680 resultados para Workload.
The main purpose of this work is to give a survey of main monotonicity properties of queueing processes based on the coupling method. The literature on this topic is quite extensive, and we do not consider all aspects of this topic. Our more concrete goal is to select the most interesting basic monotonicity results and give simple and elegant proofs. Also we give a few new (or revised) proofs of a few important monotonicity properties for the queue-size and workload processes both in single-server and multi- server systems. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, the basic notions and results on coupling method are given. Section 2 contains known coupling results for renewal processes with focus on construction of synchronized renewal instants for a superposition of independent renewal processes. In Section 3, we present basic monotonicity results for the queue-size and workload processes. We consider both discrete-and continuous-time queueing systems with single and multi servers. Less known results on monotonicity of queueing processes with dependent service times and interarrival times are also presented. Section 4 is devoted to monotonicity of general Jackson-type queueing networks with Markovian routing. This section is based on the notable paper [17]. Finally, Section 5 contains elements of stability analysis of regenerative queues and networks, where coupling and monotonicity results play a crucial role to establish minimal suficient stability conditions. Besides, we present some new monotonicity results for tandem networks.
En termes de temps d'execució i ús de dades, les aplicacions paral·leles/distribuïdes poden tenir execucions variables, fins i tot quan s'empra el mateix conjunt de dades d'entrada. Existeixen certs aspectes de rendiment relacionats amb l'entorn que poden afectar dinàmicament el comportament de l'aplicació, tals com: la capacitat de la memòria, latència de la xarxa, el nombre de nodes, l'heterogeneïtat dels nodes, entre d'altres. És important considerar que l'aplicació pot executar-se en diferents configuracions de maquinari i el desenvolupador d'aplicacions no port garantir que els ajustaments de rendiment per a un sistema en particular continuïn essent vàlids per a d'altres configuracions. L'anàlisi dinàmica de les aplicacions ha demostrat ser el millor enfocament per a l'anàlisi del rendiment per dues raons principals. En primer lloc, ofereix una solució molt còmoda des del punt de vista dels desenvolupadors mentre que aquests dissenyen i evaluen les seves aplicacions paral·leles. En segon lloc, perquè s'adapta millor a l'aplicació durant l'execució. Aquest enfocament no requereix la intervenció de desenvolupadors o fins i tot l'accés al codi font de l'aplicació. S'analitza l'aplicació en temps real d'execució i es considra i analitza la recerca dels possibles colls d'ampolla i optimitzacions. Per a optimitzar l'execució de l'aplicació bioinformàtica mpiBLAST, vam analitzar el seu comportament per a identificar els paràmetres que intervenen en el rendiment d'ella, com ara: l'ús de la memòria, l'ús de la xarxa, patrons d'E/S, el sistema de fitxers emprat, l'arquitectura del processador, la grandària de la base de dades biològica, la grandària de la seqüència de consulta, la distribució de les seqüències dintre d'elles, el nombre de fragments de la base de dades i/o la granularitat dels treballs assignats a cada procés. El nostre objectiu és determinar quins d'aquests paràmetres tenen major impacte en el rendiment de les aplicacions i com ajustar-los dinàmicament per a millorar el rendiment de l'aplicació. Analitzant el rendiment de l'aplicació mpiBLAST hem trobat un conjunt de dades que identifiquen cert nivell de serial·lització dintre l'execució. Reconeixent l'impacte de la caracterització de les seqüències dintre de les diferents bases de dades i una relació entre la capacitat dels workers i la granularitat de la càrrega de treball actual, aquestes podrien ser sintonitzades dinàmicament. Altres millores també inclouen optimitzacions relacionades amb el sistema de fitxers paral·lel i la possibilitat d'execució en múltiples multinucli. La grandària de gra de treball està influenciat per factors com el tipus de base de dades, la grandària de la base de dades, i la relació entre grandària de la càrrega de treball i la capacitat dels treballadors.
