215 resultados para Xanthomonas albilineans


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Abstract Background Citrus canker is a disease that has severe economic impact on the citrus industry worldwide. There are three types of canker, called A, B, and C. The three types have different phenotypes and affect different citrus species. The causative agent for type A is Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, whose genome sequence was made available in 2002. Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain B causes canker B and Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain C causes canker C. Results We have sequenced the genomes of strains B and C to draft status. We have compared their genomic content to X. citri subsp. citri and to other Xanthomonas genomes, with special emphasis on type III secreted effector repertoires. In addition to pthA, already known to be present in all three citrus canker strains, two additional effector genes, xopE3 and xopAI, are also present in all three strains and are both located on the same putative genomic island. These two effector genes, along with one other effector-like gene in the same region, are thus good candidates for being pathogenicity factors on citrus. Numerous gene content differences also exist between the three cankers strains, which can be correlated with their different virulence and host range. Particular attention was placed on the analysis of genes involved in biofilm formation and quorum sensing, type IV secretion, flagellum synthesis and motility, lipopolysacharide synthesis, and on the gene xacPNP, which codes for a natriuretic protein. Conclusion We have uncovered numerous commonalities and differences in gene content between the genomes of the pathogenic agents causing citrus canker A, B, and C and other Xanthomonas genomes. Molecular genetics can now be employed to determine the role of these genes in plant-microbe interactions. The gained knowledge will be instrumental for improving citrus canker control.


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Abstract Background Citrus bacterial canker is a disease that has severe economic impact on citrus industries worldwide and is caused by a few species and pathotypes of Xanthomonas. X. citri subsp. citri strain 306 (XccA306) is a type A (Asiatic) strain with a wide host range, whereas its variant X. citri subsp. citri strain Aw12879 (Xcaw12879, Wellington strain) is restricted to Mexican lime. Results To characterize the mechanism for the differences in host range of XccA and Xcaw, the genome of Xcaw12879 that was completed recently was compared with XccA306 genome. Effectors xopAF and avrGf1 are present in Xcaw12879, but were absent in XccA306. AvrGf1 was shown previously for Xcaw to cause hypersensitive response in Duncan grapefruit. Mutation analysis of xopAF indicates that the gene contributes to Xcaw growth in Mexican lime but does not contribute to the limited host range of Xcaw. RNA-Seq analysis was conducted to compare the expression profiles of Xcaw12879 and XccA306 in Nutrient Broth (NB) medium and XVM2 medium, which induces hrp gene expression. Two hundred ninety two and 281 genes showed differential expression in XVM2 compared to in NB for XccA306 and Xcaw12879, respectively. Twenty-five type 3 secretion system genes were up-regulated in XVM2 for both XccA and Xcaw. Among the 4,370 common genes of Xcaw12879 compared to XccA306, 603 genes in NB and 450 genes in XVM2 conditions were differentially regulated. Xcaw12879 showed higher protease activity than XccA306 whereas Xcaw12879 showed lower pectate lyase activity in comparison to XccA306. Conclusions Comparative genomic analysis of XccA306 and Xcaw12879 identified strain specific genes. Our study indicated that AvrGf1 contributes to the host range limitation of Xcaw12879 whereas XopAF contributes to virulence. Transcriptome analyses of XccA306 and Xcaw12879 presented insights into the expression of the two closely related strains of X. citri subsp. citri. Virulence genes including genes encoding T3SS components and effectors are induced in XVM2 medium. Numerous genes with differential expression in Xcaw12879 and XccA306 were identified. This study provided the foundation to further characterize the mechanisms for virulence and host range of pathotypes of X. citri subsp. citri.


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Abstract Background From shotgun libraries used for the genomic sequencing of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (XAC), clones that were representative of the largest possible number of coding sequences (CDSs) were selected to create a DNA microarray platform on glass slides (XACarray). The creation of the XACarray allowed for the establishment of a tool that is capable of providing data for the analysis of global genome expression in this organism. Findings The inserts from the selected clones were amplified by PCR with the universal oligonucleotide primers M13R and M13F. The obtained products were purified and fixed in duplicate on glass slides specific for use in DNA microarrays. The number of spots on the microarray totaled 6,144 and included 768 positive controls and 624 negative controls per slide. Validation of the platform was performed through hybridization of total DNA probes from XAC labeled with different fluorophores, Cy3 and Cy5. In this validation assay, 86% of all PCR products fixed on the glass slides were confirmed to present a hybridization signal greater than twice the standard deviation of the deviation of the global median signal-to-noise ration. Conclusions Our validation of the XACArray platform using DNA-DNA hybridization revealed that it can be used to evaluate the expression of 2,365 individual CDSs from all major functional categories, which corresponds to 52.7% of the annotated CDSs of the XAC genome. As a proof of concept, we used this platform in a previously work to verify the absence of genomic regions that could not be detected by sequencing in related strains of Xanthomonas.


