954 resultados para Yeast Pyruvate Decarboxylase
How are cell morphogenesis and cell cycle coordinated? The fission yeast is a rod-shaped unicellular organism widely used to study how a cell self-organizes in space and time. Here, we discuss recent advances in understanding how the cell acquires and maintains its regular rod shape and uses it to control cell division. The cellular body plan is established by microtubules, which mark antipodal growth zones and medial division. In turn, cellular dimensions are defined by the small GTPase Cdc42 and downstream regulators of vesicle trafficking. Yeast cells then repetitively use their simple rod shape to orchestrate the position and timing of cell division.
Microautophagy is the direct uptake of soluble or particulate cellular constituents into lysosomes. Here, I describe methods to reconstitute and study this process in vitro, using vacuoles (lysosomes) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organelles. Protocols to grow the cells, isolate vacuoles from them, and to induce microautophagy of soluble tracers are presented.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, França, entre 2007 i 2009. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ha estat el llevat utilitzat durant mil.lenis en l'elaboració de vins. Tot i així, es té poc coneixement sobre les pressions de selecció que han actuat en la modelització del genoma dels llevats vínics. S’ha seqüenciat el genoma d'una soca vínica comercial, EC1118, obtenint 31 supercontigs que cobreixen el 97% del genoma de la soca de referència, S288c. S’ha trobat que el genoma de la soca vínica es diferencia bàsicament en la possessió de 3 regions úniques que contenen 34 gens implicats en funcions claus per al procés fermentatiu. A banda, s’han dut a terme estudis de filogènia i synteny (ordre dels gens) que mostren que una d'aquestes tres regions és pròxima a una espècie relacionada amb el gènere Saccharomyces, mentre que les altres dos regions tenen un origen no-Saccharomyces. S’ha identificat mitjançant PCR i seqüenciació a Zygosaccharomyces bailii, una espècie contaminant de les fermentacions víniques, com a espècie donadora d'una de les dues regions. Les hibridacions naturals entre soques de diferents espècies dins del grup Saccharomyces sensu stricto ja han estat descrites. El treball és el primer que presenta hibridacions entre espècies Saccharomyces i no-Saccharomyces (Z. bailii, en aquest cas). També s’assenyala que les noves regions es troben freqüent i diferencialment presents entre els clades de S. cerevisiae, trobant-se de manera gairebé exclusiva en el grup de les soques víniques, suggerint que es tracta d'una adquisició recent de transferència gènica. En general, les dades demostren que el genoma de les soques víniques pateix una constant remodelació mitjançant l'adquisició de gens exògens. Els resultats suggereixen que aquests processos estan afavorits per la proximitat ecològica i estan implicats en l'adaptació molecular de les soques víniques a les condicions d'elevada concentració en sucres, poc nitrogen i elevades concentracions en etanol.
The structure of the yeast DNA-dependent RNA polymerase I (RNA Pol I), prepared by cryo-negative staining, was studied by electron microscopy. A structural model of the enzyme at a resolution of 1.8 nm was determined from the analysis of isolated molecules and showed an excellent fit with the atomic structure of the RNA Pol II Delta4/7. The high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the stained molecular images revealed a conformational flexibility within the image data set that could be recovered in three-dimensions after implementation of a novel strategy to sort the "open" and "closed" conformations in our heterogeneous data set. This conformational change mapped in the "wall/flap" domain of the second largest subunit (beta-like) and allows a better accessibility of the DNA-binding groove. This displacement of the wall/flap domain could play an important role in the transition between initiation and elongation state of the enzyme. Moreover, a protrusion was apparent in the cryo-negatively stained model, which was absent in the atomic structure and was not detected in previous 3D models of RNA Pol I. This structure could, however, be detected in unstained views of the enzyme obtained from frozen hydrated 2D crystals, indicating that this novel feature is not induced by the staining process. Unexpectedly, negatively charged molybdenum compounds were found to accumulate within the DNA-binding groove, which is best explained by the highly positive electrostatic potential of this region of the molecule, thus, suggesting that the stain distribution reflects the overall surface charge of the molecule.
