185 resultados para absorbent tuple


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of surface hydration state and application method on the microtensile bond strength of one-step self-etching adhesives systems to cut enamel.Materials and Methods: One hundred ninety-five bovine teeth were used. The enamel on the buccal side was flattened with 600-grit SiC paper. For the control group, 15 teeth received Adper Single Bond 2, applied according to manufacturer's recommendations. The other specimens were divided into three groups according to the adhesive system used: Futura Bond M (FM; Voco), Clearfil S-3 Bond (CS; Kuraray), and Optibond All in One (OA; Kerr). For each group, two hydration states were tested: D: blown dry with air; W: the excess of water was removed with absorbent paper. Two application methods were tested: P (passive): the adhesive was simply left on the surface; A (active): the adhesive was rubbed with an applicator point. A coat of Grandio composite resin (Voco) was applied on the surface. The teeth were sectioned to obtain enamel-resin sticks (1 x 1 mm), which underwent microtensile bond testing. The data in MPa were submitted to a three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%).Results: The ANOVA showed significant differences for application method and the type of adhesive, but not for hydration state. For the application method, the results of Tukey's test were: P: 31.46 (+/-7.09)a; A: 34.04 (+/-7.19)b. For the type of adhesive, the results were: OA: 31.29 (+/-7.05)a; CS: 32.28 (+/-7.14)a; FM: 34.68 (+/-7.17)b; different lower-case letters indicate statistically significant differences.Conclusion: Active application improved the bond strength to cut enamel. The adhesive Futurabond M showed the highest bond strength to cut enamel.


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Neste estudo a celulose obtida da palha de feijão foi utilizada para produzir um material hidrofóbico (acetato de celulose) para ser avaliado como absorvente de óleo. Nas reações de acetilação foram utilizados anidrido acético e dois catalisadores, a piridina (PY) e N-bromossuccinimida (NBS). Os materiais produzidos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho médio, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difratometria de raios-X e análise elementar. O NBS mostrou-se mais eficiente que a PY e, seu uso resultou em materiais com maiores quantidades de grupos acetatos, mais hidrofóbicos e com maiores capacidades de absorção de óleo de soja.


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We present the results of an intracavity Stark spectroscopy experiment on the fundamental state of (CD3OH)-C-13. We use an optically pumped hybrid waveguide FIR laser, CH2F2 as active molecule, and (CD3OH)-C-13 as absorbent molecule. No Brewster window is needed to separate the lasing gas from the absorbing deuterated methanol. An absorption line is assigned as E(l) symmetry (n, K, J): (1,4,18) --> (1,5,18) and its frequency is measured as 63.08631 cm(-1) with a precision of a few parts in 10(7); two more absorptions are reported and a tentative assignment for one of them.


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Immunochemical methods have increased considerably in the past years, and many examples of small and large scale studies have demonstrated the reliability of the immunotechniques for control and monitoring gf contaminant residues in different kinds of samples. Application of the immunoassay (IA) methods in pesticide residue control is an area with enormous potential for growth. The most extensively studied IA is the enzyme-linked absorbent assay (ELISA), but several other approaches, that include radioimmunoassay and immunoaffinity chromatography, have been also developed recently. In comparison with classical analytical methods, IA methods offer the possibility of highly sensitive, relatively vapid, and cost-effective measurements. This paper introduces the general IAs used until now, focusing on their use in pesticide analysis, and discussing briefly the effects of interferences from solvent residues or matrix components on the IA performance. Numerous immunochemical methods commonly used for pesticide determination in different samples such as food, crop and environmental samples are presented.


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The interference of a blood clot in the first postoperative hours of dental extraction wounds was studied in rats. Sixty male albino rats were divided into two groups: Group I, immediately after extraction of right maxillary incisor the gingival mucosa was approximated and sutured; Group II, after 6 to 8 minutes postoperatively the blood clot was removed with saline irrigation and absorbent paper cones. The mucosa was then approximated and sutured. Six animals in each group were sacrificed after 12 hours, 1, 4, 7 and 10 days. There was a profound delay in healing in Group II since, although a new blood clot was later formed, it was not organized. The quality and the constitution, maintenance and retraction of the clot are the regulating factors in connective tissue formation during alveolar healing.


