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Voluntary exercise (VE) has a beneficial influence on the heart and mean lifespan. The present study evaluates structural adaptations of cardiomyocytes and their mitochondria due to VE by new, unbiased stereological methods. Female, 7-9-week-old mice were randomly assigned to a control (CG, n = 7) or VE group (EG, n = 7). EG animals were housed in cages with free access to a running wheel and had a mean running distance of 6.7 (1.8) km per day. After 4 weeks, the hearts of all mice were processed for light and electron microscopy. We estimated the number and volume of cardiomyocytes by the disector method and the number and volume of mitochondria by estimation of the Euler number. In comparison to CG, VE did not have an effect on the myocardial volume of the left ventricle (CG: 93 (10), EG: 103 (17) (mm(3))), the number of cardiomyocytes (CG: 2.81 (0.27), EG: 2.82 (0.43) (x10(6))) and their number-weighted mean volume. However, the composition of the cardiomyocytes changed due to VE. The total volume of mitochondria (CG: 21.8 (4.9), EG: 32.2 (4.3) (mm(3)), P < 0.01) and the total number (CG: 3.76 (0.44), EG: 7.02 (1.13) (x10(10)), P < 0.001) were significantly higher in EG than in CG. The mean number-weighted mitochondrial volume was smaller in EG than in CG (P < 0.05). In summary, VE does not alter ventricular volume nor cardiomyocyte volume or number but the oxidative capacity of cardiomyocytes by an increased mitochondrial number and total volume in the left ventricle. These structural changes may participate in the beneficial effects of VE.
Reducing the uncertainties related to blade dynamics by the improvement of the quality of numerical simulations of the fluid structure interaction process is a key for a breakthrough in wind-turbine technology. A fundamental step in that direction is the implementation of aeroelastic models capable of capturing the complex features of innovative prototype blades, so they can be tested at realistic full-scale conditions with a reasonable computational cost. We make use of a code based on a combination of two advanced numerical models implemented in a parallel HPC supercomputer platform: First, a model of the structural response of heterogeneous composite blades, based on a variation of the dimensional reduction technique proposed by Hodges and Yu. This technique has the capacity of reducing the geometrical complexity of the blade section into a stiffness matrix for an equivalent beam. The reduced 1-D strain energy is equivalent to the actual 3-D strain energy in an asymptotic sense, allowing accurate modeling of the blade structure as a 1-D finite-element problem. This substantially reduces the computational effort required to model the structural dynamics at each time step. Second, a novel aerodynamic model based on an advanced implementation of the BEM(Blade ElementMomentum) Theory; where all velocities and forces are re-projected through orthogonal matrices into the instantaneous deformed configuration to fully include the effects of large displacements and rotation of the airfoil sections into the computation of aerodynamic forces. This allows the aerodynamic model to take into account the effects of the complex flexo-torsional deformation that can be captured by the more sophisticated structural model mentioned above. In this thesis we have successfully developed a powerful computational tool for the aeroelastic analysis of wind-turbine blades. Due to the particular features mentioned above in terms of a full representation of the combined modes of deformation of the blade as a complex structural part and their effects on the aerodynamic loads, it constitutes a substantial advancement ahead the state-of-the-art aeroelastic models currently available, like the FAST-Aerodyn suite. In this thesis, we also include the results of several experiments on the NREL-5MW blade, which is widely accepted today as a benchmark blade, together with some modifications intended to explore the capacities of the new code in terms of capturing features on blade-dynamic behavior, which are normally overlooked by the existing aeroelastic models.
This technical report discusses the application of Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) in the fluid flow simulation through porous filter-wall of disordered media. The diesel particulate filter (DPF) is an example of disordered media. DPF is developed as a cutting edge technology to reduce harmful particulate matter in the engine exhaust. Porous filter-wall of DPF traps these soot particles in the after-treatment of the exhaust gas. To examine the phenomena inside the DPF, researchers are looking forward to use the Lattice Boltzmann Method as a promising alternative simulation tool. The lattice Boltzmann method is comparatively a newer numerical scheme and can be used to simulate fluid flow for single-component single-phase, single-component multi-phase. It is also an excellent method for modelling flow through disordered media. The current work focuses on a single-phase fluid flow simulation inside the porous micro-structure using LBM. Firstly, the theory concerning the development of LBM is discussed. LBM evolution is always related to Lattice gas Cellular Automata (LGCA), but it is also shown that this method is a special discretized form of the continuous Boltzmann equation. Since all the simulations are conducted in two-dimensions, the equations developed are in reference with D2Q9 (two-dimensional 9-velocity) model. The artificially created porous micro-structure is used in this study. The flow simulations are conducted by considering air and CO2 gas as fluids. The numerical model used in this study is explained with a flowchart and the coding steps. The numerical code is constructed in MATLAB. Different types of boundary conditions and their importance is discussed separately. Also the equations specific to boundary conditions are derived. The pressure and velocity contours over the porous domain are studied and recorded. The results are compared with the published work. The permeability values obtained in this study can be fitted to the relation proposed by Nabovati [8], and the results are in excellent agreement within porosity range of 0.4 to 0.8.