Myosin V motors are believed to contribute to cell polarization by carrying cargoes along actin tracks. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Myosin Vs transport secretory vesicles along actin cables, which are dynamic actin bundles assembled by the formin For3 at cell poles. How these flexible structures are able to extend longitudinally in the cell through the dense cytoplasm is unknown. Here we show that in myosin V (myo52 myo51) null cells, actin cables are curled, bundled, and fail to extend into the cell interior. They also exhibit reduced retrograde flow, suggesting that formin-mediated actin assembly is impaired. Myo52 may contribute to actin cable organization by delivering actin regulators to cell poles, as myoV defects are partially suppressed by diverting cargoes toward cell tips onto microtubules with a kinesin 7-Myo52 tail chimera. In addition, Myo52 motor activity may pull on cables to provide the tension necessary for their extension and efficient assembly, as artificially tethering actin cables to the nuclear envelope via a Myo52 motor domain restores actin cable extension and retrograde flow in myoV mutants. Together these in vivo data reveal elements of a self-organizing system in which the motors shape their own tracks by transporting cargoes and exerting physical pulling forces.
We investigated the presence of Candida dubliniensis among isolates previously identified as Candida albicans and maintained in a yeast stock collection from 1994 to 2000. All isolates were serotyped and further evaluated for antifungal susceptibility profile. After doing a screening test for C. dubliniensis isolates based on the capability of colonies to grow at 42°C, its final identification was obtained by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using three different primers. A total of 46 out of 548 screened isolates did not exhibit growth at 42°C and were further genotyped by RAPD. Eleven isolates were identified as C. dubliniensis with RAPD analysis. Regarding serotypes, 81.5% of C. albicans and all C. dubliniensis isolates belonged to serotype A. Of note, 9 out of 11 C. dubliniensis isolates were obtained from patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Aids) and all of them were susceptible to azoles and amphotericin B. We found 17 (3%) C. albicans isolates that were dose-dependent susceptibility or resistant to azoles. In conclusion, we found a low rate of C. dubliniensis isolates among stock cultures of yeasts previously identified as C. albicans. Most of these isolates were recovered from oral samples of Aids patients and exhibited high susceptibility to amphotericin B and azoles. C. albicans serotype A susceptible to all antifungal drugs is the major phenotype found in our stock culture.
To gain insight into the function and regulation of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) we have cloned rat MCD cDNA from a differentiated insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cell-line cDNA library. The full-length cDNA sequence shows 69% identity with the cDNA cloned previously from the goose uropygial gland, and predicts a 492 amino acid protein of 54.7 kDa. The open reading frame contains an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence and the C-terminal part of the enzyme ends with a peroxisomal (Ser-Lys-Leu) targeting motif. Since the sequence does not reveal hydrophobic domains, MCD is most likely expressed in the mitochondrial matrix and inside the peroxisomes. A second methionine residue, located 3' of the mitochondrial presequence, might be the first amino acid of a putative cytosolic MCD, since the nucleotide sequence around it fits fairly well with a consensus Kozak site for translation initiation. However, primer extension detects the presence of only one transcript initiating upstream of the first ATG, indicating that the major, if not exclusive, transcript expressed in the pancreatic beta-cell encodes MCD with its mitochondrial presequence. The sequence also shows multiple possible sites of phosphorylation by casein kinase II and protein kinase C. mRNA tissue-distribution analysis indicates a transcript of 2.2 kb, and that the MCD gene is expressed over a wide range of rat tissues. The distribution of the enzyme shows a broad range of activities from very low in the brain to elevated in the liver and heart. The results provide the foundations for further studies of the role of MCD in lipid metabolism and metabolic signalling in various tissues.
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, efficient silencer function requires telomere proximity, i.e. compartments of the nucleoplasm enriched in silencing factors. Accordingly, silencers located far from telomeres function inefficiently. We show here that cells lacking yKu balance between two mitotically stable states of silencing competence. In one, a partial delocalization of telomeres and silencing factors throughout the nucleoplasm correlates with enhanced silencing at a non-telomeric locus, while in the other, telomeres retain their focal pattern of distribution and there is no repression at the non-telomeric locus, as observed in wild-type cells. The two states also differ in their level of residual telomeric silencing. These findings indicate the existence of a yKu-independent pathway of telomere clustering and Sir localization. Interestingly, this pathway appears to be under epigenetic control.
