957 resultados para VENTRAL HIPPOCAMPUS


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Dissertação de mest., Ciências, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2009


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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The adult dentate gyrus produces new neurons that morphologically and functionally integrate into the hippocampal network. In the adult brain, most excitatory synapses are ensheathed by astrocytic perisynaptic processes that regulate synaptic structure and function. However, these processes are formed during embryonic or early postnatal development and it is unknown whether astrocytes can also ensheathe synapses of neurons born during adulthood and, if so, whether they play a role in their synaptic transmission. Here, we used a combination of serial-section immuno-electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, and electrophysiology to examine the formation of perisynaptic processes on adult-born neurons. We found that the afferent and efferent synapses of newborn neurons are ensheathed by astrocytic processes, irrespective of the age of the neurons or the size of their synapses. The quantification of gliogenesis and the distribution of astrocytic processes on synapses formed by adult-born neurons suggest that the majority of these processes are recruited from pre-existing astrocytes. Furthermore, the inhibition of astrocytic glutamate re-uptake significantly reduced postsynaptic currents and increased paired-pulse facilitation in adult-born neurons, suggesting that perisynaptic processes modulate synaptic transmission on these cells. Finally, some processes were found intercalated between newly formed dendritic spines and potential presynaptic partners, suggesting that they may also play a structural role in the connectivity of new spines. Together, these results indicate that pre-existing astrocytes remodel their processes to ensheathe synapses of adult-born neurons and participate to the functional and structural integration of these cells into the hippocampal network.


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The adult hippocampus generates functional dentate granule cells (GCs) that release glutamate onto target cells in the hilus and cornus ammonis (CA)3 region, and receive glutamatergic and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inputs that tightly control their spiking activity. The slow and sequential development of their excitatory and inhibitory inputs makes them particularly relevant for information processing. Although they are still immature, new neurons are recruited by afferent activity and display increased excitability, enhanced activity-dependent plasticity of their input and output connections, and a high rate of synaptogenesis. Once fully mature, new GCs show all the hallmarks of neurons generated during development. In this review, we focus on how developing neurons remodel the adult dentate gyrus and discuss key aspects that illustrate the potential of neurogenesis as a mechanism for circuit plasticity and function.


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Exposure to chronic stress can alter the structure and function of brain regions involved in learning and memory, and these effects are typically long-lasting if the stress occurs during sensitive periods of development. Until recently, adolescence has received relatively little attention as a sensitive period of development, despite marked changes in behaviour, heightened reactivity to stressors, and cognitive and neural maturation. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the long-term effects of chronic stress in adolescence on two spatial learning and memory tasks (Morris water maze and Spatial Object Location test) and on a working memory task (Delayed Alternation task). Male rats were randomly assigned to chronic social instability stress (SS; daily 1 hour isolation and subsequent change of cage partner between postnatal days 30 and 45) or to a no-stress control group (CTL). During acquisition learning in the Morris water maze task, SS rats demonstrated impaired long-term memory for the location of the hidden escape platform compared to CTL rats, although the impairment was only seen after the first day of training. Similarly, SS rats had impaired long-term memory in the Spatial Object Location test after a long delay (240 minutes), but not after shorter delays (15 or 60 minutes) compared to CTL rats. On the Delayed Alternation task, which assessed working memory across delays ranging from 5 to 90 seconds, no group differences were observed. These results are partially in line with previous research that revealed adult impairment on spatial learning and memory tasks after exposure to chronic social instability stress in adolescence. The observed deficits, however, appear to be limited to long-term memory as no group differences were observed during brief periods of retention.


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De récents travaux ont mis en évidence que des dysfonctionnements dans l’expression de gènes impliqués dans la plasticité synaptique contribuent aux déclins cognitifs qu’on observe chez les gens âgés et à la progression de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Notre étude avait comme objectif d’étudier le profil d’expression d’ARNm spécifiques impliqués dans la plasticité synaptique chez des rats jeunes et âgés et chez des souris transgéniques 3xTg et WT. Des expériences en qRT-PCR ont été effectuées dans des extraits de cortex et d’hippocampe de rats jeunes et âgés et de souris 3xTg et WT, respectivement. Les résultats ont démontré une augmentation significative de l’expression d’ARNm MAP1B, Stau2, BDNF, CREB et AGO2 principalement dans l’hippocampe (régions CA1-CA3) des souris 3xTg comparé aux souris WT. Une diminution significative a également été observée pour l’ARNm αCaMKII dans le cortex des souris 3xTg comparé aux souris WT. Contrairement à ces observations, aucun changement n’a été observé pour l’expression de gènes impliqués dans la plasticité synaptique chez les rats âgés comparé aux rats jeunes. Ces résultats démontrent qu’un dysfonctionnement existe réellement au début de la maladie d’Alzheimer dans l’expression de gènes spécifiques impliqués dans la plasticité synaptique et contribue potentiellement à la progression de la maladie en engendrant un déséquilibre entre la LTP et la LTD. De plus, les différences d’expressions sont particulièrement observées dans l’hippocampe (régions CA1-CA3) ce qui est consistant avec les études sur la progression de la maladie d’Alzheimer puisqu’il est connu que la région CA1 de l’hippocampe est la plus vulnérable à l’apparition de la maladie. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension des événements moléculaires qui deviennent dérégulés à l’apparition de la maladie d’Alzheimer.


