952 resultados para Vertebrate Genomes
Medulloblastoma, the most common malignant paediatric brain tumour, is currently treated with nonspecific cytotoxic therapies including surgery, whole-brain radiation, and aggressive chemotherapy. As medulloblastoma exhibits marked intertumoural heterogeneity, with at least four distinct molecular variants, previous attempts to identify targets for therapy have been underpowered because of small samples sizes. Here we report somatic copy number aberrations (SCNAs) in 1,087 unique medulloblastomas. SCNAs are common in medulloblastoma, and are predominantly subgroup-enriched. The most common region of focal copy number gain is a tandem duplication of SNCAIP, a gene associated with Parkinson's disease, which is exquisitely restricted to Group 4α. Recurrent translocations of PVT1, including PVT1-MYC and PVT1-NDRG1, that arise through chromothripsis are restricted to Group 3. Numerous targetable SCNAs, including recurrent events targeting TGF-β signalling in Group 3, and NF-κB signalling in Group 4, suggest future avenues for rational, targeted therapy.
The diverse vertebrate remains from the Upper Cretaceous freshwater settings at Iharkut, Hungary, contain two fossil groups, Pycnodontiformes fish and Mosasauridae that are almost exclusively known from marine palaeo-environments. Hence, their appearance in alluvial sediments is very unusual. Trace element and isotope compositions of the remains have been analyzed to investigate the taphonomy and the ecological differences among the different fossil groups present at Iharkut. All examined fossils have undergone post-depositional diagenetic alteration, which resulted in high concentrations of REE, U, and Fe, together with almost complete homogenization of delta(18)O(CO3) values. Similar REE patterns in different fossils suggest a common origin for all remains, hence the discovered species most likely lived in the same local ecosystem. Despite partial diagenetic overprinting, the delta(18)O(PO4) values of the fossils indicate sufficient taxon-specific isotopic diversity to permit some broad conclusions on the palaeo-environment of the fossils. In particular, it is apparent that the isotopic composition of the Pycnodontiformes fish and Mosasauridae remains is most compatible with a freshwater palaeo-habitat and incompatible with a marine palaeo-environment. In addition, the Sr concentration and isotope data indicate that the Pycnodontiformes and Mosasauridae likely lived predominantly in a freshwater environment and were not simply occasional visitors to the Iharkut river ecosystem. Regarding other fossil groups, high delta(18)O(PO4) values of Alligatoroidea and Iharkutosuchus teeth suggest that these small crocodile species might have inhabited swamps and ponds where the water was relatively rich in (18)O due to evaporation. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rare earth elements (REE), while not essential for the physiologic functions of animals, are ingested and incorporated in ppb concentrations in bones and teeth. Nd isotope compositions of modern bones of animals from isotopically distinct habitats demonstrate that the (143)Nd/(144)Nd of the apatite can be used as a fingerprint for bedrock geology or ambient water mass. This potentially allows the provenance and migration of extant vertebrates to be traced, similar to the use of Sr isotopes. Although REE may be enriched by up to 5 orders of magnitude during diagenesis and recrystallization of bone apatite, in vivo (143)Nd/(144)Nd may be preserved in the inner cortex of fossil bones or enamel. However, tracking the provenance of ancient or extinct vertebrates is possible only for well-preserved archeological and paleontological skeletal remains with in vivo-like Nd contents at the ppb-level. Intra-bone and -tooth REE analysis can be used to screen for appropriate areas. Large intra-bone Nd concentration gradients of 10(1)-10(3) are often measured. Nd concentrations in the inner bone cortex increase over timescales of millions of years, while bone rims may be enriched over millenial timescales. Nevertheless, epsilon(Nd) values are often similar within one epsilon(Nd) unit within a single bone. Larger intra-bone differences in specimens may either reflect a partial preservation of in vivo values or changing epsilon(Nd) values of the diagenetic fluid during fossilization. However, most fossil specimens and the outer rims of bones will record taphonomic (143)Nd/(144)Nd incorporated