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Abstract Background Xanthomonads are plant-associated bacteria responsible for diseases on economically important crops. Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans (Xff) is one of the causal agents of common bacterial blight of bean. In this study, the complete genome sequence of strain Xff 4834-R was determined and compared to other Xanthomonas genome sequences. Results Comparative genomics analyses revealed core characteristics shared between Xff 4834-R and other xanthomonads including chemotaxis elements, two-component systems, TonB-dependent transporters, secretion systems (from T1SS to T6SS) and multiple effectors. For instance a repertoire of 29 Type 3 Effectors (T3Es) with two Transcription Activator-Like Effectors was predicted. Mobile elements were associated with major modifications in the genome structure and gene content in comparison to other Xanthomonas genomes. Notably, a deletion of 33 kbp affects flagellum biosynthesis in Xff 4834-R. The presence of a complete flagellar cluster was assessed in a collection of more than 300 strains representing different species and pathovars of Xanthomonas. Five percent of the tested strains presented a deletion in the flagellar cluster and were non-motile. Moreover, half of the Xff strains isolated from the same epidemic than 4834-R was non-motile and this ratio was conserved in the strains colonizing the next bean seed generations. Conclusions This work describes the first genome of a Xanthomonas strain pathogenic on bean and reports the existence of non-motile xanthomonads belonging to different species and pathovars. Isolation of such Xff variants from a natural epidemic may suggest that flagellar motility is not a key function for in planta fitness.


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Durante las campañas 2007/08 y 2008/09, en explotaciones comerciales de zapallo coreano (Cucurbita moschata Duch) de las zonas hortícolas de Mendoza y San Juan, se observaron sobre los frutos numerosas lesiones circulares, de 3 a 6 mm de diámetro, de aspecto húmedo, algo deprimidas hacia el centro, con un exudado gomoso color ámbar. Cuando las lesiones superficiales se unían, se desarrollaba una podredumbre gelatinosa hacia el interior de los tejidos, que podía profundizar hasta la cavidad seminal. El resultado final de la afección era una podredumbre seca y costrosa, que abarcaba gran parte del fruto, inutilizándolo para ser comercializado. En follaje también se observaron síntomas de la enfermedad, como manchas cloróticas angulares de 2 a 3 mm de lado, que en ocasiones se fusionaban. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la etiología de la enfermedad. Para ello, se tomaron y analizaron muestras de frutos y hojas afectadas, durante ambas temporadas. Se concluyó que la sintomatología es causada por una bacteria, que de acuerdo con los estudios morfobioquímicos y patogénicos es Xanthomonas cucurbitae (Bryan) Vauterin et al. Esta investigación constituye la primera cita de este patógeno afectando frutos en Argentina.


