992 resultados para Y-Ba-Cu-O


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Thin films of nano-composite Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) superconductors containing nano-sized, non-superconducting particles of Y2Ba 4CuMOx (M-2411 with M = Ag and Nb) have been prepared by the PLD technique. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to analyze the crystallographic orientation of nano-particles embedded in the film microstructure. The superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (Y-123) phase matrix is textured with a dominant (001) orientation for all samples, whereas the M-2411 phase exhibits a random orientation. Angular critical current measurements at various temperature (T) and applied magnetic field (B) have been performed on thin films containing different concentration of the M-2411 second phase. An increase in critical current density J c at T < 77 K and B < 6 T is observed for samples with low concentration of the second phase (2 mol % M-2411). Films containing 5 mol % Ag-2411 exhibit lower Jc than pure Y-123 thin films at all fields and temperatures. Samples with 5 mol % Nb-2411 show higher Jc(B) than phase pure Y-123 thin films for T < 77 K. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Neutron scattering experiments are fundamental to the study of magnetic order and related phenomena in a range of superconducting and magnetic materials. Traditional methods of crystal growth, however, do not yield single crystals of sufficient size for practical neutron scattering measurements. In this paper, we demonstrate the growth of relatively pure, large Y Ba 2Cu 3O 7 single crystals up to 30mm in diameter using a top seeded melt growth process. The characterization of the microstructural and magnetic properties of these crystals indicates that they contain <2% of impurity phases and, hence, exhibit only weak flux pinning behaviour. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The ability of large-grain (RE)Ba2Cu3O7-δ ((RE)BCO; RE = rare earth) bulk superconductors to trap magnetic fields is determined by their critical current. With high trapped fields, however, bulk samples are subject to a relatively large Lorentz force, and their performance is limited primarily by their tensile strength. Consequently, sample reinforcement is the key to performance improvement in these technologically important materials. In this work, we report a trapped field of 17.6 T, the largest reported to date, in a stack of two silver-doped GdBCO superconducting bulk samples, each 25 mm in diameter, fabricated by top-seeded melt growth and reinforced with shrink-fit stainless steel. This sample preparation technique has the advantage of being relatively straightforward and inexpensive to implement, and offers the prospect of easy access to portable, high magnetic fields without any requirement for a sustaining current source. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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本论文由两大部分组成。第一部分是新型稀土永磁材料Nd-Fe-B氧化过程及抗氧化新体系的研究。Nd-Fe-B永磁体是1983年问世的新型稀土永磁材料。和原有的铁氧体及Sm-Co体系相比,具有磁能积高(50MGOe)。价廉源广,制备简单等三大优点;也有居里温度低(310℃),温度系数大(-0.126%/K),易氧化等三大缺点,我们对Nd-Fe-B合金的氧化过程进行研究,发现该材料热稳定性差,容易发生氧化反应,氧化使材料的结构受到破坏,并给材料的磁性造成不可恢复的损失,整个氧化过程是分阶段的。在室温和干燥的空气中材料基本是稳定的。150℃以下材料磁性受到破坏的主要原因是体系中Nd的氧化。230℃以上材料主体成分Fe也开始氧化,温度升高使反应进程大大加快。到800℃左右反应基本结束,最终产物主要为Fe_2O_3, Nd_2O_3·FeNdO_3和NdBO_3。增加体系中B的相对含量和添加某些新的元素均能提高材料的抗氧化能力,新研制的Nd-Fe-B-Si四元体系和原来的Nd-Fe-B体系相比具有下列显著优点:新体系的抗氧化能力大大提高,经过150℃的长期恒温试验,材料的结构,磁性均未受到破坏,某些体系甚至能在更高的温度下使用,另外,新体系的居里温度Tc也大为提高。比原有Nd-Fe-B磁体高40℃左右。因此该体系是一种大有发展前途的新材料。此外,我们用动态热重法研究了Nd-Fe-B合金的氧化动力学过程,但由于我们新合成的体系构相较为复杂,未能达到预期效果。第二部分是CuO,Y_2Cu_2O_5,BaCuO_2和RBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ)超导体(R稀土元素)磁化率及铜价态研究,铜的氧化物具有复杂的化学计量关系和磁学性质。在对CuO的磁化率研究中,我们发现在低温区(77K-110K)和一定磁场下,CuO由顺磁突变为抗磁。这种转变与磁场强度有很大关系。这一结果与前人的工作有较大的出入。而与超导体的形为极为相似。所不同的是,转变温度与样品的重量也有关系。实验结果重复。由于铜氧性质在R-Ba-Cu-O超导体中起决定作用,因此有必要对CuO的低温磁性作进一步研究。此外,我们对文献尚未报道的Y_2Cu_2O_5的磁化率在77-300K温度区间进行了测量,发现它是顺磁性物质,室温有效磁矩μ_(eff) = 2.13μB。高于Cu~(2+)的理论有效磁矩(1.73μB)。经过碘量法价态分析,发现Y_2Cu_2O_5中有部分Cu~(3+),这与磁化率的测定相符合。Tc在90K左右的Y-Ba-Cu-O体系是近期才发现的具有超高温超导材料。该体系有着独特的结构和性质。在对R-Ba-Cu-O及R-Ba-Cu-O-Ag超导体的研究中,我们发现此类超导体属II类超导体,在临界温附近该超导体由顺磁转变为抗磁,此种变化与磁场强度有很大关系,当场强大于一定值后,则观察不到这种转变。在对RBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) (R = Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm)超导体和具有相同配比但由于合成工艺条件不同而不超导的R'Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) (R' = Y, Sm, Eu, Gd)非超导体的铜价态分析中,我们发现此两类化合物中均含有一定量的Cu~(3+)。且超导体中Cu~(3+)的含量高于非超导体中Cu~(3+)的含量(同样比例)。我们还发现Cu~(3+)对水极为敏感,将RBa_2Cu_3O_(7-δ) (除R = Gd, Dy, Er)超导体在未干燥容器中测出的Cu~(3+)量远远低于干燥容器中所测得的值。我们认为这可能是引起超导体不稳定的重要原因。由于尚缺乏用其它手段检测到超导体中Cu~(3+)存在的例证。故对此问题还有待于今后继续作进一步的研究。


