804 resultados para addiction, treatment, alcohol, nicotine, dependence
AIM: To study the prevalence of psychoactive substance use disorder (PSUD) among suicidal adolescents, psychoactive substance intoxication at the moment of the attempt, and the association between PSUD at baseline and either occurrence of suicide or repetition of suicide attempt(s). METHODS: 186 adolescents aged 16 to 21 y hospitalized for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation were included (T0); 148 of them were traced again for evaluations after 6 mo (T1) and/or 18 mo (T2). DSM-IV diagnoses were assessed each time using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. RESULTS: At T0, 39.2% of the subjects were found to have a PSUD. Among them, a significantly higher proportion was intoxicated at the time of the attempt than those without PSUD (44.3% vs 25.4%). Among the 148 adolescents who could be traced at either T1 or T2, two died from suicide and 30 repeated suicide attempts once or more times. A marginally significant association was found between death by suicide/repetition of suicide attempt and alcohol abuse/dependence at baseline (OR=3.3, 95% CI 0.7-15.0; OR=2.6, 95% CI 0.7-9.3). More than one suicide attempt before admission to hospital at T0 (OR=3.2, 95% CI 1.1-10.0) and age over 19 y at T0 (OR=3.2, 95% CI 1.1-9.2) were independently associated with the likelihood of death by suicide or repetition of suicide attempt. CONCLUSION: Among adolescents hospitalized for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation, the risk of death or repetition of attempt is high and is associated with previous suicide attempts--especially among older adolescents--and also marginally associated with PSUD; these adolescents should be carefully evaluated for such risks and followed up once discharged from the hospital.
RESUME Objectifs: Etudier la prévalence des troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoatives parmi des adolescents suicidaires; évaluer l'influence de la prise de substances psychoactives sur le geste suicidaire; analyser l'association entre les troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives et le risque de récidive de la conduite suicidaire. Méthode: 186 adolescents, âgés de 16 à 21 ans, hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, ont été inclus. Parmi eux, 148 ont été revus pour évaluation à 6 et/ou 18 mois. Des diagnostics psychiatriques, basés sur les critères du DSM-IV, ont été posés à l'aide d'un questionnaire, le MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview). Résultats: A l'inclusion, 39.2% des sujets avaient un trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Parmi eux, une proportion significativement plus élevée était sous l'influence d'alcool ou drogue au moment de la tentative de suicide (44.3% versus 25.4%). Des 148 adolescents suivis et revus à 6 ou 18 mois, 2 sont décédés par suicide et il y a eu 30 récidives de tentative de suicide durant l'étude. Une association significative a été trouvée entre les récidives de suicide et un diagnostic d'abus/dépendance à l'alcool à l'inclusion (OR=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). Des antécédents de plusieurs tentatives de suicide (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) et un âge supérieur à 19 ans (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) à l'inclusion étaient associés à la probabilité de mort par suicide ou de récidive de tentative de suicide. Conclusion: Parmi les adolescents hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, le risque de décès ou de récidive est important. Ce risque est associé, entre autres, à des antécédents suicidaires et au diagnostic de trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Le risque suicidaire ainsi que la consommation de substances psychoactives devrait être évalué chez les adolescents. De plus, les sujets jugés à risque devraient être suivis systématiquement après une hospitalisation pour conduite suicidaire. ABSTRACT Aim: To study the prevalence of psychoactive substance use disorder (PSUD) among suicidal adolescents, psychoactive substance intoxication at the moment of the attempt and the association between PSUD at baseline and either occurrence of suicide or repetition of suicide attempt(s). Methods: 186 adolescents aged 16 to 21 hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation were included (TO); 148 of them were traced again for evaluations after 6 months and/or 18 months. DSM-IV diagnoses were assessed each time using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Results: At TO, 39.2% of the subjects were found to have a PSUD. Among them, a significantly higher proportion was intoxicated at the time of the attempt than those without PSUD (44-.3% vs. 25.4%). Among the 148 adolescents who could be traced at either Ti or T2, two died from suicide and 30 repeated suicide attempt once or more time. A marginally significant association was found between death by suicide/repetition of suicide attempt and alcohol abuse/dependence at baseline (0R=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). More than one suicide attempt before admission to hospital at TO (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) and age over 19 at TO (0R=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) were independently associated with the likelihood of death by suicide or repetition of suicide attempt. Conclusion: Among adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation, the risk of death or repetition of attempt is high and is associated with previous suicide attempts - especially among older adolescents - and also marginally associated with PSUD; these adolescents should be carefully evaluated for such risks and followed up once discharged from the hospital.
