936 resultados para Yield Strength


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A series of experiments have been conducted on cruciform specimens to investigate fatigue crack growth from circular notches under high levels of biaxial stress. Two stress levels (Δσ1= 380 and 560 MPa) and five stress biaxialities (λ=+1.0, +0.5, 0, −0.5 and −1.0; where λ=σ21 were adopted in the fatigue tests in type 316 stainless steel having a monotonic yield strength of 243 MPa. The results reveal that fatigue crack growth rates are markedly influenced by both the stress amplitude and the stress biaxiality. A modified model has been developed to describe fatigue crack growth under high levels of biaxial stress.


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Fatigue crack growth and its threshold are investigated at a stress ratio of 0.5 for the three-point bend specimen made of Austenitic stainless steel. The effect of grain size on the crack tip plastic deformation is investigated. The results show that the threshold value Δkth increases linearly with the square root of grain size d and the growth rate is slower for materials with larger grain size. The plastic zone size and ratio for different grain sizes are different at the threshold. The maximum stress intensity factor is kmax and σys is the yield strength. At the same time, the characteristics of the plastic deformation development is discontinuous and anti-symmetric as the growth rate is increased from 2·10—8 to 10−7 mm/cycle.


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A fractal approach was proposed to investigate the meso structures and size effect of metallic foams: For a series At foams of different relative densities, the information dimension method was applied to measure meso structures. The generalized sierpinski carpet was introduced to map the meso structures of the foam according to specific dimension. The results show that the fractal-based model can not only reveal the variation of yield strength with specimen size, but also bridge the meso structures and mechanical proper-ties of Al foams directly. Key words: metallic foams; fractal; size effect; meso structures


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Recently, the size dependence of mechanical behaviors, particularly the yield strength and plastic deformation mode, of bulk metallic glasses (BMG) has created a great deal of interest. Contradicting conclusions have been drawn by different research groups, based on various experiments on different BMG systems. Based on in situ compression transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments on Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (Vit 1) nanopillars, this paper provides strong evidence that shear banding still prevails at specimen length scales as small as 150 nm in diameter. This is supported by in situ and ex situ images of shear bands, and by the carefully recorded displacement bursts under load control its well as load drops under displacement control. Finite element modeling of the stress state within the pillar shows that the unavoidable geometry constraints accompanying such experiments impart a strong effect on the experimental results, including non-uniform stress distributions and high level hydrostatic pressures. The seemingly improved compressive ductility is believed to be due to such geometry constraints. Observations underscore the notion that the mechanical behavior of metallic glasses, including strength and plastic deformation mode, is size independent at least in Vit 1. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The technology of laser quenching is widely used to improve the surface properties of steels in surface engineering. Generally, laser quenching of steels can lead to two important results. One is the generation of residual stress in the surface layer. In general, the residual stress varies from the surface to the interior along the quenched track depth direction, and the residual stress variation is termed as residual stress gradient effect in this work. The other is the change of mechanical properties of the surface layer, such as the increases of the micro-hardness, resulting from the changes of the microstructure of the surface layer. In this work, a mechanical model of a laser-quenched specimen with a crack in the middle of the quenched layer is developed to quantify the effect of residual stress gradient and the average micro-hardness over the crack length on crack tip opening displacement (CTOD). It is assumed that the crack in the middle of the quenched layer is created after laser quenching, and the crack can be a pre-crack or a defect due to some reasons, such as a void, cavity or a micro-crack. Based on the elastic-plastic fracture mechanics theory and using the relationship between the micro-hardness and yield strength, a concise analytical solution, which can be used to quantify the effect of residual stress gradient and the average micro-hardness over the crack length resulting from laser quenching on CTOD, is obtained. The concise analytical solution obtained in this work, cannot only be used as a means to predict the crack driving force in terms of the CTOD, but also serve as a baseline for further experimental investigation of the effect after laser-quenching treatment on fracture toughness in terms of the critical CTOD of a specimen, accounting for the laser-quenching effect. A numerical example presented in this work shows that the CTOD of the quenched can be significantly decreased in comparison with that of the unquenched. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Inspired by key experimental and analytical results regarding Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), we propose a modelling framework to explore the interplay between martensitic phase transformations and plastic slip in polycrystalline materials, with an eye towards computational efficiency. The resulting framework uses a convexified potential for the internal energy density to capture the stored energy associated with transformation at the meso-scale, and introduces kinetic potentials to govern the evolution of transformation and plastic slip. The framework is novel in the way it treats plasticity on par with transformation.

