940 resultados para Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli
Organic hydroperoxides are oxidants generated during bacterial-host interactions. Here, we demonstrate that the peroxidase OhrA and its negative regulator OhrR comprise a major pathway for sensing and detoxifying organic hydroperoxides in the opportunistic pathogen Chromobacterium violaceum. Initially, we found that an ohrA mutant was hypersensitive to organic hydroperoxides and that it displayed a low efficiency for decomposing these molecules. Expression of ohrA and ohrR was specifically induced by organic hydroperoxides. These genes were expressed as monocistronic transcripts and also as a bicistronic ohrR-ohrA mRNA, generating the abundantly detected ohrA mRNA and the barely detected ohrR transcript. The bicistronic transcript appears to be processed. OhrR repressed both the ohrA and ohrR genes by binding directly to inverted repeat sequences within their promoters in a redox-dependent manner. Site-directed mutagenesis of each of the four OhrR cysteine residues indicated that the conserved Cys21 is critical to organic hydroperoxide sensing, whereas Cys126 is required for disulfide bond formation. Taken together, these phenotypic, genetic and biochemical data indicate that the response of C. violaceum to organic hydroperoxides is mediated by OhrA and OhrR. Finally, we demonstrated that oxidized OhrR, inactivated by intermolecular disulfide bond formation, is specifically regenerated via thiol-disulfide exchange by thioredoxin (but not other thiol reducing agents such as glutaredoxin, glutathione and lipoamide), providing a physiological reducing system for this thiol-based redox switch.
Bacterial pathogens have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to interact with their hosts. A specialized type III protein secretion system capable of translocating bacterial proteins into host cells has emerged as a central factor in the interaction between a variety of mammalian and plant pathogenic bacteria with their hosts. Here we describe AvrA, a novel target of the centisome 63 type III protein secretion system of Salmonella enterica. AvrA shares sequence similarity with YopJ of the animal pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and AvrRxv of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. These proteins are the first examples of putative targets of type III secretion systems in animal and plant pathogenic bacteria that share sequence similarity. They may therefore constitute a novel family of effector proteins with related functions in the cross-talk of these pathogens with their hosts.
The Bs2 resistance gene of pepper specifically recognizes and confers resistance to strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria that contain the corresponding bacterial avirulence gene, avrBs2. The involvement of avrBs2 in pathogen fitness and its prevalence in many X. campestris pathovars suggests that the Bs2 gene may be durable in the field and provide resistance when introduced into other plant species. Employing a positional cloning strategy, the Bs2 locus was isolated and the gene was identified by coexpression with avrBs2 in an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay. A single candidate gene, predicted to encode motifs characteristic of the nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeat class of resistance genes, was identified. This gene specifically controlled the hypersensitive response when transiently expressed in susceptible pepper and tomato lines and in a nonhost species, Nicotiana benthamiana, and was designated as Bs2. Functional expression of Bs2 in stable transgenic tomatoes supports its use as a source of resistance in other Solanaceous plant species.
A busca por combustíveis alternativos, tais como os biocombustíveis, torna-se necessária devido à crescente demanda por combustíveis em todos os setores da atividade humana, sendo que quase toda energia consumida no mundo provém do petróleo, uma fonte limitada, que emite grande quantidade de gases poluentes. Devido à grande diversidade de culturas oleoginosas no país, o Brasil demonstra potencial para substituição do diesel pelo biodiesel. No processo de obtenção deste, o óleo vegetal sofre uma transesterificação, sob a ação de um catalisador básico e na presença de um álcool, formando três moléculas de ésteres metílicos ou etílicos de ácidos graxos, que constituem o biodiesel em sua essência, liberando uma molécula de glicerol, que é o coproduto mais abundante desta reação. Sendo assim, a utilização do glicerol residual é uma ótima alternativa para agregar valor à cadeia produtiva do biodiesel, minimizar os danos de um possível descarte inadequado, além de diminuir os custos do processo. Com este intuito, este trabalho propõe o uso do glicerol residual como fonte de carbono para produção de exopolissacarídeos (EPSs). Para tal, foram utilizadas linhagens de bactérias mencionadas na literatura como produtoras de EPSs de importância comercial, sendo elas: Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae IBSBF 1230, Pseudomonas oleovarans NRRL B-14683, Sphingomonas