The Early Smoking Experience (ESE) questionnaire is the most widely used questionnaire to assess initial subjective experiences of cigarette smoking. However, its factor structure is not clearly defined and can be perceived from two main standpoints: valence, or positive and negative experiences, and sensitivity to nicotine. This article explores the ESE's factor structure and determines which standpoint was more relevant. It compares two groups of young Swiss men (German- and French-speaking). We examined baseline data on 3,368 tobacco users from a representative sample in the ongoing Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). ESE, continued tobacco use, weekly smoking and nicotine dependence were assessed. Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were performed. ESEM clearly distinguished positive experiences from negative experiences, but negative experiences were divided in experiences related to dizziness and experiences related to irritations. SEM underlined the reinforcing effects of positive experiences, but also of experiences related to dizziness on nicotine dependence and weekly smoking. The best ESE structure for predictive accuracy of experiences on smoking behavior was a compromise between the valence and sensitivity standpoints, which showed clinical relevance.
Smoking is a leading global cause of disease and mortality. We established the Oxford-GlaxoSmithKline study (Ox-GSK) to perform a genome-wide meta-analysis of SNP association with smoking-related behavioral traits. Our final data set included 41,150 individuals drawn from 20 disease, population and control cohorts. Our analysis confirmed an effect on smoking quantity at a locus on 15q25 (P = 9.45 x 10(-19)) that includes CHRNA5, CHRNA3 and CHRNB4, three genes encoding neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. We used data from the 1000 Genomes project to investigate the region using imputation, which allowed for analysis of virtually all common SNPs in the region and offered a fivefold increase in marker density over HapMap2 (ref. 2) as an imputation reference panel. Our fine-mapping approach identified a SNP showing the highest significance, rs55853698, located within the promoter region of CHRNA5. Conditional analysis also identified a secondary locus (rs6495308) in CHRNA3.
Objectifs : Ce mémoire propose de répertorier par une revue systématique les instruments de mesure clinique des conduites addictives établies et émergentes; de les comparer au moyen d’une grille d’analyse afin de de déterminer si ces conduites sont cohésives au plan conceptuel. Méthode : La stratégie analytique employée s’est déroulée en trois étapes : 1) Via les moteurs de recherche Pubmed, Psychinfo, HAPI et Embase, nous avons cherché, pour l’ensemble des conduites addictives, les questionnaires ayant fait l’objet d’une étude de validation interne au plan psychométrique. 2) Une grille d’analyse a été développée et validée, couvrant 21 paramètres tirés de 4 catégories conceptuelles : les critères diagnostiques de dépendance (DSM-IVTR), le tempérament (Cloninger et Zuckerman), le processus de production du handicap social (Fougeyrollas) et une grille d’analyse cognitivo-comportementale (Beck). 3) tous les instruments ont été analysés et comparés au moyen de cette grille qui a été développée est validée par un accord inter-juge élevé. Résultats : Nous avons répertorié 191 questionnaires répartis sur 21 conduites addictives. On constate que les conduites les plus prévalentes sont également celles pour lesquelles on retrouve le plus grand nombre de questionnaires. Les catégories que les questionnaires évaluent le plus sont celles des critères de la dépendance et l’analyse cognitivo-comportementale, les catégories beaucoup moins bien représentées étant celles du tempérament et du processus de production du handicap social. On note des tendances semblables pour les paramètres entre les questionnaires portant sur la toxicomanie et ceux portant sur les addictions sans drogues. Conclusion : Ce mémoire confirme une cohésion clinique dans la mesure des addictions, tel que déterminé par une grille validée appliquée sur un ensemble exhaustif de questionnaires répertoriés par une revue systématique.