We implement the framework in the setting of anti-plane shear, using a staggered implicit/explict update: we first use a Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) solver based on an Augmented Lagrangian formulation to implicitly solve for the full-field displacements of a simulated polycrystal, then explicitly update the volume fraction of martensite and plastic slip using their respective stick-slip type kinetic laws. We observe that, even in this simple setting with an idealized material comprising four martensitic variants and four slip systems, the model recovers a rich variety of SMA type behaviors. We use this model to gain insight into the isothermal behavior of stress-stabilized martensite, looking at the effects of the relative plastic yield strength, the memory of deformation history under non-proportional loading, and several others.

We extend the framework to the generalized 3-D setting, for which the convexified potential is a lower bound on the actual internal energy, and show that the fully implicit discrete time formulation of the framework is governed by a variational principle for mechanical equilibrium. We further propose an extension of the method to finite deformations via an exponential mapping. We implement the generalized framework using an existing Optimal Transport Mesh-free (OTM) solver. We then model the $\alpha$--$\gamma$ and $\alpha$--$\varepsilon$ transformations in pure iron, with an initial attempt in the latter to account for twinning in the parent phase. We demonstrate the scalability of the framework to large scale computing by simulating Taylor impact experiments, observing nearly linear (ideal) speed-up through 256 MPI tasks. Finally, we present preliminary results of a simulated Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) experiment using the $\alpha$--$\varepsilon$ model.


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Current technological advances in fabrication methods have provided pathways to creating architected structural meta-materials similar to those found in natural organisms that are structurally robust and lightweight, such as diatoms. Structural meta-materials are materials with mechanical properties that are determined by material properties at various length scales, which range from the material microstructure (nm) to the macro-scale architecture (μm – mm). It is now possible to exploit material size effect, which emerge at the nanometer length scale, as well as structural effects to tune the material properties and failure mechanisms of small-scale cellular solids, such as nanolattices. This work demonstrates the fabrication and mechanical properties of 3-dimensional hollow nanolattices in both tension and compression. Hollow gold nanolattices loaded in uniaxial compression demonstrate that strength and stiffness vary as a function of geometry and tube wall thickness. Structural effects were explored by increasing the unit cell angle from 30° to 60° while keeping all other parameters constant; material size effects were probed by varying the tube wall thickness, t, from 200nm to 635nm, at a constant relative density and grain size. In-situ uniaxial compression experiments reveal an order-of-magnitude increase in yield stress and modulus in nanolattices with greater lattice angles, and a 150% increase in the yield strength without a concomitant change in modulus in thicker-walled nanolattices for fixed lattice angles. These results imply that independent control of structural and material size effects enables tunability of mechanical properties of 3-dimensional architected meta-materials and highlight the importance of material, geometric, and microstructural effects in small-scale mechanics. This work also explores the flaw tolerance of 3D hollow-tube alumina kagome nanolattices with and without pre-fabricated notches, both in experiment and simulation. Experiments demonstrate that the hollow kagome nanolattices in uniaxial tension always fail at the same load when the ratio of notch length (a) to sample width (w) is no greater than 1/3, with no correlation between failure occurring at or away from the notch. For notches with (a/w) > 1/3, the samples fail at lower peak loads and this is attributed to the increased compliance as fewer unit cells span the un-notched region. Finite element simulations of the kagome tension samples show that the failure is governed by tensile loading for (a/w) < 1/3 but as (a/w) increases, bending begins to play a significant role in the failure. This work explores the flaw sensitivity of hollow alumina kagome nanolattices in tension, using experiments and simulations, and demonstrates that the discrete-continuum duality of architected structural meta-materials gives rise to their flaw insensitivity even when made entirely of intrinsically brittle materials.


