612 resultados para Volume Bragg grating (VBG)


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La spectroscopie Raman est un outil non destructif fort utile lors de la caractérisation de matériau. Cette technique consiste essentiellement à faire l’analyse de la diffusion inélastique de lumière par un matériau. Les performances d’un système de spectroscopie Raman proviennent en majeure partie de deux filtres ; l’un pour purifier la raie incidente (habituellement un laser) et l’autre pour atténuer la raie élastique du faisceau de signal. En spectroscopie Raman résonante (SRR), l’énergie (la longueur d’onde) d’excitation est accordée de façon à être voisine d’une transition électronique permise dans le matériau à l’étude. La section efficace d’un processus Raman peut alors être augmentée d’un facteur allant jusqu’à 106. La technologie actuelle est limitée au niveau des filtres accordables en longueur d’onde. La SRR est donc une technique complexe et pour l’instant fastidieuse à mettre en œuvre. Ce mémoire présente la conception et la construction d’un système de spectroscopie Raman accordable en longueur d’onde basé sur des filtres à réseaux de Bragg en volume. Ce système vise une utilisation dans le proche infrarouge afin d’étudier les résonances de nanotubes de carbone. Les étapes menant à la mise en fonction du système sont décrites. Elles couvrent les aspects de conceptualisation, de fabrication, de caractérisation ainsi que de l’optimisation du système. Ce projet fut réalisé en étroite collaboration avec une petite entreprise d’ici, Photon etc. De cette coopération sont nés les filtres accordables permettant avec facilité de changer la longueur d’onde d’excitation. Ces filtres ont été combinés à un laser titane : saphir accordable de 700 à 1100 nm, à un microscope «maison» ainsi qu’à un système de détection utilisant une caméra CCD et un spectromètre à réseau. Sont d’abord présentés les aspects théoriques entourant la SRR. Par la suite, les nanotubes de carbone (NTC) sont décrits et utilisés pour montrer la pertinence d’une telle technique. Ensuite, le principe de fonctionnement des filtres est décrit pour être suivi de l’article où sont parus les principaux résultats de ce travail. On y trouvera entre autres la caractérisation optique des filtres. Les limites de basses fréquences du système sont démontrées en effectuant des mesures sur un échantillon de soufre dont la raie à 27 cm-1 est clairement résolue. La simplicité d’accordabilité est quant à elle démontrée par l’utilisation d’un échantillon de NTC en poudre. En variant la longueur d’onde (l’énergie d’excitation), différentes chiralités sont observées et par le fait même, différentes raies sont présentes dans les spectres. Finalement, des précisions sur l’alignement, l’optimisation et l’opération du système sont décrites. La faible acceptance angulaire est l’inconvénient majeur de l’utilisation de ce type de filtre. Elle se répercute en problème d’atténuation ce qui est critique plus particulièrement pour le filtre coupe-bande. Des améliorations possibles face à cette limitation sont étudiées.


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Relief Bragg gratings were recorded on the surface of Ga-Ge-S glass samples by interference of two UV laser beams at 351 nm, Scanning force microscopy was used to perform a 3D image analysis of the resulting surface topography, which shows the superposition of an imprinted grating over the base topography of the glass. An important question regarding the efficiency of the grating is to determine to what extent the base topography reduces the intended coherent scattering of the grating because of its stochastic character. To answer this question we separated both base and grating structures by Fourier filtering, examined both spatial frequency and roughness, and determined the correlation. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Los sensores de fibra óptica son una tecnología que ha madurado en los últimos años, sin embargo, se requiere un mayor desarrollo de aplicaciones para materiales naturales como las rocas, que por ser agregados complejos pueden contener partículas minerales y fracturas de tamaño mucho mayor que las galgas eléctricas usadas tradicionalmente para medir deformaciones en las pruebas de laboratorio, ocasionando que los resultados obtenidos puedan ser no representativos. En este trabajo fueron diseñados, fabricados y probados sensores de deformación de gran área y forma curvada, usando redes de Bragg en fibra óptica (FBG) con el objetivo de obtener registros representativos en rocas que contienen minerales y estructuras de diversas composiciones, tamaños y direcciones. Se presenta el proceso de elaboración del transductor, su caracterización mecánica, su calibración y su evaluación en pruebas de compresión uniaxial en muestras de roca. Para verificar la eficiencia en la transmisión de la deformación de la roca al sensor una vez pegado, también fue realizado el análisis de la transferencia incluyendo los efectos del adhesivo, de la muestra y del transductor. Los resultados experimentales indican que el sensor desarrollado permite registro y transferencia de la deformación fiables, avance necesario para uso en rocas y otros materiales heterogénos, señalando una interesante perspectiva para aplicaciones sobre superficies irregulares, pues permite aumentar a voluntad el tamaño y forma del área de registro, posibilita también obtener mayor fiabilidad de resultados en muestras de pequeño tamaño y sugiere su conveniencia en obras, en las cuales los sistemas eléctricos tradicionales tienen limitaciones. ABSTRACT Optical fiber sensors are a technology that has matured in recent years, however, further development for rock applications is needed. Rocks contain mineral particles and features larger than electrical strain gauges traditionally used in laboratory tests, causing the results to be unrepresentative. In this work were designed, manufactured, and tested large area and curved shape strain gages, using fiber Bragg gratings in optical fiber (FBG) in order to obtain representative measurement on surface rocks samples containing minerals and structures of different compositions, sizes and directions. This reports presents the processes of manufacturing, mechanical characterization, calibration and evaluation under uniaxial compression tests on rock samples. To verify the efficiency of rock deformation transmitted to attached sensor, it was also performed the analysis of the strain transfer including the effects of the bonding, the sample and the transducer. The experimental results indicate that the developed sensor enables reliable measurements of the strain and its transmission from rock to sensor, appropriate for use in heterogeneous materials, pointing an interesting perspective for applications on irregular surfaces, allowing increasing at will the size and shape of the measurement area. This research suggests suitability of the optical strain gauge for real scale, where traditional electrical systems have demonstrated some limitations.


