915 resultados para action potential
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of the Most Recent Computational Models of Rabbit Cardiac Pacemaking
The cellular basis of cardiac pacemaking activity, and specifically the quantitative contributions of particular mechanisms, is still debated. Reliable computational models of sinoatrial nodal (SAN) cells may provide mechanistic insights, but competing models are built from different data sets and with different underlying assumptions. To understand quantitative differences between alternative models, we performed thorough parameter sensitivity analyses of the SAN models of Maltsev & Lakatta (2009) and Severi et al (2012). Model parameters were randomized to generate a population of cell models with different properties, simulations performed with each set of random parameters generated 14 quantitative outputs that characterized cellular activity, and regression methods were used to analyze the population behavior. Clear differences between the two models were observed at every step of the analysis. Specifically: (1) SR Ca2+ pump activity had a greater effect on SAN cell cycle length (CL) in the Maltsev model; (2) conversely, parameters describing the funny current (If) had a greater effect on CL in the Severi model; (3) changes in rapid delayed rectifier conductance (GKr) had opposite effects on action potential amplitude in the two models; (4) within the population, a greater percentage of model cells failed to exhibit action potentials in the Maltsev model (27%) compared with the Severi model (7%), implying greater robustness in the latter; (5) confirming this initial impression, bifurcation analyses indicated that smaller relative changes in GKr or Na+-K+ pump activity led to failed action potentials in the Maltsev model. Overall, the results suggest experimental tests that can distinguish between models and alternative hypotheses, and the analysis offers strategies for developing anti-arrhythmic pharmaceuticals by predicting their effect on the pacemaking activity.
Background/Aims. Uremic Neuropathy (UN) highly limits the individual self-sufficiency causing near-continuous pain. An estimation of the actual UN prevalence among hemodialysis patients was the aim of the present work. Methods. We studied 225 prevalent dialysis patients from two Italian Centres. The Michigan Neuropathy Score Instrument (MNSI), already validated in diabetic neuropathy, was used for the diagnosis of UN. It consisted of a questionnaire (MNSI_Q) and a physical-clinical evaluation (MNSI_P). Patients without any disease possibly inducing secondary neuropathy and with MNSI score 3 have been diagnosed as affected by UN. Electroneurographic (ENG) lower limbs examination was performed in these patients to compare sensory conduction velocities (SCV) and sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP) with the MNSI results. Results. Thirtyseven patients (16.4%) were identified as being affected by UN, while 9 (4%) presented a score <3 in spite of neuropathic symptoms. In the 37 UN patients a significant correlation was found between MNSI_P and SCV (r2 = 0.1959; p<0.034) as well as SNAP (r2 = 0.3454; p=0.027) both measured by ENG. Conclusions. UN is an underestimated disease among the dialysis population even though it represents a huge problem in terms of pain and quality of life. MNSI could represent a valid and simple clinical-instrumental screening test for the early diagnosis of UN in view of an early therapeutic approach.
The heart is a wonderful but complex organ: it uses electrochemical mechanisms in order to produce mechanical energy to pump the blood throughout the body and allow the life of humans and animals. This organ can be subject to several diseases and sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the most catastrophic manifestation of these diseases, responsible for the death of a large number of people throughout the world. It is estimated that 325000 Americans annually die for SCD. SCD most commonly occurs as a result of reentrant tachyarrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF)) and the identification of those patients at higher risk for the development of SCD has been a difficult clinical challenge. Nowadays, a particular electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormality, “T-wave alternans” (TWA), is considered a precursor of lethal cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death, a sensitive indicator of risk for SCD. TWA is defined as a beat-to-beat alternation in the shape, amplitude, or timing of the T-wave on the ECG, indicative of the underlying repolarization of cardiac cells [5]. In other words TWA is the macroscopic effect of subcellular and celluar mechanisms involving ionic kinetics and the consequent depolarization and repolarization of the myocytes. Experimental activities have shown that TWA on the ECG is a manifestation of an underlying alternation of long and short action potential durations (APDs), the so called APD-alternans, of cardiac myocytes in the myocardium. Understanding the mechanism of APDs-alternans is the first step for preventing them to occur. In order to investigate these mechanisms it’s very important to understand that the biological systems are complex systems and their macroscopic properties arise from the nonlinear interactions among the parts. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and it cannot be understood only by studying the single parts. In this sense the heart is a complex nonlinear system and its way of working follows nonlinear dynamics; alternans also, they are a manifestation of a phenomenon typical in nonlinear dynamical systems, called “period-dubling bifurcation”. Over the past decade, it has been demonstrated that electrical alternans in cardiac tissue is an important marker for the development of ventricular fibrillation and a significant predictor for mortality. It has been observed that acute exposure to low concentration of calcium does not decrease the magnitude of alternans and sustained ventricular Fibrillation (VF) is still easily induced under these condition. However with prolonged exposure to low concentration of calcium, alternans disappears, but VF is still inducible. This work is based on this observation and tries to make it clearer. The aim of this thesis is investigate the effect of hypocalcemia spatial alternans and VF doing experiments with canine hearts and perfusing them with a solution with physiological ionic concentration and with a solution with low calcium concentration (hypocalcemia); in order to investigate the so called memory effect, the experimental activity was modified during the way. The experiments were performed with the optical mapping technique, using voltage-sensitive dye, and a custom made Java code was used in post-processing. Finding the Nolasco and Dahlen’s criterion [8] inadequate for the prediction of alternans, and takin into account the experimental results, another criterion, which consider the memory effect, has been implemented. The implementation of this criterion could be the first step in the creation of a method, AP-based, discriminating who is at risk if developing VF. This work is divided into four chapters: the first is a brief presentation of the physiology of the heart; the second is a review of the major theories and discovers in the study of cardiac dynamics; the third chapter presents an overview on the experimental activity and the optical mapping technique; the forth chapter contains the presentation of the results and the conclusions.
Nozizeptive Spinalganglienneurone detektieren mit einer Vielzahl liganden- und spannungsgesteuerter Ionenkanäle noxische Reize, d.h. Reize, die eine Gewebeschädigung bewirken können, wandeln sie in Aktionspotenzialentladungen um und leiten sie über das Rückenmark zum Gehirn weiter, wo eine Schmerzempfindung ausgelöst wird. Die pronozizeptiven transienten Rezeptor-Potenzial-Kanäle der Vanilloidrezeptorfamilie, TRPV1 und TRPV2, sind die klassischen Transduktionsmoleküle für noxische Hitzereize in den Spinalganglien und werden von Reiztemperaturen über 43°C bzw. 52°C aktiviert. Daneben finden sich auch antinozizeptive Membranproteine, wie z.B. der metabotrope Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Er koppelt an spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanäle, die neben Natrium- und Kalziumkanälen ebenfalls an der neuronalen Erregbarkeit beteiligt sind. Von den spannungsgesteuerten Kaliumkanälen könnte der Kv1.4, der einen schnell inaktivierenden A-Strom vermittelt, an antinozizeptiven Signalwegen beteiligt sein. Um die molekulare Physiologie der Regulation von Nozizeption und Antinozizeption zu charakterisieren, wurde die Expression bzw. Ko-Expression dieser Membranproteine auf der einen als auch die funktionelle Charakterisierung von TRPV1 auf der anderen Seite im Soma der Spinalganglienneurone und im heterologen Expressionssystem untersucht. TRPV1 wurde in je einem Drittel und TRPV2 in je einem Zehntel aller Spinalganglienneurone nachgewiesen. Das Expressionsmuster veränderte sich nicht zwischen verschiedenen Präparationsmethoden, die zur Aufarbeitung der Zellen für unterschiedliche experimentelle Ansätze notwendig sind. Somit können die aus Expressionsanalysen und funktionellen Untersuchungen gewonnenen Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen werden. Obwohl TRPV1 und TRPV2 in unterschiedlich großen Zellen exprimiert werden, überlappen dennoch ihre Größenverteilungen. Durch Ko-Expressionsanalysen konnten hier erstmalig TRPV1-TRPV2-ko-exprimierende Neurone detektiert werden. Mit dem neu entwickelten N-terminalen Antikörper gegen TRPV1 (3C11) konnte gezeigt werden, dass für TRPV1 verschiedene Splice-Varianten existieren. Neben den bereits bekannten Splice-Varianten wurde hier die neue Variante Vr.3’sv isoliert. Diese besitzt zwischen Exon 15 und 16 eine Insertion aus 104 Basen und exprimiert daher einen veränderten C-Terminus. Trotz dieser Veränderung bildeten sich im heterologen Expressionssystem funktionelle Kanäle aus, die im Gegensatz zu den anderen Varianten immer noch durch Capsaicin aktivierbar waren. Vr.3’sv könnte als Homo- oder Heterotetramer die Eigenschaften TRPV1-positiver Neurone beeinflussen. Bei der Bestimmung der Häufigkeit von TRPV1 in einem Gewebe ist somit die Wahl des Antikörpers von entscheidender Bedeutung. Für TRPV2 dagegen gibt es hier keine Hinweise auf Splice-Varianten. TRPV1 wird durch das Vanilloid Capsaicin aktiviert, wobei diese Substanz neurotoxisch ist und eine Degeneration von Neuronen und epidermalen Nervenfasern bewirkt. Hier wurde nun gezeigt, dass unabhängig von den Splice-Varianten nicht alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone bei langer Inkubationszeit absterben. Funktionelle Untersuchungen belegten, dass auch Capsaicin-sensitive Zellen unter dem Einfluss des Agonisten überleben können. Dieser Schutzmechanismus wird möglicherweise von den verschiedenen Splice-Varianten vermittelt. Ko-Expressionsanalysen zeigten, dass der spannungsgesteuerte Kaliumkanal Kv1.4 in nahezu allen TRPV1- aber nicht TRPV2-positiven Neuronen exprimiert wird. Desweiteren ko-exprimierten nahezu alle TRPV1-positiven Neurone auch den Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1. Diese fast vollständige Ko-Lokalisation von CB1 und Kv1.4 in nozizeptiven Spinalganglienneuronen spricht für eine funktionell synergistische Aktivität. Der Kaliumkanal kann unter der regulativen Kontrolle von CB1 als Vermittler von A-Typ-Kaliumströmen an der Kontrolle der repetitiven Entladungen in der Peripherie und der Transmitterausschüttung zentral beteiligt sein. Es ergeben sich daraus Ansatzpunkte für die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente. Mit Kv1.4-Aktivatoren und/oder peripher wirkenden Cannabinoiden könnten die Nebenwirkungen der Cannabinoide im zentralen Nervensystem umgangen werden.
GABA, der wichtigste inhibitorische Neurotransmitter im adulten Gehirn, bewirkt im unreifen Nervensystem eine Membrandepolarisation, vermutlich aufgrund der erhöhten intrazellulären Chloridkonzentration ([Cl-]i) in unreifen Nervenzellen. GABAerge Membrandepolarisationen sind essentiell für die korrekte Entwicklung des zentralen Nervensystems und die Entstehung kortikaler Netzwerkaktivität. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe elektrophysiologischer und immunohistochemischer Methoden die Regulation der Chlorid-Homöostase in unreifen Neuronen des Neokortex untersucht. Die Experimente wurden an Cajal-Retzius (CR) Zellen, einem transienten Zelltyp der Marginalzone, in akuten Hirnschnittpräparaten neonataler Ratten (P0-P3) durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass CR Zellen eine hohe native [Cl-]i von ~30 mM aufweisen. Die hohe [Cl-]i wurde ausschließlich durch Bumetanid sensitiven und Na+-abhängigen aktiven Cl--Transport aufrechterhalten, was auf eine Cl--Akkumulation durch den Kationen-Chlorid-Cotransporter NKCC1 schließen lässt. Diese pharmakologischen Hinweise konnten durch den Nachweis der Expression von NKCC1 in der gesamten Marginalzone, speziell in CR Zellen, bestätigt werden. Die Transportgeschwindigkeit der NKCC1-abhängigen Cl--Akkumulation war gering, was auf eine limitierte Transportkapazität schließen lässt. In Übereinstimmung mit diesem Befund konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Cl--Leitfähigkeit in CR Zellen äußerst klein ist, so dass die NKCC1-abhängige Cl--Akkumulation ausreichend war, um unter Ruhebedingungen eine hohe [Cl-]i zu gewährleisten. Aufgrund dieser hohen [Cl-]i waren GABAA-Rezeptor vermittelte Antworten in CR Zellen exzitatorisch. Die Kapazität des NKCC1-vermittelten Cl--Transportes in CR Zellen konnte durch höherfrequente Stimulation überschritten werden, was dazu führte, dass die [Cl-]i abnahm und GABAerge Antworten unter diesen Bedingungen inhibitorisch wurden. Die inhibitorische Wirkung von GABA in CR Zellen wurde überwiegend durch die Reduktion des Eingangswiderstandes der Zelle vermittelt und beruhte nicht auf einer Verschiebung der Aktionspotentialschwelle.