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O aço inoxidável hiperduplex possui alta resistência a corrosão por pite em ambientes contendo cloretos, quando comparado a outros aços inoxidáveis comercialmente conhecidos. Possui boas propriedades mecânicas, com limite de escoamento superior a 700MPa e limite de resistência a tração em torno de 1000MPa. Essas propriedades o tornam muito atrativos para aplicações em ambientes contendo cloretos, e por isso tem tido destaque na indústria de óleo e gás, refinarias, plataformas offshore, etc. A liga hiperduplex é composta por uma estrutura bifásica, contendo proporções aproximadamente iguais de ferrita e austenita. Esse material possui boa soldabilidade, mas por ser termodinamicamente metaestável, em altas temperaturas pode ocorrer a precipitação de fases intermetálicas não desejáveis, o que resulta em perda de propriedades mecânicas e diminuição da resistência a corrosão. A fase sigma tem sido fortemente estudada, pois é comum sua precipitação nos aços inoxidáveis da família duplex durante o procedimento de soldagem se este não for muito bem controlado. A fase sigma precipita preferencialmente na fase ferrítica, devido a maior concentração de Cr e Mo, que são os elementos formadores da fase. A resistência a corrosão é reduzida e as propriedades mecânicas do material são alteradas o tornando frágil devido a presença da fase sigma. É formada entre 600C e 1000C e possui uma estrutura tetragonal complexa. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar a possível presença da fase sigma na junta soldada do aço inoxidável hiperduplex SAF 2707 HD (UNS S32707) pelo processo TIG autógeno manual através da difração de raios-x. Nessa pesquisa, foram analisadas uma junta soldada do material pelo processo TIG autógeno manual com arco pulsado. Complementando o estudo foram analisadas seis amostras do aço inoxidável superduplex, sendo que cinco amostras sofreram tratamento térmico para a proposital formação da fase sigma. O refinamento do resultado da difração das amostras foi feito utilizando o método de Rietveld no software Topas Academic versão 4.1. O resultado da amostra soldada de hiperduplex apresentou as fases austenita, ferrita e alguns prováveis óxidos. Os resultados das amostras de superduplex tratadas termicamente apresentaram a fase sigma, conforme esperado na pesquisa, e as fases austenita e ferrita.


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Tensões residuais são uma das principais causas de falhas em componentes mecânicos submetidos a processos de fabricação. O objetivo do trabalho foi medir as tensões residuais presentes em um tubo quadrado soldado por resistência elétrica de alta frequência e caracterizar microestruturalmente o seu material. Para a caracterização, foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análise química quantitativa. Para a medição das tensões residuais, foi utilizado o método do furo cego, baseado na norma ASTM E837-08, onde rosetas (strain-gages) são coladas à peça para medir as deformações geradas devido à usinagem de um pequeno furo no local de medição. As deformações foram associadas às tensões residuais através de equações baseadas na Lei de Hooke. A caracterização revelou uma microestrutura composta basicamente de ferrita e perlita, típica de aços com baixo teor de carbono, corroborando com a especificação fornecida pelo fabricante. As tensões residuais encontradas foram trativas e mostraram-se elevadas, com alguns valores acima do limite de escoamento do material.


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The yield behaviour of two aluminum alloy foams (Alporas and Duocel) has been investigated for a range of axisymmetric compressive stress states. The initial yield surface has been measured, and the evolution of the yield surface has been explored for uniaxial and hydrostatic stress paths. It is found that the hydrostatic yield strength is of similar magnitude to the uniaxial yield strength. The yield surfaces are of quadratic shape in the stress space of mean stress versus effective stress, and evolve without corner formation. Two phenomenological isotropic constitutive models for the plastic behaviour are proposed. The first is based on a geometrically self-similar yield surface while the second is more complex and allows for a change in shape of the yield surface due to differential hardening along the hydrostatic and deviatoric axes. Good agreement is observed between the experimentally measured stress versus strain responses and the predictions of the models.