L’objectif de la présente étude consiste à tenter de mieux connaître la population judiciarisée qui se présente en traitement pour des problèmes de toxicomanies. Deux cent seize clients admis en traitement dans deux centres de réadaptation en toxicomanie du Québec constituent l’échantillon. Ces sujets ont répondu à l’Indice de gravité d’une toxicomanie (IGT-ASI), au Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), à l’Inventaire de personnalité Jesness, et au University of Rhodes Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA). Ces outils nous serviront à décrire la popula~tion étudiée. L’analyse des données nous entraîne dans une réflexion à deux niveaux. D’une part, l’observation de problématiques multiples dans la population à l’étude nous questionne sur les possibilités de mettre en place des services de traitement adéquats pour ces personnes qui apparaissent éprouver des problèmes d’adaptation à plusieurs niveaux. D’autre part, le niveau des problèmes de toxicomanie des personnes référées par le système de justice nous interroge sur la pertinence de certaines de ces références.
El suicidio es un problema de salud resultando 1000.000 de muertes anuales, siendo mayores en pacientes con enfermedades psiquiátricas, lo cual genera costos en atención llegando hasta 46,024 USD anuales. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados al intento suicida en pacientes con antecedente psicótico. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, 226 pacientes de consulta externa en la Clínica La Paz, Bogotá; entre 2008-2009. Información recolectada por entrevista directa con el paciente/cuidador mediante cuestionario que evaluó factores demográficos, consumo, adherencia, clínicos y atención. Resultados: La distribución por género fue similar, promedio de edad de 41,11±12,5 años y mediana de 41 años. Prevalencia del 26% de intento suicida. Diagnóstico más frecuente: esquizofrenia (53.5%). La mayoría de los pacientes vivía con sus familiares (91,2%). Factores asociados al aumento de la probabilidad de intento suicida fueron: género femenino (OR = 1,77; IC 0,919-3,422), ingesta de alcohol (OR = 2,43; IC 95: 1,07-5,51) y tener hospitalización previa con duración menor a 10 días (OR = 2,065; IC 95: 1,086-3,928). Los factores asociados con menor probabilidad de intento suicida en el último año fueron las relacionados con adherencia. Mientras que el alcohol se determinó como un factor asociado que aumentó la probabilidad de intento suicida en los últimos 5 años (OR = 1,68 IC 95: 1,17-22,17). Conclusiones: Ser de género femenino, ingerir alcohol y haber tenido hospitalización previa menor a 10 días son factores asociados a mayor probabilidad de intento suicida. La adherencia al tratamiento es un factor asociado con menor probabilidad del dicho desenlace.
El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) representa un problema de salud pública en Colombia y en el mundo. La población que recurre a este tipo de sustancias es cada vez más joven y sus efectos son potencialmente deletéreos y pueden afectar todas las áreas de ajuste de la persona. Aunque así se ha concebido, esta práctica no siempre está asociada con problemas personales ni con altos grados de estrés. Puede haber otras motivaciones asociadas. Objetivos: los objetivos de este artículo están dirigidos a presentar: (a) la frecuencia relativa de consumo de SPA entre los estudiantes universitarios, (b) las SPA más utilizadas por los estudiantes universitarios y sus diferencias según el sexo y la edad, (c) la relación entre el uso de SPA y los contextos de diversión. Materiales y métodos: este fue un estudio descriptivo correlacional, derivado de un proyecto de investigación italiano, con una muestra de 226 estudiantes de cuatro carreras de una universidad privada de Bogotá, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio estratificado con asignación proporcional, a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta. Resultados: las SPA de mayor utilización son el alcohol, la nicotina y la marihuana, cuya mayor predominancia se presenta en el sexo masculino. Los resultados son congruentes con la tendencia nacional. Conclusión: el consumo de SPA en la población universitaria es alto y algunos contextos recreativos están asociados con esta conducta.
Background: Smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have high nicotine dependence making it difficult to quit smoking. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a method that is used in stimulating motivation and behavioral changes. Objective: To describe smoking cessation communication between patients and registered nurses trained in MI in COPD nurse-led clinics in Swedish primary health care. Methods: A prospective observational study with structured quantitative content analyses of the communication between six nurses with basic education in MI and 13 patients in non-smoking consultations. Results: Only to a small extent did nurses’ evoke patients’ reasons for change, stimulate collaboration, and support patients’ autonomy. Nurses provided information, asked closed questions, and made simple reflections. Patients’ communicationwasmainly neutral and focusing on reasons for and against smoking. It was uncommon for patients to be committed and take steps toward smoking cessation. Conclusion: The nurses did not adhere to the principles of MI in smoking cessation, and the patients focused to a limited extent on how to quit smoking. Practice implications: To make patients more active, the nurses need more education and continuous training in motivational communication.
