118 resultados para Yemen


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Textile, Islamic, Abbasid; 1 ft. 10 63/64 in.x 1 ft. 3 63/64 in.; cotton, ink, and gold; plain weave, resist-dyed (ikat), painted Inscription: black ink and gold leaf; painted


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Our study investigated the impact of ICT expansion on economic freedom in the Middle East (Bahrain, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen). Our empirical analysis used archival data from 1995 to 2005; it showed that ICT expansion in the Middle East has been effective both in bridging the digital divide and also in promoting economic freedom in a region that was vulnerable to political, social, and global conflict. However, differences between countries, such as the educational attainment of their citizens and institutional resistance to technology acceptance, both enhanced and restricted the relationship between ICT and economic freedom.


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The paper investigates the efficiency of a sample of Islamic and conventional banks in 10 countries that operate Islamic banking for the period 1996–2002, using an output distance function approach. We obtain measures of efficiency after allowing for environmental influences such as country macroeconomic conditions, accessibility of banking services and bank type. While these factors are assumed to directly influence the shape of the technology, we assume that country dummies and bank size directly influence technical inefficiency. The parameter estimates highlight that during the sample period, Islamic banking appears to be associated with higher input usage. Furthermore, by allowing for bank size and international differences in the underlying inefficiency distributions, we are also able to demonstrate statistically significant differences in inefficiency related to these factors even after controlling for specific environmental characteristics and Islamic banking. Thus, for example, our results suggest that Sudan and Yemen have relatively higher inefficiency while Bahrain and Bangladesh have lower estimated inefficiency. Except for Sudan, where banks exhibits relatively strong returns to scale, most sample banks exhibit very slight returns to scale, although Islamic banks are found to have moderately higher returns to scale than conventional banks. While this suggests that Islamic banks may benefit from increased scale, we would emphasize that our results suggest that identifying and overcoming the factors that cause Islamic banks to have relatively low potential outputs for given input usage levels will be the key challenge for Islamic banking in the coming decades.


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Previous work has indicated the presence of collapsing and structured soils in the surface layers underlying Sana's, the capital of Yemen Republic. This study set out initially to define and, ultimately, to alleviate the problem by investigating the deformation behaviour of these soils through both field and laboratory programmes. The field programme was carried out in Sana'a while the laboratory work consisted of two parts, an initial phase at Sana's University carried out in parallel with the field programme on natural and treated soils and the major phase at Aston University carried out on natural, destructured and selected treated soils. The initial phase of the laboratory programme included classification, permeability, and single (collapsing) and double oedometer tests while the major phase, at Aston, was extended to also include extensive single and double oedometer tests, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectrum analysis. The mechanical tests were carried out on natural and destructed samples at both the in situ and soaked moisture conditions. The engineering characteristics of the natural intact, field-treated and laboratory destructured soils are reported, including their collapsing potentials which show them to be weakly bonded with nil to severe collapsing susceptibility. Flooding had no beneficial effect, with limited to moderate improvement being achieved by preloading and roller compaction, while major benefits were achieved from deep compaction. From these results a comparison between the soil response to the different treatments and general field remarks were presented. Laboratory destructuring reduced the stiffness of the soils while their compressibility was increasing. Their collapsing and destructuring mechanisms have been examined by studying the changes in structure accompanying these phenomena. Based on the test results for the intact and the laboratory destructured soils, a simplified framework has been developed to represent the collapsing and deformation behaviour at both the partially saturated and soaked states, and comments are given on its general applicability and limitations. It has been used to evaluate all the locations subjected to field treatment. It provided satisfactory results for the deformation behaviour of the soils destructed by field treatment. Finally attention is drawn to the design considerations together with the recommendations for the selection of potential improvement techniques to be used for foundation construction on the particular soils of the Sana's region.