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Aiming to assess the presence of selected anaerobic microorganisms in root canals of human teeth with chronic apical periodontitis, 25 central and lateral upper incisors presenting with radiographic evidence of chronic apical periodontitis were studied. The pulp chamber was opened under aseptic conditions and samples of the root canal content were collected with sterile absorbent paper points, which were placed and dispersed in test tubes containing reduced transport medium (RTF). Aliquots were dried on glass slides and stained by indirect immunofluorcscencc for detection of Actinomyces viscosus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia. The results showed a positive indirect immunofluorescence reaction in 24 of the 25 samples. Fourteen were positive for the specie Actinomyces viscosus, 12 for Prevotella intermedia, 10 for Fusobacterium nucleatum and 4 for Porphyromonas gingivalis. A semiquantitative assay was easily implemented for assessment of degree of infection by the organisms in individual cases. © Munksgaard, 1996.


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The antimicrobial activity of four root canal sealers (AH Plus, Sealapex, Ketac Endo, and Fill Canal), two calcium hydroxide pastes (Calen and Calasept), and a zinc oxide paste was evaluated. Seven bacterial strains were used, six of them standard; Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 10541. There was a wild strain of Streptococcus mutans isolated from saliva obtained in an adult dental clinic. Activity was evaluated using the agar diffusion method with Brain Heart Infusion agar and Müller Hinton medium seeded by pour plate. Calcium hydroxide-based sealers and pastes were either placed directly into 4.0 × 4.0 mm wells or by using absorbent paper points. The plates were kept at room temperature for 2 hr for diffusion. After incubation at 37°C for 24 hr, the medium was optimized with 0.05 g% TTC gel and inhibition haloes were measured. All bacterial strains were inhibited by all materials using the well method. However, when the materials were applied with absorbent paper points, Enterococcus faecalis was not inhibited by zinc oxide, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was not inhibited by AH Plus, Fill Canal, and the zinc oxide-based paste. We conclude that sealers and pastes presented antimicrobial activity in vitro and culture medium optimization with 0.05 g% TTC gel facilitated observation of the inhibition haloes. Copyright © 2000 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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The antimicrobial activity of irrigating solutions - Endoquil (castor oil detergent), 2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution, and 0.5% NaOCI solution - was evaluated against Gram-positive cocci (Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus mutans, and Streptococcus sobrinus), Gramnegative rods (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and the yeast Candida albicans. Activity was evaluated using the two-layer agar diffusion technique. The base layer was obtained by pouring 10.0 ml of Muller Hinton Medium or 10.0 ml of Brain Heart Infusion agar in a Petri dish. After solidification a 5.0 ml seed layer of Muller Hinton Medium or Brain Heart Infusion agar with inoculum (106/ml) was added. Absorbent paper disks (6.0 mm in diameter) immersed in the solutions were placed at equidistant points. Plates were maintained at room temperature for 2 h for prediffusion of the solutions and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The candle jar system was used for the Brain Heart Infusion agar plates. All tests were performed in duplicate. After incubation the medium was optimized with 0.05 g% triphenyltetrazolium chlorate gel and inhibition halos were measured. All bacterial strains were inhibited by 2.0% chlorhexidine gluconate. Endoquil was effective against Grampositive microorganisms, and 0.5% NaOCI was effective only against S. aureus. Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Postanesthetic pain is a relatively common complication after local anesthesia. This complication may be caused by the anesthetic technique or by the anesthetic solution used. Tissue reactions induced by the anesthetic solutions may be one of the factors resulting in pain after anesthesia. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze tissue reactions induced by different anesthetic solutions in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The following solutions were utilized: 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor; a 0.5% bupivacaine solution with 1:200,000 adrenaline; a 4% articaine solution and 2% mepivacaine, both with 1:100,000 adrenaline; and a 0.9% sodium chloride solution as a control. Sterilized absorbent paper cones packed inside polyethylene tubes were soaked in the solutions and implanted in the subcutaneous region. The sacrifice periods were 1, 2, 5, and 10 days after surgery. The specimens were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological analysis. The results showed that there is a difference in tissue irritability produced by the local anesthetic solutions. The results also showed that there is no relation between the concentration of the drug and the inflammatory intensity, that the mepivacaine and articaine solutions promoted less inflammatory reaction than the bupivacaine, and that the lidocaine solution produced the least intense inflammation.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of biomechanical preparation using different irrigating solutions. Seventy-eight root canals from premolars of four dogs were used. After experimental induction of periapical lesions, the root canals were prepared using the following solutions for irrigation: Group 1) 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); Group 2) 2% chlorhexidine (CHX); Group 3) saline solution and Group 4) control group with no biomechanical preparation. The microbiological evaluation of the root canals was performed by counting the colony forming units (CFUs) using different culture mediums. Two absorbent paper cones were used in each root canal in order to collect the microbiological samples before, and thirty days after the biomechanical preparation. The culture plates were incubated in aerobic, anaerobic and microaerophilic environment. Statistical evaluation was carried out using analysis of variance, Tukey and Student tests. The results demonstrated that there was reduction in the number of microorganisms in the NaOCl and CHX groups (p<0.05). There was greater effectiveness in the chlorhexidine group. The group that used saline solution and the control group presented an increased number of microorganisms. It can be concluded that the use of antimicrobial irrigating solutions during biomechanical preparation promotes the reduction of endodontic microbiota. However, a considerable number of microorganisms were still observed.