PURPOSE: This study investigated maximal cardiometabolic response while running in a lower body positive pressure treadmill (antigravity treadmill (AG)), which reduces body weight (BW) and impact. The AG is used in rehabilitation of injuries but could have potential for high-speed running, if workload is maximally elevated. METHODS: Fourteen trained (nine male) runners (age 27 ± 5 yr; 10-km personal best, 38.1 ± 1.1 min) completed a treadmill incremental test (CON) to measure aerobic capacity and heart rate (V˙O2max and HRmax). They completed four identical tests (48 h apart, randomized order) on the AG at BW of 100%, 95%, 90%, and 85% (AG100 to AG85). Stride length and rate were measured at peak velocities (Vpeak). RESULTS: V˙O2max (mL·kg·min) was similar across all conditions (men: CON = 66.6 (3.0), AG100 = 65.6 (3.8), AG95 = 65.0 (5.4), AG90 = 65.6 (4.5), and AG85 = 65.0 (4.8); women: CON = 63.0 (4.6), AG100 = 61.4 (4.3), AG95 = 60.7 (4.8), AG90 = 61.4 (3.3), and AG85 = 62.8 (3.9)). Similar results were found for HRmax, except for AG85 in men and AG100 and AG90 in women, which were lower than CON. Vpeak (km·h) in men was 19.7 (0.9) in CON, which was lower than every other condition: AG100 = 21.0 (1.9) (P < 0.05), AG95 = 21.4 (1.8) (P < 0.01), AG90 = 22.3 (2.1) (P < 0.01), and AG85 = 22.6 (1.6) (P < 0.001). In women, Vpeak (km·h) was similar between CON (17.8 (1.1) ) and AG100 (19.3 (1.0)) but higher at AG95 = 19.5 (0.4) (P < 0.05), AG90 = 19.5 (0.8) (P < 0.05), and AG85 = 21.2 (0.9) (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The AG can be used at maximal exercise intensities at BW of 85% to 95%, reaching faster running speeds than normally feasible. The AG could be used for overspeed running programs at the highest metabolic response levels.
Aside from ethical considerations, the primary requirement for usage of human tissues in basic or translational research is the thorough characterization of tissues. The second, but equally essential, requirement is that tissues be collected, processed, annotated, and preserved in optimal conditions. These requirements put the pathologist at the center of tissue banking activities and of research aimed at discovering new biomarkers. Pathologists not only provide information identifying the specimen but also make decisions on what materials should be biobanked, on the preservation conditions, and on the timeline of events that precede preservation and storage. This central position calls for increased recognition of the role of the pathologist by the biomolecular community and places new demands on the pathologist's workload and scope of scientific activities. These questions were addressed by an Expert Group Meeting of the European Biological and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure (BBMRI). While detailed recommendations are published elsewhere (Bevilacqua et al., Virchows Archivs, 2010, in press), this article outlines the strategic and technological issues identified by the Expert Group and identifies ways forward for better integration of pathology in the current thrust for development of biomarker-based "personalized medicine.
The work studies a general multiserver queue in which the service time of an arriving customer and the next interarrival period may depend on both the current waiting time and the server assigned to the arriving customer. Stability of the system is proved under general assumptions on the predetermined distributions describing the model. The proof exploits a combination of the Markov property of the workload process with a regenerative property of the process. The key idea leading to stability is a characterization of the limit behavior of the forward renewal process generated by regenerations. Extensions of the basic model are also studied.
La adaptación de los estudios universitarios al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) pretende conseguir un nuevo modelo educativo basado en el aprendizaje activo del estudiante. En este sentido, las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) pueden desempeñar un papel importante en la renovación de la metodología docente, y muy especialmente en asignaturas donde la carga iconográfica es fundamental, tal como ocurre en las Ciencias morfológicas y en algunas materias clínicas. En la Licenciatura en Veterinària de la UAB la carga presencial del alumno es muy elevada, lo que deja poco tiempo para el autoaprendizaje activo y el estudio autónomo. Para intentar paliar este problema, en nuestra Titulación se han elaborado en los últimos años diversos atlas y otros documentos virtuales cuyos contenidos didácticos están relacionados con materias como la Anatomía, Parasitología, Radiología y Anatomía Patológica. Estos materiales, algunos de los cuales ya están publicados on line en la plataforma Veterinària Virtual (http://quiro.uab.es), y que están a disposición de los estudiantes, posibilitan reducir en parte la carga presencial, sirven de ayuda en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, facilitan el aprendizaje no presencial, autónomo y activo y permiten la evaluación continuada, consiguiendo en definitiva un aumento del protagonismo del alumno en el proceso educativo, lo que constituye una de las metas de la adaptación al EEES. Los alumnos valoran muy positivamente la publicación on line de material educativo, ya que representa un recurso didáctico fácilmente disponible, de acceso permanente y de bajo coste económico. La duración del proyecto ha sido de dos años.
