130 resultados para Weekend


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The evolution of water content on a sandy soil during the sprinkler irrigation campaign, in the summer of 2010, of a field of sugar beet crop located at Valladolid (Spain) is assessed by a capacitive FDR (Frequency Domain Reflectometry) EnviroScan. This field is one of the experimental sites of the Spanish research center for the sugar beet development (AIMCRA). The objective of the work focus on monitoring the soil water content evolution of consecutive irrigations during the second two weeks of July (from the 12th to the 28th). These measurements will be used to simulate water movement by means of Hydrus-2D. The water probe logged water content readings (m3/m3) at 10, 20, 40 and 60 cm depth every 30 minutes. The probe was placed between two rows in one of the typical 12 x 15 m sprinkler irrigation framework. Furthermore, a texture analysis at the soil profile was also conducted. The irrigation frequency in this farm was set by the own personal farmer 0 s criteria that aiming to minimizing electricity pumping costs, used to irrigate at night and during the weekend i.e. longer irrigation frequency than expected. However, the high evapotranspiration rates and the weekly sugar beet water consumption—up to 50mm/week—clearly determined the need for lower this frequency. Moreover, farmer used to irrigate for six or five hours whilst results from the EnviroScan probe showed the soil profile reaching saturation point after the first three hours. It must be noted that AIMCRA provides to his members with a SMS service regarding weekly sugar beet water requirement; from the use of different meteorological stations and evapotranspiration pans, farmers have an idea of the weekly irrigation needs. Nevertheless, it is the farmer 0 s decision to decide how to irrigate. Thus, in order to minimize water stress and pumping costs, a suitable irrigation time and irrigation frequency was modeled with Hydrus-2D. Results for the period above mentioned showed values of water content ranging from 35 and 30 (m3/m3) for the first 10 and 20cm profile depth (two hours after irrigation) to the minimum 14 and 13 (m3/m3) ( two hours before irrigation). For the 40 and 60 cm profile depth, water content moves steadily across the dates: The greater the root activity the greater the water content variation. According to the results in the EnviroScan probe and the modeling in Hydrus-2D, shorter frequencies and irrigation times are suggested.


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Esta tesis doctoral se especializa en el estudio desde el interior de casas de maestros españoles proyectadas y construidas para ellos y sus familias. Casas proyectadas y construidas para ellos mismos por arquitectos “maestros” de la arquitectura española del siglo XX, que acabaron sus estudios de arquitectura después de la guerra civil y que se habían formado en la Escuela de Madrid. Las cinco casas escogidas están situadas en la provincia de Madrid, en la hoy definida como Comunidad de Madrid. Las cinco casas son para el arquitecto y su familia. También las cinco casas son de tipología unifamiliar aislada. Todas ellas tuvieron el carácter de vivienda estable, no de fin de semana, no de refugios experimentales. El método de análisis se estructura en dos grandes bloques, lo que hemos denominado “Enfocando” y “Desde dentro”. Enfocando: Se analizan las obras precedentes de similares características y se realiza un estudio de aproximación al lugar cuyo punto final es la entrada de la casa Desde dentro: Se Inicia el estudio de la vivienda en un recorrido que atiende a los parámetros de relaciones con el exterior, materiales de acabado, mobiliario, condiciones de flexibilidad y crecimiento y relaciones vivienda-estudio. Siempre con el espacio interior como protagonista del estudio Abstract The dissertation focuses on the interior space of "master`s houses" which were conceived and built for the architect and his family. The five houses selected were built in the XX Century .The five houses are located in Madrid. The five houses are detached houses, the five houses are "residences", not experimental houses, or weekend houses. The method has two parts. Focusing and Inside Focusing: This part studies previous works, with similar characteristics. Moreover this part looks at the path from the street to the main door, through the private exterior. Inside: This part studies the relationship between interior and exterior, finishing materials, furniture, flexibility and relation with the professional spaces. All these elements are studied, always with the interior space as the main character.


