; after dry mass determination, the oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and its volume was determined. Plants treated with GA 3 and Stimulate showed increase in essential oil content, while plants treated with BAP and ethephon showed decrease in essential oil volume when compared with the control plants.


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The aim of the work was to evaluate the performance of four cultivars of iceberg lettuce, in a greenhouse, with and without ground cover. The experimental design adopted was that of subdivided parcels, where parcels were provided with and without ground cover consisting of black polyethylene and the subparcels consisted of the cultivars. There were three repetitions per treatment and six central plants of each parcel were evaluated. Drip irrigation was utilized. The cultivars studied were: 'Laurel', 'AF-389', 'Mayara' and 'Tainá'. The seeds were planted in Styrofoam trays with 288 cells containing the substrate Plantmax Hortaliças® A. The trays were kept in a greenhouse until transplanting, 25 days after seeding. The parameters examined were: fresh weight of the aerial part per plant, longitudinal (DL) and transverse (DT) diameters of the head, height of the plant and mean number of leaves per plant. Only among the cultivars there were significant differences in transverse and longitudinal diameters of the head and height of the plant. No significant interactions were detected between ground cover and cultivars. With regard to longitudinal and transverse diameters, 'AF-839' (DL = 27.11 cm; DT = 24.53 cm) showed smaller diameters than those of 'Laurel' (DL = 31.13 cm; DT = 30.55 cm), but did not differ from the other cultivars. In regard to height of the plants, 'Laurel' (20.66 cm) had the greatest value and 'AF-839' (16.02 cm) the lowest. The cultivars did not differ with respect to mean number of leaves and fresh weight of the aerial part of the plant. It is concluded that there were no significant differences in the cultivation of the iceberg lettuce with and without ground cover. The cultivar 'Laurel' stood out with respect to longitudinal and transverse diameters and height of the plant, only differing from the 'AF-839' with regard to the diameters.


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The work aimed to study the formation of Tabebuia chrysotricha Standi, seedlings in function of four substrates, varying the covering fertilization solutions. To compose the substrate it was used fibrous and granulated coconut fiber obtaining the following treatments: 100% fibrous (100% F), 60% fibrous + 40% granulated (60% F+40% G), 40% fibrous + 60% granulated (40% F+60% G) and 100% granulated (100% G). The basis fertilization was the same for all treatments and the solutions of covering fertilization varied in order to obtain complete solutions with electric conductivities of 1.06 dS m-1, 2.12 dS m-1, 3.2 dS m-1 and 4.25 dS m-1. The propagative material was sowed directly in plastic containers (120mL) with the respective substrates. The fertilization was received through sub-irrigation once a week, respecting the treatments of fertilizations. Seedlings produced in 100%G had been taller and higher than the others. The chemical analyses of aerial part were obtained when the seedlings were ready for expedition (height of 20 cm). The seedlings production in substrate 100% F and 60% F+40% G allowed them to have higher N, S, B, Mn and Zn concentrations in the aerial part. The production of T. chrysotricha seedlings is recommended in granulated coconut fiber substrate and fertilizer solutions with EC of 1.06 dS m-1.


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The study was performed in a greenhouse with the aim of evaluating the production of butterhead lettuce cultivars with and without plastic film mulch in the summer. The cultivars studied were 'Elisa', 'Lídia', 'Herman' and 'Luísa'. The experimental design was a split plot, in which the main plot was plastic film mulch (with or without black polyethylene film) and the subplots were the cultivars, with three repetitions. The seedlings were grown in Styrofoam trays of 288 cells and transplanted 25 days after seeding in a space of 25 × 25 cm. Harvests were carried out 45 days after transplanting and the following variables were determined: fresh and dry weights of the aerial part, number of leaves per plant, plant height and the longitudinal and transverse diameters of the plant. Significant differences were found only among the cultivars for the characteristics studied, with no cover × cultivar interaction. Fresh weight of the aerial part of 'Lídia' (270.9 g) was greater than that of 'Herman' (142.5 g), but did not differ from those of 'Luísa' (229.8 g) or 'Elisa' (204.8). The dry weight of the aerial part of 'Lídia' (12.4 g) differed statistically only with respect to that of 'Herman' (7.9 g). The cultivars 'Luísa' and 'Elisa' had an aerial part dry weight of 11.4 and 11.2 g, respectively. The number of leaves per plant of the cultivars 'Luísa' (45.1) and 'Elisa' (43.0) was higher than for 'Herman' (24.05), but did not differ from that of the cultivar 'Lídia' (39.5). The mean transverse and longitudinal diameters, as well as the mean height of the plants, showed that 'Lídia', 'Elisa' and 'Luísa' had the greatest values. The cultivars 'Lídia', 'Elisa' and 'Luísa' were the most productive and plastic film mulch had no effect on lettuce production under protected cultivation.


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Although the information about nutritive solution for potted chrysanthemum is still incongruent, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nutritive solutions in the development of Miramar chrysanthemum cultivated in pots at FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP. The experiment had a randomized block design with split-plot evaluation and treatments corresponding to four nutritive solutions consisting of commercial fertilizers (S1, S2, S3, S4) evaluated at 0, 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70 days after rooting (DAE), with five replications. The plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, stem diameter, total dry matter mass of aerial part and roots; number and diameter of inflorescences, and physiological indexes of growth analysis were evaluated. The nutritive solutions did not interfere significantly in stem diameter, number and diameter of inflorescences and dry matter of roots, although S3 and S4 provided the highest plants, leaf area, number of leaves, total dry matter of aerial part. The physiological indexes showed that plants presented an accelerated growth from 14 to 28 DAE with S4 and S3 solutions and therefore they were considered the best solutions.


