169 resultados para Woolf


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Theorists and researchers in the field of Knowledge Management are frequently frustrated by issues with concept definition, as illustrated by the following comment "there remains disagreement on methodologies, definitions and processes" from the summary article "Issues Raised at ECKM, 2008". How can we clearly define constructs of interest? How can we further research and understanding in the field if we are speaking with different vocabularies? This paper illustrates some of these issues by describing the concept definition process involved in the development of an organizational memory scale. The example being used to illustrate these issues was a self-report scale of organizational memory developed to survey experienced workers' attitudes to mentoring others to pass on their knowledge. The current research sought to differentiate between the types of organizational knowledge that experienced workers have and the possible relationships these have with attitudes pertaining to knowledge transfer via mentoring. Defining the construct to be measured is the vital first ingredient in scale development. Many researchers lament that the concept of organizational memory is a "rather loosely defined and under-developed concept" (e.g. Johnson & Paper, 1998, p.504), and this hints at the challenges that concept definition can entail. Furthermore, in the early stages of this particular project it became clear that the organizational memory scale had similar aims, and was able to borrow from, an existing sale of organizational socialization (Chao, O'Leary-Kelly, Woolf, Klein & Gardner, 1994). This paper describes the concept definition process involved in the development of the scale along with results from the exploratory factor analysis. There is a discussion of the relative contribution that the organizational memory scale makes alongside the existing measure of socialization (Chao et al., 1994), along with goals for further development.


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To estimate the global burden of hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) as part of the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study and to explore how the burden of hip and knee OA compares with other conditions.


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The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of methods used for estimating the burden from musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions in the Global Burden of Diseases 2010 study. It should be read in conjunction with the disease-specific MSK papers published in Annals of Rheumatic Diseases. Burden estimates (disability-adjusted life years (DALYs)) were made for five specific MSK conditions: hip and/or knee osteoarthritis (OA), low back pain (LBP), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout and neck pain, and an 'other MSK conditions' category. For each condition, the main disabling sequelae were identified and disability weights (DW) were derived based on short lay descriptions. Mortality (years of life lost (YLLs)) was estimated for RA and the rest category of 'other MSK', which includes a wide range of conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus, other autoimmune diseases and osteomyelitis. A series of systematic reviews were conducted to determine the prevalence, incidence, remission, duration and mortality risk of each condition. A Bayesian meta-regression method was used to pool available data and to predict prevalence values for regions with no or scarce data. The DWs were applied to prevalence values for 1990, 2005 and 2010 to derive years lived with disability. These were added to YLLs to quantify overall burden (DALYs) for each condition. To estimate the burden of MSK disease arising from risk factors, population attributable fractions were determined for bone mineral density as a risk factor for fractures, the occupational risk of LBP and elevated body mass index as a risk factor for LBP and OA. Burden of Disease studies provide pivotal guidance for governments when determining health priority areas and allocating resources. Rigorous methods were used to derive the increasing global burden of MSK conditions.


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In The Middle Ground (1980), Margaret Drabble uses an intertextual web to depict the feminine search for identity and psychological integrity in middle age. This paper attempts to identify and analyze the absorption and integration of other texts in The Middle Ground. The dialogue, both in theme and style, with Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway is initially considered, mostly from the perspective of parody. Other confluences are also studied: with Russian fairy tales, with paintings by Hans Holbein, J. B.Vanmour, Van Dyck, Claude Lorrain and Peter de Hooch, and also its references to the whole of Drabble's literary work.


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The Modern Era is marked by a great revolution in the economic, political and social structure, mainly on account of the sprouting of bourgeoisie, which brings the Bourgeois Novel as a new way to express their feelings and conflicts. In this article, one of the bourgeois characteristics, the patriarchal system, will be discussed. However, the focus will be on its dissolution, which is one evidence of the bourgeois novel's crisis. The word 'crisis' can also be understood as transformation. Thus, in order to illustrate this literary revolution undertaken by women, this article analyses To The Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf. In this novel, it seems that nothing important happens. However the Stream of Consciousness narrative, with the predominance of Indirect Interior Monologue, psychological time and intertextualities, allows for meaning construal grounded in the dichotomy life/dead. The disintegration of the patriarchal structure is seen from the perspective of power relation between the head of the family and his wife. In addition, a reflection on the role of the woman as an artist is carried out.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this research is to present de narrative techniques of the Stream of Consciousness in the novel Ask the dust, by American writer John Fante, as well as analyzing the technique applying it to the character/narrator Arturo Bandini. Among others, the emphasys was given to the interior monologue technique, for its large and intense use throughout the analyzed novel. This research was based specially on O Fluxo da consciência (1976), by Robert Humphrey, and Foco narrativo e fluxo da consciência (2012), de Alfredo Leme Coelho de Carvalho, both important researchers in the studied theme. This research, therefore, intends to demonstrate the geniality of the still little-known John Fante and point out the peculiarities of the so-called 'psychological fiction', that in the early 20th century united literature and psychology studies, becoming very popular in modern literature, with exponents like Virginia Woolf and James Joyce