Ore-forming and geoenviromental systems commonly involve coupled fluid flowand chemical reaction processes. The advanced numerical methods and computational modeling have become indispensable tools for simulating such processes in recent years. This enables many hitherto unsolvable geoscience problems to be addressed using numerical methods and computational modeling approaches. For example, computational modeling has been successfully used to solve ore-forming and mine site contamination/remediation problems, in which fluid flow and geochemical processes play important roles in the controlling dynamic mechanisms. The main purpose of this paper is to present a generalized overview of: (1) the various classes and models associated with fluid flow/chemically reacting systems in order to highlight possible opportunities and developments for the future; (2) some more general issues that need attention in the development of computational models and codes for simulating ore-forming and geoenviromental systems; (3) the related progresses achieved on the geochemical modeling over the past 50 years or so; (4) the general methodology for modeling of oreforming and geoenvironmental systems; and (5) the future development directions associated with modeling of ore-forming and geoenviromental systems.
Based on recent work by Futer, Kalfagianni and Purcell, we prove that the volume of sufficiently complicated positive braid links is proportional to the signature defect Δσ = 2g−σ.
A well developed theoretical framework is available in which paleofluid properties, such as chemical composition and density, can be reconstructed from fluid inclusions in minerals that have undergone no ductile deformation. The present study extends this framework to encompass fluid inclusions hosted by quartz that has undergone weak ductile deformation following fluid entrapment. Recent experiments have shown that such deformation causes inclusions to become dismembered into clusters of irregularly shaped relict inclusions surrounded by planar arrays of tiny, new-formed (neonate) inclusions. Comparison of the experimental samples with a naturally sheared quartz vein from Grimsel Pass, Aar Massif, Central Alps, Switzerland, reveals striking similarities. This strong concordance justifies applying the experimentally derived rules of fluid inclusion behaviour to nature. Thus, planar arrays of dismembered inclusions defining cleavage planes in quartz may be taken as diagnostic of small amounts of intracrystalline strain. Deformed inclusions preserve their pre-deformation concentration ratios of gases to electrolytes, but their H2O contents typically have changed. Morphologically intact inclusions, in contrast, preserve the pre-deformation composition and density of their originally trapped fluid. The orientation of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1σ1) at the time of shear deformation can be derived from the pole to the cleavage plane within which the dismembered inclusions are aligned. Finally, the density of neonate inclusions is commensurate with the pressure value of σ1σ1 at the temperature and time of deformation. This last rule offers a means to estimate magnitudes of shear stresses from fluid inclusion studies. Application of this new paleopiezometer approach to the Grimsel vein yields a differential stress (σ1–σ3σ1–σ3) of ∼300 MPa∼300 MPa at View the MathML source390±30°C during late Miocene NNW–SSE orogenic shortening and regional uplift of the Aar Massif. This differential stress resulted in strain-hardening of the quartz at very low total strain (<5%<5%) while nearby shear zones were accommodating significant displacements. Further implementation of these experimentally derived rules should provide new insight into processes of fluid–rock interaction in the ductile regime within the Earth's crust.