The cardiomyocyte is a complex biological system where many mechanisms interact non-linearly to regulate the coupling between electrical excitation and mechanical contraction. For this reason, the development of mathematical models is fundamental in the field of cardiac electrophysiology, where the use of computational tools has become complementary to the classical experimentation. My doctoral research has been focusing on the development of such models for investigating the regulation of ventricular excitation-contraction coupling at the single cell level. In particular, the following researches are presented in this thesis: 1) Study of the unexpected deleterious effect of a Na channel blocker on a long QT syndrome type 3 patient. Experimental results were used to tune a Na current model that recapitulates the effect of the mutation and the treatment, in order to investigate how these influence the human action potential. Our research suggested that the analysis of the clinical phenotype is not sufficient for recommending drugs to patients carrying mutations with undefined electrophysiological properties. 2) Development of a model of L-type Ca channel inactivation in rabbit myocytes to faithfully reproduce the relative roles of voltage- and Ca-dependent inactivation. The model was applied to the analysis of Ca current inactivation kinetics during normal and abnormal repolarization, and predicts arrhythmogenic activity when inhibiting Ca-dependent inactivation, which is the predominant mechanism in physiological conditions. 3) Analysis of the arrhythmogenic consequences of the crosstalk between β-adrenergic and Ca-calmodulin dependent protein kinase signaling pathways. The descriptions of the two regulatory mechanisms, both enhanced in heart failure, were integrated into a novel murine action potential model to investigate how they concur to the development of cardiac arrhythmias. These studies show how mathematical modeling is suitable to provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying cardiac excitation-contraction coupling and arrhythmogenesis.
The research field of my PhD concerns mathematical modeling and numerical simulation, applied to the cardiac electrophysiology analysis at a single cell level. This is possible thanks to the development of mathematical descriptions of single cellular components, ionic channels, pumps, exchangers and subcellular compartments. Due to the difficulties of vivo experiments on human cells, most of the measurements are acquired in vitro using animal models (e.g. guinea pig, dog, rabbit). Moreover, to study the cardiac action potential and all its features, it is necessary to acquire more specific knowledge about single ionic currents that contribute to the cardiac activity. Electrophysiological models of the heart have become very accurate in recent years giving rise to extremely complicated systems of differential equations. Although describing the behavior of cardiac cells quite well, the models are computationally demanding for numerical simulations and are very difficult to analyze from a mathematical (dynamical-systems) viewpoint. Simplified mathematical models that capture the underlying dynamics to a certain extent are therefore frequently used. The results presented in this thesis have confirmed that a close integration of computational modeling and experimental recordings in real myocytes, as performed by dynamic clamp, is a useful tool in enhancing our understanding of various components of normal cardiac electrophysiology, but also arrhythmogenic mechanisms in a pathological condition, especially when fully integrated with experimental data.
Heart diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, both for men and women. However, the ionic mechanisms underlying many cardiac arrhythmias and genetic disorders are not completely understood, thus leading to a limited efficacy of the current available therapies and leaving many open questions for cardiac electrophysiologists. On the other hand, experimental data availability is still a great issue in this field: most of the experiments are performed in vitro and/or using animal models (e.g. rabbit, dog and mouse), even when the final aim is to better understand the electrical behaviour of in vivo human heart either in physiological or pathological conditions. Computational modelling constitutes a primary tool in cardiac electrophysiology: in silico simulations, based on the available experimental data, may help to understand the electrical properties of the heart and the ionic mechanisms underlying a specific phenomenon. Once validated, mathematical models can be used for making predictions and testing hypotheses, thus suggesting potential therapeutic targets. This PhD thesis aims to apply computational cardiac modelling of human single cell action potential (AP) to three clinical scenarios, in order to gain new insights into the ionic mechanisms involved in the electrophysiological changes observed in vitro and/or in vivo. The first context is blood electrolyte variations, which may occur in patients due to different pathologies and/or therapies. In particular, we focused on extracellular Ca2+ and its effect on the AP duration (APD). The second context is haemodialysis (HD) therapy: in addition to blood electrolyte variations, patients undergo a lot of other different changes during HD, e.g. heart rate, cell volume, pH, and sympatho-vagal balance. The third context is human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a genetic disorder characterised by an increased arrhythmic risk, and still lacking a specific pharmacological treatment.
Cardiac ion channels play an essential role in the generation of the action potential of cardiomyocytes. Over the past 15 years, a new field of research called channelopathies has emerged; it regroups all diseases caused by ion channel dysfunction. Investigators have largely determined the physiological roles of cardiac ion channels, but little is known about the molecular determinants of their regulation. Two post-translational mechanisms that are crucial in determining the fate of proteins are ubiquitylation and the SUMOylation pathways, which lead to the degradation and/or regulation of modified proteins. Recently, several groups have investigated the physiological impacts of these mechanisms on the regulation of different classes of cardiac ion channels. The objective of this review is to summarize and briefly discuss these results.
