961 resultados para Zero reference level


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Thermodynamical fluctuations in temperature and position exist in every physical system, and show up as a fundamental noise limit whenever we choose to measure some quantity in a laboratory environment. Thermodynamical fluctuations in the position of the atoms in the dielectric coatings on the mirrors for optical cavities at the forefront of precision metrology (e.g., LIGO, the cavities which probe atomic transitions to define the second) are a current limiting noise source for these experiments, and anything which involves locking a laser to an optical cavity. These thermodynamic noise sources scale physical geometry of experiment, material properties (such as mechanical loss in our dielectric coatings), and temperature. The temperature scaling provides a natural motivation to move to lower temperatures, with a potential huge benefit for redesigning a room temperature experiment which is limited by thermal noise for cryogenic operation.

We design, build, and characterize a pair of linear Fabry-Perot cavities to explore limitations to ultra low noise laser stabilization experiments at cryogenic temperatures. We use silicon as the primary material for the cavity and mirrors, due to a zero crossing in its linear coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) at 123 K, and other desirable material properties. We use silica tantala coatings, which are currently the best for making high finesse low noise cavities at room temperature. The material properties of these coating materials (which set the thermal noise levels) are relatively unknown at cryogenic temperatures, which motivates us to study them at these temperatures. We were not able to measure any thermal noise source with our experiment due to excess noise. In this work we analyze the design and performance of the cavities, and recommend a design shift from mid length cavities to short cavities in order to facilitate a direct measurement of cryogenic coating noise.

In addition, we measure the cavities (frequency dependent) photo-thermal response. This can help characterize thermooptic noise in the coatings, which is poorly understood at cryogenic temperatures. We also explore the feasibility of using the cavity to do macroscopic quantum optomechanics such as ground state cooling.


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Esta Pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo, descrever e analisar o processo de formação (2009) de um grupo de educadores os Agentes Auxiliares de Creche1 (AAC)-, recém concursados, através de um Estudo de Caso. Para tanto, fez parte das análises as recentes mudanças nas políticas de educação infantil do município do Rio de Janeiro (1997-2010) e o percurso de constituição da unidade de educação infantil -Creche Municipal Odetinha Vidal de Oliveira, através do relato de alguns de seus líderes comunitários. No município do Rio de Janeiro, as creches públicas resultaram da transferência das instituições que pertenciam à antiga Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Social (SMDS), atual Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social (SMAS), para a Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SME). Atualmente, a rede municipal de ensino totaliza 255 creches municipais, com 33.348 alunos, em horário integral (7h -17h). No ano de 2005, o poder executivo do município do Rio de Janeiro, através da Lei 3985 de 08 de abril, criou a categoria funcional de Agente Auxiliar de Creche, que passou a integrar o Quadro de Pessoal de Apoio à Educação. O ingresso ao cargo deu-se através de concurso público, realizado em 2007, constituído de provas e provas de títulos, sendo exigida, a formação mínima em nível fundamental (o que fere a LDBEN 9394/96) e carga horária de 40 horas semanais. A seleção ocorreu regionalmente, isto é, por CRE. Em junho de 2008, o quadro de pessoal das creches públicas do município do Rio de Janeiro passou a contar em sua estrutura, com os novos profissionais egressos do concurso, marcando uma nova trajetória na história dessas instituições. A partir da análise do perfil destes educadores, meu objetivo foi refletir sobre a formação em serviço necessária para atender às especificidades de trabalho com criança de zero a três anos. Estaremos assim, co-participando na implementação de políticas públicas de Educação Infantil da prefeitura quanto à formação em serviço dos agentes auxiliares de creche. Para tanto, propomos três temas comuns e complementares de pesquisa: Inserção das crianças e famílias à creche; Brincar/Brincadeira; Arranjo espacial. Os instrumentos utilizados na pesquisa foram: observação participativa, questionários, e entrevistas. Foram também desenvolvidas, com os educadores, atividades de formação e sessões reflexivas que proporcionem o pleno desenvolvimento profissional desses sujeitos.


