988 resultados para Variedade Hermes
O presente trabalho teve como objectivo identificar a influência da variedade e o impacto da fermentação maloláctica, no perfil em compostos fenólicos de baixa massa molecular de vinhos varietais do Alentejo. Para o efeito, foram doseados alguns compostos fenólicos (aldeído protocatéquico e ácidos gálico, protocatéquico, caftárico, vanílico, fertárico, siringico, cafeíco, p-coumárico, ferúlico e coutárico) em 81 vinhos varietais produzidos na Adega Experimental da Universidade de Évora, 48 da casta Trincadeira, e os restantes das castas Aragonez, Cabernet Sauvignon, Alfrocheiro, Castelão e Touriga Nacional. A análise dos dados obtidos, através do método da partição de variância, permitiu identificar a variedade como a variável que mais influência teve no perfil em compostos fenólicos de baixa massa molecular dos vinhos varietais
Este trabalho teve como objetivos identificar o estádio de maturação para a colheita, a temperatura ideal de armazenamento e polímeros de cobertura eficientes na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita de acerolas da variedade Junco, destinadas ao consumo in natura. No experimento 1, frutos de aceroleira foram colhidos em três estádios de maturação e foram armazenados a 8 °C, 10 °C e 12 °C. No experimento 2, os frutos foram tratados em pós-colheita, com diferentes polímeros de cobertura, e armazenados a 12 °C. No primeiro experimento, frutos colhidos no estádio de maturação com 1% a 25% de coloração vermelha e armazenados a 12 °C mantiveram a melhor qualidade física e química durante o armazenamento, comparado com os demais tratamentos. No experimento 2, não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre tratamentos sem e com o uso de polímeros de cobertura para os parâmetros físico e químicos avaliados. Desta forma, recomenda-se a colheita de frutos de aceroleira da variedade Junco no estádio de maturação com 1% a 25% de coloração vermelha, com armazenamento a 12 °C, quando estes forem destinados ao mercado in natura.
A oferta de manga produzida no Brasil para o mercado externo está concentrada em algumas poucas variedades, com destaque para Tommy Atkins, Kent, Haden, Palmer e Keitt. São variedades com boa aceitação no mercado, mas que podem requerer estratégias de manejo em campo e na pós-colheita que reduzam problemas como ocorrência de distúrbios fisiológicos, baixo pegamento de frutos, resposta instável à indução floral e curta vida útil. Apesar do bom desempenho do negócio da manga, particularmente no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, principal região exportadora da fruta no País (ANUÁRIO BRASILEIRO DA 16 FRUTICULTURA, 2016), a competitividade internacional e a evolução contínua dos padrões de qualidade demandam antecipação de cenários e base genética coerente com as mudanças esperadas ou possíveis. No que se refere a variedades, Pinto et al. (2011) enfatizaram a importância de que as ações de melhoramento genético sejam dirigidas à obtenção de genótipos de mangueira que apresentem duas ou mais vantagens em relação às mais comercializadas no mercado e com a possibilidade do uso para dupla finalidade, tanto consumo in natura como processamento, atendendo a diversos segmentos da cadeia produtiva. O programa de melhoramento genético da mangueira em curso considera esta visão e busca superar as vulnerabilidades das variedades comerciais, em especial a Tommy Atkins, que tem no menor teor relativo de sólidos solúveis um dos seus principais problemas de mercado. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar componentes da qualidade comercial dos frutos de híbridos de mangueiras entre as variedades Haden e Tommy Atkins, Keitt e Tommy Atkins e Van Dyke e Tommy Atkins, resultantes de polinização aberta, avaliados na safra de 2015, nas condições do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco.