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The paper investigates the efficiency of a sample of Islamic and conventional banks in 10 countries that operate Islamic banking for the period 1996 to 2002, using an output distance function approach. We obtain measures of efficiency after allowing for environmental influences such as country macroeconomic conditions, accessibility of banking services and bank type. While these factors are assumed to directly influence the shape of the technology, we assume that country dummies directly influence technical inefficiency. The parameter estimates highlight that during the sample period, Islamic banking appear to be associated with higher input usage. Furthermore, by allowing for international differences in the underlying inefficiency distributions, we are also able to demonstrate statistically significant differences in efficiency across countries even after controlling for specific environmental characteristics and Islamic banking. Thus, for example, our results suggest that Sudan and Yemen have relatively higher inefficiency while Iran and Malaysia have lower estimated inefficiency. Except for Sudan, where banks exhibits relatively strong returns to scale, most sample banks exhibit very slight returns to scale, although Islamic banks are found to have moderately higher returns to scale than conventional banks. However while this suggests that Islamic banks may benefit from increased scale, we would emphasize that our results suggest that identifying and overcoming the factors that cause Islamic banks to have relatively high input requirements will be the key challenge for Islamic banking in the coming decades.


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International migration sets in motion a range of significant transnational processes that connect countries and people. How migration interacts with development and how policies might promote and enhance such interactions have, since the turn of the millennium, gained attention on the international agenda. The recognition that transnational practices connect migrants and their families across sending and receiving societies forms part of this debate. The ways in which policy debate employs and understands transnational family ties nevertheless remain underexplored. This article sets out to discern the understandings of the family in two (often intermingled) debates concerned with transnational interactions: The largely state and policydriven discourse on the potential benefits of migration on economic development, and the largely academic transnational family literature focusing on issues of care and the micro-politics of gender and generation. Emphasizing the relation between diverse migration-development dynamics and specific family positions, we ask whether an analytical point of departure in respective transnational motherhood, fatherhood or childhood is linked to emphasizing certain outcomes. We conclude by sketching important strands of inclusions and exclusions of family matters in policy discourse and suggest ways to better integrate a transnational family perspective in global migration-development policy.