post mortem during diagenesis. Unlike REE patterns, (143)Nd/(144)Nd are not biased by fractionation processes during REE-uptake into the apatite crystal lattice, hence the epsilon(Nd) value is an important tracer for taphonomy and reworking. Bones and teeth from autochthonous fossil assemblages have small variations of +/- 1 epsilon(Nd) unit only. In contrast, fossil bones and teeth from over 20 different marine and terrestrial fossil sites have a total range of epsilon(Nd) values from -13.0 to 4.9 (n = 80), often matching the composition of the embedding sediment. This implies that the surrounding sediment is the source of Nd in the fossil bones and that the specimens of this study seem not to have been reworked. Differences in epsilon(Nd) values between skeletal remains and embedding sediment may either indicate reworking of fossils and/or a REE-uptake from a diagenetic fluid with non-sediment derived epsilon(Nd) values. The latter often applies to fossil shark teeth, which may preserve paleo-seawater values. Complementary to epsilon(Nd) values, (87)Sr/(86)Sr can help to further constrain the fossil provenance and reworking. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The focus of my PhD research was the concept of modularity. In the last 15 years, modularity has become a classic term in different fields of biology. On the conceptual level, a module is a set of interacting elements that remain mostly independent from the elements outside of the module. I used modular analysis techniques to study gene expression evolution in vertebrates. In particular, I identified ``natural'' modules of gene expression in mouse and human, and I showed that expression of organ-specific and system-specific genes tends to be conserved between such distance vertebrates as mammals and fishes. Also with a modular approach, I studied patterns of developmental constraints on transcriptome evolution. I showed that none of the two commonly accepted models of the evolution of embryonic development (``evo-devo'') are exclusively valid. In particular, I found that the conservation of the sequences of regulatory regions is highest during mid-development of zebrafish, and thus it supports the ``hourglass model''. In contrast, events of gene duplication and new gene introduction are most rare in early development, which supports the ``early conservation model''. In addition to the biological insights on transcriptome evolution, I have also discussed in detail the advantages of modular approaches in large-scale data analysis. Moreover, I re-analyzed several studies (published in high-ranking journals), and showed that their conclusions do not hold out under a detailed analysis. This demonstrates that complex analysis of high-throughput data requires a co-operation between biologists, bioinformaticians, and statisticians.
Low-complexity regions (LCRs) in proteins are tracts that are highly enriched in one or a few aminoacids. Given their high abundance, and their capacity to expand in relatively short periods of time through replication slippage, they can greatly contribute to increase protein sequence space and generate novel protein functions. However, little is known about the global impact of LCRs on protein evolution. We have traced back the evolutionary history of 2,802 LCRs from a large set of homologous protein families from H.sapiens, M.musculus, G.gallus, D.rerio and C.intestinalis. Transcriptional factors and other regulatory functions are overrepresented in proteins containing LCRs. We have found that the gain of novel LCRs is frequently associated with repeat expansion whereas the loss of LCRs is more often due to accumulation of amino acid substitutions as opposed to deletions. This dichotomy results in net protein sequence gain over time. We have detected a significant increase in the rate of accumulation of novel LCRs in the ancestral Amniota and mammalian branches, and a reduction in the chicken branch. Alanine and/or glycine-rich LCRs are overrepresented in recently emerged LCR sets from all branches, suggesting that their expansion is better tolerated than for other LCR types. LCRs enriched in positively charged amino acids show the contrary pattern, indicating an important effect of purifying selection in their maintenance. We have performed the first large-scale study on the evolutionary dynamics of LCRs in protein families. The study has shown that the composition of an LCR is an important determinant of its evolutionary pattern.
