922 resultados para Visually Impaired
The tactile cartography is an area of Cartography that aims the development of methodologies and didactical material to work cartographic concepts with blind and low vision people. The main aim of this article is to present the experience of Tactile Cartography Research Group from Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), including some didactical material and courses for teachers using the System MAPAVOX. The System MAPAVOX is software developed by our research group in a partnership with Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) that integrates maps and models with a voice synthesizer, sound emission, texts, images and video visualizing for computers. Our research methodology is based in authors that have in the students the centre of didactical activity such as Ochaita and Espinosa in [1], which developed studies related to blind children's literacy. According to Almeida the child's drawing is, thus, a system of representation. It isn't a copy of objects, but interpretation of that which is real, done by the child in graphic language[2]. In the proposed activities with blind and low vision students they are prepared to interpret reality and represent it by adopting concepts of graphic language learned. To start the cartographic initialization it is necessary to use personal and quotidian references, for example the classroom tactile model or map, to include concepts in generalization and scale concerning to their space of life. During these years many case studies were developed with blind and low vision students from Special School for Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired in Araras and Rio Claro, Sao Paulo - Brazil. The most part of these experiences and others from Brazil and Chile are presented in [3]. Tactile material and MAPAVOX facilities are analysed by students and teachers who contribute with suggestions to reformulate and adapt them to their sensibility and necessity. Since 2005 we offer courses in Tactile Cartography to prepare teachers from elementary school in the manipulation of didactical material and attending students with special educational needs in regular classroom. There were 6 classroom and blended courses offered for 184 teachers from public schools in this region of the Sao Paulo state. As conclusion we can observe that methodological procedures centred in the blind and low vision students are successful in their spatial orientation if use didactical material from places or objects with which they have significant experience. During the applying of courses for teachers we could see that interdisciplinary groups can find creative cartographic alternatives more easily. We observed too that the best results in methodological procedures were those who provided concreteness to abstract concepts using daily experiences.
This work is situated in the universe of resource rooms with a focus on the teachinglearning disabled students with low vision and visual in two cities of São Paulo. The paper discusses theoretically the historical emergence of these rooms, the deployment in the State of São Paulo and its importance within the context of school inclusion of students with visual impairments. Its purpose is to conduct a general survey of the operating conditions of the rooms from the perspective of the teacher of students. The results verified the contribution of this service as a complementary tool of the ordinary classroom, the use of specific instructional materials and overall educational performance of students. The results indicate that this type of specialized care while receiving criticism, does not promote segregation, but what about the educational needs of these students, who despite the lack of vision, school performance is equal to or better than the other students in the classroom common, it all depends on family support, and dedication to studies by the student. Research has shown students satisfied with the services provided in the resource room, as well as integration and good relationships between teachers and students. We could also highlight the importance of specific training and mastery of knowledge by the teacher to work with the visually impaired person. At the end the results were sent to the schools of this research object of study so that it can contribute to effective work in the educational process for visually impaired students in resource rooms
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
This study was conducted to investigate how visually impaired people perform distance estimation tasks by movement and navigation during deprivation of effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. For that they performed the task of walking three distances, being the first and second of 100 meters and the third of 140 meters (triangulation) from a point of origin in open field on a inverted L shaped trajectory and then returning to the origin. The first and second tasks were driven by means of a guide with GPS adapted to the study coordinates, and the third one was freeform with three sessions, the first without perceptual and proprioceptive restrictions, the second without auditory perception, and the third in a wheelchair, without proprioception. The objective of this study was to indicate the differences in distance reproduction in relation to accuracy and investigate the spatial representation of participants in a navigation task, in which there is active movement, but no effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. Results showed that the average participants underestimated distances producing average angles close to the value of 45°. And by means of the "t" students test no significant differences between subjects can be pointed out. To achieve these results we used remote monitoring by GPS and software TrackMaker.
