378 resultados para XY


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Diplomityössä käsiteltiin viilun valmistusprosessin yhtä tärkeintä vaihetta, eli pöllinkeskitystä. Työssä esiteltiin erilaiset pöllinkeskityslaitteistot, sekä selvitettiin pöllinkeskityksen ja sorvauksen matemaattista teoriaa. Diplomityö tehtiin vaneriteollisuuden koneita suunnittelevaan ja toimittavaan yritykseen. Diplomityössä vertailtiin kyseisen yrityksen mekaanista 12-piste XY- pöllinkeskittäjää kilpailijan elektroniseen XY- pöllinkeskittäjään. Vertailu suoritettiin sorvauksessa saatavan viilun saannon perusteella. Mekaanisen ja elektronisen XY- pöllinkeskittäjän välillä ei vertailussa havaittu viilun kokonaissaannossa merkittävää eroa. Mekaanisen 12-piste XY pöllinkeskittäjän kokonaissaanto oli kuitenkin hieman suurempi. Kokonaissaannosta oli kuitenkin mekaanisella XY- pöllinkeskittäjällä enemmän ns. jontikka saantoa eli viilumatosta leikattuja kapeita saumauskappaleita. Kuitenkin jontikka osuuden määrä kokonaissaannosta oli aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin verrattaessa laskenut huomattavasti. Tarkasteltaessa huoltokustannuksia ennakoivan kunnossapidon osalta havaittiin mekaaninen XY – pöllinkeskittäjä edullisemmaksi kuin elektroninen XY- pöllinkeskittäjä yksinkertaisemman rakenteensa ansiosta. Mekaanisen 12-piste XY- pöllinkeskittäjän hankintahinta on noin 1/3 elektronista XY- pöllinkeskittäjästä. Mekaanisen 12-piste XY- pöllinkeskittäjän investoinnin takaisinmaksuaika on myös noin 2,5 kertaa lyhyempi. Takaisinmaksuajat ovat molemmilla laitteistoilla kuitenkin hyvin lyhyitä, joten vanhan 3-pistepöllinkeskittäjän uusiminen kummalla pöllinkeskityslaitteistolla tahansa voidaan katsoa olevan hyvin kannattavaa.


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Complete sex chromosome dosage compensation has more often been observed in XY than ZW species. In this study, using a population genetic model and the chicken transcriptome, we assess whether sexual conflict can account for this difference. Sexual conflict over expression is inevitable when mutation effects are correlated across the sexes, as compensatory mutations in the heterogametic sex lead to hyperexpression in the homogametic sex. Coupled with stronger selection and greater reproductive variance in males, this results in slower and less complete evolution of Z compared with X dosage compensation. Using expression variance as a measure of selection strength, we find that, as predicted by the model, dosage compensation in the chicken is most pronounced in genes that are under strong selection biased towards females. Our study explains the pattern of weak dosage compensation in ZW systems, and suggests that sexual selection plays a major role in shaping sex chromosome dosage compensation.


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The different conformations of porphyrin rings are strongly related with the electronic configurations of the metallic center in the ferriheme coordination compounds and heme proteins. The usual electronic configuration, (d xy)²(d xz,d yz )³ presents a planar conformation of the porphyrin ring and the less common electronic configuration (d xz,d yz)4(d xy )¹ occurs in the case of a strongly ruffled ring. These states are responsible for distinct chemical and spectroscopic properties of the porphyrin systems. The importance of the ring conformations, their characteristics, implications and applications are discussed.


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Research on color difference evaluation has been active in recent thirty years. Several color difference formulas were developed for industrial applications. The aims of this thesis are to develop the color density which is denoted by comb g and to propose the color density based chromaticity difference formulas. Color density is derived from the discrimination ellipse parameters and color positions in the xy , xyY and CIELAB color spaces, and the color based chromaticity difference formulas are compared with the line element formulas and CIE 2000 color difference formulas. As a result of the thesis, color density represents the perceived color difference accurately, and it could be used to characterize a color by the attribute of perceived color difference from this color.


