992 resultados para aboveground biomass


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A atividade humana tem contribuído com as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) associadas, principalmente, com queima de combustíveis fósseis e mudanças no uso da terra. Assim, se faz necessário que sejam adotadas medidas visando o retardamento dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. As florestas exercem papel essencial no balanço de carbono principalmente por funcionarem como sumidouros de CO2. Por outro lado, se desmatadas, promovem emissões e liberam parte do carbono estocado. A quantidade de biomassa florestal e o teor de carbono podem variar em função do tipo florestal, bem como de sua localização. Entretanto, fator importante diz respeito à confiabilidade dos dados mensurados neste tipo de pesquisa. A biomassa e o carbono da parte aérea podem ser determinados via método destrutivo, ou estimados via método não destrutivo. A construção do Rodoanel Mário Covas trecho norte e a supressão de uma área de Mata Atlântica possibilitou a realização de estudo de biomassa da parte aérea via método destrutivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o tamanho e forma de parcelas, a intensidade amostral, quantificar a biomassa e o carbono na parte aérea, comparar métodos destrutivos e não destrutivos para a quantificação de biomassa e carbono na parte aérea, estudar a variação da densidade básica da madeira das espécies nas diferentes classes de DAP e grupos sucessionais e comparar as medidas de altura total e DAP obtidas a campo no inventário com as medidas coletadas após o corte. O tamanho mais conveniente de parcela foi 400 m 2, com forma retangular e dimensão de 10 x 40 m. A intensidade amostral variou entre 39 e 75 unidades amostrais. A biomassa da parte aérea obtida, via método destrutivo, foi de 188,3 Mg ha-1 e o carbono, 85,1 Mg ha-1. A biomassa estimada por equações alométricas da literatura foi subestimada, quando comparada ao valor real, obtido via método destrutivo. As menores classes de DAP apresentaram as maiores densidades básicas da madeira. A densidade básica foi 0,488 g cm-3 na média das espécies. A porcentagem de carbono contida nos troncos e galhos não diferiu entre as classes de DAP. O teor de carbono foi 45,41%, na média dos troncos e galhos. Espécies pioneiras acumularam maior quantidade de biomassa e carbono nos galhos e apresentaram maior densidade básica que as não pioneiras. A utilização dos dados coletados na fase de inventário e após o corte não afetaram os valores de biomassa estimados.


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This study analyses the effect of successional stage after farmland terrace abandonment on post-fire plant recovery in a Mediterranean landscape. Specific objectives of the study were to (1) compare fuel characteristics and fire severity in three successional stages after farmland abandonment – dry grassland, dense shrubland and pine stands; (2) analyse the effect of pre-fire successional stage and fire severity on vegetation recovery and (3) analyse the relative vulnerability (i.e. potential for ecosystem shift and soil degradation) to wildfires of the successional stages. We assessed 30 abandoned terraces (15 unburned and 15 burned), with diverse successional stages, on the Xortà Range (south-east Spain). Post-fire recovery was measured 1, 4 and 7 years after fire. The successional stages varied in aboveground biomass, litter amount, vertical structure and continuity of plant cover, and flammability. Dry grassland showed the lowest fire severity, whereas no differences in severity were found between shrubland and pine stands. One year after fire, plant cover was inversely related to fire severity; this relationship attenuated with time after fire. Post-fire recovery of pine stands and shrubland led in both cases to shrublands, contributing to landscape homogenisation. The pine stands showed the largest changes in composition due to fire and the lowest post-fire plant recovery – a sign of high vulnerability to fire.


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Mangrove forest structure and sediment characteristics were examined in the extensive mangroves of Bocas del Toro, Republic of Panama. Forest structure was characterized to determine if spatial vegetation patterns were repeated over the Bocas del Toro landscape. Using a series of permanent plots and transects we found that the forests of Bocas del Toro were dominated by Rhizophora maugle with very few individuals of Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa. Despite this low species diversity, there was large variation in forest structure and in edaphic conditions (salinity, concentration of available phosphorus, Eh and sulphide concentration). Aboveground biomass varied 20-fold, from 6.8 Mg ha(-1) in dwarf forests to 194.3 Mg ha(-1) in the forests fringing the land. But variation in forest structure was predictable across the intertidal zone. There was a strong tree height gradient from seaward fringe (mean tree height 3.9 m), decreasing in stature in the interior dwarf forests (mean tree height 0.7 m), and increasing in stature in forests adjacent to the terrestrial forest (mean tree height 4.1 m). The predictable variation in forest structure emerges due to the complex interactions among edaphic and plant factors. Identifying predictable patterns in forest structure will aid in scaling up the ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests in coastal landscapes.