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本文合成了LaBa_2Cu_(3-x)Sn_xO_(6.5) + x (x = 0.2; 0.5; 0.7; 1.0; 1.2; 1.5; 1.7; 2.0; 2.2; 2.5; 2.7; 3.0)系列,2aBaCu_(2-x)Sn_xO_(4.5) + x (x = 0; 0.2; 0.5; 0.7; 1.0; 1.2; 1.5; 1.7; 2.0)系列和La_3Cu_(3-x)Sn_xO_(7.5) + x (x = 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.2; 2.5; 2.7)系列等二十八个新复合氧化物。这三个系列二十八个新复合氧化物直至目前为止,文献上未见过报道。我们通过x-ray粉末衍射图分析了它们的结构,肯定了它们是新的单一化合物,计算了它们的晶胞参数并确定它们的所属晶系。元素化学分析表明,所有这些化合物均可用原始计算配比化学式表示。干湿两种合成方法所合成的结构相同。对于这三个系列二十八个瓣复合氧化物,我们选用LaBa_2-Cu_(3-x)Sn_xO_(6.5) = x (x = 0.5;1.0;1.5;2.0;2.5),LaBaCu_(2-x)Sn_xO_(4.5) = x(x = 0.5; 1.0; 1.5;2.0), La_3Cu_(3-x)Sn_xO_(7.5) + x (x = 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5)等十四个化合物,对它们的低温,高温和高湿下的电阻率和导电类型进行了测试,绘得了它们的电阻率和温度的关系曲线。在一定温度下,一个系列内的化合物电阻率随锡的分子含量增加而增大。La_3Cu_(3-x)Sn_xO_(7.5) = x系统人物的电阻率明显大于其它二个系列相应化合物的电阻率。所有化合物在液氮至室温温区内,基本上呈半导体导电类型。在高温以上温区,当温度升至一定温度时之前,化合物呈本导体导电类型达到一定温度之后,当金属导电类型所有新复合氧化物在高温均属P型半导体。本文还研究了这三个系列化合物和将它们掺入二氧化锡中的气敏性能。结果表明:所有这类化合物和将它们掺入二氧化锡中作为添加剂做成的气敏材料,除LaBa_2Cu_(1.5)Sn_(1.5)O_8掺入SnO_2做成的气敏材料外,在本文实验条件下做成的气敏元件对氧化性和还原性气体均无或只有很差的气敏性。LaBa_2Cu_(1.5)Sn_(1.5)O_8作为添加剂掺入SnO_2中(摩尔比0.2:0.8; 0.1:0.9)所制得的气敏文件对高浓度(1%-10%)的一氧化碳,液化气和煤气具有很好的气敏线性响应,当加热电流为300mA时,酒精,汽油和石油醚等还原性气体基本上无干扰。实验表明当摩尔比为0.1:0.9时,材料的气敏性能最佳,但重现性较差,当摩尔比为0.2:0.8时,气敏性稍低,但重现性较好。本文还合成了La_xBa_(1-x)SnO_3(x = 0; 0.05; 0.10; 0.15, 0.20)系列化合物,并确定了它们的结构和所属晶系。从结构上分析我们认该系列化合物相互之间为置换固溶体。其晶胞参数随镧的加入量增加而减小。该系列均属几型半导体材料。我们利用该系列材料进行了过敏性研究。结果表明。由La_(0.1)Ba_(0.9)SnO_3制得的高热式气敏器件对低浓度酒精(<1000 ppm)有很好的气敏线性响应。在加热电流为250 mA时,基本上排除了煤气,一氧化碳,液化气和汽油等可燃性气体的干扰。但香烟烟雾对器件检测酒精有一定的影响。La_(0.1)Ba_(0.9)SnO_3气敏材料多添加1%而制得的器件,机械强度达到很好的效果,器件对酒精的灵敏度有降低,而响应浓度区间宽度增加近一倍,选择性几乎不变。该材料具有较好的实验重现性。该系列的其它化合物在本实验条件下所制得的器件对可燃性气体的敏感性较差。