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Il contenuto di questo volume non vuole rappresentare un testo didattico per lo studio in generale della vulcanologia in quanto in esso si tratta unicamente quell’a-spetto della disciplina che riguarda il vulcanismo esplosivo. In tal senso l’autore ritiene che questo testo possa essere utile per gli studenti di Scienze Geologiche che, vivendo nelle aree vulcaniche italiane di età quaternaria ed anche attive, possano, da laureati, svolgere attività professionali mirate alla individuazione e definizione di Pericolosità, Vulnerabilità e Rischio Vulcanico. Trattare gli argomenti che seguono non è stato facile e forse si poteva, in alcuni casi, renderli più semplici, ma talvolta la semplicità non sempre è sinonimo di precisione; inoltre, per descrivere certi aspetti non quantitativi si è costretti ad utilizzare un linguaggio quanto più possibile “ad hoc”. L’autore ha svolto la propria attività di ricerca in aree vulcaniche, sia in Italia che all’estero. Le ricerche in Italia sono state da sempre concentrate nelle aree di vulcanismo attivo in cui l’attività del vulcanologo è finalizzata fondamentalmente alla definizione della Pericolosità Vulcanica supporto indispensabile per la definizione dell’aree a Rischio Vulcanico, intendendo per Rischio il prodotto della Pericolosità per il Danno in termini, questo, di numero di vite umane ovvero di valore monetario dei beni a rischio nell’area vulcanica attiva. Le ricerche svolte dall’autore in Africa Orientale (Etiopia e Somalia) e nello Yemen hanno contribuito ad assimilare i concetti di vulcanologia regionale, rappresentata dall’ampia diffusione del vulcanismo di plateau, variabile per spessore dai 1500 ai 3000 metri, fra i quali si inseriscono, nella depressione dell’Afar, catene vulcaniche inquadrabili, dal punto di vista geodinamico, come “oceaniche” alcune delle quali attive e che si sviluppano per decine/centinaia di chilometri. Nelle aree vulcaniche italiane le difficoltà che sorgono durante il rilevamento risiedono nella scarsa continuità di affioramenti, talvolta incompleti per la descrizione delle variazioni di facies piroclastiche, non disgiunta dalla fitta vegetazione ovvero ur banizzazione specialmente nelle aree di vulcanismo attivo. Il rilevamento vulcanologico richiede competenze e l’adozione di scale adatte a poter cartografare le variazioni di facies piroclastiche che, a differenza dalle assise sedimentarie, in un’area vulcanica possono essere diffuse arealmente soltanto per alcune centinaia di metri. I metodi di studio delle rocce piroclastiche sono del tutto simili a quelli che si usano per le rocce clastiche, cioè dall’analisi delle strutture e delle tessiture alla litologica fino a quella meccanica; su questi clasti inoltre le determinazioni della densità, della mineralogia e della geochimica (Elementi in tracce e Terre Rare), ottenute sulla frazione vetrosa, rappresentano parametri talvolta identificativi di un’area vulcanica sorgente. Non esistono testi nei quali venga descritto come si debba operare nelle aree vulcaniche per le quali l’unica certezza unificante è rappresentata dall’evidenza che, nelle sequenze stratigrafiche, il termine al top rappresenta quello più relativamente recente mentre quello alla base indica il termine relativo più vecchio. Quanto viene riportato in questo testo nasce dall’esperienza che è stata acquisita nel tempo attraverso una costante azione di rilevamento che rappresenta l’uni- ca sorgente di informazione che un vulcanologo deve ricavare attraverso un attento esame dei depositi vulcanici (dalla litologia alla mineralogia, alla tessitura, etc.) la cui distribuzione, talvolta, può assumere un carattere interegionale in Italia nell’ambito dell’Olocene. Soltanto l’esperienza acquisita con il rilevamento produce, in un’area di vulcanismo attivo, risultati positivi per la definizione della Pericolosità, sapendo però che le aree vulcaniche italiane presentano caratteristiche ampiamente differenti e di conseguenza il modo di operare non può essere sempre lo stesso. Un esempio? Immaginate di eseguire un rilevamento vulcanico prima al Somma-Vesuvio e poi nei Campi Flegrei: sono mondi completamente differenti. L’autore desidera ribadire che questo testo si basa sulla esperienza acquisita sia come geologo sia come docente di Vulcanologia; pertanto il libro potrà forse risultare più o meno bilanciato, in forza dell’argomento trattato, in quanto durante l’attività di ricerca l’autore, come tutti, ha affrontato alcuni argomenti più di altri. Questo approccio può essere considerato valido per chiunque voglia scrivere un libro in maniera autonoma e originale, non limitandosi, come molte volte avviene, a tradurre in italiano un libro su tematiche analoghe diffuso, ad esempio, nel mondo anglosassone.Diversamente, si sarebbe potuto concepire un libro come un collage di capitoli scritti da vari autori, che magari avevano esperienza più specifica nei singoli argomenti, ma in tal senso si sarebbe snaturato lo spirito con cui si è impostato il progetto. L’autore, infine, ha fatto ricorso al contributo di altri autorevoli colleghi solo per temi importantissimi, ma in qualche modo complementari rispetto al corpus costitutivo del Vulcanismo Esplosivo.


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Grounded in the intersection between gender politics and electoral studies, this dissertation examines the demobilizing effects of violations of personal space (in the form of domestic violence, control over mobility, emotional abuse, and sexual harassment) on the propensity to vote. Using quantitative methods across four survey datasets concerning Lebanon, the United States, Morocco, and Yemen, this research concludes that cross-regionally, familial control over mobility reduces the propensity to vote among women. Conversely, mechanisms of empowerment such as education and employment increase the propensity to vote.