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Como no pocos proyectos, el origen de esta tesis es fruto de una casualidad. Hace unos años me topé en Londres, en la librería Walden Books del 38 de Harmood St., con una primera edición de la conocida monografía de Mies a cargo de Philip Johnson. El librito, en realidad catálogo de la exposición que en 1947 el MoMA de Nueva York dedicara a la obra de Mies Van der Rohe a los diez años del desembarco del arquitecto en Estados Unidos, tiene un tamaño de 10 x 7,5 pulgadas, es decir, la mitad del formato americano Crown (20x15 pulgadas), equivalente a 508 x 381 mm. Se imprimieron, en su primera tirada, editada por The Plantin Press, 12.000 ejemplares. Ese mismo año, con edición al cuidado de Reynal y Hitchcock, se publicaría la primera traducción al inglés de Cuando las catedrales eran blancas de Le Corbusier y una selección de poemas de Lorca, siete años después de su Poeta en Nueva York. En la monografía, en la página 109, aparece el conocido croquis de Mies Sketch for a glass house on a hillside. c. 1934, escasamente unas líneas, aunque precisas y llenas de matices, de la casa en una ladera que rápidamente nos remite a aquella primera propuesta de Saarinen para una casa en el aire, primero en 1941 en Pensilvania y después, en 1945, con Charles Eames, en Los Angeles, que nunca llegarían a construirse, sino en su aliteraciones posteriores realizadas por Harry Seidler (Julian Rose House, Wahroonga, Sydney, 1949), Philip Johnson (Leonhardt house, Long Island, Nueva York, 1956) o Craig Ellwood (Smith House, Crestwood Hills, 1958; Frank & Polly Pierson House, Malibú, 1962; Chamorro House, Hollywood Hills, 1963, o la serie Weekend House, con Gerald Horn, entre 1964 y 1970, hasta el magnífico Art Center College of Design de Pasadera, su puente habitado de 1977). El relato que da origen al texto discurre en un estricto período de tiempo, desde los primeros dibujos de la Case Study House nº8, dentro del programa promovido por John Entenza y su revista Arts & Architecture en California, realizados en el estudio de Saarinen en Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, hasta que el proyecto de la casa Eames finaliza cinco años después de acabar la obra en 1955, en la versión conocida, radicalmente distinta al proyecto original, cuando la pareja Charles y Ray Eames edita el corto House After Five Years of Living. La discusión original en torno a esta casita, o mejor, a las circunstancias, casualidades controladas, que rodean su construcción, se produce estrictamente cuando rastreamos aquellos invariantes que se mantienen en las dos versiones y las reconcilian. En este corto período de tiempo se producen en el proyecto una serie de decisiones que permiten descubrir, tanto en la forma como en el mismo proceso transformador del proyecto, en su obsesivo registro, en los nuevos referentes asumidos y propuestos, la primera visibilidad del cambio del paradigma moderno. Pero este momento germinal que cristaliza el paso a la postmodernidad no es inédito en la historia de la arquitectura americana. Así, el relato abre su ámbito temporal hasta un nuevo período de cincuenta años que arranca en 1893, año de la celebración en Chicago de la Exposición Internacional Colombina. En la White City de Hunt & McKim y del traidor Burham, Louis Sullivan construye su Golden Doorway en el pabellón de los Transportes. Aquella que visitará Adolf Loos antes de volver, renovado, a Viena; la misma que admirará André Bouillet, representante de la Union Centrale des Arts Decoratifs de Paris, y que deslumbrará en los museos de toda Europa, de París a Moscú en grandes fotografías y maquetas. Hasta que en Finlandia alguien muestra una de esas fotografías a un joven estudiante de diecinueve años en el Instituto Politécnico. Eliel Saarinen queda fascinado por la poderosa novedad de la imagen. Cuelga la fotografía frente a su tablero de dibujo, consciente de que la Golden Doorway, esa puerta de la aventura y la catarsis que Sullivan acuñaría como distintivo y que resolvería como único elemento complejo sus proyectos más maduros, desprovistos de todo ornamento; la misma que repetirían más tarde, con profundo reconocimiento, Ladovsky, Wright, Scarpa o Moneo, puerta dentro de puerta, fuelle y umbral, contenía, en sus propias palabras emocionadas, todo el futuro de la arquitectura. Desde ahí, pasando por el año 1910, momento de la huida de Wright a La Toscana y el descubrimiento de su arquitectura en Europa, entre otros por un joven Mies van der Rohe, meritorio en el estudio de Peter Behrens, a través del Wasmuth Portfolio; y así como algo después, en 1914, Schindler y en 1923 Neutra, harán el camino inverso, hasta que Mies les siga en 1937, animado por un Philip Johnson que había viajado a Europa en 1930, volviendo a 1945 y el inicio del programa Case Study House en California, hasta 1949, momento de la construcción de la CSH#8, y, por fin, al año 1955, after 5 years of living, en el que Julius Shulman fotografía la casa de Ray y Charles Eames en el prado de Chautauqua sobre las Pacific Palisades de Los Angeles, lanzando sus finas líneas amarillas hasta Alison y Peter Smithson y su tardomoderno heroico, hasta el primer Foster y su poético hightech y hasta el O-riginal Ghery, deconstruyendo el espacio esencial de su casa desde el espacio mismo, abiertas ya las puertas al nuevo siglo. Y en estos cambios de paradigma, desde el rígido eclecticismo de los estilos al lirismo moderno en el gozne secular y de ahí a la frivolidad, ligereza, exhibicionismo y oportunismo cultos del hecho postmoderno, hay algo que se mantiene invariante en los bandazos de la relación del hombre contemporáneo con su entorno. Como la escultura, que según Barnett Newman no es sino aquello contra lo que uno choca cuando retrocede para mirar un cuadro, en estos prístinos lugares, comunes y corrientes, recorrido, puerta, umbral, recinto