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The effects of androgenic deprivation induced by castration on the norepinephrine contractile response of vas deferens from rats, which have been submitted to acute swimming-stress were determined. Acute swimming-stress led to subsensitivity to norepinephrine in vas deferens excised from intact rats. Similarly, castration also induced subsensitivity to norepinephrine, but no further subsensitivity occurred in organs from castrated rats submitted to acute stress. The results indicate a different response to norepinephrine in terms of relative responsiveness ratio, when vas deferens was excised from castrated rats or castrated rats submitted to acute stress. It is suggested that androgenic steroids modulate the recovery of homeostasis in rat vas deferens during acute stress, and that this effect may involve mechanisms that affect both the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors and the system of neuronal uptake of catecholamines.


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A morphological study of the budgerigar vas deferens was conducted to demonstrate the electron-microscopic features of its epithelial lining. The analysis showed that the vas deferens of the budgerigar was found to be of a tubular and serpentine structure, continuous with the epididymal region and lined with stereo ciliated pseudostratified epithelium, which contained folds projecting into the tubular lumen and a characteristic brush border. The epithelium consists of ciliated and non-ciliated cells with different electron densities. Ciliated cells were characterized by two morphologically distinct configurations: some cells were columnar and other ciliated cells were longer, thinner and dark. Non-ciliated cells showed apical cytoplasmic expansions, which projected into the tubular lumen as protrusions.


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Chronic alcoholism alters reproduction and therefore may be responsible for alterations of vas deferens, which are the subject of this analysis in UCh ethanol-drinking rats. The proximal and distal segments of the vas deferens of 20 animals were submitted to macroscopic, light microscopy, electron microscopy and morphometric analysis. The UCh rats showed atrophy of the epithelium of the vas deferens and alterations of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. Ethanol induces changes in the epithelium of the vas deferens and hypothalamus-pituitary axis of UCh rats.


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The epididymal epithelium of Agouti paca, a wild South American rodent, was basically formed by principal and basal cells. Principal cells were closely related to processes of adsorptive endocytosis, phasefluid endocytosis and also secretion originating from their cytoplasmic ultrastructural features. Principal cells were also characterized by the presence of vesicles of several shapes, sizes and internalized content occurring in smaller pits, pale small vesicles next to the apical brush border of microvillus, as well as coated vesicles, smooth surface vesicles and great vesicles. Multivesicular bodies, endosomes and lysosomes were mainly observed in supranuclear position. Moreover, presence of an apocrine secretory process was demonstrated by the occurrence of apical cytoplasmic expansions projecting into the vas deferens luminal compartment. Basal flattened cells without luminal surface contact occurred next to the basement membrane of the ductus, and did no exhibit special ultrastructural features.


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Documento disponible en otra versión (3368.00, 1554.01 y 3398.01)


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Background: Cimetidine, histamine H2 receptors antagonist, has caused adverse effects on the male hormones and reproductive tract due to its antiandrogenic effect. In the testes, peritubular myoid cells and muscle vascular cells death has been associated to seminiferous tubules and testicular microvascularization damages, respectively. Either androgen or histamine H2 receptors have been detected in the mucosa and smooth muscular layer of vas deferens. Thus, the effect of cimetidine on this androgen and histamine-dependent muscular duct was morphologically evaluated.Methods: The animals from cimetidine group (CMTG; n=5) received intraperitoneal injections of 100 mg/kg b.w. of cimetidine for 50 days; the control group (CG) received saline solution. The distal portions of vas deferens were fixed in formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Massońs trichrome-stained sections were subjected to morphological and the following morphometrical analyzes: epithelial perimeter and area of the smooth muscular layer. TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling) method, NF-kB (nuclear factor kappa B) and AR (androgen receptors) immunohistochemical detection were also carried out. The birefringent collagen of the muscular layer was quantified in picrosirius red-stained sections under polarized light. The muscular layer was also evaluated under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).Results: In CMTG, the mucosa of vas deferens was intensely folded; the epithelial cells showed numerous pyknotic nuclei and the epithelial perimeter and the area of the muscular layer decreased significantly. Numerous TUNEL-labeled nuclei were found either in the epithelial cells, mainly basal cells, or in the smooth muscle cells which also showed typical features of apoptosis under TEM. While an enhanced NF-kB immunoexpression was found in the cytoplasm of muscle cells, a weak AR immunolabeling was detected in these cells. In CMTG, no significant difference was observed in the birefringent collagen content of the muscular layer in comparison to CG.Conclusions: Cimetidine induces significant damages in the epithelium; a possible antiandrogenic effect on the basal cells turnover should be considered. The cimetidine-induced muscle cells apoptosis confirms the susceptibility of these cells to this drug. The parallelism between enhanced cytoplasmic NF-kB immunolabeling in the damaged muscular tissue and muscle cell apoptosis suggests that this drug may avoid the translocation of NF-kB to the nucleus and interfere in the control of NF-kB-mediated smooth muscle cell apoptosis. The decreased immunoexpression of ARs verified in the damaged muscular tissue reinforces this possibility. © 2013 Koshimizu et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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