Sexuality and sex education for visually impaired people are still a few subjects studied in the field of Education. The aim of this study was to investigate sexuality and sex education of the visually impaired, through an interview with an adult woman, blind from birth, for further analysis of thematic content. It is a descriptive-qualitative case study. The following categories were described in the results: (1) Concept of sexuality, (2) Sexual Education, (3) Sexuality and Disability, (4) Social issues and prejudice. The data confirm other studies showing the existence of social prejudice, sexual myths, no sex education or sex education with superficial information and difficulties predominantly psychosocial and not organic in relation to sexuality. We conclude that sexuality and sex education are important issues that should be considered in the general education of people with disabilities.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article is inserted in a study aimed at the identification of the main barriers for the inclusion of visually-impaired students in Physics classes. It focuses on the understanding of the communication context which facilitates or hardens the effective participation of students with visual impairment in Mechanics activities. To do so, the research defines, from empirical - sensory and semantic structures, the language to be applied in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which the languages have been used. As a result, it identifies the rela tion between the uses of the interdependent audio-visual empirical lan guage structure in the non-interactive episodes of authority; the decrease in the use of this structure in interactive episodes; the creation of educa tional segregation environments within the classroom and the frequent use of the interdependent tactile-hearing empirical language structure in such environments.
This article is part of a study that seeks to understand the main barriers to the inclusion of visually impaired students in learning Physics. Analyzing modern physics classes, we examine the difficulties in communication between teachers and visually impaired students. Our study emphasizes the analyses of empiricalsensory and semantic structures of speech, indicating factors that may hamper students’ understanding in the classroom. We recommend alternative procedures that aim to facilitate the effective participation of students with visual impairment in the communication process, such as: elimination of the interdependent audiovisual structure and the exploration of the communicational potentialities of a speech based on empirical structures whose accessibility does not depend on visual skills.
We live in a society governed by information, knowledge and social inclusion. This leads us to reflect on the importance of access and use of information for people with visual disabilities to build knowledge, exercising citizenship and contribute to lifelong learning. We are faced with a society more open to diversity, questioning their mechanisms of segregation and envisions new ways of social inclusion of people with disabilities. Hence the importance of understanding the inclusive practices, especially for the visually impaired person. Thus, we sought to perform a literature search to understand the theoretical corresponding to the selective approach of the existing literature on the subject. It was considered as a concept of this type of research, which provides that a systematic search for information on existing sources, ie, in all the literature that has become public in relation to the subject studied in order to offer reflections and contributions on issues of access and use of information, emphasizing the role of social responsibility of mobilizing information professionals are considered mediators and actors of vital importance in this scenario.
This article is inserted in a wider study that seeks to understand the main inclusion barriers in Physics classes for students with visual impairment It aims to understand which communication context favors or impedes the visually impaired student participation to the impairment visual student’s real participation in Modern Physics activities. The research defines, from the empirical-sensory and semantics structures, the languages used in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which those languages have been used. As a result, this study identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes; the creation of education segregation environments within the clasroom and the frequent use of empirical tactile-hearing interdependent language structure in these environments. Moreover, the concept of «special educational need» is discussed and its inadequate use is analyzed. Suggestions are given for its correct use of «special educational need,» its inadequate use, giving suggestions for its correct use.