y vacío, te topas con la arquitectura antes de darte cuenta de que es arquitectura. ABSTRACT As with many other projects, the origin of this doctoral thesis is the result of a chance. A few years ago I found in a bookstore in London, 38 Harmood st., Walden Books, a first edition of the well-known monograph about Mies by Philip Johnson. The tiny book, in fact a catalog of the exhibition that the MoMA of New York devoted to the work of Mies van der Rohe in 1947, ten years after his landing in the United States, has a size of 10 x 7.5 inches, that is, half of Crown American format (20 x 15 inches), equivalent to 508 x 381 mm. In the first printing, published by The Plantin Press, 12,000 copies were released. That same year, produced by Reynal and Hitchcock, both the first English translation of When the cathedrals were white by Le Corbusier and a selection of poems by Lorca were published, seven years after his Poet in New York. Inside the book, the famous drawing from Mies Sketch for a glass house on a hillside c. 1934 appears on page 109, barely a few lines, precise and nuanced though, the house on a hillside that quickly reminds us of the proposals of Eero Saarinen for a house in the air, first in 1941, in Pennsylvania, and later, in 1945, with Charles Eames, in Los Angeles, that would never be built, but in their later alliterations made by Harry Seidler (Julian Rose House, Wahroonga, Sydney, 1949), Philip Johnson (Leonhardt house, Long Island, New York, 1956) or Craig Ellwood (Smith House, Crestwood Hills, 1958; Frank Pierson & Polly House, Malibu, 1962, Chamorro House, Hollywood Hills, 1963, or the Weekend House series, with Gerald Horn, between 1964 and 1970, to the magnificent Art Center College of Design Pasadena, the inhabited bridge, in 1977). The story that gives rise to the text flows in a short amount of time, from the first drawings of the Case Study House No. 8, within the program promoted by John Entenza and his magazine Arts & Architecture in California, made in the study of Saarinen in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, until the project of the Eames house is completed five years after finishing the construction in 1955, in the final version we know, radically different from the initial state, when the couple, Charles and Ray, published the film House after Five Years of Living. The original discussion around this house, or better, about the circumstances, controlled coincidences, regarding its construction, appears when one takes account of those that remain, the invariants, in the two versions, drawn and built, which precisely allow the reconciliation between both projects. In this short period of time a series of decisions made in the transformation process of the project reveal, in the obsessive record made by Charles Eames and in the new proposed references, the first visibility of the changing of the modern paradigm. But this germinal moment that crystallizes the transition to postmodernism is not unprecedented in the history of American architecture. So, the story opens its temporal scope to a fifty-year period that started in 1893, date of the celebration of the Chicago World´s Columbian Exposition. In the White City by Hunt & McKim and Burnham, the traitor, Louis Sullivan builds his Golden Doorway in the Transportation Building. That visited by a renovated Adolf Loos before his coming back to Vienna; the same that André Bouillet, Head of the Union Centrale des Arts Decoratifs in Paris, admired and dazzled in museums all over Europe, from Paris to Moscow, in large photographs and models. Until someone in Finland showed one of those photos to a young nineteen-years-old student at the Polytechnic Institute. Eliel Saarinen became fascinated by the powerful new image: he hanged the picture in front of his drawing board, aware that the Golden Doorway, that door of adventure and catharsis Sullivan coined as distinctive and as a single complex element which would solve their most mature projects, devoid of all ornament; the same that would repeat later, with deep appreciation, Ladovsky, Wright, Scarpa, or Moneo, a door inside a door, a threshold, a gap that contained, in its own moving words, the whole future of architecture. From there, through 1910, when Wright's flight to Tuscany allows Europe to discover his architecture, including a young Mies van der Rohe, meritorious in the studio of Peter Behrens, via the Wasmuth Portfolio; and as a little bit later, in 1914, Schindler and Neutra in 1923, made the travel in opposite direction, until Mies follows them in 1937, led by a Philip Johnson who had traveled to Europe in 1930, we return to 1945 and the beginning of the program Case Study House in California, and from 1949, when construction of the CSH # 8 begins, and finally, to 1955, after five years of living, when Julius Shulman photographs the inside of the house with Ray and Charles Eames, and all their belongins, at the Chautauqua meadows on Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles, launching its fine yellow lines to Alison and Peter Smithson and his heroic late modern, up to the first Foster and his poetic hightech and even the O-riginal Gehry, deconstructing the essential space of his home from the space itself, opening the doors to the new century. And these paradigm shifts, from the hard eclectic styles to modern secular lyricism in the hinge and then overcoming the cultured frivolity, lightness, exhibitionism, and opportunism of the postmodern skeptical focus, something remains intense, invariant in the lurching relationship of contemporary man and his environment. As the sculpture, which according to Barnett Newman is what you bump into when you back up to see a painting, in these pristine, ordinary places, promenade, door, threshold, enclosure and emptiness, you stumble upon the architecture even before realizing that it is architecture.


