961 resultados para Uveal melanoma
Doente de 74 anos, sexo masculino, com dor epigástrica, associada a náuseas, anorexia e emagrecimento marcado (20 kg num mês). Antecedentes pessoais de melanoma excisado. No exame objectivo constatou-se: adenopatia supraclavicular esquerda, aderente aos planos profundos, de consistência pétrea, não dolorosa. No decurso da investigação realizou tomografia computorizada toraco-abdomino-pélvica que demonstrou: extensa disseminação hepática com pequenas imagens hipodensas e hipocaptantes. Realizou endoscopia digestiva alta que revelou: hérnia hiatal e nesta, pólipo gástrico, séssil, com 5 mm; mucosa do corpo e antro com múltiplos pólipos sésseis com dimensões entre 2 e 4 mm, erosionados que se biopsaram. O exame anatomopatológico das biópsias gástricas revelou: fragmentos de mucosa gástrica com infiltração compatível com metástase de melanoma.
The distinction between primary melanoma and melanoma metastatic to the skin has major prognostic implications. We report a case of a 67-year-old male with a diagnosis of a superficial spreading melanoma (stage IB) rendered 6 years earlier who presented clinically with an atypical nevus on his left thigh. Histopathological examination showed an intraepidermal melanocytic proliferation that was interpreted as melanoma in situ. Subsequently, 45 additional pigmented macules appeared in crops over a 9-month period. Clinically and dermoscopically, these lesions were extremely polymorphic. Histopathological findings were compatible with melanoma in situ, as each lesion consisted of a wholly intraepidermal proliferation of markedly atypical melanocytes arranged singly and in nests. A complete gastrointestinal study showed multiple pigmented metastatic lesions throughout the stomach and small bowel, which supported a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma with gastrointestinal and epidermotropic skin involvement. Monosomy of chromosome 9 and a BRAF V600E mutation were detected in the primary tumor sample and in macro-dissected secondary lesions. No CDKN2A or CDK4 germline mutations were found. Intraepidermal epidermotropic metastases of melanoma have been rarely described in literature. In this case, histopathology alone was insufficient to distinguish metastatic melanoma from multiple in situ melanomas. The recognition of epidermotropic metastases should be based on the correlation between clinical, dermoscopic, histopathological and molecular findings.
Introduction & Objectives: Several factors may influence the decision to pursue nonsurgical modalities for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer. Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive alternative treatment reported to have a high efficacy when using standardized protocols in Bowen’s disease (BD), superficial basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and in thin nodular BCC. However, long-term recurrence studies are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy of PDT with topical methylaminolevulinate (MAL) for the treatment of BD and BCC in a dermato-oncology department. Materials & Methods: All patients with the diagnosis of BD or BCC, treated with MAL-PDT from the years 2004 to 2008, were enrolled. Treatment protocol included two MAL-PDT sessions one week apart repeated at three months when incomplete response, using a red light dose of 37-40 J/cm2 and an exposure time of 8’20’’. Clinical records were retrospectively reviewed, and data regarding age, sex, tumour location, size, treatment outcomes and recurrence were registered. Descriptive analysis was performed using chi square tests, followed by survival analysis with the Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression models. Results: Sixty-eight patients (median age 71.0 years, P25;P75=30;92) with a total of 78 tumours (31 BD, 45 superficial BCC, 2 nodular BCC) and a median tumour size of 5 cm2 were treated. Overall, the median follow-up period was 43.5 months (P25;P75=0;100), and a total recurrence rate of 33.8% was observed (24.4 % for BCC vs. 45.2% for BD). Estimated recurrence rates for BCC and BD were 5.0% vs. 7.4% at 6 months, 23.4% vs. 27.9% at 12 months, and 30.0% vs. 72.4% at 60 months. Both age and diagnosis were independent prognostic factors for recurrence, with significantly higher estimated recurrence rates in patients with BD (p=0.0036) or younger than 58 years old (p=0.039). The risk of recurrence (hazard ratio) was 2.4 times higher in patients with BD compared to superficial BCC (95% CI:1.1-5.3; p=0.033), and 2.8 times higher in patients younger than 58 years old (95% CI:1.2-6.5; p=0.02). Conclusions: In the studied population, estimated recurrence rates are higher than those expected from available literature, possibly due to a longer follow-up period. To the authors’ knowledge there is only one other study with a similar follow-up period, regarding BCC solely. BD, as an in situ squamous cell carcinoma, has a higher tendency to recur than superficial BCC. Despite greater cosmesis, PDT might no be the best treatment option for young patients considering their higher risk of recurrence.