Systemic hypertension increases cardiac workload and subsequently induces signaling networks in heart that underlie myocyte growth (hypertrophic response) through expansion of sarcomeres with the aim to increase contractility. However, conditions of increased workload can induce both adaptive and maladaptive growth of heart muscle. Previous studies implicate two members of the AP-1 transcription factor family, junD and fra-1, in regulation of heart growth during hypertrophic response. In this study, we investigate the function of the AP-1 transcription factors, c-jun and c-fos, in heart growth. Using pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in mice and targeted deletion of Jun or Fos in cardiomyocytes, we show that c-jun is required for adaptive cardiac hypertrophy, while c-fos is dispensable in this context. c-jun promotes expression of sarcomere proteins and suppresses expression of extracellular matrix proteins. Capacity of cardiac muscle to contract depends on organization of principal thick and thin filaments, myosin and actin, within the sarcomere. In line with decreased expression of sarcomere-associated proteins, Jun-deficient cardiomyocytes present disarrangement of filaments in sarcomeres and actin cytoskeleton disorganization. Moreover, Jun-deficient hearts subjected to pressure overload display pronounced fibrosis and increased myocyte apoptosis finally resulting in dilated cardiomyopathy. In conclusion, c-jun but not c-fos is required to induce a transcriptional program aimed at adapting heart growth upon increased workload.
En aquesta recerca aportem les conclusions de la nostra investigació sobre la figura del perdó de l’ofès i la seva possible virtualitat com a mitjà per alleugerir l’Administració de Justícia. En primer lloc, analitzem la institució del perdó de l’ofès, en concret, la seva regulació en el nostre Codi penal, els seus antecedents històrics i aportem certes dades de Dret comparat que poden ajudar a l’estudi crític de la institució (1). En la segona part, estudiem els arguments a favor i en contra del perdó de l’ofès dins el sistema penal i ens pronunciem sobre la seva legitimitat com a mecanisme per rendibilitzar l’Administració de Justícia (2). En la tercera part, sobre la base de les conclusions anteriors, aportem una reflexió sobre les alternatives al perdó de l’ofès (3). Per últim, en la darrera part, formulem la nostra proposta final sobre els mecanismes per rendibilitzar els recursos de l’Administració de Justícia (4). Segons el nostre estudi, el perdó de l’ofès no és un bon mecanisme per alleugerir la feina de l’Administració de Justícia. En canvi, la reparació i la conciliació si poden operar com a substitutius de la pena en els supòsits de delictes de menor gravetat; en els processos penals per aquests delictes caldria introduir un intent obligatori de conciliació, com el del § 380 StPO alemany i, a més, convindria preveure en el Codi penal la facultat del jutge d’eliminar la responsabilitat penal en determinats supòsits de reparació de l’autor a la víctima del delicte.
En aquesta recerca aportem les conclusions de la nostra investigació sobre la figura del perdó de l’ofès i la seva possible virtualitat com a mitjà per alleugerir l’Administració de Justícia. En primer lloc, analitzem la institució del perdó de l’ofès, en concret, la seva regulació en el nostre Codi penal, els seus antecedents històrics i aportem certes dades de Dret comparat que poden ajudar a l’estudi crític de la institució (1). En la segona part, estudiem els arguments a favor i en contra del perdó de l’ofès dins el sistema penal i ens pronunciem sobre la seva legitimitat com a mecanisme per rendibilitzar l’Administració de Justícia (2). En la tercera part, sobre la base de les conclusions anteriors, aportem una reflexió sobre les alternatives al perdó de l’ofès (3). Per últim, en la darrera part, formulem la nostra proposta final sobre els mecanismes per rendibilitzar els recursos de l’Administració de Justícia (4). Segons el nostre estudi, el perdó de l’ofès no és un bon mecanisme per alleugerir la feina de l’Administració de Justícia. En canvi, la reparació i la conciliació si poden operar com a substitutius de la pena en els supòsits de delictes de menor gravetat; en els processos penals per aquests delictes caldria introduir un intent obligatori de conciliació, com el del § 380 StPO alemany i, a més, convindria preveure en el Codi penal la facultat del jutge d’eliminar la responsabilitat penal en determinats supòsits de reparació de l’autor a la víctima del delicte.