In a previous study, the Schistosoma mansoni Rho1 protein was able to complement Rho1 null mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells at restrictive temperatures and under osmotic stress (low calcium concentration) better than the human homologue (RhoA). It is known that under osmotic stress, the S. cerevisiae Rho1 triggers two distinct pathways: activation of the membrane 1,3-beta-glucan synthase enzymatic complex and activation of the protein kinase C1 signal transduction pathway, promoting the transcription of response genes. In the present work the SmRho1 protein and its mutants smrho1E97P, smrho1L101T, and smrho1E97P, L101T were used to try to clarify the basis for the differential complementation of Rho1 knockout yeast strain by the human and S. mansoni genes. Experiments of functional complementation in the presence of caffeine and in the presence of the osmotic regulator sorbitol were conducted. SmRho1 and its mutants showed a differential complementation of the yeast cells in the presence of caffeine, since smrho1E97P and smrho1E97P, L101T mutants showed a delay in the growth when compared to the yeast complemented with the wild type SmRho1. However, in the presence of sorbitol and caffeine the wild type SmRho1 and mutants showed a similar complementation phenotype, as they allowed yeast growth in all caffeine concentrations tested.
Several metals and metalloids profoundly affect biological systems, but their impact on the proteome and mechanisms of toxicity are not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that arsenite causes protein aggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Various molecular chaperones were found to be associated with arsenite-induced aggregates indicating that this metalloid promotes protein misfolding. Using in vivo and in vitro assays, we show that proteins in the process of synthesis/folding are particularly sensitive to arsenite-induced aggregation, that arsenite interferes with protein folding by acting on unfolded polypeptides, and that arsenite directly inhibits chaperone activity. Thus, folding inhibition contributes to arsenite toxicity in two ways: by aggregate formation and by chaperone inhibition. Importantly, arsenite-induced protein aggregates can act as seeds committing other, labile proteins to misfold and aggregate. Our findings describe a novel mechanism of toxicity that may explain the suggested role of this metalloid in the etiology and pathogenesis of protein folding disorders associated with arsenic poisoning.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a thermal dimorphic fungal pathogen, produces a melanin-like pigment in vitro and in vivo. We investigated the involvement of carbohydrates and monoclonal antibody to CD18, on phagocytosis inhibition, involving macrophage receptors and the resistance of melanized fungal cells to chemically generated nitric oxide (NO), reactive oxygen species (ROS), hypochlorite and H2O2. Our results demonstrate that melanized yeast cells were more resistant than nonmelanized yeast cells to chemically generated NO, ROS, hypochlorite and H2O2, in vitro. Phagocytosis of melanized yeast cells was virtually abolished when mannan, N-acetyl glucosamine and anti-CD18 antibody were added together in this system. Intratracheal infection of BALB/c mice, with melanized yeast cells, resulted in higher lung colony forming units, when compared to nonmelanized yeast cells. Therefore, melanin is a virulence factor of P. brasiliensis.
Genetic analysis of fission yeast suggests a role for the spHop2-Mnd1 proteins in the Rad51 and Dmc1-dependent meiotic recombination pathways. In order to gain biochemical insights into this process, we purified Schizosaccharomyces pombe Hop2-Mnd1 to homogeneity. spHop2 and spMnd1 interact by co-immunoprecipitation and two-hybrid analysis. Electron microscopy reveals that S. pombe Hop2-Mnd1 binds single-strand DNA ends of 3'-tailed DNA. Interestingly, spHop2-Mnd1 promotes the renaturation of complementary single-strand DNA and catalyses strand exchange reactions with short oligonucleotides. Importantly, we show that spHop2-Mnd1 stimulates spDmc1-dependent strand exchange and strand invasion. Ca(2+) alleviate the requirement for the order of addition of the proteins on DNA. We also demonstrate that while spHop2-Mnd1 affects spDmc1 specifically, mHop2 or mHop2-Mnd1 stimulates both the hRad51 and hDmc1 recombinases in strand exchange assays. Thus, our results suggest a crucial role for S. pombe and mouse Hop2-Mnd1 in homologous pairing and strand exchange and reveal evolutionary divergence in their specificity for the Dmc1 and Rad51 recombinases.