Apresentado como poster no 57º Congresso Português de Oftalmologia, Algarve, Portugal, Dezembro de 2014
Introdução: São escassos os estudos de eficácia a longo prazo da terapêutica fotodinâmica(TFD) no tratamento da doença de Bowen (DB) e do carcinoma basocelular (CBC). Objectivos: Determinar a eficácia a longo prazo da TFD com metilaminolevulinato (MAL) no tratamento da DB e do CBC pela análise de recidiva. Material e método: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os processos clínicos de doentes com o diagnóstico de DB ou CBC tratados com TFD-MAL num serviço de Dermato- Oncologia entre 2004 e 2008. Foi efectuada a análise descritiva dos dados pelo teste do chiquadrado, seguida da análise de sobrevivência pelos métodos de Kaplan-Meier e regressão de Cox. Resultados: Foram tratados 68 doentes (mediana etária 71 anos, P25;P75=30;92) com um total de 78 tumores (31 DB, 45 CBC superficiais, 2 CBC nodulares finos). No período de seguimento efectuado (mediana 43,5 meses, P25;P75=0;100) observou-se uma taxa de recidiva de 25% no CBC e 45,2% na DB. As taxas de recidiva estimadas para os CBC e DB foram de 5,0% vs. 7,4% aos 6 meses, 23,4% vs. 27,9% aos 12 meses e de 30,0% vs. 72,4% aos 60 meses. Idade e diagnóstico constituíram factores independentes de prognóstico, com taxas de recidiva significativamente maiores nos doentes com DB (p=0,0036) ou com menos de 58 anos (p=0,039). De modo semelhante, o risco de recidiva foi 2,4 vezes superior nos doentes com DB face àqueles com CBC (p=0,033) e 2,8 vezes maior em doentes com menos de 58 anos (p=0,02). Conclusões: Na população estudada, a taxa de recidiva foi superior àquela encontrada na literatura. A TFD pode não ser a melhor opção para o tratamento do cancro cutâneo nãomelanoma em doentes mais jovens, em particular na doença de Bowen. Apesar do melhor resultado cosmético, o risco de recidiva deve ser equacionado e a escolha terapêutica deve ser ponderada caso a caso.
The colors that are seen in dermoscopy depend on the anatomic level of the skin at which the chromophores are seen. Blue color can be found in a variety of melanocytic and nonmelanocytic lesions. An 89-year-old man presented with a 3-year history of a slow-growing, hyperpigmented patch located on the distal third of the right arm. Dermoscopy showed an atypical network, irregularly distributed globules, pigmented internal streaks and a milky-red area. Based on these findings a diagnosis of slow-growing malignant melanoma was made. Simultaneously, a well-defined blue papule was seen on the proximal third of the same arm. Dermoscopy disclosed a homogeneous blue pattern. After clinical and dermoscopic correlation our differential diagnosis for this blue lesion included cutaneous melanoma metastasis, blue nevus and foreign body reaction. The patient recalled its onset 75 years ago after a grenade explosion. We also discuss the blue lesion appearance under reflectance confocal microscopy and high-definition optical coherence tomography. Histopathological examination after excision of the hyperpigmented patch and blue papule revealed a melanoma in situ and a foreign body reaction, respectively. The diagnostic evaluation of a blue lesion should always rely on the integration of all data, especially clinical and dermoscopic features. Other non-invasive techniques, like reflectance confocal microscopy and high-definition optical coherence tomography can also be important aids for its differential diagnosis.