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AIM: Alveolitis is considered a disturbance of the alveolar healing process that is characterized by blood clot disintegration, alveolar wall infection and extreme pain. Several substances have been investigated to improve healing and guarantee postoperative comfort to patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate, microscopically, in rats, the healing process in non-infected tooth sockets, after application of a 10% metronidazole and 2% lidocaine dressing, using lanolin as vehicle and mint as flavoring. METHODS: Forty-five rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) had their right incisor extracted and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=15): Group I (control): the sockets were filled with blood clot; Group II: application of adrenaline solution at 1:1 000 with an absorbent paper point during 1 min plus filling of the socket with a 10% metronidazole and 2% lidocaine dressing, with lanolin as vehicle, and mint as flavoring; Group III: filling of the socket with the 10% metronidazole and 2% lidocaine dressing, with lanolin as vehicle and mint as flavoring. After 6, 15 and 28 days postoperatively, 5 animals per group were euthanized with an injectable anesthetic overdose. Histological and statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: The results showed that the 10% metronidazole and 2% lidocaine dressing with lanolin as vehicle and mint as flavoring yielded similar response as that of the normal repair group and may be used to prevent the onset of alveolitis in those cases in which any predisposing factor is present. CONCLUSIONS: The use of this dressing has shown a good postoperative patient's comfort and does not cause a significant delay in the alveolar healing process.


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The palm Archontophoenix cunninghamii H.Wendl. & Drude, even widely used in landscaping, has been poorly studied. In general, there are few articles on morphology of seeds and seedlings of Arecaceae species. With the aim of filling this gap, the objective of the present work describes the diaspore (seed with adhering endocarp) and the seedling morphology. A. cunninghamii seeds present rounded shape and a ruminated endosperm of hard consistency. The embryo is lateral, peripheral and relatively undifferentiated, approximately 4 mm long, conical, with one of the extremities convex, and in its inside there is a small protuberance while the other extremity is rounded and narrower. The seedling is adjacent ligulated and hypogeal, with the development starting from a mass of undifferentiated cells in the micropillar depression, the differentiation of shoot and root primordium, being the first enveloped by a sheath closed. The root system is fasciculate, with different adventitious roots and several lateral roots with few absorbent hairs. The stem comprises three sheaths surrounding the first young leaf, which are opened in succession, permitting the emergence of the primary bifid leaf, with typical parallel nerves.