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Työssä suunniteltiin ja rakennettiin laite, joka suorittaa reaaliaikaisen Clarken muunnoksen kolmivaiheiselle mittaussignaalille. Kolmivaiheisella mittaussignaalilla tarkoitetaan tässä kolmivaiheisesta järjestelmästä mitattuja vaihevirtoja tai -jännitteitä. Lähtö tuottaa kaksivaiheisen mittaussignaalin, jota voidaan tutkia oskilloskooppia. Käyttämällä oskilloskooppia xy-moodissa näytölle piirtyy virta- tai jänniteympyrä. Laitetta voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi taajuusmuuttajien testauksen apuvälineenä, jolloin parametrien muuttamisen vaikutus laitteen tuottaman sähkön laatuun nähdään välittömästi.


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OBJETIVO: correlacionar as manifestações clínicas de pacientes com amenorréia e anormalidades do cromossomo X. MÉTODOS: realizou-se uma análise retrospectiva dos achados clínicos e laboratoriais das pacientes com amenorréia e anormalidades do cromossomo X, atendidas entre janeiro de 1975 e novembro de 2007. Suas medidas antropométricas foram avaliadas através de tabelas de crescimento padrão, sendo que, quando presentes, dismorfias menores e maiores foram anotadas. O estudo dos cromossomos foi realizado através do cariótipo com bandamento GTG. RESULTADOS: do total de 141 pacientes com amenorréia, 16% apresentavam anormalidades numéricas e 13% estruturais do cromossomo X. Destas pacientes com anormalidade do X (n=41), 35 possuíam descrição clínica completa. Todas elas apresentavam hipogonadismo hipergonadotrófico. Amenorréia primária foi observada em 24 pacientes, das quais 91,7% com fenótipo de síndrome de Turner. Com exceção de um caso com deleção Xq22-q28, todas as demais pacientes com este fenótipo apresentavam alterações envolvendo Xp (uma com uma linhagem 46,XY associada). Os dois casos restantes com apenas amenorréia primária possuíam deleções proximais de Xq. Entre as 11 pacientes com amenorréia secundária, 54,5% apresentavam fenótipo de Turner (todas com monossomia do X isolada ou em mosaico). Entre aquelas com fenótipo de falência ovariana isolada observaram-se somente deleções Xq e trissomia do X. CONCLUSÕES: a análise cromossômica deve sempre ser realizada em mulheres com falência ovariana de causa não conhecida, mesmo na ausência de achados dismórficos. Esta também é de extrema importância em pacientes sindrômicas, pois, além de confirmar o diagnóstico, é capaz de identificar pacientes em risco, como nos casos com uma linhagem 46,XY.


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OBJETIVO: verificar a prevalência e as características clínicas de casais com história de abortos de repetição e anormalidade cromossômica atendidos em nosso serviço. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados retrospectivamente todos os casais encaminhados de janeiro de 1975 a junho de 2008 por história de abortos de repetição. Foram incluídos no estudo somente aqueles casais, em que a análise cromossômica feita com o cariótipo por bandas GTG foi realizada com sucesso. Foram coletados dados clínicos referentes às suas idades, bem como o número de abortamentos, natimortos, crianças polimalformadas, nativivos por casal e resultado do exame de cariótipo. Para comparação da frequência das alterações cromossômicas encontradas em nosso estudo com as da literatura, bem como entre os diferentes subgrupos de nossa amostra, foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: a amostra foi composta de 108 casais. As idades variaram de 21 a 58 anos entre os homens (média de 31,4 anos) e de 19 a 43 anos entre as mulheres (média de 29,9 anos). O número de abortos oscilou de dois a nove (média de 3,2). Alterações cromossômicas foram observadas em um dos parceiros em dez casais (9,3%) e corresponderam, respectivamente, a três casos (30%) de translocação recíproca [dois de t(5;6) e um de t(2;13)], dois (20%) de translocação Robertsoniana [um de der(13;14) e um de der(13;15)], cinco (50%) de mosaicismo (mos) [dois casos de mos 45,X/46,XX, um de mos 46,XX/47,XXX, um de mos 46,XY/47,XXY e um de mos 46,XY/47,XYY] e um (10%) de inversão cromossômica [inv(10)]. Em um dos casais, a parceira apresentava duas alterações concomitantes: t(2;13) e der(13;14). Anormalidades cromossômicas foram verificadas em 5% dos casais com história de dois abortamentos, em 10,3% com três abortos e 14,3% com quatro ou mais abortos. CONCLUSÕES: a frequência de anormalidades cromossômicas verificada neste estudo (9,3%) foi similar à da maior parte dos trabalhos realizados nos últimos 20 anos, a qual variou de 4,8 a 10,8%. Contudo, nos chamou a atenção o alto percentual de pacientes com mosaicismo. Acreditamos que este achado possa estar associado ao maior número de metáfases rotineiramente analisadas no presente serviço.