One of the most obvious characteristics of the egg cells of oviparous animals is their large size resulting to a major extent from the deposition of nutritional reserves, mainly constituted of yolk proteins. In general, these are derived from a precursor called vitellogenin, which undergoes posttranslational modifications during secretion and during transport into and storage within the oocytes. Comparative analysis of the structural organization of the vitellogenin gene and of its product in different species shows that the vitellogenin gene is very ancient and that in vertebrates the gene may have more resemblance to the earliest gene than in invertebrates.
AbstractAlthough the genomes from any two human individuals are more than 99.99% identical at the sequence level, some structural variation can be observed. Differences between genomes include single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), inversion and copy number changes (gain or loss of DNA). The latter can range from submicroscopic events (CNVs, at least 1kb in size) to complete chromosomal aneuploidies. Small copy number variations have often no (lethal) consequences to the cell, but a few were associated to disease susceptibility and phenotypic variations. Larger re-arrangements (i.e. complete chromosome gain) are frequently associated with more severe consequences on health such as genomic disorders and cancer. High-throughput technologies like DNA microarrays enable the detection of CNVs in a genome-wide fashion. Since the initial catalogue of CNVs in the human genome in 2006, there has been tremendous interest in CNVs both in the context of population and medical genetics. Understanding CNV patterns within and between human populations is essential to elucidate their possible contribution to disease. But genome analysis is a challenging task; the technology evolves rapidly creating needs for novel, efficient and robust analytical tools which need to be compared with existing ones. Also, while the link between CNV and disease has been established, the relative CNV contribution is not fully understood and the predisposition to disease from CNVs of the general population has not been yet investigated.During my PhD thesis, I worked on several aspects related to CNVs. As l will report in chapter 3, ! was interested in computational methods to detect CNVs from the general population. I had access to the CoLaus dataset, a population-based study with more than 6,000 participants from the Lausanne area. All these individuals were analysed on SNP arrays and extensive clinical information were available. My work explored existing CNV detection methods and I developed a variety of metrics to compare their performance. Since these methods were not producing entirely satisfactory results, I implemented my own method which outperformed two existing methods. I also devised strategies to combine CNVs from different individuals into CNV regions.I was also interested in the clinical impact of CNVs in common disease (chapter 4). Through an international collaboration led by the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and the Imperial College London I was involved as a main data analyst in the investigation of a rare deletion at chromosome 16p11 detected in obese patients. Specifically, we compared 8,456 obese patients and 11,856 individuals from the general population and we found that the deletion was accounting for 0.7% of the morbid obesity cases and was absent in healthy non- obese controls. This highlights the importance of rare variants with strong impact and provides new insights in the design of clinical studies to identify the missing heritability in common disease.Furthermore, I was interested in the detection of somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) and their consequences in cancer (chapter 5). This project was a collaboration initiated by the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and involved other groups from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, the CHUV and Universities of Lausanne and Geneva. The focus of my work was to identify genes with altered expression levels within somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) in seven metastatic melanoma ceil lines, using CGH and SNP arrays, RNA-seq, and karyotyping. Very few SCNA genes were shared by even two melanoma samples making it difficult to draw any conclusions at the individual gene level. To overcome this limitation, I used a network-guided analysis to determine whether any pathways, defined by amplified or deleted genes, were common among the samples. Six of the melanoma samples were