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Mercury (Hg) contamination problem in the United Sates has been an important issue due to its potential threat to human and ecological health. This thesis presents a study of two Hg-contaminated sites along the East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) at Oak Ridge. The top soils from the terrestrial areas, along with the soils from three vertical soil horizons at the EFPC bank were sampled and analyzed for total-Hg (THg), methyl-Hg, total-organic-carbon (TOC), and pH. The stream bank soils were also analyzed for the stable-Hg-isotopes (198Hg, 199Hg, 200Hg, 201Hg, and 202Hg). Furthermore, some of the soil samples (n=7) from the same study sites were investigated for phytoavailability of mercury as measured by degree of Hg translocation in aboveground biomass of Impatiens walleriana plants grown in the soils.^ The results showed a significant difference (p<0.001) in THg concentrations for the forest soils (42.40±4.98 mg/kg) and the grassland soils (8.71±2.30 mg/kg). The higher THg and methyl-Hg concentrations were commensurate with the higher TOC content in the soils (p<0.001). Also, the THg concentrations for the upstream site was higher (129.08±34.14 mg/kg) than the downstream site (24.31±3.47 mg/kg). The two sites also differed in their stable Hg isotope compositions (p<0.001 for δ199Hg). The stable isotope analysis indicated the increased level of mass dependent isotopic fractionation with increasing depths along the EFPC bank. The difference between the two study sites was also prominent in case of the Hg uptake by the plants, with higher Hg uptake from the upstream soils compared to that from the downstream soils. A significant correlation, r=0.93 p<0.01, was observed between the Hg uptake and the soil-THg concentrations. THg was higher in the leaves (1161.87±310.01 μg/kg) than in the flowers (206.13±55.23 μg/kg) or the stems (634.54±403.35μg/kg). ^ The level of Hg contamination increased with decreasing distance from the point source and was highly influenced by plants/microbes, soil-organic-content, and Hg-speciation. The isotopic study indicated the existence of an additional Hg source in the EFPC watershed, possibly atmospheric Hg-deposition. These findings are worth taking into account while planning any Hg remediation effort and developing Hg loading criteria as per the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program.^


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Management of ecological disturbances requires an understanding of the time scale and dynamics of community responses to disturbance events. To characterize long-term seagrass bed responses to nutrient enrichment, we established six study sites in Florida Bay, USA. In 24 plots (0.25 m2) at each site, we regularly added nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in a factorial design for 7 years. Five of the six sites exhibited strong P limitation. Over the first 2 years, P enrichment increased Thalassia testudinum cover in the three most P-limited sites. After 3 years, Halodule wrightii began to colonize many of the P-addition plots, but the degree of colonization was variable among sites, possibly due to differences in the supply of viable propagules. Thalassia increased its allocation to aboveground tissue in response to P enrichment; Halodule increased in total biomass but did not appear to change its aboveground: belowground tissue allocation. Nutrient enrichment did not cause macroalgal or epiphytic overgrowth of the seagrass. Nitrogen retention in the study plots was variable but relatively low, whereas phosphorus retention was very high, often exceeding 100% of the P added as fertilizer over the course of our experiments. Phosphorus retentions exceeding 100% may have been facilitated by increases in Thalassia aboveground biomass, which promoted the settlement of suspended particulate matter containing phosphorus. Our study demonstrated that lowintensity press disturbance events such as phosphorus enrichment can initiate a slow, ramped successional process that may alter community structure over many years.


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Biomass, net primary productivity (NPP), foliar elemental content, and demography of Thalassia testudinum were monitored in populations from five sites across Florida Bay beginning in January 2001. Sites were selected to take advantage of the spatial variability in phosphorus (P) availability and salinity climates across the bay. Aboveground biomass and NPP of T. testudinum were determined five to six times annually. Short-shoot demography, belowground biomass, and belowground NPP were assessed from a single destructive harvest at each site and short-shoot cohorts were estimated from leaf scar counts multiplied by site-specific leaf production rates. Biomass, relative growth rate (RGR), and overall NPP were positively correlated with P availability. Additionally, a positive correlation between P availability and the ratio of photosynthetic to non-photosynthetic biomass suggests that T. testudinum increases allocation to aboveground biomass as P availability increases. Population turnover increased with P availability, evident in positive correlations of recruitment and mortality rates with P availability. Departures from seasonally modeled estimates of RGR were found to be influenced by salinity, which depressed RGR when below 20 psu or above 40 psu. Freshwater management in the headwaters of Florida Bay will alter salinity and nutrient climates. It is becoming clear that such changes will affect T. testudinum, with likely feedbacks on ecosystem structure, function, and habitat quality.