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In the past stock assessment surveys were generally reactive in response to a particular problem e.g. a pollution incident and as such were limited in the information they provided. A programme of strategic stock assessment would be more beneficial, providing up to date information on the status and composition of the stock. On a national level this could reveal trends in population dynamics and enable comparisons to be made between key rivers and between regions. The Stock Assessment Task Group (1991) has recommended annual strategic surveys for juvenile salmonids and triennial strategic surveys for coarse fish and non- migratory salmonids. The aim of this pilot study was to gain information on species distribution and their relative abundance within the River Lune catchment, and to compare the findings with the surveys carried out between 1981-1985. This would provide valuable information on the current status of the stock and provide an indication of the resources required to conduct such strategic surveys on other river catchments in the North West Region of the National Rivers Authority.


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The 1987-1995 length composition of quarterly catches of Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede 1800) was analyzed to determine various biological reference points for management purposes. These include: fishing mortality producing maximum yield-per-recruit in weight (F sub(max)), fishing mortality producing 50% relative mean mature biomass (F sub(50)), and fishing mortality producing recruits that would exactly replace their parent stock (F sub(rep)). F sub(max) provided misleading suggestions to increase fishing mortality on the stock which is currently at a low level. On the other hand, both F sub(50) and F sub(rep) provided acceptable results, suggesting reduction on the current fishing mortality by 17-40%.


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This is the report on the strategic stock assessment survey of the Colton Beck catchment in 1994 with particular reference to salmonids in Colton Beck, River Ea, River Gilpin and Rusland Pool. This report forms one part of the third year of a triennial survey programme for the South West Cumbria and South Cumbria catchments. It was produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1994. Colton Beck had excellent densities of sea trout (Salmo trutta) and a small population of salmon (Salmo salar) in its lowest reaches. The total productivity was very good throughout the catchment. Stocking of sea trout fry in 1993 has enhanced the population with survivors through to parr probably adding to the scoring of double class A at two sites in the survey in 1994. Stocking was not undertaken in 1994, but the population appears to be maintaining itself at a very high level.


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This is the report on the strategic fisheries stock assessment survey of the minor catchments in South West Cumbria 1996 with particular reference to salmonids, produced by North West Water in 1994. The 1996 Minor Catchment survey indicates variations in salmonid production within these catchments. Survey results indicate that production may be reaching its limit in certain areas whilst others are underachieving and others are unsuitable for salmonid production. Trout production within the catchments is higher and more widespread than that of salmon. Water quality levels vary considerably between catchments and intra-annually within individual catchments. The need for selective habitat surveys, with a view to habitat improvement schemes (H.I.S) is discussed. This report formed a basis for subsequent reports, thus, allowing data comparisons and analysis of production level fluctuations. It was the most extensive assessment of these catchments to date, taking into account comparisons with the new National Database on salmonid production in England and Wales.


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Neste trabalho, a partição iônica e o potencial de membrana em um eritrócito são analisados via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann modificada, considerando as interações não eletrostáticas presentes entre os íons e macromoléculas, assim como, o potencial β. Este potencial é atribuído à diferença de potencial químico de referência entre os meios intracelular e extracelular e ao transporte ativo de íons. O potencial de Gibbs-Donnan via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann na presença de carga fixa em um sistema contendo uma membrana semipermeável também é estudado. O método de aproximação paraboloide em elementos finitos em um sistema estacionário e unidimensionalé aplicado para resolver a equação de Poisson-Boltzmann em coordenadas cartesianas e esféricas. O parâmetro de dispersão relativo às interações não eletrostáticas écalculado via teoria de Lifshitz. Os resultados em relação ao potencial de Gibbs-Donnan mostram-se adequados, podendo ser calculado pela equação de Poisson-Boltzmann. No sistema contendo um eritrócito, quando o potencial β é considerado igual a zero, não se verifica a diferença iônica observada experimentalmente entre os meios intracelular e extracelular. Dessa forma, os potenciais não eletrostáticos calculados via teoria de Lifshitz têm apenas uma pequena influência no que se refere à alta concentração de íon K+ no meio intracelular em relação ao íon Na+


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This paper investigates a method of automatic pronunciation scoring for use in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) systems. The method utilizes a likelihood-based `Goodness of Pronunciation' (GOP) measure which is extended to include individual thresholds for each phone based on both averaged native confidence scores and on rejection statistics provided by human judges. Further improvements are obtained by incorporating models of the subject's native language and by augmenting the recognition networks to include expected pronunciation errors. The various GOP measures are assessed using a specially recorded database of non-native speakers which has been annotated to mark phone-level pronunciation errors. Since pronunciation assessment is highly subjective, a set of four performance measures has been designed, each of them measuring different aspects of how well computer-derived phone-level scores agree with human scores. These performance measures are used to cross-validate the reference annotations and to assess the basic GOP algorithm and its refinements. The experimental results suggest that a likelihood-based pronunciation scoring metric can achieve usable performance, especially after applying the various enhancements.