Many cells are able to orient themselves in a non-uniform environment by responding to localized cues. This leads to a polarized cellular response, where the cell can either grow or move towards the cue source. Fungal haploid cells secrete pheromones to signal mating, and respond by growing a mating projection towards a potential mate. Upon contact of the two partner cells, these fuse to form a diploid zygote. In this review, we present our current knowledge on the processes of mating signalling, pheromone-dependent polarized growth and cell fusion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, two highly divergent ascomycete yeast models. While the global architecture of the mating response is very similar between these two species, they differ significantly both in their mating physiologies and in the molecular connections between pheromone perception and downstream responses. The use of both yeast models helps enlighten both conserved solutions and species-specific adaptations to a general biological problem.
ABSTRACT The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a single celled eukaryote that has proved to be an excellent model system for the study of cell cycle control. S. pombe cells are rod shaped and grow mainly by elongation at their tips. They divide by formation of medially-placed cell wall, or septum, which cleaves the cell in two. Once the cell commits itself to mitosis the site of division is determined by formation of an acto-myosin based contractile ring at the cell cortex. The ring is assembled in stages throughout mitosis and contracts at the end of anaphase, coincident with spindle disassembly. The contraction, but not the assembly, of the ring requires the signal transduction network called the septation initiation network or SIN. The core components of the SIN are three protein kinases (cdc7p, sidl p and sid2p) and their regulatory subunits (spg1 p, cdcl4p and moblp, respectively). Signalling is dependent upon the nucleotide status of the GTPase spgl p, which is regulated by a two-component GAP protein, cdc16p-byr4p. Signalling is thought to emanate from the spindle pole body, where core SIN components are anchored to a scaffold comprised of sid4p and cdc11p. Activation of the SIN requires the protein kinase plolp, which also has additional roles in mitosis. SIN signalling is tightly regulated to assure the proper co-ordination of mitosis and cytokinesis. Ectopic activation of the SIN in interphase can uncouple septum formation from mitosis, while deregulated SIN signalling leads to formation of cells with multiple septa that do not cleave. Regulators of SIN activity are therefore of considerable interest. This study has concentrated upon two of these, dma1 and ubc8. I have demonstrated that dmal becomes essential when SIN signalling is activated. This leads me to propose a tripartite model for regulation of the SIN during the mitotic cell cycle. Increased expression of dma1 inhibits SIN signalling and prevents cell division. To identify potential targets and mediators of this, multicopy suppressors of dma1 toxicity were identified. One of these, ubc8, is the subject of this thesis. Genetic and molecular analyses are consistent with the view that ubc8p acts as an inhibitor of the SIN Localisation of ubc8p indicates that it is a nuclear protein. The ubc8 gene is not essential, but in its absence cells are unable to prevent septum formation if progression through mitosis is impaired. These data suggest that it may be an effector of the spindle assembly checkpoint. Together, these data shed new light upon the mechanisms by which cytokinesis is regulated in S. pombe. RESUME La levure Schizosaccharomyces pombe est un eucaryote unicellulaire qui est un bon système d'étude du cycle cellulaire. Les cellules de S. pombe sont en forme de bâtonnets et poussent par allongement aux deux bouts. Elles se divisent en formant une paroi au milieu de la cellule, qui s'appelle un septum et qui sépare la cellule en deux. Une fois que la cellule est engagée dans la mitose, le site de clivage est déterminé par la formation d'un anneau contractile d'acto-myosine au niveau du cortex cellulaire. Cet anneau est séquentiellement assemblé au cours de la mitose et se contacte à la fin de l'anaphase, au moment où le fuseau mitotique et désassemblé. La contraction, mais non pas l'assemblage, de l'anneau dépend d'un réseau de signalisation appelé septation initiation netvvork' ou SIN. Les composants centraux du SIN sont trois kinases (cdc7, sidi et sid2) ainsi que leurs sous-unités régulatrices (spgl, cdc14 et mob1, respectivement). La signalisation dépend du nucléotide rattaché à la GTPase spgl qui est régulée par une GAP comprenant deux sous-unités cdc16 et byr4. La signalisation est présumée provenir du pôle du fuseau où les composants centraux du SIN sont ancrés grâce à un échafaudage comprenant sid4 et cdcl 1. La signalisation est étroitement régulée pour assurer une bonne coordination entre mitose et cytokinèse. Une activation ectopique du SIN en interphase peut découpler la formation du septum de la mitose, engendrant des cellules à multiples septa qui ne sont pas clivés. C'est pourquoi les régulateurs du SIN sont d'un intérêt considérable. Cette étude se concentre autour de deux ces régulateurs, dma1 et ubc8. J'ai montré que dma1 devient essentiel quand la signalisation du SIN est activée. Ceci m'amène à proposer un modèle en trois parties pour la régulation du SIN durant la mitose. Une expression élevée de dma1 inhibe la signalisation du SIN et empêche la division cellulaire. Afin d'identifier des substrats ou médiateurs potentiels de la toxicité de dma1, des supresseurs en copies multiples ont été identifiés. Un de ces supresseurs, ubc8, constitue le deuxième sujet de cette thèse. Les études génétiques et moléculaires suggèrent un rôle inhibiteur du SIN par ubc8. Ubc8p est une protéine nucléaire, non essentielle, mais en son absence les cellules ne peuvent pas restreindre la fomation du septum, lorsque la progression de la mitose est perturbée. Les données suggèrent que ubc8 pourrait être un effecteur de point de contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau mitotique. Prises dans leur ensemble, ces données apportent un nouvel éclairage sur les mécanismes de régulation de la cytokinèse dans S. pombe.