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Small scale yielding around a mode I crack is analysed using polycrystalline discrete dislocation plasticity. Plane strain analyses are carried out with the dislocations all of edge character and modelled as line singularities in a linear elastic material. The lattice resistance to dislocation motion, nucleation, interaction with obstacles and annihilation are incorporated through a set of constitutive rules. Grain boundaries are modelled as impenetrable to dislocations. The polycrystalline material is taken to consist of two types of square grains, one of which has a bcc-like orientation and the other an fcc-like orientation. For both orientations there are three active slip systems. Alternating rows, alternating columns and a checker-board-like arrangement of the grains is used to construct the polycrystalline materials. Consistent with the increasing yield strength of the polycrystalline material with decreasing grain size, the calculations predict a decrease in both the plastic zone size and the crack-tip opening displacement for a given applied mode I stress intensity factor. Furthermore, slip-band and kink-band formation is inhibited by all grain arrangements and, with decreasing grain size, the stress and strain distributions more closely resemble the HRR fields with the crack-tip opening approximately inversely proportional to the yield strength of the polycrystalline materials. The calculations predict a reduction in fracture toughness with decreasing grain size associated with the grain boundaries acting as effective barriers to dislocation motion.


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We have conducted triaxial deformation experiments along different loading paths on prism sediments from the Nankai Trough. Different load paths of isotropic loading, uniaxial strain loading, triaxial compression (at constant confining pressure, Pc), undrained Pc reduction, drained Pc reduction, and triaxial unloading at constant Pc, were used to understand the evolution of mechanical and hydraulic properties under complicated stress states and loading histories in accretionary subduction zones. Five deformation experiments were conducted on three sediment core samples for the Nankai prism, specifically from older accreted sediments at the forearc basin, underthrust slope sediments beneath the megasplay fault, and overthrust Upper Shikoku Basin sediments along the frontal thrust. Yield envelopes for each sample were constructed based on the stress paths of Pc-reduction using the modified Cam-clay model, and in situ stress states of the prism were constrained using the results from the other load paths and accounting for horizontal stress. Results suggest that the sediments in the vicinity of the megasplay fault and frontal thrust are highly overconsolidated, and thus likely to deform brittle rather than ductile. The porosity of sediments decreases as the yield envelope expands, while the reduction in permeability mainly depends on the effective mean stress before yield, and the differential stress after yield. An improved understanding of sediment yield strength and hydromechanical properties along different load paths is necessary to treat accurately the coupling of deformation and fluid flow in accretionary subduction zones. © 2012 American Geophysical Union All Rights Reserved.


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The improved mechanical properties of surface nano-crystallized graded materials produced by surface severe plastic deformation ((SPD)-P-2) are generally owing to the effects of the refined structure, work-hardened region and compressive residual stress. However, during the (SPD)-P-2 process, residual stress is produced simultaneously with work-hardened region, the individual contribution of these two factors to the improved mechanical properties remains unclear. Numerical simulations are carried out in order to answer this question. It is found that work hardening predominates in improving the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength of the surface nano-crystallized graded materials, while the influence of the residual stress mainly emerges at the initial stage of deformation and decreases the apparent elastic modulus of the surface nano-crystallized graded materials, which agrees well with the experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new criterion for shear band formation in metallic glasses is proposed based on the shear plane criterion proposed by Packard and Schuh [1]. This modified shear plane (MSP) criterion suggests that a shear band is not initiated randomly throughout the entire material under stress but is initiated at the physical boundaries or defects and at locations where the highest normal stress modified maximum shear stress occurs. Moreover, the same as in the shear plan criterion, the shear stress all over the shear band should exceed the shear yield strength of the material. For a complete shear band to form, both requirements need to be fulfilled. The shear yield strength of the material is represented by the shear stress of the point at which the shear band stops. The new criterion agrees very well with experimental results in both the determination of the shear yield strength and the shear band path. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.