962 resultados para Virgin lime
Work was carried out on the characterisation of virgin olive oils from the main Italian cultivars, 'Frantoio' and 'Leccino', grown in two different locations in Andalusia: Mengibar (Jaen) and Cabra (Cordoba), with important differences in altitude. The study was carried out during the crop years 1999/2000 and 2001/2002. There were significant differences between the oils from both cultivars when grown in the different environments, Cabra close to the hills and Mengibar in the open at 280 m height. At higher altitude, the oils showed a greater content of oleic acid and higher stability, while in the open the oils had higher tocopherol and linoleic acid contents. For the phenolic compounds, the environment influenced each cultivar in different ways. Sensorial characteristics, showed significant differences between the oils from each cultivar and location. In general, the oils from Andalusia had higher levels of natural antioxidants, greater oxidative stability and more marked sensorial characters. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The traditional Mediterranean diet is thought to represent a healthy lifestyle; especially given the incidence of several cancers including colorectal cancer is lower in Mediterranean countries compared to Northern Europe. Olive oil, a central component of the Mediterranean diet, is believed to beneficially affect numerous biological processes. We used phenols extracted from virgin olive oil on a series of in vitro systems that model important stages of colon carcinogenesis. The effect the extract on DNA damage induced by hydrogen peroxide was measured in HT29 cells using single cell microgel-electrophoresis. A significant anti-genotoxic linear trend (p=0.011) was observed when HT29 cells were pre-incubated with olive oil phenols (0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 microg/ml) for 24 hr, then challenged with hydrogen peroxide. The olive oil phenols (50, 100 microg/ml) significantly (p=0.004, p=0.002) improved barrier function of CACO2 cells after 48 hr as measured by trans-epithelial resistance. Significant inhibition of HT115 invasion (p<0.01) was observed at olive oil phenols concentrations of 25, 50, 75, 100 microg/ml using the matrigel invasion assay. No effect was observed on HT115 viability over the concentration range 0, 25, 50 75, 100 microg/ml after 24 hr, although 75 and 100 microg/ml olive oil phenols significantly inhibited HT115 cell attachment (p=0.011, p=0.006). Olive oil phenols had no significant effect on metastasis-related gene expression in HT115 cells. We have demonstrated that phenols extracted from virgin olive oil are capable of inhibiting several stages in colon carcinogenesis in vitro.
The decreased cancer risk associated with consumption of olive oil may be due to the presence of phenolics which can modulate pathways including apoptosis and invasion that are relevant to carcinogenesis. We have previously shown that a virgin olive oil phenolics extract (OVP) inhibited invasion of HT115 colon cancer cells in vitro. In the current study we assessed the in vitro effects of OVP (25 μg mL(-1)) on HT115 cell migration, spreading and integrin expression. Furthermore, the anti-metastatic activity of OVP - at a dose equivalent to 25 mg per kg per day for 2, 8 or 10 weeks - was assessed in a Severe Combined ImmunoDeficiency (SCID) Balb-c mouse model. After 24 h OVP did not inhibit cell migration but significantly reduced cell spreading on fibronectin (65% of control; p < 0.05) and expression of a range of α and β integrins was modulated. In vivo, OVP by gavage significantly (p < 0.05) decreased not only tumour volume but also the number of metastases in SCID Balb-c mice. Collectively, the data suggest that - possibly through modulation of integrin expression - OVP decreases invasion in vitro and also inhibits metastasis in vivo.
