944 resultados para Woman situation
Le statut éthique et juridique de l'animal fait l'objet de discussions intenses aujourd'hui. Sa résolution suppose des choix difficiles entre des modèles argumentatifs en apparence incompatibles. L'auteur compare les deux principales formes de biocentrisme, le biocentrisme égalitaire et le biocentrisme hiérarchique, à l'anthropocentrisme, qui peut lui-même être radical ou modéré. Il en découle que le modèle anthropocentrique présente des avantages décisifs, à condition de subir une révision fondamentale, dans le sens d'une anthropo-relationnalité qui distingue la domination violente de l'homme sur l'animal du respect pleinement humain - et donc aussi humanisant - envers les animaux, dont il importe de prendre en compte la dignité et la valeur. La voie du pathocentrisme trouve alors une certaine justification, mais sans occulter la perspective humaine seule à même de fonder une éthique et de la rendre socialement plausible.
Dans le cadre de l'activité professionnelle, des facteurs de stress d'ordre psychologique, social, et liés à l'organisation du travail, peuvent induire des réponses physiologiques et comportementales impliquées dans la survenue de pathologies comme les maladies cardiovasculaires, les troubles de la santé mentale et les troubles musculosquelettiques.Le Régime social des indépendants (RSI) a sollicité l'Inserm afin de disposer d'un bilan des connaissances sur le stress d'origine professionnelle chez les travailleurs indépendants et ses répercussions sur la santé.Regroupant à la fois des compétences en biologie, psychologie, sociologie et économie de la santé, cette expertise collective présente les modèles et les mécanismes explicatifs mettant en relation le stress au travail et les principales pathologies.Les stratégies de prévention individuelle et collective qui se développent dans le milieu des travailleurs salariés peuvent-elles être adaptées aux travailleurs indépendants ? [Ed.]
Created in 1991 by the governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, the Southern Cone Initiative (SCI) has been extremely important for Chagas disease control in this region. Its basic objective was to reach the interruption of this disease, chiefly by means of the elimination of the principal vector Triatoma infestans and by the selection of safe donors in the regional blood banks. After a summarized historic of SCI, the text shows the advance of technical and operative activities, emphasizing some factors for the initiative success, as well as some difficulties and constraints. The future of SCI will depend of the continuity of the actions and of political priority. Scientific community has been highly responsible for this initiative and its maintenance. At the side of this, national and international efforts must be involved and reinforced to assure the accomplishment of the final targets of SCI. Very specially, the Pan American Health Organization has cooperated with the Initiative in all its moments and activities,being the most important catalytic and technical factor for SCI success.
Chagas disease in Central America is known since 1913 when the first human case was reported in El Salvador. The other Central American countries reported their first cases between 1933 and 1967. On October 1997 was launched the Central American Initiative for Chagas Disease Control (IPCA). The objectives of this sub-regional Initiative are: (1) the elimination of Rhodnius prolixus in Central America; (2) the reduction of the domiciliary infestation of Triatoma dimidiata; and (3) the elimination of the transfusion transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi. Significant advancements being close to the elimination of R. prolixus in Central America and the control of the transfusion transmission has been a transcendent achievement for the sub-region. The main challenges that the IPCA will have in the close future are: developing effective strategies for control and surveillance of T. dimidiata; and surveillance of other emerging triatominae species like R. pallescens, T. nitida, and T. ryckmani.
Several studies have analyzed the relationship between androgenetic alopecia and cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease). However few studies have analyzed lipid values in men and women separately. This case-control study included 300 patients consecutively admitted to an outpatient clinic, 150 with early onset androgenetic alopecia (80 males and 70 females) and 150 controls (80 males and 70 females) with other skin diseases. Female patients with androgenic alopecia showed significant higher triglycerides values (123.8 vs 89.43 mg/dl, p = 0.006), total cholesterol values (196.1 vs 182.3 mg/dl, p = 0.014), LDL-C values (114.1 vs 98.8 mg/dl, p = 0.0006) and lower HDL-C values (56.8 vs 67.7 mg/dl, p <0.0001) versus controls respectively. Men with androgenic alopecia showed significant higher triglycerides values (159.7 vs 128.7 mg/dl, p = 0.04) total cholesterol values (198.3 vs 181.4 mg/dl, p = 0.006) and LDL-C values (124.3 vs 106.2, p = 0.0013) versus non-alopecic men. A higher prevalence of dyslipidemia in women and men with androgenic alopecia has been found. The elevated lipid values in these patients may contribute, alongside other mechanisms, to the development of cardiovascular disease in patient with androgenic alopecia.