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Previous research has indicated the need to use large samples in different cultural contexts in order to clarify age and gender differences on morningness-eveningness and sleep habits. The goal of our research was to study the relationship between morningness-eveningness and sleep habits in a large sample of 2,649 adolescents between 12 and 16 years. The Morningness- Eveningness Scale for Children and an adaptation of the School Sleep Habits Survey measures were used. Results indicated a greater tendency toward eveningness with age and higher eveningness in 13- and 14-year-old girls. Older adolescents claimed later rising time on weekends, later bedtime and shorter sleep length, and greater social jetlag, weekend rise time delay, and weekend bedtime delay. Girls reported earlier rising time on weekdays, later rising time on weekends, longer sleep length on weekends, and greater social jetlag and weekend rising time delay. Lastly, evening oriented adolescents claimed later rising time and bedtime, shorter sleep length on weekdays but longer sleep duration on weekends, and greater social jetlag, weekend rising time delay, and weekend bedtime delay.


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En la sociedad actual se recibe tanta información que puede darse la paradoja de que el ciudadano no esté bien informado. En este trabajo, tras una breve revisión de la literatura más reciente sobre la calidad del producto informativo, se propone un indicador de calidad para los programas informativos de televisión, el índice de afinidad (IA). Este índice se define como la medida de la adecuación del programa informativo a los intereses del espectador, considerando como tales las preocupaciones de los ciudadanos que el Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) recoge en su barómetro mensual. En síntesis, se procederá a medir un aspecto de la calidad de los informativos, teniendo en cuenta la adecuación a los intereses del público. Para el estudio, se ha escogido una muestra de programas informativos emitidos en Antena 3 y Telecinco, en el momento de máxima audiencia - 21:00 horas- en el año 2011. Se han seleccionado estos dos canales por ser los de mayor audiencia dentro de las compañías privadas en España. Se obtiene como resultado que el IA de Antena 3 es normalmente superior al de Telecinco, aunque en ambas cadenas el valor del índice disminuye considerablemente en los programas del fin de semana.