Butterfly long-wavelength (L) photopigments are interesting for comparative studies of adaptive evolution because of the tremendous phenotypic variation that exists in their wavelength of peak absorbance (lambda(max) value). Here we present a comprehensive survey of L photopigment variation by measuring lambda(max) in 12 nymphalid and 1 riodinid species using epi-microspectrophotometry. Together with previous data, we find that L photopigment lambda(max) varies from 510-565 nm in 22 nymphalids, with an even broader 505- to 600-nm range in riodinids. We then surveyed the L opsin genes for which lambda(max) values are available as well as from related taxa and found 2 instances of L opsin gene duplication within nymphalids, in Hermeuptychia hermes and Amathusia phidippus, and 1 instance within riodinids, in the metalmark butterfly Apodemia mormo. Using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstructions to map the evolution of spectral shifts within the L photopigments of nymphalids, we estimate the ancestral pigment had a lambda(max) = 540 nm +/- 10 nm standard error and that blueshifts in wavelength have occurred at least 4 times within the family. We used ancestral state reconstructions to investigate the importance of several amino acid substitutions (Ile17Met, Ala64Ser, Asn70Ser, and Ser137Ala) previously shown to have evolved under positive selection that are correlated with blue spectral shifts. These reconstructions suggest that the Ala64Ser substitution has indeed occurred along the newly identified blueshifted L photopigment lineages. Substitutions at the other 3 sites may also be involved in the functional diversification of L photopigments. Our data strongly suggest that there are limits to the evolution of L photopigment spectral shifts among species with only one L opsin gene and that opsin gene duplication broadens the potential range of lambda(max) values.
Shanghai possesses an apt legacy, once referred to as “Paris of the East”. Municipal aspirations for Shanghai to assume a position among the great fashion cities of the world have been integrated in the recent re-shaping of this modern city into a role model for Chinese creative enterprise yet China is still known primarily as centre of clothing production. Increasingly however, “Made in China” is being replaced by “Created in China” drawing attention to two distinct consumer markets for Chinese designers. Fashion designers who have entered the global fashion system for education or by showing their collections have generally adopted a design aesthetic that aligns with Western markets, allowing little competitive advantage. In contrast, Chinese designers who rest their attention on the domestic Chinese market find a disparate, highly competitive marketplace. The pillars of authenticity that for foreign fashion brands extend far into their cultural and creative histories, often for many decades in the case of Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Christian Dior do not yet exist in China in this era of rapid globalisation. Here, the cultural bedrock allows these same pillars to extend only thirty years or so into the past reaching the moments when Deng Xiaoping granted China’s creative entrepreneurs passage. To this end, interviews with fashion designers in Shanghai have been undertaken during the last twelve months for a PhD dissertation. Production of culture theory has been used to identify working methods, practices of production and the social and cultural milieu necessary for designers to achieve viability. Preliminary findings indicate that some fashion designers have adopted an as-yet unexplored strategy of business and brand development with a distinct Chinese aesthetic at its core, in contrast to the clichéd cultural iconography often viewed by Western viewers as representative of Chinese creativity.
Shanghai possesses an apt legacy, once referred to as ‘Paris of the East’. Municipal aspirations for Shanghai to assume a position among the great fashion cities of the world have been integrated in the recent re-shaping of this modern city into a role model for Chinese creative enterprise yet China is still known primarily as centre of clothing production. Increasingly however, ‘Made in China’ is being replaced by ‘Created in China’ drawing attention to two distinct consumer markets for Chinese designers. Fashion designers who have entered the global fashion system for education or by showing their collections have generally adopted a design aesthetic that aligns with Western markets, allowing little competitive advantage. In contrast, Chinese designers who rest their attention on the domestic Chinese market find a disparate, highly competitive marketplace. The pillars of authenticity that for foreign fashion brands extend far into their cultural and creative histories, often for many decades in the case of Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Christian Dior do not yet exist in China in this era of rapid globalisation. Here, the cultural bedrock allows these same pillars to extend only thirty years or so into the past reaching the moments when Deng Xiaoping granted China’s creative entrepreneurs passage. To this end, interviews with fashion designers in Shanghai have been undertaken during the last twelve months for a PhD dissertation. Production of culture theory has been used to identify working methods, practices of production and the social and cultural milieu necessary for designers to achieve viability. Preliminary findings indicate that some fashion designers have adopted an as-yet unexplored strategy of business and brand development with a distinct Chinese aesthetic at its core, in contrast to the clichéd cultural iconography often viewed by Western viewers as representative of Chinese creativity. The development of this aesthetic is similar to the development of the Scandinavian design ethos that emerged during the 1950s.
Part studies on the impact of microfinance through self help groups (HGs) and other collective poverty alleviation initiatives have predominantly focused on the financial benefits to the individual or the group (Hermes and Lensink 2011; Hulme and Mosley 1996). Such benefits are typically attributed to the financial capital made available to SHGs (Swain and Varghese 2009) and the social capital which accrues through networking mechanisms within SHG processes (Tesoriero 2005). Few studies however, have examined the benefits of SHGs beyond group members. Accordingly, research was conducted to look beyond the immediate group processes and outcomes, and examine the impact of SHGs in the wider (local) community.