potentially altered in four pathways and five samples harboured copy-number and expression changes in components of six pathways. In total, this approach identified 28 pathways. Validation with two external, large melanoma datasets confirmed all but three of the detected pathways and demonstrated the utility of network-guided approaches for both large and small datasets analysis.RésuméBien que le génome de deux individus soit similaire à plus de 99.99%, des différences de structure peuvent être observées. Ces différences incluent les polymorphismes simples de nucléotides, les inversions et les changements en nombre de copies (gain ou perte d'ADN). Ces derniers varient de petits événements dits sous-microscopiques (moins de 1kb en taille), appelés CNVs (copy number variants) jusqu'à des événements plus large pouvant affecter des chromosomes entiers. Les petites variations sont généralement sans conséquence pour la cellule, toutefois certaines ont été impliquées dans la prédisposition à certaines maladies, et à des variations phénotypiques dans la population générale. Les réarrangements plus grands (par exemple, une copie additionnelle d'un chromosome appelée communément trisomie) ont des répercutions plus grave pour la santé, comme par exemple dans certains syndromes génomiques et dans le cancer. Les technologies à haut-débit telle les puces à ADN permettent la détection de CNVs à l'échelle du génome humain. La cartographie en 2006 des CNV du génome humain, a suscité un fort intérêt en génétique des populations et en génétique médicale. La détection de différences au sein et entre plusieurs populations est un élément clef pour élucider la contribution possible des CNVs dans les maladies. Toutefois l'analyse du génome reste une tâche difficile, la technologie évolue très rapidement créant de nouveaux besoins pour le développement d'outils, l'amélioration des précédents, et la comparaison des différentes méthodes. De plus, si le lien entre CNV et maladie a été établit, leur contribution précise n'est pas encore comprise. De même que les études sur la prédisposition aux maladies par des CNVs détectés dans la population générale n'ont pas encore été réalisées.Pendant mon doctorat, je me suis concentré sur trois axes principaux ayant attrait aux CNV. Dans le chapitre 3, je détaille mes travaux sur les méthodes d'analyses des puces à ADN. J'ai eu accès aux données du projet CoLaus, une étude de la population de Lausanne. Dans cette étude, le génome de plus de 6000 individus a été analysé avec des puces SNP et de nombreuses informations cliniques ont été récoltées. Pendant mes travaux, j'ai utilisé et comparé plusieurs méthodes de détection des CNVs. Les résultats n'étant pas complètement satisfaisant, j'ai implémenté ma propre méthode qui donne de meilleures performances que deux des trois autres méthodes utilisées. Je me suis aussi intéressé aux stratégies pour combiner les CNVs de différents individus en régions.Je me suis aussi intéressé à l'impact clinique des CNVs dans le cas des maladies génétiques communes (chapitre 4). Ce projet fut possible grâce à une étroite collaboration avec le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) et l'Impérial College à Londres. Dans ce projet, j'ai été l'un des analystes principaux et j'ai travaillé sur l'impact clinique d'une délétion rare du chromosome 16p11 présente chez des patients atteints d'obésité. Dans cette collaboration multidisciplinaire, nous avons comparés 8'456 patients atteint d'obésité et 11 '856 individus de la population générale. Nous avons trouvés que la délétion était impliquée dans 0.7% des cas d'obésité morbide et était absente chez les contrôles sains (non-atteint d'obésité). Notre étude illustre l'importance des CNVs rares qui peuvent avoir un impact clinique très important. De plus, ceci permet d'envisager une alternative aux études d'associations pour améliorer notre compréhension de l'étiologie des maladies génétiques communes.Egalement, j'ai travaillé sur la détection d'altérations somatiques en nombres de copies (SCNA) et de leurs conséquences pour le cancer (chapitre 5). Ce projet fut une collaboration initiée par l'Institut Ludwig de Recherche contre le Cancer et impliquant l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, le CHUV et les Universités de Lausanne et Genève. Je me suis concentré sur l'identification de gènes affectés par des SCNAs et avec une sur- ou sous-expression dans des lignées cellulaires dérivées de mélanomes métastatiques. Les données utilisées ont été générées par des puces ADN (CGH et SNP) et du séquençage à haut débit du transcriptome. Mes recherches ont montrées que peu de gènes sont