Within the current context of environmental degradation, primarily caused by unsustainable pat terns of production and consumption (AGENDA 21, 1992), the Protected Areas (PAs) are considered internationally as one of the most successful measures for the conservat ion of biodiversity, according to the Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The city of Rio Claro (Sao Paulo, Brazi l ) has a significant conservation area in both environmental aspects as historical and cultural, the State Forest 'Edmundo Navarro de Andrade' (FEENA). Beyond the conservation measures, there is a need to develop environmental education that encourages community participation and appreciation in the unit 's maintenance and protection, as well as provide moments of reflection that could conduct perceptual changes, behavioral, attitudinal and evaluative on relations between human beings and their environment . This work brings the proposal to create an interpretive trail in the area of public use of FEENA to contribute to the Unit Management Plan in order to make it an Environmental Education tool. To prepare the planning of the interpretive trail, a deep bibliographic and cartographic review was performed on the subject. It was applied questionnaires in order to know the visitors better and map the features of public visitation, as well as map the visitor preferences about how they would like to receive information on the area and expose field studies in the track site. The trail was traced taking into account the environmental and social aspects, we propose a track suspended above the ground, in order to affect as little as possible and to include the area in the context of PAs people with reduced mobility and visually impaired
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica dos estudos nacionais acerca do ensino curricular para cegos. Foi realizada uma busca sistemática em três bases de dados: Google Acadêmico, Scielo e Lilacs, de estudos publicados no período de 2004 a 2014, que tivessem em seu título um dos seguintes descritores: alunos cegos; alunos deficientes visuais; crianças cegas; crianças deficientes visuais. Foram localizados 188 estudos e 56 selecionados dentro dos critérios estabelecidos. Fez-se a leitura integral desses e definiram-se cinco categorias de análise: tipo de estudo; participantes; tipo de abordagem; tipo de discussão e matrizes curriculares. Para cada categoria, foram estabelecidas subcategorias. Ao total 26 subcategorias foram descritas. Os resultados indicam que o Google Acadêmico é a base de dados com maior número de títulos encontrados (188/156); a Scielo apresenta melhor eficiência na relação encontrado x selecionado (12/10). Nas subcategorias de análise, as maiores frequências são identificadas nos estudos empíricos (22); junto a crianças (19); de análises qualitativas (21); na matriz curricular de Educação Física (sete) e na subcategoria relacionamento social (16). Contudo, os estudos são convergentes em apontar que as principais dificuldades no ensino às pessoas cegas se referem a deficiências na formação de professores, onde, normalmente, não são discutidos métodos de ensino e produção de material para trabalhar com essa população específica. Em conclusão, além de realizar um mapeamento dos estudos que têm sido conduzidos junto a alunos cegos nos últimos dez anos, este artigo aponta para lacunas na literatura e direciona futuras investigações na área.
El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el estudio de la actual situación de los servicios bibliotecarios para personas ciegas y disminuidas visuales en Argentina. Se realizó una encuesta a bibliotecas que prestan servicios a personas ciegas y disminuidas visuales de todo el país. La muestra quedó conformada por 20 bibliotecas públicas y especiales en Argentina. Se confeccionó un cuestionario de 114 preguntas basadas en estándares elaborados por American Library Association (ALA) los cuales fueron preparados y enviados vía correo electrónico. Asimismo, se llevaron a cabo visitas a 10 de estas bibliotecas con el objetivo de obtener información a través de entrevistas a sus respectivos directores así como también al personal y a los usuarios que en ese momento se encontraban presentes en el lugar. El análisis de la situación de las bibliotecas para ciegos y disminuidos visuales en Argentina revela que el 70de estas bibliotecas tienen menos de 1000 ejemplares, el 40depende de donaciones y canje y el 45carecen de tecnología especial. Además presentan severas deficiencias en sus edificios. El 35atienden menos de 100 usuarios y un 40no posee ningún tipo de registro de los usuarios. Se pudieron identificar: colecciones pequeñas, servicios limitados, procesos técnicos incompletos, estructura edilicia inadecuada, escasa tiflotecnología (tecnología especial para personas ciegas y disminuidas visuales) y falta de gestión bibliotecológica, entre otras falencias. Se considera que el presente modelo de biblioteca especial posiblemente contribuya al aislamiento y al confinamiento de la persona ciega y disminuida visual, por ello se debe tener en cuenta un nuevo modelo de biblioteca integradora basado en los Manifiestos de la Unesco para bibliotecas públicas y bibliotecas escolares. Se sugiere la aplicación de este modelo de biblioteca integradora capaz de garantizar eficazmente el acceso a la información para los ciegos y disminuidos visuales de acuerdo a las nuevas recomendaciones universales. En unas pocas palabras, una biblioteca pública para todos.