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La cancrosis o chancro bacteriano de los cítricos (CBC) causada por Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) y X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii, afecta a un gran número de especies dentro de la familia de las rutáceas, especialmente cítricos. Esta enfermedad produce graves pérdidas económicas allí donde está presente, principalmente porque la comercialización de cítricos desde las zonas afectadas hacía zonas libres de cancrosis, está sujeta a fuertes medidas cuarentenarias. La cancrosis se encuentra distribuida a nivel mundial pero no se ha localizado ni en la Unión Europea ni en ningún área del Mediterráneo. Se han descrito tres tipos de cancrosis en función de la gama de huésped y de las características fenotípicas y genotípicas de las bacterias que las producen. La más extendida es la cancrosis tipo A producida por Xcc, dentro de la cual se distinguen los subtipos Aw y A*, originarios de Florida y Sudeste Asiático, respectivamente, que de forma natural solo son capaces de producir enfermedad en lima mejicana. En este trabajo se presentan estudios sobre mecanismos implicados en las primeras etapas de la infección, como la quimiotaxis y formación de biopelículas, en la cancrosis de los cítricos. La quimiotaxis es el proceso por el cual las bacterias se dirigen hacia zonas favorables para su supervivencia y desarrollo. Los perfiles quimiotácticos obtenidos frente a distintas fuentes de carbono, así como los estudios en relación al contenido de proteínas aceptoras de grupos metilo (MCPs), permitieron agrupar a las cepas de Xanthomonas estudiadas en este trabajo, de acuerdo a la enfermedad producida y a su gama de huésped. Todas las cepas mostraron quimiotaxis positiva frente a extractos de hoja y apoplasto de diferentes especies, sin embargo, Xcc 306, X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis (Xac) y X. campestris pv. campestris (Xc) manifestaron respuestas más específicas frente a extractos de apoplasto de hojas de naranjo dulce, lima y col china, respectivamente. Dicho resultado nos permite asociar el mecanismo de quimiotaxis con la capacidad de las cepas de Xanthomonas para colonizar estos huéspedes de forma específica. Las cepas estudiadas fueron capaces de realizar movimiento tipo swimming, twitching y sliding en distintos medios, siendo el movimiento swimming el único en el que se encontraron diferencias entre las cepas de Xcc con distinta gama de huésped. En este trabajo se ha estudiado además la formación de biopelículas en superficies bióticas y abióticas, un mecanismo importante tanto para la supervivencia en superficie vegetal como para el desarrollo de la infección. Las cepas de Xanthomonas estudiadas fueron capaces de formar biopelículas in vitro, siendo mayor en un medio que simula el apoplasto y que contiene una baja concentración de nutrientes en comparación con medios que contenían alta concentración de nutrientes. La formación de biopelículas en superficie vegetal se encontró relacionada, en las cepas patógenas de cítricos, con la capacidad para infectar un tejido o huésped determinado. Se han caracterizado algunos de los componentes de la matriz extracelular producida por Xcc, que compone hasta un 90% de las bipoelículas. Entre ellos destaca el ADN extracelular, que tiene un papel como adhesina en las primeras etapas de formación de biopelículas y estructural en biopelículas maduras. Además, se han identificado el pilus tipo IV como componente importante en las biopelículas, que también participa en motilidad. Finalmente, se han realizado estudios sobre la expresión de genes implicados en motilidad bacteriana y formación de biopelículas que han confirmado las diferencias existentes entre cepas de Xcc de amplia y limitada gama de huésped, así como el papel que juegan elementos como el pilus tipo IV o el flagelo en estos procesos. ABSTRACT Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) and X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii are the causal agents of Citrus Bacterial Canker (CBC) which is one of the most important citrus diseases. CBC affects all Citrus species as well as other species from Rutaceae family. CBC produces strong economic losses; furthermore the commercialization of plants and fruits is restricted from infested to citrus canker free areas. The disease is worldwide distributed in tropical and subtropical areas, however it is not present in the European Union. Three types of CBC have been described according to the host range and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. CBC type A caused by Xcc is he widest distributed. Within CBC A type two subtypes Aw and A* were described from Florida and Iran respectively, both infecting only Mexican lime. Herein mechanisms connected to early events in the citrus bacterial canker disease such as chemotaxis and biofilm formation, were studied. Chemotaxis allows bacteria to move towards the more suitable environments for its survival, host colonization and infection. Studies performed on citrus pathogenic Xanthomonas and X. campestris pv. campestris (Xc), a crucifer pathogen, have shown different chemotactic profiles towards carbon compound as well as different MCPs profile, which clustered strains according to host range and disease caused. Every strain showed positive chemotaxis toward leaf extracts and apoplastic fluids from sweet orange, Mexican lime and Chinese cabbage leaves. However, a more specific response was found for strains Xcc 306, X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis and Xc towards sweet orange, Mexican lime and Chinese cabbage apoplastic fluids, respectively. These results relate chemotaxis with the higher ability of those strains to specifically colonize their proper host. Xanthomonas strains studied were able to perform swimming, sliding and twitching motilities. The ability to swim was variable among CBC strains and seemed related to host range. Biofilm formation is an important virulence factor for Xcc because it allows a better survival onto the plant surface as well as facilitates the infection process. The studied Xanthomonas strains were able to form biofilm in vitro, on both nutrient rich and apoplast mimicking media, furthermore the biofilm formation by all the strains was higher in the apoplast mimicking media. The ability to form biofilm in planta by Xcc and Xac strains was dependent of the host and the tissue colonized. The wide host range CBC strain was able to form biofilm onto several citrus leaves and fruits, however the limited host range CBC strain produced biofilm solely onto Mexican lime leaves and fruits. Furthermore Xac strain, which solely infects leaves of young plants, was not able to develop biofilms on fruits. Some components of the extracellular matrix produced by Xcc strains have been characterized. Extracellular DNA acted as an adhesin at the very early stages of biofilm formation and as structural component of mature biofilm for citrus pathogenic Xanthomonas. Furthermore type IV pilus has been identified as a component of the extracellular matrix in biofilm and motility. Transcriptional studies of genes related with biofilm formation and motility have confirmed the differential behavior found among wide and limited host range CBC strains as well as the role of type IV pili and flagellum on those processes.