récurrents entre les mélanomes, ce qui rend difficile l'interprétation des résultats. Pour contourner ces limitations, j'ai utilisé une analyse de réseaux pour définir si des réseaux de signalisations enrichis en gènes amplifiés ou perdus, étaient communs aux différents échantillons. En fait, parmi les 28 réseaux détectés, quatre réseaux sont potentiellement dérégulés chez six mélanomes, et six réseaux supplémentaires sont affectés chez cinq mélanomes. La validation de ces résultats avec deux larges jeux de données publiques, a confirmée tous ces réseaux sauf trois. Ceci démontre l'utilité de cette approche pour l'analyse de petits et de larges jeux de données.Résumé grand publicL'avènement de la biologie moléculaire, en particulier ces dix dernières années, a révolutionné la recherche en génétique médicale. Grâce à la disponibilité du génome humain de référence dès 2001, de nouvelles technologies telles que les puces à ADN sont apparues et ont permis d'étudier le génome dans son ensemble avec une résolution dite sous-microscopique jusque-là impossible par les techniques traditionnelles de cytogénétique. Un des exemples les plus importants est l'étude des variations structurales du génome, en particulier l'étude du nombre de copies des gènes. Il était établi dès 1959 avec l'identification de la trisomie 21 par le professeur Jérôme Lejeune que le gain d'un chromosome supplémentaire était à l'origine de syndrome génétique avec des répercussions graves pour la santé du patient. Ces observations ont également été réalisées en oncologie sur les cellules cancéreuses qui accumulent fréquemment des aberrations en nombre de copies (telles que la perte ou le gain d'un ou plusieurs chromosomes). Dès 2004, plusieurs groupes de recherches ont répertorié des changements en nombre de copies dans des individus provenant de la population générale (c'est-à-dire sans symptômes cliniques visibles). En 2006, le Dr. Richard Redon a établi la première carte de variation en nombre de copies dans la population générale. Ces découvertes ont démontrées que les variations dans le génome était fréquentes et que la plupart d'entre elles étaient bénignes, c'est-à-dire sans conséquence clinique pour la santé de l'individu. Ceci a suscité un très grand intérêt pour comprendre les variations naturelles entre individus mais aussi pour mieux appréhender la prédisposition génétique à certaines maladies.Lors de ma thèse, j'ai développé de nouveaux outils informatiques pour l'analyse de puces à ADN dans le but de cartographier ces variations à l'échelle génomique. J'ai utilisé ces outils pour établir les variations dans la population suisse et je me suis consacré par la suite à l'étude de facteurs pouvant expliquer la prédisposition aux maladies telles que l'obésité. Cette étude en collaboration avec le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois a permis l'identification d'une délétion sur le chromosome 16 expliquant 0.7% des cas d'obésité morbide. Cette étude a plusieurs répercussions. Tout d'abord elle permet d'effectuer le diagnostique chez les enfants à naître afin de déterminer leur prédisposition à l'obésité. Ensuite ce locus implique une vingtaine de gènes. Ceci permet de formuler de nouvelles hypothèses de travail et d'orienter la recherche afin d'améliorer notre compréhension de la maladie et l'espoir de découvrir un nouveau traitement Enfin notre étude fournit une alternative aux études d'association génétique qui n'ont eu jusqu'à présent qu'un succès mitigé.Dans la dernière partie de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé à l'analyse des aberrations en nombre de copies dans le cancer. Mon choix s'est porté sur l'étude de mélanomes, impliqués dans le cancer de la peau. Le mélanome est une tumeur très agressive, elle est responsable de 80% des décès des cancers de la peau et est souvent résistante aux traitements utilisés en oncologie (chimiothérapie, radiothérapie). Dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre l'Institut Ludwig de Recherche contre le Cancer, l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, le CHUV et les universités de Lausanne et Genève, nous avons séquencés l'exome (les gènes) et le transcriptome (l'expression des gènes) de sept mélanomes métastatiques, effectués des analyses du nombre de copies par des puces à ADN et des caryotypes. Mes travaux ont permis le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'analyses adaptées au cancer, d'établir la liste des réseaux de signalisation cellulaire affectés de façon récurrente chez le mélanome et d'identifier deux cibles thérapeutiques potentielles jusqu'alors ignorées dans les cancers de la peau.