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IntroductionWith the turn of the twenty first century, the Middle East has witnessed an unprecedented turmoil since the post‐colonisation era. The occupation of Iraq by the United States and its allies has triggered internal tensions and violence in Iraq that swept across the region. The US propagated establishing a pro‐western, functional, representative democratic system in Iraq that was expected to be a model for other countries in the region towards democratisation and economic growth. Since 2011, Some Arab states embraced democratic and political changes and, simultaneously, encountered some socio‐political unrest brought by the “Arab Spring”. Various strata of conflict can be recognised in this context driven by political, ideological and sectarian agenda; or, driven by mere struggle for freedom and against repression and dictatorship. Regardless of the trigger of strives, it is obvious that reconciliation and conflict management in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Egypt and other countries in conflict is still an issue. Yet, the concept of community‐based reconciliation in the Arab World is still nuanced. The social ties in Arab societies are strong. Some of these ties are significantly noted to be recognised in kinship of various familial hierarchies: nucleus family, extended family and tribes. This paper will discuss whether familial affiliations can contribute to community‐based reconciliation in the Middle Eastern Arab countries.


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En Yemen no hay que ser mayor de edad para contraer matrimonio, ni tan siquiera se exige una edad mínima. Nojoom es obligada a casarse a los 10 años de edad con un hombre que solo busca una mujer joven para complacerse sexualmente y una sierva para sustituir a su madre en las labores domésticas. Un arreglo legítimo según las leyes locales, aceptado por todos, excepto para la pequeña Nojoom. La cineasta Khadija Al-Salami denuncia la situación que viven miles de niñas en su país, sometidas a leyes atávicas que hoy siguen constituyendo una grave violación de los derechos humanos que afecta a los seres más indefensos, los niños.


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On a wave of hope and rousing talk of building global bridges, President Barack Obama won office in 2008, in part on a pledge to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. In contrast to his predecessor, who launched America into long, costly and ineffectual wars, Obama was seen to be more of a dove than a hawk. However, at the end of his two-term tenure America has been in a state of foreign belligerence for all eight years, making Obama the longest serving U.S. war president in history.The political persona of Obama as a dove originated with his opposition to the 2003 intervention in Iraq while he was still a senator. This was then cemented early in his presidency with his 2009 speech in Cairo, which seemed to signal a profound and optimistic realignment of America’s intentions towards the Middle East and its peoples. This speech was a watershed in defining his political persona and was instrumental in his being the only U.S. president to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize while still in office. However, during his term the underlying political landscape of the Middle East changed significantly, with the withdrawal from then return to Iraq, the nuclear agreement with Iran, the increasingly chaotic legacy of the Arab Spring, the continued impasse of the Israel-Palestinian peace, the disintegration of Yemen and Libya and the rise of the Islamic State as the new threat in the political vacuum of northern Iraq and eastern Syria, and a resurgent Russian role in the region. All of these have provided novel challenges to Washington and a president attempting to live up to the positivity of his early days in office.At the end of his presidency Obama is faced with a public burned by the disappointments of the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns and the new entanglements in the Middle East. This paper seeks to offer insights into the juxtaposition of Obama’s political persona and reality, as well as exploring what his political legacy might really be.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar la naturaleza del Estado Islámico y su impacto en la estatalidad y soberanía de Iraq y Siria. Se estudia y explica cómo ha sido la evolución y expansión del Estado Islámico y el impacto que este proceso ha tenido sobre Iraq y Siria generando de esta manera la aparición de una estatalidad paralela a través de la construcción de un aparato institucional por parte del Estado Islámico, lo que contribuye al desarrollo de un “para-estado”. Siguiendo la línea argumentativa, finalmente se demuestra que en la evolución del Estado Islámico se logra crear una forma primitiva de Estado, adquiriendo poco a poco niveles de estatalidad, lo que lleva a que los Estados de Iraq y Siria pierdan atributos de estatalidad y de un Estado soberano.