capsulata NRRL B-4261 e Zymomonas mobilis NRRL B-4286. Os cultivos foram realizados em meio apropriado para cada micro-organismo, e como fontes de carbono foram testadas a sacarose, o glicerol residual e uma mistura de ambos na proporção de 1:1 m/m. Os meios foram inoculados com suspensão da bactéria em estudo, sendo avaliados parâmetros relativos ao crescimento celular e à produção de EPSs. Para X. campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae, foram determinadas algumas propriedades reológicas e térmicas dos EPSs produzidos com as diferentes fontes de carbono, bem como o índice de emulsificação com diferentes óleos vegetais. X. campestris apresentou uma concentração de EPSs em torno de 4 g.L-1 em todos os meios estudados, comportamento similar ao da bactéria P. oleovorans, diferindo apenas no meio contendo sacarose (0,8 g.L-1 ). S. capsulata apresentou uma maior concentração de EPSs em meios contendo sacarose e a mistura de sacarose com glicerol residual, em torno de 3,4 g.L-1 , e em meio contendo glicerol residual este valor caiu para 1,7 g.L-1 . Já Z. mobilis apresentou um melhor resultado em meio contendo sacarose e glicerol residual, atingindo 1,3 g.L-1 , sendo que em meio contendo somente sacarose e glicerol residual estes valores foram inferiores alcançando 0,2 e 0,7 g.L-1 , respectivamente. Quase todas as bactérias atingiram a fase estacionária em 24 h de cultivo e o pH permaneceu praticamente constante, sendo verificada uma queda mais acentuada somente para Z. mobilis. O comportamento reológico foi similar para as xantanas produzidas nos diferentes meios, entretanto a viscosidade inicial foi maior com o meio a sacarose (637 cP), seguido da mistura de sacarose com glicerol residual (279 cP) e glicerol residual (60 cP). O IE24 foi superior quando utilizado o óleo de milho, atingindo valores de 97, 72 e 64 % em sacarose, mistura de sacarose com glicerol e glicerol residual, respectivamente. Desta forma, pode-se afirmar que a mudança na fonte de carbono afeta estas propriedades.
Decision tools for bacterial blight resistance gene deployment in rice-based agricultural ecosystems
Attempting to achieve long-lasting and stable resistance using uniformly deployed rice varieties is not a sustainable approach. The real situation appears to be much more complex and dynamic, one in which pathogens quickly adapt to resistant varieties. To prevent disease epidemics, deployment should be customized and this decision will require interdisciplinary actions. This perspective article aims to highlight the current progress on disease resistance deployment to control bacterial blight in rice. Although the model system rice-Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae has distinctive features that underpin the need for a case-by-case analysis, strategies to integrate those elements into a unique decision tool could be easily extended to other crops.
In the present article we report on the biological characterization and amino acid sequence of a new basic Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)) isolated from the Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom (Cdcolli F6), which showed the presence of 122 amino acid residues with a pI value of 8.3, molecular mass of 14 kDa and revealed an amino acid sequence identity of 80% with crotalic PLA(2)s such as Mojave B, Cdt F15, and CROATOX. This homology, however, dropped to 50% if compared to other sources of PLA(2)s such as from the Bothrops snake venom. Also, this PLA(2) induced myonecrosis, although this effect was lower than that of BthTx-I or whole crotoxin and it was able to induce a strong blockage effect on the chick biventer neuromuscular preparation, independently of the presence of the acid subunid (crotapotin). The neurotoxic effect was strongly reduced by pre-incubation with heparin or with anhydrous acetic acid and rho-BPB showed a similar reduction. The rho-BPB did not reduce significantly the myotoxic activity induced by the PLA(2), but the anhydrous acetic acid treatment and the pre-incu-bation of PLA(2) with heparin reduced significantly its effects. This protein showed a strong antimicrobial activity against Xanthomonas axonopodis passiflorae (Gram-negative), which was drastically reduced by incubation of this PLA(2) with rho-BPB, but this effect was marginally reduced after treatment with anhydrous acetic acid. Our findings here allow to speculate that basic amino acid residues on the C-terminal and molecular regions near catalytic site regions such as Calcium binding loop or rho-wing region may be involved in the binding of this PLA(2) to the molecular receptor to induce the neurotoxic effect. The bactericidal effect, however, was completely dependent on the enzymatic activity of this protein.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a obtenção de linhagens de feijoeiro comum resistentes aos crestamento bacteriano comum, utilizando-se o método de melhoramento por descendência de semente única. Foram obtidas 30 linhagens com resistência ao crestamento bacteriano comum e uma considerável diminuição do tempo para o avanço das gerações.
No Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, Nordeste do Brasil, o cancro bacteriano da videira causado pela Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola ocasiona grandes prejuízos em genótipos suscetíveis. O objetivo foi avaliar à resistência de genótipos de videira quanto ao cancro bacteriano. Dois experimentos (I e II) com 17 e 36 genótipos, respectivamente, com cinco repetições, foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação com temperatura e umidade médias de 30ºC e 70%. As plantas foram inoculadas com suspensão do isolado bacteriano por fricção com gaze umedecidas com solução bacteriana (A570= 6×108 UFC/ml), incubadas e observadas diariamente quanto aos parâmetros pidemiológicos: período de incubação (PI); incidência de folhas com sintomas (INC); incidência de folhas com cancro (IFC); severidade da doença (SEV); e área abaixo da curva de progresso da SEV (AACPSD), calculada como ∑(yi+yi+1)/2dti. O delineamento estatístico foi inteiramente casualizado. Todos os genótipos foram suscetíveis ao patógeno, mas diferiram significativamente entre si (P=0,05). No grupo I destacaram Itália Melhorada e ?Red Globe? com níveis elevados para todos os parámetros, resultado observado no grupo II apenas para Red Globe. No experimento I, Petit Verdot, BRS Cora e Moscato apresentaram os maiores PI e os menores INC, IFC, SEV e AACPSD; já no experimento II, foram 12 genótipos com menores níveis para todas as variáveis, indicando grande potencial para melhoramento genético e manejo integrado. No agrupamento pelo UPGMA (similaridade 60%) formaram-se cinco grupos no experimento I; e seis no II.
O uso de sistemas agrossilvipastoris com plantio de eucalipto tem se tornado bastante importante no Acre. Com o aumento dos cultivos de eucalipto no Acre, tem ocorrido o ataque de patógenos no campo principalmente durante os estágios iniciais da cultura. Conhecer as principais doenças que afetam os plantios de eucalipto é fundamental para o sucesso dos sistemas agrossilvipastoris que empregam esta espécie. Assim este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar as principais doenças em plantios de eucalipto no Acre associados a sistemas silvipastoris em implantação. Foram avaliadas três áreas com plantios jovens de eucalipto com diferentes espécies. Nas áreas foram realizadas visitas mensais para detecção de doenças. Plantas com sintomas de doenças foram trazidas ao Laboratório de Fitopatologia da Embrapa Acre para diagnóstico. Em campo avaliou-se a incidência e severidade das doenças. Foram relatadas os seguintes patossistemas: Ralstonia solanacearum - Murcha Bacteriana; Xanthomonas axonopodis - Mancha Foliar Bacteriana do Eucalipto; Puccinia psidii - Ferrugem do Eucalipto; Coniella fragariae ? Mancha de Coniela; e Cylindrocladium spp. ? Mancha de Cylindrocladium.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
La cancrosis o chancro bacteriano de los cítricos (CBC) causada por Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) y X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii, afecta a un gran número de especies dentro de la familia de las rutáceas, especialmente cítricos. Esta enfermedad produce graves pérdidas económicas allí donde está presente, principalmente porque la comercialización de cítricos desde las zonas afectadas hacía zonas libres de cancrosis, está sujeta a fuertes medidas cuarentenarias. La cancrosis se encuentra distribuida a nivel mundial pero no se ha localizado ni en la Unión Europea ni en ningún área del Mediterráneo. Se han descrito tres tipos de cancrosis en función de la gama de huésped y de las características fenotípicas y genotípicas de las bacterias que las producen. La más extendida es la cancrosis tipo A producida por Xcc, dentro de la cual se distinguen los subtipos Aw y A*, originarios de Florida y Sudeste Asiático, respectivamente, que de forma natural solo son capaces de producir enfermedad en lima mejicana. En este trabajo se presentan estudios sobre mecanismos implicados en las primeras etapas de la infección, como la quimiotaxis y formación de biopelículas, en la cancrosis de los cítricos. La quimiotaxis es el proceso por el cual las bacterias se dirigen hacia zonas favorables para su supervivencia y desarrollo. Los perfiles quimiotácticos obtenidos frente a distintas fuentes de carbono, así como los estudios en relación al contenido de proteínas aceptoras de grupos metilo (MCPs), permitieron agrupar a las cepas de Xanthomonas estudiadas en este trabajo, de acuerdo a la enfermedad producida y a su gama de huésped. Todas las cepas mostraron quimiotaxis positiva frente a extractos de hoja y apoplasto de diferentes especies, sin embargo, Xcc 306, X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis (Xac) y X. campestris pv. campestris (Xc) manifestaron respuestas más específicas frente a extractos de apoplasto de hojas de naranjo dulce, lima y col china, respectivamente. Dicho resultado nos permite asociar el mecanismo de quimiotaxis con la capacidad de las cepas de Xanthomonas para colonizar estos huéspedes de forma específica. Las cepas estudiadas fueron