Résumé -Caractéristiques architecturales des génomes bactériens et leurs applications Les bactéries possèdent généralement un seul chromosome circulaire. A chaque génération, ce chromosome est répliqué bidirectionnellement, par deux complexes enzymatiques de réplication se déplaçant en sens opposé depuis l'origine de réplication jusqu'au terminus, situé à l'opposé. Ce mode de réplication régit l'architecture du chromosome -l'orientation des gènes par rapport à la réplication, notamment - et est en grande partie à l'origine des pressions qui provoquent la variation de la composition en nucléotides du génome, hors des contraintes liées à la structure et à la fonction des protéines codées sur le chromosome. Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer à quantifier les effets de la réplication sur l'architecture chromosomique, en s'intéressant notamment aux gènes des ARN ribosomiques, cruciaux pour la bactérie. D'un autre côté, cette architecture est spécifique à l'espèce et donne ainsi une «identité génomique » aux gènes. Il est démontré ici qu'il est possible d'utiliser des marqueurs «naïfs » de cette identité pour détecter, notamment dans le génome du staphylocoque doré, des îlots de pathogénicité, qui concentrent un grand nombre de facteurs de virulence de la bactérie. Ces îlots de pathogénicité sont mobiles, et peuvent passer d'une bactérie à une autre, mais conservent durant un certain temps l'identité génomique de leur hôte précédent, ce qui permet de les reconnaître dans leur nouvel hôte. Ces méthodes simples, rapides et fiables seront de la plus haute importance lorsque le séquençage des génomes entiers sera rapide et disponible à très faible coût. Il sera alors possible d'analyser instantanément les déterminants pathogéniques et de résistance aux antibiotiques des agents pathogènes. Summary The bacterial genome is a highly organized structure, which may be referred to as the genome architecture, and is mainly directed by DNA replication. This thesis provides significant insights in the comprehension of the forces that shape bacterial chromosomes, different in each genome and contributing to confer them an identity. First, it shows the importance of the replication in directing the orientation of prokaryotic ribosomal RNAs, and how it shapes their nucleotide composition in a tax on-specific manner. Second, it highlights the pressure acting on the orientation of the genes in general, a majority of which are transcribed in the same direction as replication. Consequently, apparent infra-arm genome rearrangements, involving an exchange of the leading/lagging strands and shown to reduce growth rate, are very likely artifacts due to an incorrect contig assembly. Third, it shows that this genomic identity can be used to detect foreign parts in genomes, by establishing this identity for a given host and identifying the regions that deviate from it. This property is notably illustrated with Staphylococcus aureus: known pathogenicity islands and phages, and putative ancient pathogenicity islands concentrating many known pathogenicity-related genes are highlighted; the analysis also detects, incidentally, proteins responsible for the adhesion of S. aureus to the hosts' cells. In conclusion, the study of nucleotide composition of bacterial genomes provides the opportunity to better understand the genome-level pressures that shape DNA sequences, and to identify genes and regions potentially related to pathogenicity with fast, simple and reliable methods. This will be of crucial importance when whole-genome sequencing will be a rapid, inexpensive and routine tool.
Constraints in embryonic development are thought to bias the direction of evolution by making some changes less likely, and others more likely, depending on their consequences on ontogeny. Here, we characterize the constraints acting on genome evolution in vertebrates. We used gene expression data from two vertebrates: zebrafish, using a microarray experiment spanning 14 stages of development, and mouse, using EST counts for 26 stages of development. We show that, in both species, genes expressed early in development (1) have a more dramatic effect of knock-out or mutation and (2) are more likely to revert to single copy after whole genome duplication, relative to genes expressed late. This supports high constraints on early stages of vertebrate development, making them less open to innovations (gene gain or gene loss). Results are robust to different sources of data -- gene expression from microarrays, ESTs, or in situ hybridizations; and mutants from directed KO, transgenic insertions, point mutations, or morpholinos. We determine the pattern of these constraints, which differs from the model used to describe vertebrate morphological conservation ("hourglass" model). While morphological constraints reach a maximum at mid-development (the "phylotypic" stage), genomic constraints appear to decrease in a monotonous manner over developmental time.