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The major activities in Year 3 on ‘Effect of hydrologic restoration on the habitat of the Cape Sable seaside sparrow (CSSS)’ included presentations, field work, data analysis, and report preparation. During this period, we made 4 presentations, two at the CSSS – fire planning workshops at Everglades National Park (ENP), one at the Society of Wetland Scientists’ meeting in Charleston, SC, and a fourth at the Marl Prairie/CSSS performance measure workshop at ENP. We started field work in the third week of January and continued till June 3, 2005. Early in the field season, we completed vegetation surveys along two transects, B and C (~15.1 km). During April and May, vegetation sampling was completed at 199 census sites, bringing to 608 the total number of CSSS census sites with quantitative vegetation data. We updated data sets from all three years, 2003-05, and analyzed them using cluster analysis and ordination as in previous two years. However, instead of weighted averaging, we used weighted-averaging partial least square regression (WA-PLS) model, as this method is considered an improvement over WA for inferring values of environmental variables from biological species composition. We also validated the predictive power of the WA-PLS regression model by applying it to a sub-set of 100 census sites for which hydroperiods were “known” from two sources, i.e., from elevations calculated from concurrent water depth measurements onsite and at nearby water level recorders, and from USGS digital elevation data. Additionally, we collected biomass samples at 88 census sites, and determined live and dead aboveground plant biomass. Using vegetation structure and biomass data from those sites, we developed a regression model that we used to predict aboveground biomass at all transects and census sites. Finally, biomass data was analyzed in relation to hydroperiod and fire frequency.


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The degree to which pruning helps reestablish balance in agroforestry was assessed in a system established in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2008. Seven native tree species were planted at a density of 600 trees/ha in five strips of three rows each, and annual crops were cultivated in the 17-m crop strips between the tree strips. Competition was established after 35 months, decreasing the aboveground biomass production of corn planted close to the trees. An assessment of black oats in the dry season following tree pruning showed that the proximity of trees caused reductions in plant and panicle density, aboveground biomass production, number of grains per panicle and grain weight. Because pruning was not sufficient to maintain crop yields, tree thinning is recommended in order to minimize competition and restore conditions for adequate crop production.


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This data set contains aboveground community biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice in 2004 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in late May and in late August) on all experimental plots of the main experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in four rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per large plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. the central 10 x 15 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The data for individual samples and the mean over samples for the biomass measures on the community level are given. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness as well as functional group composition as important drivers of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.


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This data set contains aboveground community biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice in 2007 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in early June and in late August) on all experimental plots of the main experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in four (May) or three (August) rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per large plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. the central 10 x 15 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The data for individual samples and the mean over samples for the biomass measures on the community level are given. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness as well as functional group composition as important drivers of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.


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This data set contains aboveground community biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice in 2006 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in early June and in late August) on all experimental plots of the main experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in four rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per large plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. the central 10 x 15 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The data for individual samples and the mean over samples for the biomass measures on the community level are given. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness as well as functional group composition as important drivers of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.


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This data set contains aboveground community biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice in 2003 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in late May and in late August) on all experimental plots of the main experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in four rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per large plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. the central 10 x 15 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The data for individual samples and the mean over samples for the biomass measures on the community level are given. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness as well as functional group composition as important drivers of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.


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This data set contains aboveground community plant biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the dominance experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the dominance experiment, 206 grassland plots of 3.5 x 3.5 m were established from a pool of 9 plant species that can be dominant in semi-natural grassland communities of the study region. In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 species). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice in May and August 2006 on all experimental plots of the dominance experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in two rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per experimental plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned by random selection of coordinates within the central area of the plots (excluding an outer edge of 50cm). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material, and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category. All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The mean of both samples per plot and the individual measurements are provided in the data file. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness and the presence of particular species as an important driver of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.


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This data set contains aboveground community plant biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, and Dead plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the dominance experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the dominance experiment, 206 grassland plots of 3.5 x 3.5 m were established from a pool of 9 plant species that can be dominant in semi-natural grassland communities of the study region. In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 species). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice in May and August 2003 on all experimental plots of the dominance experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in two rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per experimental plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned by random selection of coordinates within the central area of the plots (excluding an outer edge of 50cm). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material, and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category. All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The mean of both samples per plot and the individual measurements are provided in the data file. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness and the presence of particular species as an important driver of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.