A associação entre consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e a incidência de hipertensão pode ser dependente do padrão de consumo e raça. Em um estudo de coorte de base populacional, foram entrevistados no domicílio 1089 adultos, selecionados ao acaso. A pressão arterial e medidas antropométricas foram aferidas de acordo com recomendações padronizadas. A quantidade de álcool consumida foi avaliada por um questionário de quantidade-freqüência. Binge drinking foi definido pelo consumo de 5 ou mais drinques em uma ocasião para homens ou 4 drinques para mulheres, e abuso de álcool, por consumo de 30 ou mais gramas por dia em homens ou 15 g ou mais em mulheres. Os entrevistadores classificaram a cor da pele dos participantes em brancos e não-brancos. Casos incidentes de hipertensão foram caracterizados por PA ≥ 140/90 mmHg ou uso de medicamento anti-hipertensivo. A razão de risco (RR) para incidência de hipertensão arterial foi computada em modelo de Cox. Entre os 589 indivíduos normotensos na entrevista basal, foram identificados 127 casos incidentes de hipertensão, após um seguimento de 5,6 ± 1,1 anos. Não houve associação de binge drinking e dependência de álcool (CAGE) com a incidência de hipertensão. A RR ajustada (idade, educação) para a incidência de hipertensão (IC 95% ) foi significativa apenas para indivíduos não-brancos que consumiam 30 g ou mais de etanol por dia: 7,3 (1,4 - 39,3). A pressão arterial sistólica aumentou entre os abusadores não brancos 16,1 ± 3,5 mmHg, em comparação com 4,9 ± 1,5 mmHg entre os abusadores brancos (P= 0,004). Indivíduos com ancestrais africanos que consumisam grandes quantidades de álcool apresentaram maior risco de desenvolverem hipertensão arterial. Este risco não foi explicado por binge drinking ou dependência de álcool.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The microinjection of carbachol into the medial preoptic area (MPO) of the rat induced natriuresis, kaliuresis and anti-diuresis in a dose-related manner. Atropine blocked all responses to carbachol. Hexamethonium impaired the dose-response effect of carbachol on kaliuresis, but had no effect on natriuresis and enhanced the antidiuretic effect of carbachol. Nicotine alone had no effects, but pre-treatment with nicotine enhanced the responses to carbachol. These data show that activity of the muscarinic receptors of the MPO increases renal electrolyte and reduces water excretion. They also suggest that nicotinic receptors have an inhibitory effect on water excretion. Nicotine could act through mechanisms unrelated to nicotinic receptors to enhance the effect of the carbachol. © 1989.
Background: Smoking impairs mucociliary clearance and increases respiratory infection frequency and severity in subjects with and without smoking-related chronic lung diseases. Objective: This study evaluated the effects of smoking intensity on mucociliary clearance in active smokers. Methods: Seventy-five active smokers were grouped into light (1-10 cigarettes/day; n = 14), moderate (11-20 cigarettes/day; n = 34) and heavy smokers (≥21 cigarettes/day; n = 27) before starting a smoking cessation programme. Smoking behaviour, nicotine dependence, pulmonary function, carbon monoxide in exhaled air (exCO), carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) and mucociliary clearance measured by the saccharin transit time (STT) test were all evaluated. An age-matched non-smoker group (n = 24) was assessed using the same tests. Results: Moderate (49 ± 7 years) and heavy smokers (46 ± 8 years) had higher STT (p = 0.0001), exCO (p < 0.0001) and COHb (p < 0.0001) levels compared with light smokers (51 ± 15 years) and non-smokers (50 ± 11 years). A positive correlation was observed between STT and exCO (r = 0.4; p < 0.0001), STT and cigarettes/day (r = 0.3, p = 0.02) and exCO and cigarettes/day (r = 0.3, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Smoking impairs mucociliary clearance and is associated with cigarette smoking intensity. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)