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Several studies have demonstrated that lymphocytes from patients with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit an increased frequency of chromosome aberrations when they are exposed to ionizing radiation or to chemicals at the G0 or G1 phases of the cell cycle, but not at G2, when compared to normal subjects. To determine the susceptibility of DS lymphocytes at G2 phase, bleomycin, a radiomimetic agent, was used to induce DNA breaks in blood cultures from 24 Down syndrome patients. All the patients with DS showed free trisomy 21 (47,XX + 21 or 47,XY + 21). Individuals that showed an average number of chromatid breaks per cell higher than 0.8 were considered sensitive to the drug. No control child showed susceptibility to bleomycin, and among the 24 patients with DS, only one was sensitive to the drug. No significant difference was observed between the two groups, regarding chromatid break frequencies in treated G2 lymphocytes. The distribution of bleomycin-induced breaks in each group of chromosomes was similar for DS and controls. No significant difference was found in the response to bleomycin between male and female subjects. Probably, the main factor involved in chromosome sensitivity of lymphocytes from patients with DS is the phase of the cell cycle in which the cell is treated.


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Eight subspecies from the genus Saguinus (S. fuscicollis fuscicollis, S. fuscicollis weddelli, S. bicolor bicolor, S. bicolor martinsi, S. mystax mystax, S. imperator imperator, S. midas midas, and S. midas niger) were studied. Five of them (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax and S. i. imperator) had their karyotypes described for the first time. Conventional coloration, banding patterns G, C and NOR, and G/C sequential banding tecniques were used. All samples showed the same diploid number (2n = 46). The patterns of the G, C and NOR bands were very similar with little differences in the quantity and constitutive heterochromatin distribution of the autosomes. Constitutive heterochromatin was observed only in telomeric regions of some chromosomes of S. f. fuscicollis and S. f. weddelli. The X chromosome was the same in all subspecies, but chromosome Y differed in size and morphology. XX/XY chimerism was verified in all subspecies


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Embryonic stem cells are totipotent cells derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts. Recently, the development of appropriate culture conditions for the differentiation of these cells into specific cell types has permitted their use as potential therapeutic agents for several diseases. In addition, manipulation of their genome in vitro allows the creation of animal models of human genetic diseases and for the study of gene function in vivo. We report the establishment of new lines of murine embryonic stem cells from preimplantation stage embryos of 129/Sv mice. Most of these cells had a normal karyotype and an XY sex chromosome composition. The pluripotent properties of the cell lines obtained were analyzed on the basis of their alkaline phosphatase activity and their capacity to form complex embryoid bodies with rhythmically contracting cardiomyocytes. Two lines, USP-1 and USP-3, with the best in vitro characteristics of pluripotency were used in chimera-generating experiments. The capacity to contribute to the germ line was demonstrated by the USP-1 cell line. This cell line is currently being used to generate mouse models of human diseases.