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In surveying the traumatic events of the last week in Kyiv, Michael Emerson reports on the profoundly moving scenes at the Maidan this last weekend, but goes on to offer constructive advice to the EU on its next move there; and the clear message to Russia that its coercive policies towards its most important neighbour do not work and need a big rethink.


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The tragic, unqualifiable attacks committed last week at Charlie Hebdo’s office, in Montrouge and a kosher supermarket, which killed 17 persons, have created an unprecedented reaction from the French population. Demonstrations organised all over the country during the weekend have shown the population’s attachment to freedom, in particular to the freedom of expression.


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About ten days ago Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, announced that there was going to be a referendum, and thus terminated the negotiations on a new rescue package unilaterally. Since then the euro area has been plunged into a wholly unprecedented political crisis. Whether or not Greece can re-main in the monetary union is more uncertain than ever, and decisions that can give a new twist to the political and financial situation are being made almost every day. The Greek banks have been closed for over a week. The economic data are deteriorating rapidly. And yet a solution is nowhere to be seen. The No vote in the Greek referendum has not exactly improved the chances of reaching an agree-ment. For the time being the positions seem to have become uncompromising. At the summit of the heads of state and government on 7 July the Greek government was given five days and a “final deadline” in order to come up with viable proposals for reform. Thus the next few days are of crucial im-portance. At the weekend the heads of state and government of all 28 EU member states are going to meet in order to decide the future of Greece. This flashlight europe provides an overview of the events of the last few days, outlines possible scenarios for what may happen in the near future, and identifies factors which may exert an influence in the short term. We are not trying to give an exact forecast or to formulate action recommendations. But we are trying to shed some light on a confusing situation by identifying important patterns and some of the salient factors.


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Irving Kane and Allen B. Pond, architects. Plans for the Union were on a scale unknown at the time for "club houses" in American colleges and universities: 250 feet long and 200 feet wide. Construction began in 1916 and owing to war time difficulties was not ready to be used by students until 1919. Two new wings to the south were completed in 1936 and 1938. Verso: Dedication of $2,900,000 Union Wing Oct. 30, 1954. Edward Parker, first Union president, Tom Leopold, "55, Union president. 10 AM stone laying ceremony part of the weekend observance of the Golden Anniversary of the Union.


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This study aimed to assess sitting time and number of steps taken each day, and the relationships between these variables, in a sample of working Australian adults. Workers (N = 185), wore a pedometer for 7 days and recorded the number of steps taken and time spent sitting each day. Average time spent sitting on weekdays was 9.4 (SD = 2.40) hr with about half spent sitting at work. Despite this, the average steps taken each day (M = 8,873, SD = 2,757) was higher on weekdays than on weekend days. There was a clear inverse relationship between sitting time at work and number of steps taken on weekdays, r = -.34, p < .001); those in the highest tertile for sitting time reported about 3,000 fewer daily steps. Workers in managerial and professional occupations reported more time sitting at work (M = 6.2 hr per day) and lower weekday step counts (M = 7,883, N = 43) than technical (M = 3.3 hr sitting at work and 10,731 weekday steps, N = 33) and blue collar workers (M = 1.6 hours sitting and 11,784 steps N = 11). The findings suggest those whose daily work involves long hours of sitting should be the focus of efforts to promote physical activity both within and outside the workplace.


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The article presents an introduction to the vol. 11 of the "Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management." The author feels the need for a platform to publish articles and contemporary research in the areas of hospitality, travel, tourism, leisure and event management. The article presents brief information about some of the articles published in the issue. The first article is by Tim Lockyer entitled "Weekend Accommodation-The Challenge: What are the Guests Looking for?," it reports on the means of improving weekend occupancy in hotels. The second article is by Tim Lockyer and M. Tsai titled "Dimensions of Chinese Culture Values in Relation to the Hotel Dining Experience." In this article the authors examine their dining experience in a 5-star hotel in Taiwan. Another article is "Predicting Job Retention of Hourly Employees in the Lodging Industry," by Ady Milman and Peter Ricci. This article focuses on the data of hourly paid employees working in small or medium sized hotels in the United States.