Shanghai possesses an apt legacy, once referred to as “Paris of the East”. Municipal aspirations for Shanghai to assume a position among the great fashion cities of the world have been integrated in the recent re-shaping of this modern city into a role model for Chinese creative enterprise yet China is still known primarily as centre of clothing production. Increasingly however, “Made in China” is being replaced by “Created in China” drawing attention to two distinct consumer markets for Chinese designers. Fashion designers who have entered the global fashion system for education or by showing their collections have generally adopted a design aesthetic that aligns with Western markets, allowing little competitive advantage. In contrast, Chinese designers who rest their attention on the domestic Chinese market find a disparate, highly competitive marketplace. The pillars of authenticity that for foreign fashion brands extend far into their cultural and creative histories, often for many decades in the case of Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Christian Dior do not yet exist in China in this era of rapid globalisation. Here, the cultural bedrock allows these same pillars to extend only thirty years or so into the past reaching the moments when Deng Xiaoping granted China’s creative entrepreneurs passage. To this end, interviews with fashion designers in Shanghai have been undertaken during the last twelve months for a PhD dissertation. Production of culture theory has been used to identify working methods, practices of production and the social and cultural milieu necessary for designers to achieve viability. Preliminary findings indicate that some fashion designers have adopted an as-yet unexplored strategy of business and brand development with a distinct Chinese aesthetic at its core, in contrast to the clichéd cultural iconography often viewed by Western viewers as representative of Chinese creativity.
Shanghai possesses an apt legacy, once referred to as “Paris of the East”. Municipal aspirations for Shanghai to assume a position among the great fashion cities of the world have been integrated in the recent re-shaping of this modern city into a role model for Chinese creative enterprise yet China is still known primarily as centre of clothing production. Increasingly however, “Made in China” is being replaced by “Created in China” drawing attention to two distinct consumer markets for Chinese designers. Fashion designers who have entered the global fashion system for education or by showing their collections have generally adopted a design aesthetic that aligns with Western markets, allowing little competitive advantage. In contrast, Chinese designers who rest their attention on the domestic Chinese market find a disparate, highly competitive marketplace. The pillars of authenticity that for foreign fashion brands extend far into their cultural and creative histories, often for many decades in the case of Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Christian Dior do not yet exist in China in this era of rapid globalisation. Here, the cultural bedrock allows these same pillars to extend only thirty years or so into the past reaching the moments when Deng Xiaoping granted China’s creative entrepreneurs passage. To this end, interviews with fashion designers in Shanghai have been undertaken during the last twelve months for a PhD dissertation. Production of culture theory has been used to identify working methods, practices of production and the social and cultural milieu necessary for designers to achieve viability.
In the present study, we examined a panel of human breast cancer cell lines with regard to their expression of CD44 and ability to bind and degrade hyaluronan. The cell lines expressed varying amounts of different molecular weight forms of CD44 (85-200 kDa) and, in general, those that expressed the greatest amounts of CD44 were the most invasive as judged by in vitro assays. In addition, the ability to bind and degrade hyaluronan was restricted to the cell lines expressing high levels of CD44, and both these functions were blocked by an antibody to CD44 (Hermes-1). Moreover, the rate of [3H]hyaluronan degradation was highly correlated with the amount of CD44 (r = 0.951, P < 0.0001), as well as with the invasive potential of the cells. Scatchard analysis of the [3H]hyaluronan binding of these cells revealed the existence of significant differences in both their binding capacity and their dissociation constant. To determine the source of this deviation, the different molecular weight forms of CD44 were partially separated by gel filtration chromatography. In all cell lines, the 85 kDa form was able to bind hyaluronan, although with different affinities. In contrast, not all of the high molecular weight forms of CD44 had this ability. These results illustrate the diversity of CD44 molecules in invasive tumor cells, and suggest that one of their major functions is to degrade hyaluronan.
We discuss the possibility of using electroproduction of J/psi as a probe of gluon Sivers function by measuring single spin asymmetry (SSA) in experiments with transversely polarized protons and electron beams. We estimate SSA for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS, and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of charmonium production and find asymmetry up to 25% for certain choices of model parameters which have been used earlier for estimating SSA in the SIDIS and Drell-Yan processes.
The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.