Background and aims: Virgin olive oil (VOO) and nuts are basic components of the Mediterranean diet, a heart-healthy dietary pattern. Nuts have well known cholesterol lowering effects, while evidence is unclear for VOO. We designed a study in hypercholesterolemic patients to assess the effects on serum lipids and other intermediate markers of cardiovascular risk of replacing 40% of the fat in the background diet with VOO, walnuts or almonds. Methods and Results: After a 4 week run-in period with a healthy diet, eligible candidates were randomized into three diet sequences in a crossover design, with a common background diet enriched with VOO, walnuts or almonds, lasting 4 weeks each. Outcomes were changes of serum lipids and oxidation and inflammation markers, measured by standard methods. Plasma fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography to assess compliance. In 18 participants completing the study (9 women, mean age 56 y, BMI 25.7 kg/m(2)), LDL-cholesterol was reduced from baseline by 7.3%, 10.8% and 13.4% after the VOO, walnut and almond diets, respectively (P = 0.001, Friedman test). Total cholesterol and LDL/HDL ratios decreased in parallel. LDL-cholesterol decreases were greater than predicted from dietary fatty acid and cholesterol exchanges among diets. No changes of other lipid fractions, oxidation analytes or inflammatory biomarkers were observed. Plasma fatty acid changes after each diet sequence supported good compliance.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A calagem e a gessagem influenciam a disponibilidade e a absorção de nutrientes, podendo alterar a quantidade de ácidos orgânicos na parte aérea das culturas. Essas alterações, quantificadas por meio da análise de nutrientes solúveis em água, podem potencializar o efeito da correção do solo, garantindo a sustentabilidade do sistema de semeadura direta. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da aplicação superficial de calcário e gesso no teor de nutientes solúveis em água nos resíduos vegetais das culturas de amendoim e aveia-branca. O experimento foi realizado em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico em Botucatu (SP), nos anos agrícolas de 2004/2005 e 2005/2006. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, em que as parcelas foram constituídas por doses de calcário, e as subparcelas, pela presença ou ausência da aplicação de gesso. Foi cultivado amendoim no verão e aveia-branca no inverno, em toda a área experimental. Na cultura do amendoim a aplicação de gesso elevou os teores de Ca solúvel em água apenas na primeira safra, em razão do curto período entre a aplicação do produto e a determinação dos teores de nutientes solúveis no extrato vegetal da cultura. A calagem realizada nas culturas de amendoim e aveia-branca elevou os teores solúveis de Ca, Mg, K e não alterou o teor de Cu e reduziu os teores de Zn, Mn e Fe nos dois anos de cultivo. Já a gessagem reduziu os valores da condutividade elétrica do amendoim (2004/2005 e 2005/2006) e da aveia-branca (2004/2005).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nas operárias das abelhas eussociais, regiões do epitélio tegumentar do abdome podem hipertrofiar-se e tornarem-se glandulares, sendo responsáveis pela produção de cera usada na contrução dos alvéolos de cria. Nos meliponíneos, epitélio com essas características também foi observado nas rainhas, porém sua função ainda continua desconhecida. Teria esse epitélio função homóloga nas operárias? As rainhas, além da função reprodutiva, desempenhariam funções na colônia até então consideradas exclusivas das operárias? Para tentar colaborar no esclarecimento dessas questões realizou-se um estudo histológico e ultra-estrutural das glândulas epiteliais tegumentares do terceiro tergito em rainhas virgens e fisogástricas de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille. Os resultados morfológicos mostraram que o epitélio glandular existe e é facilmente discernível no terceiro tergito das rainhas, sendo muito mais desenvolvido nas fisogástricas do que nas virgens. A ultra-estrutura mostrou que há diferenças no tipo de organização do retículo endoplasmático liso entre as rainhas, o que, juntamente com os resultados da histologia e morfometria, indicam poder haver diferenças funcionais desse epitélio entre elas. Como já observado na literatura, nas rainhas virgens tal epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de cera e confecção de alvéolos de cria, porém sua função nas rainhas fisogástricas é totalmente desconhecida. A hipótese lançada no presente estudo é de que esse epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de feromônios que irão atuar nas interações sociais da rainha poedeira.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The fat body cells of virgin females and queens of Pachycondyla striata ants belonging to the subfamily Ponerinae are illustrated from morphologic, ultramorphologic and morphometric viewpoints. Camera lucida drawing techniques were used, as well as scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Measurements of trophocytes and oenocytes areas in the tissue were recorded. The results showed that in P. striata queens and virgin females the trophocytes are arranged in cord-like formations in association with oenocytes. Trophocytes of both castes had round shapes, with rather vacuolized cytoplasm, whereas oenocytes, being smaller than trophocytes, had more homogeneous cytoplasm. It was also observed that both trophocytes and oenocytes of virgin females were larger than those found in the same queen cellular types.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)