947 resultados para XML, Schema matching


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és analitzar la tecnologia XML, amb la finalitat d'esbrinar per a quins casos és realment útil i en quins casos és discutible.


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En aquest projecte, amb la finalitat d'analitzar per mitjà d'un exemple (la base de dades d'una botiga que opera en línia) algunes de les possibilitats que dóna XML, s'ha construït un sistema que permet generar bases de dades relacionals (amb SQL) a partir de diagrames de classes definits en XML. D?aquesta manera es mostra la flexibilitat que aporta XML a la definició, el processament i la transformació dels documents.


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En aquest TFC s'ha proposat dissenyar i implementar en llenguatge Java un sistema segur de descàrrega anònima de fitxers. Per fer aquesta tasca es proposa un conjunt d'aplicacions web que es s'intercanviaran dades en format XML de forma segura, sempre sota protocol HTTPS i mantenint la integritat, autenticitat i autenticació de les parts amb l'ajut d'un PKI.


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Aquest estudi té com a objectiu introduir el lector en dues tecnologies complementàries, XML i RDF. L'estudi mostra els inicis dels llenguatges de marcatge i explica perquè van ser concebuts.


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La progressiva reducció de dimensió i cost en els dispositius electrònics, la dràstica retallada de consum elèctric i la independència de què això els dota han fet créixer en els últims temps l'interès de les comunitats científiques i tecnològiques per les xarxes sense fils de petits dispositius. Per altra banda, l'XML (eXtensible Markup Language) és un metallenguatge extensible que ha esdevingut un estàndard per a l'intercanvi d'informació estructurada entre diferents plataformes. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és explorar les possibilitats que pot oferir la introducció de l'XML en les xarxes de sensors amb l'elaboració d'un protocol de comunicació basat en aquest llenguatge i demostrar la transparència en el canvi de plataforma. Per fer-ho, es disposa de dos dispositius amb capacitat de comunicació sense fils equipats amb detectors de temperatura, lluminositat, efecte Hall i nivell de càrrega de la bateria. El projecte constarà de dues parts: una, més extensa, dedicada al desenvolupament del programari per a aquests dispositius, encarregat de obtenir les lectures dels diferents sensors i emetre-les per la xarxa utilitzant el llenguatge XML, i una altra, per recollir aquesta informació present a la xarxa, interpretar-la, salvar-la en una base de dades i exposar-la al món en una plana web. El programari dels dispositius sensors s'escriurà en llenguatge nesC dins el sistema tinyOS que és el sistema operatiu que equipen. La part d'explotació de les dades es desenvoluparà sota la plataforma .NET de Microsoft.


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En aquest projecte s'ha volgut fer un cercador d'allotjaments i activitats a la ciutat de Barcelona per tal de planificar la visita a la ciutat. Per realitzar-lo s'ha fet servir XML per emmagatzemar les dades així com per després recuperar-les i mostrar-les mitjançant Xquery, així com també s'ha dissenyat una Ontologia per tenir clares les relacions entre les diferents entitats que formaran part de la Base de dades del projecte. El cercador està confeccionat en HTML + PHP per fer la combinació amb les consultes a eXist i així poder obtenir resultats.


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Overall it seems that age and gender interviewer characteristics are relevant in achieving higher cooperation rates by telephone panel members. This appears to be the case especially for older male interviewers, who perform the best on gaining cooperation across different types of respondents. This holds if important interviewer covariates like experience are controlled for. There is no evidence that special sex age or sex matches yield a higher cooperation. It may be that not only the perceived authority of the institution that sponsors the survey plays a role when it comes to cooperation (Groves et al., 1992) but also of the interviewer who asks for this cooperation. Presumably older men have more authority to convince sample members to participate. A simple recommendation is to use as many older male interviewers as possible for the recruitment phase. It is likely that this strategy would also be successful in other western cultures than Switzerland.


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This paper proposes MSISpIC, a probabilistic sonar scan matching algorithm for the localization of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The technique uses range scans gathered with a Mechanical Scanning Imaging Sonar (MSIS), the robot displacement estimated through dead-reckoning using a Doppler velocity log (DVL) and a motion reference unit (MRU). The proposed method is an extension of the pIC algorithm. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) is used to estimate the robot-path during the scan in order to reference all the range and bearing measurements as well as their uncertainty to a scan fixed frame before registering. The major contribution consists of experimentally proving that probabilistic sonar scan matching techniques have the potential to improve the DVL-based navigation. The algorithm has been tested on an AUV guided along a 600 m path within an abandoned marina underwater environment with satisfactory results


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This paper presents a tool for the analysis and regeneration of Web contents, implemented through XML and Java. At the moment, the Web content delivery from server to clients is carried out without taking into account clients' characteristics. Heterogeneous and diverse characteristics, such as user's preferences, different capacities of the client's devices, different types of access, state of the network and current load on the server, directly affect the behavior of Web services. On the other hand, the growing use of multimedia objects in the design of Web contents is made without taking into account this diversity and heterogeneity. It affects, even more, the appropriate content delivery. Thus, the objective of the presented tool is the treatment of Web pages taking into account the mentioned heterogeneity and adapting contents in order to improve the performance on the Web


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Este trabajo define qué es una base de datos semántica, qué ventajas ofrece, cómo se utiliza y en qué tipo de proyectos o sistemas tiene sentido usarla. Además, en él se estudia en detalle una de ellas, OWLIM 1, de la empresa Ontotext, para evaluar la dificultad de usarla, su rendimiento y sus capacidades específicas.


