1000 resultados para Variable Aggregation


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Many wireless applications demand a fast mechanism to detect the packet from a node with the highest priority ("best node") only, while packets from nodes with lower priority are irrelevant. In this paper, we introduce an extremely fast contention-based multiple access algorithm that selects the best node and requires only local information of the priorities of the nodes. The algorithm, which we call Variable Power Multiple Access Selection (VP-MAS), uses the local channel state information from the accessing nodes to the receiver, and maps the priorities onto the receive power. It is based on a key result that shows that mapping onto a set of discrete receive power levels is optimal, when the power levels are chosen to exploit packet capture that inherently occurs in a wireless physical layer. The VP-MAS algorithm adjusts the expected number of users that contend in each step and their respective transmission powers, depending on whether previous transmission attempts resulted in capture, idle channel, or collision. We also show how reliable information regarding the total received power at the receiver can be used to improve the algorithm by enhancing the feedback mechanism. The algorithm detects the packet from the best node in 1.5 to 2.1 slots, which is considerably lower than the 2.43 slot average achieved by the best algorithm known to date.


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The effect of a magnetic field on the flow and oxygenation of an incompressible Newtonian conducting fluid in channels with irregular boundaries has been investigated. The geometric parameter δ, which is a ratio of the mean half width of the channel d to the characteristic length λ along the channel over which the significant changes in the flow quantities occur, has been used for perturbing the governing equations. Closed form solutions of the various order equations are presented for the stream function. The equations for oxygen partial pressure remain nonlinear even after perturbation, therefore a numerical solution is presented. The expressions for shear stress at a wall and pressure distributions are derived. Here the separation in the flow occurs at a higher Reynolds number than the corresponding non-magnetic case. It is found that the magnetic field has an effect on local oxygen concentration but has a little effect on the saturation length.


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Multi-objective optimization is an active field of research with broad applicability in aeronautics. This report details a variant of the original NSGA-II software aimed to improve the performances of such a widely used Genetic Algorithm in finding the optimal Pareto-front of a Multi-Objective optimization problem for the use of UAV and aircraft design and optimsaiton. Original NSGA-II works on a population of predetermined constant size and its computational cost to evaluate one generation is O(mn^2 ), being m the number of objective functions and n the population size. The basic idea encouraging this work is that of reduce the computational cost of the NSGA-II algorithm by making it work on a population of variable size, in order to obtain better convergence towards the Pareto-front in less time. In this work some test functions will be tested with both original NSGA-II and VPNSGA-II algorithms; each test will be timed in order to get a measure of the computational cost of each trial and the results will be compared.


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Bond graph is an apt modelling tool for any system working across multiple energy domains. Power electronics system modelling is usually the study of the interplay of energy in the domains of electrical, mechanical, magnetic and thermal. The usefulness of bond graph modelling in power electronic field has been realised by researchers. Consequently in the last couple of decades, there has been a steadily increasing effort in developing simulation tools for bond graph modelling that are specially suited for power electronic study. For modelling rotating magnetic fields in electromagnetic machine models, a support for vector variables is essential. Unfortunately, all bond graph simulation tools presently provide support only for scalar variables. We propose an approach to provide complex variable and vector support to bond graph such that it will enable modelling of polyphase electromagnetic and spatial vector systems. We also introduced a rotary gyrator element and use it along with the switched junction for developing the complex/vector variable's toolbox. This approach is implemented by developing a complex S-function tool box in Simulink inside a MATLAB environment This choice has been made so as to synthesise the speed of S-function, the user friendliness of Simulink and the popularity of MATLAB.


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In a series of experiments conducted in stone fruit orchards in southern Australia, water-based funnel-type traps baited with synthetic aggregation pheromone and fermenting bread dough, trapped 3- to 7-fold as many Carpophihus beetles (primarily C. dauidsoni) than wind-oriented pipe traps or dry funnel traps. The efficacy of dry funnel traps but not pipe traps, appeared to be improved by using water-filled collecting bottles. The potential for using water-based funnel traps in population suppression of Carpophilus spp. in stone fruit orchards through mass trapping is discussed.