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The use of fungicides for treating seeds has become an essential measure in the control of pathogens. However, the effectiveness of many products is not well-known to some crops. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different doses of carbendazin and carboxin + thiram fungicides for controlling pathogens and their interference on the physiologic quality of castor bean seeds. The test consisted of the following treatments (g i.a./100 kg of seeds): carbendazin (15, 30, and 60), carboxin + thiram (25 + 25, 50 + 50, and 100 + 100), formol 0.15% (v/v), and control (distilled water). The physiologic quality of the seeds was determined by germination, first counting, field emergence, speed emergence index, length, fresh and dry weight of the aerial part, and electrical conductivity. There were no statistical differences for germination and fresh and dry matter index. The treatment with formol provided lower values for first counting and field emergence. Seeds treated with fungicides presented higher values for electrical conductivity, but did not differ, statistically, among themselves. The fungi Cladosporium spp.; Bipolaris spp.; Curvularia spp.; Aspergillus flavus; Aspergillus niger; Rhizopus sp.; Penicillium sp.; Rhizoctonia sp.; Verticillium sp.; Fusarium sp.;Arthrobotrys sp.; and Epicocum sp. were identified. All tested products, independently of the dose, provided efficient control for pathogens.


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The quality and allelopathy properties of dwarf mucuna, dwarf pigeon pea and stylosanthes as cover crops on corn and weed species were evaluated. Seeds were sown in October 2007, with a control treatment, in 20 plots of 4×5m, with five replicates. Weed population was determined 30 and 60 days after sowing. At 90 days, plants were mowed and the residues left to remain on the plot. Fresh and dry mass of the cover crops were determined and the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of their aerial part was tested. The extract was chemically characterized and applied on seeds of weeds and corn. The experimental design was completely randomized and averages compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. The cover crops showed to be effective in the control of weeds. The highest values in fresh and dry mass were obtained for dwarf pigeon pea, followed by dwarf mucuna; fresh mass increased 72 and 34%, respectively, compared to the control. The extract with dwarf mucuna affected arrowleaf sida germination. The use of green manure in the summer or between harvests ensures that crop rotation is carried out properly and warrants its benefits.


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In the search for natural herbicides for the management of the Cyperus rotundus L. in crops this work evaluated alternative methods to control weed, aiming at sustainability. The experiment was carried out in pots, in a greenhouse at the Experimental Station Lageado, FCA-UNESP-Botucatu, from april to may 2008. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with three repetitions, and treatments consisted of aqueous extract of Stilozobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy, residue of the green manure on the soil surface and incorporated into soil, homeopathic preparations and control treatment with no applications. The aqueous extract of green manure and homeophathic preparation provided both reduction in the development of C. rotundus. The fresh weight of the aerial part of S. aterrimun stimulated the growth of the weed both as cover and incorporated into the soil.


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The amount and timing of nitrogen application can favor seed quality, such as increasing protein content, which is an important constituent for embryo development. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of sweet corn seeds collected from plants cultivated with different dosages and timings of nitrogen top-dressing applications. Seeds of the BR 400 variety (Super Sweet) were used obtained from plants submitted to dosages of 0, 40, 80 and 120kg ha -1 of N in two top-dressing applications (vegetative and reproductive stages). The weight of 100 grains, germination, first count of germination test, dry weight of normal seedlings from the germination test, seedling growth, cold test, accelerated aging, tetrazolium vigor and electric conductivity and emergency speed rate were determined. Data was submitted to an analysis of variance using the F-test at the 5% level and second degree regression analysis. The dosage and time of application of nitrogen top-dressing did not affect seed weight or the germination of sweet corn seeds. An increase of the N top-dressing dosage, applied in the vegetative stage reduced the length of the aerial part, the root and the whole seedling.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the population density of Pratylenchus brachyurus and Pratylenchus zeae associated with Brachiaria brizantha, B. decumbens and B. humidicola and their influence on forage availability and quality. The experiment was conducte in the Hisaeda Farm, Terenos, MS, Brazil. Soil, roots and plant aerial part were harvest with ten replications each, in one square meter randomized sets encompassing three treatments: Good, Intermediary and Bad, visually characterized, considering the percentage of green material. P. brachyurus and P. zeae density were evaluated in soil and plant roots. Dry matter of green, dead and re-growth materials, plant nutritional status and forage quality were assessed in the aerial plant part. Soil fertility was determined in all harvested samples. Both nematode species were identified from all samples, with a larger numbe in the roots (between 87-311 P. brachyurus and 1-61 P. zeae.10 g-1) than in the soil (0-8 P. brachyurus and 1-39 P. zeae.200 cm-3), however, no significant differences were found in the number of specimens between treatments. Considering that these forage species are perennial and host Pratylenchus spp, there is a tendency to increase the population of these pathogens over time, becoming a serious phytosanitary problem.