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The purpose of this study was to conduct a cost - effectiveness analysis of detoxification from heroin using buprenorphine in a specialist clinic versus a shared care setting. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with a total of 115 heroin-dependent patients receiving a 5-day treatment regime of buprenorphine. The specialist clinic was a community-based treatment agency in inner-city Sydney. Shared care involved treatment by a general practitioner supplemented by weekend dispensing and some concurrent counselling at the specialist clinic. Quanti. cation of resource use was limited to inputs for treatment provision. The primary outcome measure used in the economic analysis was the proportion of each group that completed detoxification and achieved an initial 7-day period of abstinence. Buprenorphine detoxification in the shared care setting was estimated to be $24 more expensive per patient than treatment at the clinic, which had an average treatment cost of $332 per patient. Twenty-three per cent of the shared care patients and 22% of the clinic patients reported no opiate use during the withdrawal period. These results suggest that the provision of buprenorphine treatment for heroin dependence in shared care and clinic appear to be equally cost - effective.


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Occupational therapists concerned with the long-term health and welfare of children need to be aware of the decline. in physical activity of children in most Western societies. The current study examined the extent of physical activity in the lives of 50 Australian children with a mean age of 7.74 years through questionnaires completed by the children's parents and pedometer (step) data collected from the children during 4 days. The current data show that higher self-perception of physical competence, child's levels of physical skill, and low parental perception of peer teasing were the best predictors of physical activity. Higher family socioeconomic status was found to be a significant predictor of more steps being taken on weekends, and partner's (usually a father's) level of exercise was an important predictor of the number of weekend steps. Children who were perceived to experience more peer teasing completed fewer steps on the weekend. The findings from this study indicate that children's physical activity levels may depend on the availability of family resources, and that children in their early school years may already experience negative effects from teasing that, combined with reduced self-confidence, may lay the foundation for their with drawing from physical activity as they get older.


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Across the last four decades, the structure of the Australian labour market has changed profoundly as non-standard forms of employment have become more prevalent. According to many researchers, the growth of non-standard work has been driven by employee preferences, particularly among married women, for greater flexibility to balance paid work with domestic responsibilities and other non-work related pursuits. In contrast, other researchers argue that the increasing prevalence of non-standard employment reflects employer demands for greater staffing flexibility. From this perspective, non-standard forms of employment are considered to have a negative effect on work-family balance. This paper explores whether non-standard employment is associated with improved or poorer work-to-family conflict and tests whether experiences vary by gender. It concentrates on three common forms of non-standard employment: part-time employment, casual and fixed-term work contracts and flexible scheduling practices (such as evening work, weekend work and irregular rostering). Analysis is based on 2299 employed parents from the first wave of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics on Australia (HILDA) project. Results show that few scheduling measures are significant determinants of work-family balance. However, part-time employment is associated with reduced work-to-family strain for both men and women, even after controlling for various other employment and household related characteristics. Casual employment, in contrast, incurs the cost of poorer work-family balance for men. Surprisingly, HILDA data show that overall men experience greater work-to-family strain than women.


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Technological advances have driven some attempt of vital parameters monitoring in adverse environments; these improvements will make possible to monitor cardiac activity also in automotive environments. In this scenario, heart rate changes associated with alcohol consumption, become of great importance to assess the drivers state during time. This paper presents the results of a first set of experiments aimed to discover heart rate variability modification induced by moderate assumption of alcoholic drink (i.e. single draft beer) as that typically occurs in weekend among some people. In the study, twenty subjects were enrolled and for each of them two electrocardiographic recordings were carried out: the first before alcohol ingestion and the second after 25-30 minutes. Each participant remained fasting until the second ECG acquisition was completed. ECG signal were analyzed by typical timedomain, frequency and non linear analysis. Results showed a small increase in LF/HF ratio which reflects a dominance of the sympathetic system over the parasympathetic system, and an increase in signal complexity as proven by non linear analysis. However, the study highlighted the need to monitor HRV starting from alcohol ingestion until its complete metabolization to allow a more precise description of its variation. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.