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La dépression est une pathologie grave qui, malgré de multiples stratégies thérapeutiques, demeure résistante chez un tiers des patients. Les techniques de stimulation cérébrale sont devenues une alternative intéressante pour les patients résistants à diverses pharmacothérapies. La stimulation du nerf vague (SNV) a ainsi fait preuve de son efficacité en clinique et a récemment été approuvée comme traitement additif pour la dépression résistante. Cependant, les mécanismes d’action de la SNV en rapport avec la dépression n’ont été que peu étudiés. Cette thèse a donc eu comme premier objectif de caractériser l’impact de la SNV sur les différents systèmes monoaminergiques impliqués dans la pathophysiologie de la dépression, à savoir la sérotonine (5-HT), la noradrénaline (NA) et la dopamine (DA), grâce à l’utilisation de techniques électrophysiologiques et de la microdialyse in vivo chez le rat. Des études précliniques avaient déjà révélé qu’une heure de SNV augmente le taux de décharge des neurones NA du locus coeruleus, et que 14 jours de stimulation sont nécessaires pour observer un effet comparable sur les neurones 5-HT. Notre travail a démontré que la SNV modifie aussi le mode de décharge des neurones NA qui présente davantage de bouffées, influençant ainsi la libération terminale de NA, qui est significativement augmentée dans le cortex préfrontal et l’hippocampe après 14 jours. L’augmentation de la neurotransmission NA s’est également manifestée par une élévation de l’activation tonique des récepteurs postsynaptiques α2-adrénergiques de l’hippocampe. Après lésion des neurones NA, nous avons montré que l’effet de la SNV sur les neurones 5-HT était indirect, et médié par le système NA, via l’activation des récepteurs α1-adrénergiques présents sur les neurones du raphé. Aussi, tel que les antidépresseurs classiques, la SNV augmente l’activation tonique des hétérorécepteurs pyramidaux 5-HT1A, dont on connait le rôle clé dans la réponse thérapeutique aux antidépresseurs. Par ailleurs, nous avons constaté que malgré une diminution de l’activité électrique des neurones DA de l’aire tegmentale ventrale, la SNV induit une augmentation de la DA extracellulaire dans le cortex préfrontal et particulièrement dans le noyau accumbens, lequel joue un rôle important dans les comportements de récompense et l’hédonie. Un deuxième objectif a été de caractériser les paramètres optimaux de SNV agissant sur la dépression, en utilisant comme indicateur le taux de décharge des neurones 5-HT. Des modalités de stimulation moins intenses se sont avérées aussi efficaces que les stimulations standards pour augmenter l’activité électrique des neurones 5-HT. Ces nouveaux paramètres de stimulation pourraient s’avérer bénéfiques en clinique, chez des patients ayant déjà répondu à la SNV. Ils pourraient minimiser les effets secondaires reliés aux périodes de stimulation et améliorer ainsi la qualité de vie des patients. Ainsi, ces travaux de thèse ont caractérisé l’influence de la SNV sur les trois systèmes monoaminergiques, laquelle s’avère en partie distincte de celle des antidépresseurs classiques tout en contribuant à son efficacité en clinique. D’autre part, les modalités de stimulation que nous avons définies seraient intéressantes à tester chez des patients recevant la SNV, car elles devraient contribuer à l’amélioration des bénéfices cliniques de cette thérapie.