capaces de realizar movimiento tipo swimming, twitching y sliding en distintos medios, siendo el movimiento swimming el único en el que se encontraron diferencias entre las cepas de Xcc con distinta gama de huésped. En este trabajo se ha estudiado además la formación de biopelículas en superficies bióticas y abióticas, un mecanismo importante tanto para la supervivencia en superficie vegetal como para el desarrollo de la infección. Las cepas de Xanthomonas estudiadas fueron capaces de formar biopelículas in vitro, siendo mayor en un medio que simula el apoplasto y que contiene una baja concentración de nutrientes en comparación con medios que contenían alta concentración de nutrientes. La formación de biopelículas en superficie vegetal se encontró relacionada, en las cepas patógenas de cítricos, con la capacidad para infectar un tejido o huésped determinado. Se han caracterizado algunos de los componentes de la matriz extracelular producida por Xcc, que compone hasta un 90% de las bipoelículas. Entre ellos destaca el ADN extracelular, que tiene un papel como adhesina en las primeras etapas de formación de biopelículas y estructural en biopelículas maduras. Además, se han identificado el pilus tipo IV como componente importante en las biopelículas, que también participa en motilidad. Finalmente, se han realizado estudios sobre la expresión de genes implicados en motilidad bacteriana y formación de biopelículas que han confirmado las diferencias existentes entre cepas de Xcc de amplia y limitada gama de huésped, así como el papel que juegan elementos como el pilus tipo IV o el flagelo en estos procesos. ABSTRACT Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) and X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii are the causal agents of Citrus Bacterial Canker (CBC) which is one of the most important citrus diseases. CBC affects all Citrus species as well as other species from Rutaceae family. CBC produces strong economic losses; furthermore the commercialization of plants and fruits is restricted from infested to citrus canker free areas. The disease is worldwide distributed in tropical and subtropical areas, however it is not present in the European Union. Three types of CBC have been described according to the host range and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. CBC type A caused by Xcc is he widest distributed. Within CBC A type two subtypes Aw and A* were described from Florida and Iran respectively, both infecting only Mexican lime. Herein mechanisms connected to early events in the citrus bacterial canker disease such as chemotaxis and biofilm formation, were studied. Chemotaxis allows bacteria to move towards the more suitable environments for its survival, host colonization and infection. Studies performed on citrus pathogenic Xanthomonas and X. campestris pv. campestris (Xc), a crucifer pathogen, have shown different chemotactic profiles towards carbon compound as well as different MCPs profile, which clustered strains according to host range and disease caused. Every strain showed positive chemotaxis toward leaf extracts and apoplastic fluids from sweet orange, Mexican lime and Chinese cabbage leaves. However, a more specific response was found for strains Xcc 306, X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis and Xc towards sweet orange, Mexican lime and Chinese cabbage apoplastic fluids, respectively. These results relate chemotaxis with the higher ability of those strains to specifically colonize their proper host. Xanthomonas strains studied were able to perform swimming, sliding and twitching motilities. The ability to swim was variable among CBC strains and seemed related to host range. Biofilm formation is an important virulence factor for Xcc because it allows a better survival onto the plant surface as well as facilitates the infection process. The studied Xanthomonas strains were able to form biofilm in vitro, on both nutrient rich and apoplast mimicking media, furthermore the biofilm formation by all the strains was higher in the apoplast mimicking media. The ability to form biofilm in planta by Xcc and Xac strains was dependent of the host and the tissue colonized. The wide host range CBC strain was able to form biofilm onto several citrus leaves and fruits, however the limited host range CBC strain produced biofilm solely onto Mexican lime leaves and fruits. Furthermore Xac strain, which solely infects leaves of young plants, was not able to develop biofilms on fruits. Some components of the extracellular matrix produced by Xcc strains have been characterized. Extracellular DNA acted as an adhesin at the very early stages of biofilm formation and as structural component of mature biofilm for citrus pathogenic Xanthomonas. Furthermore type IV pilus has been identified as a component of the extracellular matrix in biofilm and motility. Transcriptional studies of genes related with biofilm formation and motility have confirmed the differential behavior found among wide and limited host range CBC strains as well as the role of type IV pili and flagellum on those processes.