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The importance of selection of species for culture according to the ecological niches and fish food organisms is highlighted with respect to the Fox Sagar, an irrigation take. The tank was infested with submerged vegetation as well as minnows and weed fishes, which rendered the tank unsuitable for the culture of Indian major carps. The tank was stocked with 8000 fingerlings of Channa marulius and C. striatus during 1981 by the local fisherman co-operative society. Only partial harvest was possible during 1982 because of high water level. The final harvest was in April-May, 1983. The yield obtained was 3640 kg during the culture period of about 20 months.


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Gandhisagar, the second largest reservoir of India is located in Mandsaur district of Madhya Pradesh at latitude 24°44'N and longitude 75°33'E at an altitude of 403.56m MSL in orientation from NE to SE. It has an extensive water spread area of 66000 ha at full reservoir level with a maximum and mean depth of 49.52 and 11.73 m respectively. The maximum length and width of the reservoir are 112 and 16km having a total shore line of 442km. Details of catchment area, bathymetry, standard hydrological data giving water level relation of the basin to water spread area, volume and fish production and the bottom topographical details of 11 experimental fishing stations and 6 fish landing centres are discussed.


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The present investigation was undertaken to establish a reference situation for future use, to identify temporal and spatial composition of macrofauna and estimate some ecological indices in the sub tidal waters along the Bushehr coastal waters in Persian Gulf. Six transects were selected including Genaveh, Farakeh, Shif, Bandargah, Rostami and Asalouyeh, at each transect 3 station were sampled in depths of zero, 5 and 10 metres. Sampling was seasonally carried out by a VAN VEEN grab 0.0225 m2, during summer 2008 until spring 2009. Samples were wet sieved immediately using 0.5 mm mesh size sieves and sediment retained in the sieve was preserved in 4% buffered formalin solution. Macrofauna specimen were separated from the sediments using decantation and elutriation methods, enumerated and identified up to the Genus level. Environmental factors such as temperature. pH, and salinity were recorded in field using sensitive probs and refractometer (for salinity) and also sediment samples were taken for TOM and grain size analysis in all the stations. 5611 specimens belonging to 66 genera were collected during the present study. Polychaetes were dominant both in terms of genus number (31) and relative abundance (74 % of total macrofaunal abundance). The other dominant groups were Artheropoda, (16.1%), Molusca (2.8%), Echinodermata (1.29%) and others including Nematoda, Nemertina, Echiura and Turbellaria (5.8%). Thirty one Genera belong of 27 families of polychaeta, one genus and family of Subphylum Chlicerata,19 genera belong to 14 families of Crustacea, 8 genera belong to 6 families of Molusca, were indentified in the studied region. 1 family (Polygordidae) and 3 genera (Flabeligera, Pilargis and Polygordius) of Polychaeta, 1 family (Nymphonidae) and genus (Nymphon) of Chelicerata, 1 Family (Nematoplanidae) and genus (Nematoplana) of Turbellaria, were identified for the first time in Persian Gulf area. The result indicated that macrofauna organism have strong relationship with the grain size characteristics of the sediments they inhabit. The most surface deposit feeder specimens such as Prionospio and Cossura were found in zero meters depth of Genaveh, Farakeh, Bandargah, Rostami and Asalouyeh stations with sandy substratum, however the most burrowing deposit feeder and scavenger specimens such as Capitella and Petaloproctus were collected in 5 and 10 meter depths of stations with silty–clay substratum. The annual mean abundance, Shanon- weiner diversity and evenness of macrofauna were estimated1152.73 N/ m² , 2.72 and 0.792 respectively .The annual average biomass and secondary production were computed 1.797 gDW m² and 3.594 gDW m² y-1 .The average of water temperature, salinity, pH and oxygen concentration were recorded between 16.37-36.05 °C, 38-42 g/l, 7.89-8.76 and 4.23-8.23 mg/l, respectively during this study in 6 studied region. Among of investigated stations Asalouyeh adjacent of effluent canal of Gas and petrochemical industry sewage and Farakeh regions adjacent the Helleh estuary had the lowets and the highest community indices. The average of diversity and density in 5 meters depth stations with moderate of sand, silt and clay were slightly more than 2 other depths stations, it seems that 5 meters stations are made a transition habitats between 2 sandy and clay habitats, that can be used by 2 groups of surface and borrowing deposit feeders. Based on the data provided in this survey, the temperature variation, sediment texture, TOM, type habitat and manmade factors of Gas and petrochemical industries have had the most effect on the macrofauna community structure in the studied region during sampling periods.