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Strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) carrying avrBs2 are specifically recognized by Bs2 pepper plants, resulting in localized cell death and plant resistance. Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of the Xcv avrBs2 gene in plant cells results in Bs2-dependent cell death, indicating that the AvrBs2 protein alone is sufficient for the activation of disease resistance-mediated cell death in planta. We now provide evidence that AvrBs2 is secreted from Xcv and that secretion is type III (hrp) dependent. N- and C-terminal deletion analysis of AvrBs2 has identified the effector domain of AvrBs2 recognized by Bs2 pepper plants. By using a truncated Pseudomonas syringae AvrRpt2 effector reporter devoid of type III signal sequences, we have localized the minimal region of AvrBs2 required for type III secretion in Xcv. Furthermore, we have identified the region of AvrBs2 required for both type III secretion and translocation to host plants. The mapping of AvrBs2 sequences sufficient for type III delivery also revealed the presence of a potential mRNA secretion signal.


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The second messenger c-di-GMP is implicated in regulation of various aspects of the lifestyles and virulence of Gram-negative bacteria. Cyclic di-GMP is formed by diguanylate cyclases with a GGDEF domain and degraded by phosphodiesterases with either an EAL or HD-GYP domain. Proteins with tandem GGDEF-EAL domains occur in many bacteria, where they may be involved in c-di-GMP turnover or act as enzymatically-inactive c-di-GMP effectors. Here, we report a systematic study of the regulatory action of the eleven GGDEF-EAL proteins in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, an important rice pathogen causing bacterial leaf streak. Mutational analysis revealed that XOC_2335 and XOC_2393 positively regulate bacterial swimming motility, while XOC_2102, XOC_2393 and XOC_4190 negatively control sliding motility. The ΔXOC_2335/XOC_2393 mutant that had a higher intracellular c-di-GMP level than the wild type and the ΔXOC_4190 mutant exhibited reduced virulence to rice after pressure inoculation. In vitro purified XOC_4190 and XOC_2102 have little or no diguanylate cyclase or phosphodiesterase activity, which is consistent with unaltered c-di-GMP concentration in ΔXOC_4190. Nevertheless, both proteins can bind to c-di-GMP with high affinity, indicating a potential role as c-di-GMP effectors. Overall our findings advance understanding of c-di-GMP signaling and its links to virulence in an important rice pathogen.


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Transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs) are virulence factors, produced by the bacterial plant-pathogen Xanthomonas, that function as gene activators inside plant cells. Although the contribution of individual TALEs to infectivity has been shown, the specific roles of most TALEs, and the overall TALE diversity in Xanthomonas spp. is not known. TALEs possess a highly repetitive DNA-binding domain, which is notoriously difficult to sequence. Here, we describe an improved method for characterizing TALE genes by the use of PacBio sequencing. We present 'AnnoTALE', a suite of applications for the analysis and annotation of TALE genes from Xanthomonas genomes, and for grouping similar TALEs into classes. Based on these classes, we propose a unified nomenclature for Xanthomonas TALEs that reveals similarities pointing to related functionalities. This new classification enables us to compare related TALEs and to identify base substitutions responsible for the evolution of TALE specificities. © 2016, Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.


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Na composição química das plantas medicinais, algumas substâncias podem atuar como ativadoras do sistema defensor da planta hospedeira ou contra os patógenos fúngicos. Na constituição química. As amostras de óleo de andiroba utilizadas nos testes foram do Horto de Plantas Medicinais da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém- PA. Para o crescimento, os patógenos foram cultivados em meio de cultura MB1 sintético. A amostra utilizada na verificação da inibição fitopatogênica foi óleo puro de andiroba em três concentrações de 1%, 2% e 3% para a bactéria. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sete tratamentos (uma espécie de bactéria X três concentrações do óleo de andiroba) e cinco repetições. A análise estatística foi realizada comparando as medidas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade utilizando o programa estatístico SISVAR. O óleo de andiroba apresentou efeito significativo na inibição do crescimento da bactéria em todas as concentrações utilizadas, onde a maior concentração do óleo de andiroba mostrou-se mais eficiente na inibição do crescimento da bactéria, em relação à testemunha.