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In this work, a microchanneled chirped fiber Bragg grating (MCFBG) is proposed and fabricated through the femtosecond laser-assisted chemical etching. The microchannel (~550 µm) gives access to the external index liquid, thus inducing refractive index (RI) sensitivity to the structure. In the experiment, the transmission bands induced by the reduced effective index in the microchannel region were used to sense the surrounding RI and temperature changes. The experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical analysis. The proposed MCFBG offers enhanced RI sensitivity without degrading the robustness of the device showing good application potential as bio-chemical sensors.


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A novel fibre grating device is demonstrated with tuneable chromatic dispersion slope. The tuning range is 70 to 190 ps/nm and 0 to 25 ps/nm2 for the second and third order dispersion, respectively.


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A long period grating is interrogated with a fibre Bragg grating using a derivative spectroscopy technique. A quasi-linear relationship between the output of the sensing scheme and the curvature experienced by the long period grating is demonstrated, with a sensitivity of 5.05 m and with an average curvature resolution of 2.9 × 10-2 m-1. In addition, the feasibility of multiplexing an in-line series of long period gratings with this interrogation scheme is demonstrated with two pairs of fibre Bragg gratings and long period gratings. With this arrangement the cross-talk error between channels was less than ± 2.4 × 10-3 m-1.


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A technique for interrogating multiplexed fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors using an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is described. The approach considerably extends the sensing range from that achieved previously, while providing a strain resolution of 17nevHz at 30 Hz.


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A novel wavelength-division-multiplexed in-fibre Bragg grating sensor system combined with high resolution drift-compensated interferometric wavelength-shift detection is described. This crosstalk-free system is based on the use of an interferometric wavelength scanner and a low resolution spectrometer. A four element system is demonstrated for temperature measurement, and a resolution of ±0.1°C has been achieved.


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We present a new method for the interrogation of large arrays of Bragg grating sensors. Eight gratings operating between the wavelengths of 1533 and 1555 nm have been demultiplexed. An unbalanced Mach—Zehnder interferometer illuminated by a single low-coherence source provides a high-phase-resolution output for each sensor, the outputs of which are sequentially selected in wavelength by a tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer. The minimum detectable strain measured was 90 ne-vHz at 7 Hz for a wavelength of 1535 nm.


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A prototype fibre-optic system using interferometric wavelength-shift detection, capable of multiplexing up to 32 fibre-optic Bragg grating strain and temperature sensors with identical characteristics, has been demonstrated. This system is based on a spatially multiplexed scheme for use with fibre-based low-coherence interferometric sensors, reported previously. Four fibre-optic Bragg grating channels using the same fibre grating have been demonstrated for measuring quasi-static strain and temperature.


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The microwave photonic response of a superstructured fiber Bragg grating is investigated. A bandpass response is achieved with the optical taps controlled by the combination of superstructured fiber grating characteristics and fiber dispersion. A rejection level of >45 dB is demonstrated.


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Smart structure sensors based on embedded fibre Bragg grating (FBG) arrays in aluminium alloy matrix by ultrasonic consolidation (UC) technique have been proposed and demonstrated successfully. The temperature, loading and bending responses of the embedded FBG arrays have been systematically characterized. The embedded FBGs exhibit an average temperature sensitivity of ~36 pm °C-1, which is three times higher than that of normal FBGs, a bending sensitivity of 0.73 nm/m-1 and a loading responsivity of ~0.1 nm kg-1 within the dynamic range from 0 kg to 3 kg. These initial experimental results clearly demonstrate that the UC produced metal matrix structures can be embedded with FBG sensor arrays to become smart structures with capabilities to monitor the structure operation and health conditions in applications.


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Single- and multi-core passive and active germanate and tellurite glass fibers represent a new class of fiber host for in-fiber photonics devices and applications in mid-IR wavelength range, which are in increasing demand. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) structures have been proven as one of the most functional in-fiber devices and have been mass-produced in silicate fibers by UV-inscription for almost countless laser and sensor applications. However, because of the strong UV absorption in germanate and tellurite fibers, FBG structures cannot be produced by UVinscription. In recent years femtosecond (fs) lasers have been developed for laser machining and microstructuring in a variety of glass fibers and planar substrates. A number of papers have been reported on fabrication of FBGs and long-period gratings in optical fibers and also on the photosensitivity mechanism using 800nm fs lasers. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time the fabrication of FBG structures created in passive and active single- and three-core germanate and tellurite glass fibers by using 800nm fs-inscription and phase mask technique. With a fs peak power intensity in the order of 1011W/cm2, the FBG spectra with 2nd and 3rd order resonances at 1540nm and 1033nm in a single-core germanate glass fiber and 2nd order resonances between ~1694nm and ~1677nm with strengths up to 14dB in all three cores of three-core passive and active tellurite fibers were observed. Thermal and strain properties of the FBGs made in these mid-IR glass fibers were characterized, showing an average temperature responsivity of ~20pm/°C and a strain sensitivity of 1.219±0.003pm/µe.


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We describe a novel technique to provide demultiplexing of fiber Bragg grating sensors, interrogated using interferometric wavelength shift detection. Amplitude modulation of multiple radio frequency driving signals allows an acoustooptic tunable filter to provide wavelength demultiplexing. We demonstrated a noise limited strain resolution of 150 nanostrain/v(Hz) and a crosstalk better than -50 dB.