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Intertidal marine macroalgae experience periodical exposures during low tide due to their zonational distribution. The duration of such emersion leads to different exposures of the plants to light and aerial CO2, which then affect the physiology of them to different extents. The ecophysiological responses to light and CO2 were investigated during emersion in two red algae Gloiopeltis furcata and Gigartina intermedia, and two brown algae Petalonia fascia and Sargassum hemiphyllum, growing along the Shantou coast of China. The light-saturated net photosynthesis in G. furcata and P. fascia showed an increase followed by slightly desiccation, whereas that in G. intermedia and S. hemiphyllum exhibited a continuous decrease with water loss. In addition, the upper-zonated G. furcata and P. fascia, exhibited higher photosynthetic tolerance to desiccation and required higher light level to saturate their photosynthesis than the lower-zonated G. intemedia and S. hemiphyllum. Desiccation had less effect on dark respiration in these four algae compared with photosynthesis. The light-saturated net photosynthesis increased with increased CO2 concentrations, being saturated at CO2 concentrations higher than the present atmospheric level in G. furcata, G. intermedia and S. hemiphyllum during emersion. It was evident that the relative enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO, in those three algae increased, though the absolute values of photosynthetic enhancement owing to CO2 increase were reduced when the desiccation statuses became more severe. However, in the case of desiccated P. fascia (water loss being greater than 20 %), light saturated net photosynthesis was saturated with current ambient atmospheric CO2 level. It is proposed that increasing atmospheric CO2 will enhance the daily photosynthetic production in intertidal macroalgae by varied extents that were related to the species and zonation.


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A wafer-level testable silicon-on-insulator-based microring modulator is demonstrated with high modulation speed, to which the grating couplers are integrated as the fiber-to-chip interfaces. Cost-efficient fabrications are realized with the help of optical structure and etching depth designs. Grating couplers and waveguides are patterned and etched together with the same slab thickness. Finally we obtain a 3-dB coupling bandwidth of about 60nm and 10 Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero modulation by wafer-level optical and electrical measurements.


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We have investigated the pump effect induced by the level oscillation in a quantum dot with asymmetric constrictions. The curve of pumped current versus the frequency of level oscillation undulates at zero temperature. The oscillation of the pumped current can be smeared by increasing the temperature and the coupling strength between the quantum dot and the leads. Either the temperature increase or the coupling strength enhancement can lead to a positive or negative effect on the pumped current, depending on the parameters of the quantum dot system. A larger level-oscillation magnitude results in a larger pumped current, especially in the low-frequency case. An analytical expression of the pumped current is obtained in the regime far from adiabatic. A convenient physical picture based on our analytic result is proposed, with which we can explain all the features of the pumped current curves.


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We have studied the equilibrium and nonequilibrium electronic transports through a double quantum dot coupled to leads in a symmetrical parallel configuration in the presence of both the inter- and the intradot Coulomb interactions. The influences of the interdot interaction and the difference between dot levels on the local density of states (LDOS) and the differential conductance are paid special attention. We find an interesting zero-bias maximum of the differential conductance induced by the interdot interaction, which can be interpreted in terms of the LDOS of the two dots. Due to the presence of the interdot interaction, the LDOS peaks around the dot levels epsilon(i) are split, and as a result, the most active energy level which supports the transport is shifted near to the Fermi level of the leads in the equilibrium situation. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.