SUMMARY The expression state of a eukaryotic gene depends in part on its location in the chromosome. This position effect results from the organization of eukaryotic genomes into discrete functional domains, defined by local differences in chromatin structure. The expression of genes within each domain appears to be defined and maintained by the concerted action of regulatory elements such as promoters, enhancers, silencers and locus control regions. Individual domains may be bordered by boundary elements that separate regions of permissive and silent chromatin. When located next to chromosomal elements such as telomeres, genes can be subjected to epigenetic silencing. In yeast, this is mediated by the propagation of the SIR proteins from telomeres towards more centromeric regions. Particular transcription factors can protect downstream genes from silencing when tethered between the gene and the telomere, and they may thus act as chromatin domain boundaries. Here we have studied one of these transcription factors, CTF-1, that binds directly histone H3. A deletion mutagenesis localized the barrier activity to CTF-1 histone-binding domain. A saturating point mutagenesis of this domain identified several amino-acid substitutions that similarly inhibited the boundary and histone-binding activities. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that the barrier protein efficiently prevents the spreading of SIR proteins, and that it separates domains of hypoacetylated and hyperacetylated histones. Together, these results suggest a mechanism by which proteins such as CTF-1 may interact directly with histone H3 to prevent the propagation of a silent chromatin structure, thereby defining boundaries of permissive and silent chromatin domains. RESUME L'expression des gènes eucaryotes dépend en partie de leur localisation sur les chromosomes. Cet effet de position résulte de l'organisation des génomes eucaryotes en domaines fonctionnels, définis par des changements locaux au niveau de la structure de la chromatine. Dans chacun de ces domaines, l'expression des gènes est définie et maintenue par l'action concertée de différents éléments régulateurs tels que les promoteurs, les amplificateurs, les silenceurs et les locus control régions. Ces domaines peuvent être entourés par des éléments barrière, séparant les régions de chromatine répressive des régions permissive pour l'expression des gènes. Lorsqu'ils se situent à proximité d'éléments chromosomiques comme les telomères, les gènes peuvent être réprimés de manière épigénétique. Chez la levure, cette répression est établie par la propagation des protéines SIR depuis les télomères vers les régions centromériques. Certains facteurs de transcription peuvent empêcher la répression d'un gène, lorsqu'ils sont placés entre ce gène et le télomère. Nous avons étudié un de ces facteurs, CTF-1, qui a la particularité de lier directement l'histone H3. La délétion de certaines parties de CTF-1 a permis de déterminer que la région responsable de l'activité barrière correspond au domaine d'interaction avec H3. Plusieurs mutations points effectuées dans ce domaine inhibent à la fois l'activité barrière et la capacité de lier H3. Des expériences d'immuno-précipitation de la chromatine indiquent que la protéine barrière CTF-1 prévient efficacement la propagation des protéines SIR et sépare des domaines contenant des histones hypo-acétylées de ceux constitués d'histones hyper-acétylées. Ces résultats suggèrent que CTF-1 interagit directement avec l'histone H3 pour empêcher la propagation de la chromatine répressive, délimitant ainsi des domaines de chromatine permissive et des domaines de chromatine silencieuse.