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No Brasil, Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv), causadora do cancro bacteriano em videira, é uma praga quarentenária A2, com ocorrência no Semiárido Nordestino. A bactéria pode ser disseminada de plantas assintomáticas pela distribuição de material propagativo e ocorrências restritas da doença em outras regiões foram identificadas. Para diagnose confiável por PCR convencional, o DNA deve ser extraído de culturas de bactérias isoladas de tecido com sintomas suspeitos. Com a técnica, é possível detectar até 0,25 pg de DNA bacteriano total. Atualmente, métodos que empregam tecidos assintomáticos não estão disponíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um protocolo sensível à detecção de Xcv por qPCR, empregando iniciadores disponíveis da técnica convencional.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar 26 materiais de mandioca quanto à resistência a bacteriose em casa-de-vegetação. Plantas com 2 a 3 pares de folhas foram inoculadas com dois isolados de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) através da pulverização da suspensão bacteriana na face inferior das folhas. As avaliações da severidade da doença foram realizadas aos 4, 6, 8, 11, 13 e 15 dias após a inoculação do patógeno. O ensaio foi montado em esquema fatorial 2 x 26 (2 isolados x 26 variedades) e o delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com 3 repetições. Todos os materiais avaliados apresentaram sintomas característicos da bacteriose. No entanto, as variedades EAB 675, Inajá- PA, Orana, 34 Pretinha-3 e Pretona Erecta apresentaram menor severidade da doença, não apresentando diferença significativa quanto a virulência do patógeno. A variedade 37 Pretinha 4 se apresentou como mais suscetível para os dois isolados. Os isolados em estudo apresentaram variabilidade quanto à agressividade, sendo o isolado Xam P.225 o mais virulento.


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Visando detectar Clavibacter michiganense subsp. michiganense (Cm) e Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) em sementes de tomate, duas técnicas foram comparadas: meio semi-seletivo e planta indicadora. Os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: soluções extratoras de Cm e Xcv de sementes inteiras e moídas, especificidade e sensibilidade. Os resultados mostraram que os meios semi-seletivos MB1M (MB1 + telurito de potássio, ácido borico e benomil) e TAM (peptona, brometo de potássio, cloreto de cálcio, agar + Tween 80, cefalexina e clorotalonil), foram mais eficientes para detecção de Cm e Xcv, a partir de sementes moídas em tampão fosfato do que os meios disponíveis e, apresentaram maior especificidade e sensibilidade, detectando 10(2) - 10(3) ufc/ml de Cme Xcv em comparacao a 10(3) - 10(4) ufc/ml da inoculação em plântulas de tomateiro (cvs. Angela Gigante e Santa Cruz).


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Foram comparadas quatro técnicas de extração e dois métodos serológicos para a detecção de xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Xcph) e do "Strain" fuscans (Xcphf) em sementes de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris). As técnicas de extração incluíram sementes moídas e inteiras, com ou sem assepsia superficial, imersas em água destilada ou meio liquido (3g extrato de levedura/L) esterilizados e incubação por 2 horas, a temperatura ambiente (sementes moídas) ou 18-24 hs, a 5-10 .C (sementes inteiras). Para a identificação do patógeno, foram comparadas as técnicas serológicas de microprecipitina em placas e dupla difusao em gel-de-agar. A melhor técnica de extração foi a imersão de sementes inteiras em água destilada esterilizada, por 18-24 horas, a 5-10 .C. O método damicroprecipitina apresentou maior sensibilidade, mas menor especificidade que a dupla difusão em gel-de-agar. O antissoro do "Strain" fuscans reagiu tanto com o antígeno homólogo (Xcphf) como com o heterólogo (Xcph). Sob o ponto de vista prático este antissoro pode ser usado para a detecção dos patógenos causadores do crestamento bacteriano do feijoeiro. A sensibilidade do método da dupla difusão não foi suficiente para a detecção segura de baixas incidências do patógeno em amostras de sementes de feijão.