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In most mammals, male development is triggered by the transient expression of the SRY gene, which initiates a cascade of gene interactions ultimately leading to the formation of a testis from the indifferent fetal gonad. Mutation studies have identified several genes essential for early gonadal development. We report here a molecular study of the SRY, DAX1, SF1 and WNT4 genes, mainly involved in sexual determination, in Brazilian 46,XX and 46,XY sex-reversed patients. The group of 46,XX sex-reversed patients consisted of thirteen 46,XX true hermaphrodites and four 46,XX males, and was examined for the presence of the SRY gene and for the loss of function (inactivating mutations and deletions) of DAX1 and WNT4 genes. In the second group consisting of thirty-three 46,XY sex-reversed patients we investigated the presence of inactivating mutations in the SRY and SF1 genes as well as the overexpression (duplication) of the DAX1 and WNT4 genes. The SRY gene was present in two 46,XX male patients and in none of the true hermaphrodites. Only one mutation, located outside homeobox domain of the 5' region of the HMG box of SRY (S18N), was identified in a patient with 46,XY sex reversal. A novel 8-bp microdeletion of the SF1 gene was identified in a 46,XY sex-reversed patient without adrenal insufficiency. The dosage of DAX1 and WNT4 was normal in the sex-reversed patients studied. We conclude that these genes are rarely involved in the etiology of male gonadal development in sex-reversed patients, a fact suggesting the presence of other genes in the sex determination cascade.


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Bone marrow is a heterogeneous cell population which includes hematopoietic and mesenchymal progenitor cells. Dysregulated hematopoiesis occurs in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), being caused at least in part by abnormalities in the hematopoietic progenitors. However, the role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in CML has not been well characterized. The objectives of the present study were to observe the biological characteristics of MSCs from CML patients and to determine if MSCs originate in part from donors in CML patients after bone marrow transplantation (BMT). We analyzed MSCs from 5 untreated patients and from 3 CML patients after sex-mismatched allogeneic BMT. Flow cytometry analysis revealed the typical MSC phenotype and in vitro assays showed ability to differentiate into adipocytes and osteoblasts. Moreover, although some RT-PCR data were contradictory, combined fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that MSCs from CML patients do not express the bcr-abl gene. Regarding MSCs of donor origin, although it is possible to detect Y target sequence by nested PCR, the low frequency (0.14 and 0.34%) of XY cells in 2 MSC CML patients by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis suggests the presence of contaminant hematopoietic cells and the absence of host-derived MSCs in CML patients. Therefore, we conclude that MSCs from CML patients express the typical MSC phenotype, can differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic lineages and do not express the bcr-abl gene. MSCs cannot be found in recipients 12 to 20 months after BMT. The influence of MSCs on the dysregulation of hematopoiesis in CML patients deserves further investigation.


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The manner by which effects of simultaneous mutations combine to change enzymatic activity is not easily predictable because these effects are not always additive in a linear manner. Hence, the characterization of the effects of simultaneous mutations of amino acid residues that bind the substrate can make a significant contribution to the understanding of the substrate specificity of enzymes. In the β-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (Sfβgly), both residues Q39 and E451 interact with the substrate and this is essential for defining substrate specificity. Double mutants of Sfβgly (A451E39, S451E39 and S451N39) were prepared by site-directed mutagenesis, expressed in bacteria and purified using affinity chromatography. These enzymes were characterized using p-nitrophenyl β-galactoside and p-nitrophenyl β-fucoside as substrates. The k cat/Km ratio for single and double mutants of Sfβgly containing site-directed mutations at positions Q39 and E451 was used to demonstrate that the effect on the free energy of ES‡ (enzyme-transition state complex) of the double mutations (∆∆G‡xy) is not the sum of the effects resulting from the single mutations (∆∆G‡x and ∆∆G‡y). This difference in ∆∆G‡ indicates that the effects of the single mutations partially overlap. Hence, this common effect counts only once in ∆∆G‡xy. Crystallographic data on β-glycosidases reveal the presence of a bidentate hydrogen bond involving residues Q39 and E451 and the same hydroxyl group of the substrate. Therefore, both thermodynamic and crystallographic data suggest that residues Q39 and E451 exert a mutual influence on their respective interactions with the substrate.