BACKGROUND: Loss-of-function mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding Na(v)1.5 Na+ channel, are associated with inherited cardiac conduction defects and Brugada syndrome, which both exhibit variable phenotypic penetrance of conduction defects. We investigated the mechanisms of this heterogeneity in a mouse model with heterozygous targeted disruption of Scn5a (Scn5a(+/-) mice) and compared our results to those obtained in patients with loss-of-function mutations in SCN5A. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on ECG, 10-week-old Scn5a(+/-) mice were divided into 2 subgroups, one displaying severe ventricular conduction defects (QRS interval>18 ms) and one a mild phenotype (QRS< or = 18 ms; QRS in wild-type littermates: 10-18 ms). Phenotypic difference persisted with aging. At 10 weeks, the Na+ channel blocker ajmaline prolonged QRS interval similarly in both groups of Scn5a(+/-) mice. In contrast, in old mice (>53 weeks), ajmaline effect was larger in the severely affected subgroup. These data matched the clinical observations on patients with SCN5A loss-of-function mutations with either severe or mild conduction defects. Ventricular tachycardia developed in 5/10 old severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice but not in mildly affected ones. Correspondingly, symptomatic SCN5A-mutated Brugada patients had more severe conduction defects than asymptomatic patients. Old severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice but not mildly affected ones showed extensive cardiac fibrosis. Mildly affected Scn5a(+/-) mice had similar Na(v)1.5 mRNA but higher Na(v)1.5 protein expression, and moderately larger I(Na) current than severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice. As a consequence, action potential upstroke velocity was more decreased in severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice than in mildly affected ones. CONCLUSIONS: Scn5a(+/-) mice show similar phenotypic heterogeneity as SCN5A-mutated patients. In Scn5a(+/-) mice, phenotype severity correlates with wild-type Na(v)1.5 protein expression.
Background: Among grape skin polyphenols, trans-resveratrol (RES) has been reported to slow the development of cardiac fibrosis and to affect myofibroblast (MFB) differentiation. Because MFBs induce slow conduction and ectopic activity following heterocellular gap junctional coupling to cardiomyocytes, we investigated whether RES and its main metabolites affect arrhythmogenic cardiomyocyte-MFB interactions. Methods: Experiments were performed with patterned growth strands of neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes coated with cardiac MFBs. Impulse propagation characteristics were measured optically using voltage-sensitive dyes. Long-term video recordings served to characterize drug-related effects on ectopic activity. Data are given as means ± S.D. (n = 4–20). Results: Exposure of pure cardiomyocyte strands to RES at concentrations up to 10 µmol/L had no significant effects on impulse conduction velocity (θ) and maximal action potential upstroke velocities (dV/dtmax). By contrast, in MFB-coated strands exhibiting slow conduction, RES enhanced θ with an EC50 of ~10 nmol/L from 226 ± 38 to 344 ± 24 mm/s and dV/dtmax from 48 ± 7 to 69 ± 2%APA/ms, i.e., to values of pure cardiomyocyte strands (347 ± 33 mm/s; 75 ± 4%APA/ms). Moreover, RES led to a reduction of ectopic activity over the course of several hours in heterocellular preparations. RES is metabolized quickly in the body; therefore, we tested the main known metabolites for functional effects and found them similarly effective in normalizing conduction with EC50s of ~10 nmol/L (3-OH-RES), ~20 nmol/L (RES-3-O-β-glucuronide) and ~10 nmol/L (RES-sulfate), respectively. At these concentrations, neither RES nor its metabolites had any effects on MFB morphology and α-smooth muscle actin expression. This suggests that the antiarrhythmic effects observed were based on mechanisms different from a change in MFB phenotype. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that RES counteracts MFB-dependent arrhythmogenic slow conduction and ectopic activity at physiologically relevant concentrations. Because RES is rapidly metabolized following intestinal absorption, the finding of equal antiarrhythmic effectiveness of the main RES metabolites warrants their inclusion in future studies of potentially beneficial effects of these substances on the heart.