Australia requires decisive action on climate change and issues of sustainability. The Urban Informatics Research Lab has been funded by the Queensland State Government to conduct a three year study (2009 – 2011) exploring ways to support Queensland residents in making more sustainable consumer and lifestyle choices. We conduct user-centred design research that inform the development of real-time, mobile, locational, networked information interfaces, feedback mechanisms and persuasive and motivational approaches that in turn assist in-situ decision making and environmental awareness in everyday settings. The study aims to deliver usable and useful prototypes offering individual and collective visualisations of ecological impact and opportunities for engagement and collaboration in order to foster a participatory and sustainable culture of life in Australia. Raising people’s awareness with environmental data and educational information does not necessarily trigger sufficient motivation to change their habits towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle. Our research seeks to develop a better understanding how to go beyond just informing and into motivating and encouraging action and change. Drawing on participatory culture, ubiquitous computing, and real-time information, the study delivers research that leads to viable new design approaches and information interfaces which will strengthen Australia’s position to meet the targets of the Clean Energy Future strategy, and contribute to the sustainability of a low-carbon future in Australia. As part of this program of research, the Urban Informatics Research Lab has been invited to partner with GV Community Energy Pty Ltd on a project funded by the Victorian Government Sustainability Fund. This feasibility report specifically looks at the challenges and opportunities of energy monitoring in households in Victoria that include a PV solar installation. The report is structured into two parts: In Part 1, we first review a range of energy monitoring solutions, both stand-alone and internet-enabled. This section primarily focusses on the technical capacilities. However, in order to understand this information and make an informed decision, it is crucial to understand the basic principles and limitations of energy monitoring as well as the opportunities and challenges of a networked approach towards energy monitoring which are discussed in Section 2.
Many grid connected PV installations consist of a single series string of PV modules and a single DC-AC inverter. This efficiency of this topology can be enhanced with additional low power, low cost per panel converter modules. Most current flows directly in the series string which ensures high efficiency. However parallel Cúk or buck-boost DC-DC converters connected across each adjacent pair of modules now support any desired current difference between series connected PV modules. Each converter “shuffles” the desired difference in PV module currents between two modules and so on up the string. Spice simulations show that even with poor efficiency, these modules can make a significant improvement to the overall power which can be recovered from partially shaded PV strings.
An accurate PV module electrical model is presented based on the Shockley diode equation. The simple model has a photo-current current source, a single diode junction and a series resistance, and includes temperature dependences. The method of parameter extraction and model evaluation in Matlab is demonstrated for a typical 60W solar panel. This model is used to investigate the variation of maximum power point with temperature and isolation levels. A comparison of buck versus boost maximum power point tracker (MPPT) topologies is made, and compared with a direct connection to a constant voltage (battery) load. The boost converter is shown to have a slight advantage over the buck, since it can always track the maximum power point.
An accurate PV module electrical model is presented based on the Shockley diode equation. The simple model has a photo-current current source, a single diode junction and a series resistance, and includes temperature dependences. The method of parameter extraction and model evaluation in Matlab is demonstrated for a typical 60W solar panel. This model is used to investigate the variation of maximumpower point with temperature and insolation levels. A comparison of buck versus boostmaximum power point tracker (MPPT) topologies is made, and compared with a direct connection to a constant voltage (battery) load. The boost converter is shown to have a slight advantage over the buck, since it can always track the maximum power point.