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INTRODUCTION. Patient-ventilator asynchrony is a frequent issue in non invasivemechanical ventilation (NIV) and leaks at the patient-mask interface play a major role in itspathogenesis. NIV algorithms alleviate the deleterious impact of leaks and improve patient-ventilator interaction. Neurally adusted ventilatory assist (NAVA), a neurally triggered modethat avoids interferences between leaks and the usual pneumatic trigger, could further improvepatient-ventilator interaction in NIV patients.OBJECTIVES. To evaluate the feasibility ofNAVAin patients receiving a prophylactic postextubationNIV and to compare the respective impact ofPSVandNAVAwith and withoutNIValgorithm on patient-ventilator interaction.METHODS. Prospective study conducted in 16 beds adult critical care unit (ICU) in a tertiaryuniversity hospital. Over a 2 months period, were included 17 adult medical ICU patientsextubated for less than 2 h and in whom a prophylactic post-extubation NIV was indicated.Patients were randomly mechanically ventilated for 10 min with: PSV without NIV algorithm(PSV-NIV-), PSV with NIV algorithm (PSV-NIV+),NAVAwithout NIV algorithm (NAVANIV-)and NAVA with NIV algorithm (NAVA-NIV+). Breathing pattern descriptors, diaphragmelectrical activity, leaks volume, inspiratory trigger delay (Tdinsp), inspiratory time inexcess (Tiexcess) and the five main asynchronies were quantified. Asynchrony index (AI) andasynchrony index influenced by leaks (AIleaks) were computed.RESULTS. Peak inspiratory pressure and diaphragm electrical activity were similar in thefour conditions. With both PSV and NAVA, NIV algorithm significantly reduced the level ofleak (p\0.01). Tdinsp was not affected by NIV algorithm but was shorter in NAVA than inPSV (p\0.01). Tiexcess was shorter in NAVA and PSV-NIV+ than in PSV-NIV- (p\0.05).The prevalence of double triggering was significantly lower in PSV-NIV+ than in NAVANIV+.As compared to PSV,NAVAsignificantly reduced the prevalence of premature cyclingand late cycling while NIV algorithm did not influenced premature cycling. AI was not affectedby NIV algorithm but was significantly lower in NAVA than in PSV (p\0.05). AIleaks wasquasi null with NAVA and significantly lower than in PSV (p\0.05).CONCLUSIONS. NAVA is feasible in patients receiving a post-extubation prophylacticNIV. NAVA and NIV improve patient-ventilator synchrony in different manners. NAVANIV+offers the best patient-ventilator interaction. Clinical studies are required to assess thepotential clinical benefit of NAVA in patients receiving NIV.


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This paper points out an empirical puzzle that arises when an RBC economy with a job matching function is used to model unemployment. The standard model can generate sufficiently large cyclical fluctuations in unemployment, or a sufficiently small response of unemployment to labor market policies, but it cannot do both. Variable search and separation, finite UI benefit duration, efficiency wages, and capital all fail to resolve this puzzle. However, both sticky wages and match-specific productivity shocks help the model reproduce the stylized facts: both make the firm's flow of surplus more procyclical, thus making hiring more procyclical too.


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We investigate the coevolution between philopatry and altruism in island-model populations when kin recognition occurs through phenotype matching. In saturated environments, a good discrimination ability is a necessary prerequisite for the emergence of sociality. Discrimination decreases not only with the average phenotypic similarity between immigrants and residents (i.e., with environmental homogeneity and past gene flow) but also with the sampling variance of similarity distributions (a negative function of the number of traits sampled). Whether discrimination should rely on genetically or environmentally determined traits depends on the apportionment of phenotypic variance and, in particular, on the relative values of e (the among-group component of environmental variance) and r (the among-group component of genetic variance, which also measures relatedness among group members). If r exceeds e, highly heritable cues do better. Discrimination and altruism, however, remain low unless philopatry is enforced by ecological constraints. If e exceeds r, by contrast, nonheritable traits do better. High e values improve discrimination drastically and thus have the potential to drive sociality, even in the absence of ecological constraints. The emergence of sociality thus can be facilitated by enhancing e, which we argue is the main purpose of cue standardization within groups, as observed in many social insects, birds, and mammals, including humans.