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The crystal structures of (1) L-arginine D-asparate, C6HIsN40~.C4H6NO4 [triclinic, P1, a=5.239(1), b=9.544(1), c=14.064(2)A, a=85"58(1), /3=88.73 (1), ~/=84.35 (1) °, Z=2] and (2) L-arginine D-glutamate trihydrate, C6H15N40~-.CsHsNO4.3H20 [monoclinic, P2~, a=9.968(2), b=4.652(1), c=19.930 (2) A, fl = 101.20 (1) °, Z = 2] have been determined using direct methods. They have been refined to R =0.042 and 0.048 for 2829 and 2035 unique reflections respectively [I>2cr(I)]. The conformations of the two arginine molecules in the aspartate complex are different from those observed so far in the crystal structures of arginine, its salts and complexes. In both complexes, the molecules are organized into double layers stacked along the longest axis. The core of each double layer consists of two parallel sheets made up of main-chain atoms, each involving both types of molecules. The hydrogen bonds within each sheet and those that interconnect the two sheets give rise to EL-, DD- and DE-type head-to-tail sequences. Adjacent double layers in (1) are held together by side-chain-side-chain interactions whereas those in (2) are interconnected through an extensive network of water molecules which interact with sidechain guanidyl and carboxylate groups. The aggregation pattern observed in the two LD complexes is fundamentally different from that found in the corresponding EL complexes.


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Relationships between freshwater flows and growth rates of the opportunistic predatory finfish barramundi Lates calcarifer in a dry tropical estuary were examined using data from a long-term tag-recapture programme. Lagged effects were not investigated. After accounting for length at release, time at liberty and seasonal variation (e.g. winter, spring, summer and autumn), growth rates were significantly and positively related to fresh water flowing to the estuary. Effects were present at relatively low levels of freshwater flow (i.e. 2.15 m3 s-1, the 5th percentile of the mean flow rate experienced by fish in the study during time at liberty). The analysis, although correlative, provides quantitative evidence to support the hypothesis that freshwater flows are important in driving the productivity of estuaries and can improve growth of species high in the trophic chain.


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This report describes the development and simulation of a variable rate controller for a 6-degree of freedom nonlinear model. The variable rate simulation model represents an off the shelf autopilot. Flight experiment involves risks and can be expensive. Therefore a dynamic model to understand the performance characteristics of the UAS in mission simulation before actual flight test or to obtain parameters needed for the flight is important. The control and guidance is implemented in Simulink. The report tests the use of the model for air search and air sampling path planning. A GUI in which a set of mission scenarios, in which two experts (mission expert, i.e. air sampling or air search and an UAV expert) interact, is presented showing the benefits of the method.


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Aircraft pursuit-evasion encounters in a plane with variable speeds are analysed as a differential game. An engagement-dependent coordinate system confers open-loop optimality on the game. Each aircraft's optimal motion can be represented by extremel trajectory maps which are independent of role, adversary and capture radius. These maps are used in two different ways to construct the feedback solution. Some examples are given to illustrate these features. The paper draws on earlier results and surveys several existing papers on the subject.