Neuronal death occurs naturally in the development of the vertebrate central nervous system, deleting large numbers of neurons at the time when afferent and efferent connections are being formed. It is these that regulate it, by means of anterograde and retrograde survival signals that depend on trophic molecules and electrical activity. Possible roles include the regulation of neuronal numbers (numerical matching) and the elimination of axonal targeting errors.
The evolution of reproductive division of labour and social life in social insects has lead to the emergence of several life-history traits and adaptations typical of larger organisms: social insect colonies can reach masses of several kilograms, they start reproducing only when they are several years old, and can live for decades. These features and the monopolization of reproduction by only one or few individuals in a colony should affect molecular evolution by reducing the effective population size. We tested this prediction by analysing genome-wide patterns of coding sequence polymorphism and divergence in eusocial vs. noneusocial insects based on newly generated RNA-seq data. We report very low amounts of genetic polymorphism and an elevated ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes - a marker of the effective population size - in four distinct species of eusocial insects, which were more similar to vertebrates than to solitary insects regarding molecular evolutionary processes. Moreover, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions was positively correlated with the level of social complexity across ant species. These results are fully consistent with the hypothesis of a reduced effective population size and an increased genetic load in eusocial insects, indicating that the evolution of social life has important consequences at both the genomic and population levels.
BACKGROUND: Elucidating disease and developmental dysfunction requires understanding variation in phenotype. Single-species model organism anatomy ontologies (ssAOs) have been established to represent this variation. Multi-species anatomy ontologies (msAOs; vertebrate skeletal, vertebrate homologous, teleost, amphibian AOs) have been developed to represent 'natural' phenotypic variation across species. Our aim has been to integrate ssAOs and msAOs for various purposes, including establishing links between phenotypic variation and candidate genes. RESULTS: Previously, msAOs contained a mixture of unique and overlapping content. This hampered integration and coordination due to the need to maintain cross-references or inter-ontology equivalence axioms to the ssAOs, or to perform large-scale obsolescence and modular import. Here we present the unification of anatomy ontologies into Uberon, a single ontology resource that enables interoperability among disparate data and research groups. As a consequence, independent development of TAO, VSAO, AAO, and vHOG has been discontinued. CONCLUSIONS: The newly broadened Uberon ontology is a unified cross-taxon resource for metazoans (animals) that has been substantially expanded to include a broad diversity of vertebrate anatomical structures, permitting reasoning across anatomical variation in extinct and extant taxa. Uberon is a core resource that supports single- and cross-species queries for candidate genes using annotations for phenotypes from the systematics, biodiversity, medical, and model organism communities, while also providing entities for logical definitions in the Cell and Gene Ontologies. THE ONTOLOGY RELEASE FILES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ONTOLOGY MERGE DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUSCRIPT ARE AVAILABLE AT: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/releases/2013-02-21/ CURRENT ONTOLOGY RELEASE FILES ARE AVAILABLE ALWAYS AVAILABLE AT: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/uberon/releases/
Eight stomatitis papulosa (SP), four orf and two milker's nodes (MN) virus isolates were compared by restriction enzyme analysis. Considerable genetic heterogeneity was found not only between isolates belonging to the three different taxonomic groups but also between members of the same group. This heterogeneity precludes classification of parapoxviruses simply by comparison of their DNA cleavage patterns. Restriction maps were therefore prepared for 12 parapoxvirus DNAs. Fragments from defined regions of the genome were then selected and used as probes for cross-hybridizations to all other parapoxvirus DNAs. DNA fragments derived from an internal region of the genome hybridized strongly to all parapoxvirus isolates examined. In contrast, cross-hybridization of the end region of the DNA molecule was observed only between members of the same virus group. Molecular hybridization as a means of classifying parapoxvirus isolates is discussed.
The genomes of two bumblebee species characterized by a lower level of sociality than ants and honeybees provide new insights into the origin and evolution of insect societies.