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This thesis work studies the modelling of the colour difference using artificial neural network. Multilayer percepton (MLP) network is proposed to model CIEDE2000 colour difference formula. MLP is applied to classify colour points in CIE xy chromaticity diagram. In this context, the evaluation was performed using Munsell colour data and MacAdam colour discrimination ellipses. Moreover, in CIE xy chromaticity diagram just noticeable differences (JND) of MacAdam ellipses centres are computed by CIEDE2000, to compare JND of CIEDE2000 and MacAdam ellipses. CIEDE2000 changes the orientation of blue areas in CIE xy chromaticity diagram toward neutral areas, but on the whole it does not totally agree with the MacAdam ellipses. The proposed MLP for both modelling CIEDE2000 and classifying colour points showed good accuracy and achieved acceptable results.


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Abstract Many species of social insects have the ability to recognize their nestmates. In bees, sociality is maintained by bees that recognize which individuals should be helped and which should be hanned in order to maximize fitness (either inclusive or individual) (Hamilton 1964; Lin and Michener 1972). Since female bees generally lay eggs in a single nest, it is highly likely that bees found cohabitating in the same nest are siblings. According to the kin selection hypothesis, individuals should cooperate and avoid aggression with same sex nestmates (Hamilton 1964). However, in opposite sex pairs that are likely kin, aggression should increase among nestmates as an expression of inbreeding avoidance (Lihoreau et al. 2007). Female bees often guard nest entrances, recognizing and excluding foreign conspecific females that threaten to steal nest resources (Breed and Page 1991). Conversely, males that aggressively guard territories should avoid aggression towards other males that are likely kin (Shellman-Reeve and Gamboa 1984). In order to test whether Xy/ocopa virginica can distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates, circle tube testing arenas were used. Measures of aggression, cooperation and tolerance were evaluated to detennine the presence of nestmate recognition in this species. The results of this study indicate that male and female X virginica have the ability to distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates. Individuals in same sex pairs demonstrated increased pushing, biting, and C-posturing when faced with non-nestmates. Males in same sex pairs also attempted to pass (unsuccessfully) nOIl-nestmates more often than ncstmates, suggesting that this behaviour may be an cxpression of dominancc in males. Increased cooperation exemplified by successful passes was not observed among nestmates. However, incrcased tolerance in the [onn of head-to-head touching was observed for nestmates in female same sex and opposite sex pairs. These results supported the kin selection hypothesis. Moreover, increased tolerance among opposite sex non-nestmates suggested that X virginica do not demonstrate inbreeding avoidance among nestmates. 3 The second part of this study was conducted to establish the presence and extent of drifting, or travelling to different nests, in a Xylocopa virgillica population. Drifting in flying Hymenoptera is reported to be the result of navigation error and guard bees erroneously admitting novel individuals into the nest (Michener 1966). Since bees in this study were individually marked and captured at nest entrances, the locations where individuals were caught allowed me to determine where and how often bees travelled from nest to nest. Ifbees were captured near their home nests, changing nests may have been deliberate or explained by navigational error. However, ifbees were found in nests further away from their homes, this provides stronger evidence that flying towards a novel nest may have been deliberate. Female bees are often faithful to their own nests (Kasuya 1981) and no drifting was expected in female X virginica because they raise brood and contribute to nest maintenance activities. Contrary to females, males were not expected to remain faithful to a single nest. Results showed that many more females drifted than expected and that they were most often recaptured in a single nest, either their home nest or a novel nest. There were some females that were never caught in the same nest twice. In addition, females drifted to further nests when population density was low (in 2007), suggesting they seek out and claim nesting spaces when they are available. Males, as expected, showed the opposite pattern and most males drifted from nest to nest, never recaptured in the same location. This pattern indicates that males may be nesting wherever space is available, or nesting in benches nearest to their territories. This study reveals that both female and male X virginica are capable of nestmate recognition and use this ability in a dynamic environment, where nest membership is not as stable as once thought.