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La voie dopaminergique mésolimbique qui prend son origine dans le mésencéphale ventral et qui projette vers des régions rostrales du système limbique fait partie du substrat nerveux qui contrôle la récompense et les comportements motivés. Il a été suggéré qu’un signal de récompense est produit lorsque le patron de décharge des neurones dopaminergiques passe d’un mode tonique à un mode phasique, une transition qui est initiée par l’action du glutamate aux récepteurs N-Méthyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Étant donné qu’une altération du système de récompense est souvent associée à des anomalies cliniques telles que l’addiction compulsive et à des troubles émotionnels tels que l’anhédonie, nous avons étudié le rôle des récepteurs NMDA dans la récompense induite par la stimulation électrique intracérébrale. Puisque les récepteurs NMDA sont composés de sous-unités distinctes, GluN1, GluN2 et GluN3, nous avons étudié le rôle de deux sous-unités qui sont présentes dans le mésencéphale ventral : GluN2A et GluN2B. Les résultats montrent que des injections mésencéphaliques de R-CPP et de PPPA, des antagonistes préférentiels aux sous-unités GluN2A/B, ont produit une augmentation dose-dépendante de l’effet de récompense, un effet qui était, à certains temps après les injections, accompagné d’une augmentation du nombre de réponses maximales. Ces effets n’ont pas été observés après l’injection d’une large gamme de doses de Ro04-5595, un antagoniste des sous-unités GluN2B. Ces résultats suggèrent que le glutamate mésencéphalique exerce une modulation négative sur le circuit de récompense, un effet dû à son action au niveau des récepteurs NMDA composés des sous-unités GluN2A.


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Background: Prionopathies are characterized by spongiform brain degeneration, myoclonia, dementia, and periodic electroencephalographic (EEG) disturbances. The hallmark of prioniopathies is the presence of an abnormal conformational isoform (PrP(sc)) of the natural cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) encoded by the Prnp gene. Although several roles have been attributed to PrP(c), its putative functions in neuronal excitability are unknown. Although early studies of the behavior of Prnp knockout mice described minor changes, later studies report altered behavior. To date, most functional PrP(c) studies on synaptic plasticity have been performed in vitro. To our knowledge, only one electrophysiological study has been performed in vivo in anesthetized mice, by Curtis and coworkers. They reported no significant differences in paired-pulse facilitation or LTP in the CA1 region after Schaffer collateral/commissural pathway stimulation. Principal Findings: Here we explore the role of PrP(c) expression in neurotransmission and neural excitability using wild-type, Prnp -/- and PrP(c)-overexpressing mice (Tg20 strain). By correlating histopathology with electrophysiology in living behaving mice, we demonstrate that both Prnp -/- mice but, more relevantly Tg20 mice show increased susceptibility to KA, leading to significant cell death in the hippocampus. This finding correlates with enhanced synaptic facilitation in paired-pulse experiments and hippocampal LTP in living behaving mutant mice. Gene expression profiling using Illumina microarrays and Ingenuity pathways analysis showed that 129 genes involved in canonical pathways such as Ubiquitination or Neurotransmission were co-regulated in Prnp -/- and Tg20 mice. Lastly, RT-qPCR of neurotransmission-related genes indicated that subunits of GABA(A) and AMPA-kainate receptors are co-regulated in both Prnp -/- and Tg20 mice. Conclusions/Significance: Present results demonstrate that PrP(c) is necessary for the proper homeostatic functioning of hippocampal circuits, because of its relationships with GABA(A) and AMPA-Kainate neurotransmission. New PrP(c) functions have recently been described, which point to PrP(c) as a target for putative therapies in Alzheimer's disease. However, our results indicate that a "gain of function" strategy in Alzheimer's disease, or a "loss of function" in prionopathies, may impair PrP(c) function, with devastating effects. In conclusion, we believe that present data should be taken into account in the development of future therapies.


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Anatomically segregated systems linking the frontal cortex and the striatum are involved in various aspects of cognitive, affective, and motor processing. In this study, we examined the effects of combined unilateral lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the core subregion of the nucleus accumbens (AcbC) in opposite hemispheres (disconnection) on a continuous performance, visual attention test [five-choice serial reaction-time task (5CSRTT)]. The disconnection lesion produced a set of specific changes in performance of the 5CSRTT, resembling changes that followed bilateral AcbC lesions while, in addition, comprising a subset of the behavioral changes after bilateral mPFC lesions previously reported using the same task. Specifically, both mPFC/AcbC disconnection and bilateral AcbC lesions markedly affected aspects of response control related to affective feedback, as indexed by perseverative responding in the 5CSRTT. These effects were comparable, although not identical, to those in animals with either bilateral AcbC or mPFC/AcbC disconnection lesions. The mPFC/AcbC disconnection resulted in a behavioral profile largely distinct from that produced by disconnection of a similar circuit described previously, between the mPFC and the dorsomedial striatum, which were shown to form a functional network underlying aspects of visual attention and attention to action. This distinction provides an insight into the functional specialization of corticostriatal circuits in similar behavioral contexts.