Ayudas concedidas por la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (Expediente: 0020/2006); por el Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Expediente PI071176) y los Fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea
Nepal has a long history of medical radiology since1923 but unfortunately, we still do not have any Radiation Protection Infrastructure to control the use of ionizing radiations in the various fields. The objective of this study was an assessment of the radiation protection in medical uses of ionizing radiation. Twenty-eight hospitals with diagnostic radiology facility were chosen for this study according to patient loads, equipment and working staffs. Radiation surveys were also done at five different radiotherapy centers. Questionnaire for radiation workers were used; radiation dose levels were measured and an inventory of availability of radiation equipment made. A corollary objective of the study was to create awareness in among workers on possible radiation health hazard and risk. It was also deemed important to know the level of understanding of the radiation workers in order to initiate steps towards the establishment of Nepalese laws, regulation and code of radiological practice in this field. Altogether, 203 Radiation workers entertained the questionnaire, out of which 41 are from the Radiotherapy and 162 are from diagnostic radiology. The radiation workers who have participated in the questionnaire represent more than 50% of the radiation workers working in this field in Nepal. Almost all X-ray, CT and Mammogram installations were built according to protection criteria and hence found safe. Radiation dose level at the reference points for all the five Radiotherapy centers are within safe limit. Around 65% of the radiation workers have never been monitored for radiation. There is no quality control program in any of the surveyed hospitals except radiotherapy facilities.
It has been estimated that more than 70% of all medical activity is directly related to information providing analytical data. Substantial technological advances have taken place recently, which have allowed a previously unimagined number of analytical samples to be processed while offering high quality results. Concurrently, yet more new diagnostic determinations have been introduced - all of which has led to a significant increase in the prescription of analytical parameters. This increased workload has placed great pressure on the laboratory with respect to health costs. The present manager of the Clinical Laboratory (CL) has had to examine cost control as well as rationing - meaning that the CL's focus has not been strictly metrological, as if it were purely a system producing results, but instead has had to concentrate on its efficiency and efficacy. By applying re-engineering criteria, an emphasis has had to be placed on improved organisation and operating practice within the CL, focussing on the current criteria of the Integrated Management Areas where the technical and human resources are brought together. This re-engineering has been based on the concepts of consolidating and integrating the analytical platforms, while differentiating the production areas (CORE Laboratory) from the information areas. With these present concepts in mind, automation and virological treatment, along with serology in general, follow the same criteria as the rest of the operating methodology in the Clinical Laboratory.
AIM To determine the opinions of infectious diseases professionals on the possibilities of monitoring patients with HIV in Primary Care. DESIGN Qualitative study using in-depth interviews. LOCATION Infectious Diseases Unit in the University Hospital "Virgen de la Victoria" in Málaga. PARTICIPANTS Health professionals with more than one year experience working in infectious diseases. A total of 25 respondents: 5 doctors, 15 nurses and 5 nursing assistants. METHOD Convenience sample. Semi-structured interviews were used that were later transcribed verbatim. Content analysis was performed according to the Taylor and Bogdan approach with computer support. Validation of information was made through additional analysis, expert participation, and feedback of part of the results to the participants. RESULTS Hospital care professionals considered the disease-related complexity of HIV, treatment and social aspects that may have an effect on the organizational level of care. Professionals highlighted the benefits of specialized care, although opinions differed between doctors and nurses as regards follow up in Primary Care. Some concerns emerged about the level of training, confidentiality and workload in Primary Care, although they mentioned potential advantages related to accessibility of patients. CONCLUSIONS Physicians perceive difficulties in following up HIV patients in Primary Care, even for those patients with a good control of their disease. Nurses and nursing assistants are more open to this possibility due to the proximity to home and health promotion in Primary Care.