997 resultados para Wet chemistry
Recent sediments with distinct signs of hydrothermal alteration sampled in the Hess Deep(Galapagos Ridge, East Pacific Rise) contained a piece of ash-gray rock, which differed from other rock fragments by degree of consolidation, conchoidal fracture, and had properties of asbestos. Our studies found that the sample represented mixture of asbestos-like pyroxene of diopside-hedenbergite composition, amphibole of tremolite composition and a new mineral, which basic structure consisted of bands of triple pyroxene chains with the radical [Si6O16]. The latter can be regarded as intermediate between amphiboles and layered silicates. Also in some parts of the sample presence of trioctahedral vermiculite-chlorite was indicated. Genesis of the studied asbestos rock is considered from the standpoint of high-temperature hydrothermal-metasomatic alteration of sediment by post-magmatic mineralized halide solutions.
Hot brines in depressions of the central Red Sea contain thousands of times more iron, manganese and other metals than . After removal of salts, approximately half of sediments from these depressions consists of iron hydroxides and they are enriched in zinc, copper, lead and molybdenum. Hydrothermal deposits with the same complex of metals, located along the coast of the Red Sea, are correlated with faults and may be due to occurrences of Tertiary volcanism. Brines of similar composition are known in the Cheleken Peninsula. Certain geological and geochemical data indicate that such brines are of relatively deep origin.
Petrographic and geochemical study of basalts in the Kerguelen Plateau basement revealed changes in composition and character of volcanism during development of this tectonovolcanic structure. The Kerguelen Plateau is one of the largest intraplate rises in the World Ocean. It started to form about 120 Ma ago. Age of basalts and overlying sediments shows that plateau formation was in the northwest direction. Basalts of the Kerguelen Plateau basement are products of tholeiitic melts in terms of geochemistry, but differ from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). They are enriched in incompatible trace elements and rare earth elements (REE) relative to MORB, and degree of enrichment varies in basalts from different segments of the plateau. Composition of basalts does not directly depend on their age. Specific features of plateau magmatism are commonly explained in terms of a long-living deep magma plume, which variously interacted with a depleted upper mantle source at different stages of plateau formation. However, taking into account block morphology and deep structure of the plateau, one can suggest that plateau volcanism was initiated by a large fault. As the volcanism prograded to the northwest, depth of fault penetration into the mantle changed. Composition of basalts in the plateau basement was also governed by formation depth of primary melts.
This report studies the principal paramters governing the distribution of iron-manganese concretions on the sea floor of the Indian Ocean, as well as their petrography and mineralogy. The results are mainly based on the recoveries made during voyages 31, 33 and 35 of the "Vityaz"' (1959-1962) and partly during voyages 36 and 41 (1964-1966). During these voyages samples of Mn concretions and Mn crust were collected (by bottom grabs, cores, trawlings, and dredgings) at 39 stations. The following account is devoted to the problems concerning the geochemistry of these concretions.
Detailed data obtained on chemistry of sedimentary rocks from the Mountainous Crimea and the Northwestern Caucasus that were dated at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary and formed during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 make it possible to calculate dissolved oxygen concentration in bottom waters of the sedimentation basin. Enrichment factors of trace elements in black shales are revised and an explanation is suggested for genesis of the rocks with regard for unusual climatic changes.
In August-September 1991 during the SPASIBA expedition (Scientific Program on the Arctic and Siberian Aquatorium) aboard R/V Yakov Smirnitzky in the Laptev Sea ten samples of aerosols were collected by nylon nets. A combined approach including various analytical techniques, such as single-particle analysis, instrumental neutron activation analysis, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, was used to study composition of the samples. Mass concentration of coarse-grained (>0.001 mm) insoluble fraction of aerosols ranged from 80 to 460 ng/m**3. In all the samples remains of land vegetation were found to be the dominant component. Organic carbon content of the aerosols ranged from 23 to 49%. Inorganic part of the samples was represented mainly by alumosilicates and quartz. Anthropogenic ''fly ash'' particles were observed in all the samples. Temporal variations of element concentrations resulted from differences in air masses entering the studied area.