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A wide range of cell culture, animal and human epidemiological studies are suggestive of a role of vitamin E (VE) in brain function and in the prevention of neurodegeneration. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. In the current investigation Affymetrix gene chip technology was utilised to establish the impact of chronic VE deficiency on hippocampal genes expression. Male albino rats were fed either a VE deficient or standard diet (60 mg/kg feed) for a period of 9 months. Rats were sacrificed, the hippocampus removed and genes expression established in individual animals. VE deficiency showed to have a strong impact on genes expression in the hippocampus. An important number of genes found to be regulated by VE was associated with hormones and hormone metabolism, nerve growth factor, apoptosis, dopaminergic neurotransmission, and clearance of amyloid-beta and advanced glycated endproducts. In particular, VE strongly affected the expression of an array of genes encoding for proteins directly or indirectly involved in the clearance of amyloid beta, changes which are consistent with a protective effect of VE on Alzheimer's disease progression.


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Rats with fornix transection, or with cytotoxic retrohippocampal lesions that removed entorhinal cortex plus ventral subiculum, performed a task that permits incidental learning about either allocentric (Allo) or egocentric (Ego) spatial cues without the need to navigate by them. Rats learned eight visual discriminations among computer-displayed scenes in a Y-maze, using the constant-negative paradigm. Every discrimination problem included two familiar scenes (constants) and many less familiar scenes (variables). On each trial, the rats chose between a constant and a variable scene, with the choice of the variable rewarded. In six problems, the two constant scenes had correlated spatial properties, either Alto (each constant appeared always in the same maze arm) or Ego (each constant always appeared in a fixed direction from the start arm) or both (Allo + Ego). In two No-Cue (NC) problems, the two constants appeared in randomly determined arms and directions. Intact rats learn problems with an added Allo or Ego cue faster than NC problems; this facilitation provides indirect evidence that they learn the associations between scenes and spatial cues, even though that is not required for problem solution. Fornix and retrohippocampal-lesioned groups learned NC problems at a similar rate to sham-operated controls and showed as much facilitation of learning by added spatial cues as did the controls; therefore, both lesion groups must have encoded the spatial cues and have incidentally learned their associations with particular constant scenes. Similar facilitation was seen in subgroups that had short or long prior experience with the apparatus and task. Therefore, neither major hippocampal input-output system is crucial for learning about allocentric or egocentric cues in this paradigm, which does not require rats to control their choices or navigation directly by spatial cues.


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Background: Auditory discrimination is significantly impaired in Wernicke’s aphasia (WA) and thought to be causatively related to the language comprehension impairment which characterises the condition. This study used mismatch negativity (MMN) to investigate the neural responses corresponding to successful and impaired auditory discrimination in WA. Methods: Behavioural auditory discrimination thresholds of CVC syllables and pure tones were measured in WA (n=7) and control (n=7) participants. Threshold results were used to develop multiple-deviant mismatch negativity (MMN) oddball paradigms containing deviants which were either perceptibly or non-perceptibly different from the standard stimuli. MMN analysis investigated differences associated with group, condition and perceptibility as well as the relationship between MMN responses and comprehension (within which behavioural auditory discrimination profiles were examined). Results: MMN waveforms were observable to both perceptible and non-perceptible auditory changes. Perceptibility was only distinguished by MMN amplitude in the PT condition. The WA group could be distinguished from controls by an increase in MMN response latency to CVC stimuli change. Correlation analyses displayed relationship between behavioural CVC discrimination and MMN amplitude in the control group, where greater amplitude corresponded to better discrimination. The WA group displayed the inverse effect; both discrimination accuracy and auditory comprehension scores were reduced with increased MMN amplitude. In the WA group, a further correlation was observed between the lateralisation of MMN response and CVC discrimination accuracy; the greater the bilateral involvement the better the discrimination accuracy. Conclusions: The results from this study provide further evidence for the nature of auditory comprehension impairment in WA and indicate that the auditory discrimination deficit is grounded in a reduced ability to engage in efficient hierarchical processing and the construction of invariant auditory objects. Correlation results suggest that people with chronic WA may rely on an inefficient, noisy right hemisphere auditory stream when attempting to process speech stimuli.