The discovery of binary dendritic events such as local NMDA spikes in dendritic subbranches led to the suggestion that dendritic trees could be computationally equivalent to a 2-layer network of point neurons, with a single output unit represented by the soma, and input units represented by the dendritic branches. Although this interpretation endows a neuron with a high computational power, it is functionally not clear why nature would have preferred the dendritic solution with a single but complex neuron, as opposed to the network solution with many but simple units. We show that the dendritic solution has a distinguished advantage over the network solution when considering different learning tasks. Its key property is that the dendritic branches receive an immediate feedback from the somatic output spike, while in the corresponding network architecture the feedback would require additional backpropagating connections to the input units. Assuming a reinforcement learning scenario we formally derive a learning rule for the synaptic contacts on the individual dendritic trees which depends on the presynaptic activity, the local NMDA spikes, the somatic action potential, and a delayed reinforcement signal. We test the model for two scenarios: the learning of binary classifications and of precise spike timings. We show that the immediate feedback represented by the backpropagating action potential supplies the individual dendritic branches with enough information to efficiently adapt their synapses and to speed up the learning process.
The discovery of binary dendritic events such as local NMDA spikes in dendritic subbranches led to the suggestion that dendritic trees could be computationally equivalent to a 2-layer network of point neurons, with a single output unit represented by the soma, and input units represented by the dendritic branches. Although this interpretation endows a neuron with a high computational power, it is functionally not clear why nature would have preferred the dendritic solution with a single but complex neuron, as opposed to the network solution with many but simple units. We show that the dendritic solution has a distinguished advantage over the network solution when considering different learning tasks. Its key property is that the dendritic branches receive an immediate feedback from the somatic output spike, while in the corresponding network architecture the feedback would require additional backpropagating connections to the input units. Assuming a reinforcement learning scenario we formally derive a learning rule for the synaptic contacts on the individual dendritic trees which depends on the presynaptic activity, the local NMDA spikes, the somatic action potential, and a delayed reinforcement signal. We test the model for two scenarios: the learning of binary classifications and of precise spike timings. We show that the immediate feedback represented by the backpropagating action potential supplies the individual dendritic branches with enough information to efficiently adapt their synapses and to speed up the learning process.
Various factors, including maturity, have been shown to influence peripheral nerve excitability measures, but little is known about differences in these properties between axons with different stimulation thresholds. Multiple nerve excitability tests were performed on the caudal motor axons of immature and mature female rats, recording from tail muscles at three target compound muscle action potential (CMAP) levels: 10%, 40% ("standard" level), and 60% of the maximum CMAP amplitude. Compared to lower target levels, axons at high target levels have the following characteristics: lower strength-duration time constant, less threshold reduction during depolarizing currents and greater threshold increase to hyperpolarizing currents, most notably to long hyperpolarizing currents in mature rats. Threshold-dependent effects on peripheral nerve excitability properties depend on the maturation stage, especially inward rectification (Ih), which becomes inversely related to threshold level. Performing nerve excitability tests at different target levels is useful in understanding the variation in membrane properties between different axons within a nerve. Because of the threshold effects on nerve excitability and the possibility of increased variability between axons and altered electric recruitment order in disease conditions, excitability parameters measured only at the "standard" target level should be interpreted with caution, especially the responses to hyperpolarizing currents.
The hERG voltage-gated potassium channel mediates the cardiac I(Kr) current, which is crucial for the duration of the cardiac action potential. Undesired block of the channel by certain drugs may prolong the QT interval and increase the risk of malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Although the molecular determinants of hERG block have been intensively studied, not much is known about its stereoselectivity. Levo-(S)-bupivacaine was the first drug reported to have a higher affinity to block hERG than its enantiomer. This study strives to understand the principles underlying the stereoselectivity of bupivacaine block with the help of mutagenesis analyses and molecular modeling simulations. Electrophysiological measurements of mutated hERG channels allowed for the identification of residues involved in bupivacaine binding and stereoselectivity. Docking and molecular mechanics simulations for both enantiomers of bupivacaine and terfenadine (a non-stereoselective blocker) were performed inside an open-state model of the hERG channel. The predicted binding modes enabled a clear depiction of ligand-protein interactions. Estimated binding affinities for both enantiomers were consistent with electrophysiological measurements. A similar computational procedure was applied to bupivacaine enantiomers towards two mutated hERG channels (Tyr652Ala and Phe656Ala). This study confirmed, at the molecular level, that bupivacaine stereoselectively binds the hERG channel. These results help to lay the foundation for structural guidelines to optimize the cardiotoxic profile of drug candidates in silico.