Cathodoluminescence (CL) studies have previously shown that some secondary fluid inclusions in luminescent quartz are surrounded by dark, non-luminescent patches, resulting from fracture-sealing by late, trace-element-poor quartz. This finding has led to the tacit generalization that all dark CL patches indicate influx of low temperature, late-stage fluids. In this study we have examined natural and synthetic hydrothermal quartz crystals using CL imaging supplemented by in-situ elemental analysis. The results lead us to propose that all natural, liquid-water-bearing inclusions in quartz, whether trapped on former crystal growth surfaces (i.e., of primary origin) or in healed fractures (i.e., of pseudosecondary or secondary origin), are surrounded by three-dimensional, non-luminescent patches. Cross-cutting relations show that the patches form after entrapment of the fluid inclusions and therefore they are not diagnostic of the timing of fluid entrapment. Instead, the dark patches reveal the mechanism by which fluid inclusions spontaneously approach morphological equilibrium and purify their host quartz over geological time. Fluid inclusions that contain solvent water perpetually dissolve and reprecipitate their walls, gradually adopting low-energy euhedral and equant shapes. Defects in the host quartz constitute solubility gradients that drive physical migration of the inclusions over distances of tens of μm (commonly) up to several mm (rarely). Inclusions thus sequester from their walls any trace elements (e.g., Li, Al, Na, Ti) present in excess of equilibrium concentrations, thereby chemically purifying their host crystals in a process analogous to industrial zone refining. Non-luminescent patches of quartz are left in their wake. Fluid inclusions that contain no liquid water as solvent (e.g., inclusions of low-density H2O vapor or other non-aqueous volatiles) do not undergo this process and therefore do not migrate, do not modify their shapes with time, and are not associated with dark-CL zone-refined patches. This new understanding has implications for the interpretation of solids within fluid inclusions (e.g., Ti- and Al-minerals) and for the elemental analysis of hydrothermal and metamorphic quartz and its fluid inclusions by microbeam methods such as LA-ICPMS and SIMS. As Ti is a common trace element in quartz, its sequestration by fluid inclusions and its depletion in zone-refined patches impacts on applications of the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer.
In order to constrain the salinity of subduction zone fluids, piston-cylinder experiments have been conducted to investigate the partitioning behaviour of Cl and F in subducted sediments. These experiments were performed at H2O-undersaturated conditions with a synthetic pelite starting composition containing 800 ppm Cl, over a pressure and temperature range of 2.5–4.5 GPa and 630–900 °C. Repetitive experiments were conducted with 1900 ppm Cl + 1000 ppm F, and 2100 ppm Cl. Apatite represents the most Cl-abundant mineral phase, with Cl concentration varying in the range 0.1–2.82 wt%. Affinity for Cl decreases over the following sequence: aqueous fluid > apatite ⩾ melt > other hydrous minerals (phengite, biotite and amphibole). It was found that addition of F to the Cl-bearing starting composition significantly lowers the Cl partition coefficients between apatite and melt (DClAp–melt) and apatite and aqueous fluid (DClAp–aq). Cl–OH exchange coefficients between apatite and melt (KdCl–OHAp–melt) and apatite and aqueous fluid (KdCl–OHAp–aq) were subsequently calculated. KdCl–OHAp–melt was found to vary from 1 to 58, showing an increase with temperature and a decrease with pressure and displaying a regular decrease with increasing H2O content in melt. Mole fractions of Cl and OH in melt were calculated based on an ideal mixing model for H2O, OH, O, Cl and F. The Cl contents of other hydrous minerals (phengite, biotite and amphibole) fall between 200 and 800 ppm, with resultant Cl partition coefficients from 0.02 to 0.49, appearing independent of the bulk Cl and F content. Preliminary data from this study show that the partitioning behaviour of F is strongly in favour of apatite relative to melt and phengite, with DFAp–melt = 15–51. Apatites from representative eclogite facies metasediments were examined and found to have low Cl contents close to ∼100 ppm. Calculations using our experimentally determined KdCl–OHAp–aq of 0.004 at 2.5 GPa, 630 °C indicate a low salinity character (0.5–2 wt% NaCleq) for the fluid formed during dehydration of subducted oceanic sediment at ∼80 km depth.
The Athabasca Basin (Canada) contains the highest grade unconformity-type uranium deposits in the world. Underlying the Athabasca Group sedimentary rocks of the Dufferin Lake zone are variably graphitic pelitic schists (VGPS), altered to chlorite and hematite (Red/Green Zone: RGZ), and locally bleached near the unconformity during paleoweathering and/or later fluid interaction, leading to a loss of graphite near the unconformity. Fluid inclusions were examined in different generations of quartz veins, using microthermometry and Raman analysis, to characterize and compare the different fluids that interacted with the RGZ and the VGPS. In the VGPS, CH4-, N2- and CO2-rich fluids circulated. CH4- and N2-rich fluids could be the result of the breakdown of graphite to CH4/CO2, whereas N2-rich fluid is interpreted to be the result of breakdown of feldspars/micas to NH4+/N2. In the RGZ, highly saline fluids interpreted to be basinally derived have been recorded. The circulation of the two types of fluids (carbonic and brines) occurred at two different distinct events: 1) during the retrograde metamorphism of the basement rocks before the deposition of the Athabasca Basin for the carbonic fluids, and 2) after the deposition of the Athabasca Basin for the brines. Thus, in addition to possibly be related to graphite depletion in the RGZ, the brines can be linked to uranium mineralization.