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氮氧化物是严重的空气污染物,催化消除氮氧化物是环保催化研究的热点问题,在已有报道的催化剂体系中复合氧化物和含铜分子筛受到人们的普遍关注,文献中已有报道ABO_3(A=Ln;B=Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni)型复合氧化物作为CO还原NO反应的催化剂.但迄今尚未见有合成LaCuO_3的报道,有关含铜复合氧化物作催化剂的大多是A_2BO_4型的.呈ABO_3结构的含铜复合氧化物只有成层状的超导体如YBa_2Cu_3O_7,本文为了探讨复合氧化物晶体结构对催化活性的影响,首次研究了3种层状ABO_3结构的La-Ba-Cu复合氧化物对CO还原NO反应的活性,发现它们均具有较高的活性,并首次提出了Ba离子在此反应中的作用.1 实验方法催化剂的制备和Cu价态分析见文献[4,5]CO还原NO反应在固定床流动反应体系中进行,反应管为内径6mm石英管,催化剂粒度为40~80目,用量0.2g,空速为7000h~(-1),原料气为NO7.5×10~(-3),CO8.0×10~(-3),He平衡.采用英国产的Pyc Pan气相色谱分析检测N_2O,CO_2,0.5nm分子筛色谱柱检测NO,CO转化率. H_2-TPR在自制装置上...


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A series of Cu-zirconia catalysts containing various additives (Y2O3, La2O3, Al2O3 and CeO2) have been prepared by coprecipitation and their activities and stabilities under operating conditions have been obtained for the steam reforming of methanol. It has been found that an yttria-promoted catalyst containing 30 mol% Cu and 20 mol% of Y2O3 is not only very active but is also very stable under reaction conditions. The yttria appears to stabilise a high copper surface area and may also have a slight promotional effect on the copper. The results obtained with this material compare very favourably with data for the best catalysts reported in the literature. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Y Ba Cu oxide thin films were grown epitaxially on single cryst. yttria-stabilized zirconia substrates by laser deposition. [on SciFinder(R)]


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High-Tc superconducting thin films can be deposited and processed by pulsed and CW lasers, and a respectable materials technology for the Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductor is rapidly emerging. The pulsed laser deposition technique is simple because it produces films with compositions nearly identical to those of the target pellets. A larger variety of substrates can be used, compared to other deposition technologies, because of the relatively low temperature requirements. The laser deposition mechanism has been investigated. As-deposited superconducting films, epitaxial films with smooth surfaces, and multilayer structures with abrupt interfaces have been produced. The electrical transport properties can be changed locally using a focused argon-ion laser by modifying the oxygen stoichiometry. This laser writing can be erased by room-temperature exposure to an oxygen plasma. Other laser patterning methods such as material removal, melt-quench, and direct pattern transfer are being developed.


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During experiments carried out to find out a suitable contact metal for electronic components based on high-T(c) superconductor films (Y-Ba-Cu-O), it is observed that there is an asymmetry in the U-I characteristics if the two contacts are made of different metals. The asymmetry is more pronounced if one of the contact metals is aluminium. The asymmetry is lowest if one of the contact metals is silver and the other gold.