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SecB, a soluble cytosolic chaperone component of the Secexport pathway, binds to newly synthesized precursor proteins and prevents their premature aggregation and folding and subsequently targets them to the translocation machinery on the membrane. PreMBP, the precursor form of maltose binding protein, has a 26-residue signal sequence attached to the N-terminus of MBP and is a physiological substrate of SecB. We examine the effect of macromolecular crowding and SecB on the stability and refolding of denatured preMBP and MBP. PreMBP was less stable than MBP (ΔTm =7( 0.5 K) in both crowded and uncrowded solutions. Crowding did not cause any substantial changes in the thermal stability ofMBP(ΔTm=1(0.4 K) or preMBP (ΔTm=0(0.6 K), as observed in spectroscopically monitored thermal unfolding experiments. However, both MBP and preMBP were prone to aggregation while refolding under crowded conditions. In contrast to MBP aggregates, which were amorphous, preMBP aggregates form amyloid fibrils.Under uncrowded conditions, a molar excess of SecB was able to completely prevent aggregation and promote disaggregation of preformed aggregates of MBP. When a complex of the denatured protein and SecB was preformed, SecB could completely prevent aggregation and promote folding of MBP and preMBP even in crowded solution. Thus, in addition to maintaining substrates in an unfolded, export-competent conformation, SecB also suppresses the aggregation of its substrates in the crowded intracellular environment. SecB is also able to promote passive disaggregation of macroscopic aggregates of MBP in the absence of an energy source such as ATP or additional cofactors. These experiments also demonstrate that signal peptide can reatly influence protein stability and aggregation propensity.


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Analytical solutions of partial differential equation (PDE) models describing reactive transport phenomena in saturated porous media are often used as screening tools to provide insight into contaminant fate and transport processes. While many practical modelling scenarios involve spatially variable coefficients, such as spatially variable flow velocity, v(x), or spatially variable decay rate, k(x), most analytical models deal with constant coefficients. Here we present a framework for constructing exact solutions of PDE models of reactive transport. Our approach is relevant for advection-dominant problems, and is based on a regular perturbation technique. We present a description of the solution technique for a range of one-dimensional scenarios involving constant and variable coefficients, and we show that the solutions compare well with numerical approximations. Our general approach applies to a range of initial conditions and various forms of v(x) and k(x). Instead of simply documenting specific solutions for particular cases, we present a symbolic worksheet, as supplementary material, which enables the solution to be evaluated for different choices of the initial condition, v(x) and k(x). We also discuss how the technique generalizes to apply to models of coupled multispecies reactive transport as well as higher dimensional problems.


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Rainfall variability is a major challenge to sustainable management in semi-arid rangelands. We present empirical evidence from a large, long-term grazing trial in northern Australia on the relative performance of constant heavy stocking, moderate stocking at long-term carrying capacity and variable stocking in coping with climate variability over a range of rainfall years. Moderate stocking gave good economic returns, maintained pasture condition and minimised soil loss and runoff. Heavy stocking was neither sustainable nor profitable in the long term. Variable stocking generally performed well but suffered economic loss and some decline in pasture condition in the transition from good to poor years. Importantly, our results show that sustainable and profitable management are compatible in semi-arid rangelands.


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An oscillatory flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in an elastic tube of variable cross section has been investigated at low Reynolds number. The equations governing, the flow are derived under the assumption that the variation of the cross-section is slow in the axial direction for a tethered tube. The problem is then reduced to that of solving for the excess pressure from a second order ordinary differential equation with complex valued Bessel functions as the coefficients. This equation has been solved numerically for geometries of physiological interest and a comparison is made with some of the known theoretical and experimental results.


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We study small vibrations of cantilever beams contacting a rigid surface. We study two cases: the first is a beam that sags onto the ground due to gravity, and the second is a beam that sticks to the ground through reversible adhesion. In both cases, the noncontacting length varies dynamically. We first obtain the governing equations and boundary conditions, including a transversality condition involving an end moment, using Hamilton's principle. Rescaling the variable length to a constant value, we obtain partial differential equations with time varying coefficients, which, upon linearization, give the natural frequencies of vibration. The natural frequencies for the first case (gravity without adhesion) match that of a clamped-clamped beam of the same nominal length; frequencies for the second case, however, show no such match. We develop simple, if atypical, single degree of freedom approximations for the first modes of these two systems, which provide insights into the role of the static deflection profile, as well as the end moment condition, in determining the first natural frequencies of these systems. Finally, we consider small transverse sinusoidal forcing of the first case and find that the governing equation contains both parametric and external forcing terms. For forcing at resonance, w find that either the internal or the external forcing may dominate.