A ecografia ganhou maior aplicabilidade na Dermatologia com o aparecimento de sondas de maior frequência que possibilitam a visualização de lesões localizadas na pele e tecido celular subcutâneo. A ecografia de alta resolução tem-se desenvolvido particularmente na área do melanoma, onde se tem posicionado não só como exame complementar à vigilância clínica, mas também como método de estadiamento ganglionar. Neste âmbito, a ecografia é mais sensível que a palpação ganglionar, mostra-se superior a outros métodos de imagem no diagnóstico precoce da metastização locoregional e, quando realizada preliminarmente em combinação com a citologia de aspiração por agulha fina, pode diminuir o número de biopsias do gânglio sentinela. Actualmente, os estudos disponíveis sugerem que a ecografia tem um papel relevante na avaliação da doença loco-regional, em particular no doente com melanoma de risco intermédio ou elevado.
El melanoma es un tumor originado en los melanocitos con alta capacidad metastatizante, que puede originarse en la piel, las mucosas u otras localizaciones. Su incidencia y la mortalidad de los pacientes a aumentado en las últimas décadas. La frecuencia es muy variable en diferentes partes del mundo y los factores de riesgo son tanto genéticos como ambientales: La mutación más importante descubierta en el melanoma no familiar es el del gen BRAF, presente hasta en el 66% de los melanomas según estudios(17),principalmente la V600E, en personas jóvenes (hasta 40 años) y en áreas de exposición solar intermitente como el tronco y miembros inferiores. La expansión del conocimiento de la genética y los avances en la inmunidad anti-tumoral proporcionan un rico terreno para el despliegue de nuevas terapéuticas. La mutación del gen BRAF en la actualidad representa el principal biomarcador genético. Sorafenib, un inhibidor de BRAF, tiene un efecto citostático en la mayoría de los melanomas con mutaciones que afectan a la proteína cinasa activada por mitógenos (MAPK). Los agentes terapéuticos, de ser eficaces, deberán ser seleccionados de acuerdo a las vías relacionadas con las mutaciones genéticas presentes en el melanoma. Dado estos avances se abre una gran posibilidad terapéutica para aquellos melanomas que presentarían este tipo de mutaciones. Nuestro objetivo es, determinar la mutación V600E del gen BRAF en pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de melanoma de la ciudad de Córdoba y relacionar la con la edad del paciente en el momento del diagnóstico, sexo, fototipo , antecedentes de melanoma en familiares de 1 y 2 grado , de foto exposición y variante clínica y localización del melanoma.
Os tumores primários cardíacos são infreqüentes; entretanto, as neoplasias metastáticas com acometimento do coração são mais comuns. Alguns tumores apresentam, em estudos post-mortem, implantes secundários cardíacos com freqüências que superam 50%. Esse comprometimento deve ser lembrado em pacientes com história de neoplasia, que apresentem distúrbios de condução, sopro, cardiomegalia ou arritmias. Relatar-se-á, a seguir, o caso de um homem de 39 anos, encaminhado por cansaço e dispnéia aos esforços. Ecocardiograma evidenciou grande massa tumoral em ventrículo direito. A história médica pregressa revelou antecedentes de melanoma e a avaliação complementar mostrou doença metastática para pulmões, coração e cérebro, com evolução a óbito. Os aspectos singulares do caso são a presença de uma grande massa no ventrículo direito de origem metastática, ilustrando um quadro clínico raro e de prognóstico reservado.
El melanoma es un tumor originado en los melanocítos con alta capacidad metastatizante, que puede originarse en la piel, las mucosas u otras localizaciones. Su incidencia y la mortalidad de los pacientes a aumentado en las últimas décadas. La frecuencia es muy variable en diferentes partes del mundo y los factores de riesgo son tanto genéticos como ambientales: La mutación más importante descubierta en el melanoma no familiar es el del gen BRAF, presente hasta en el 66% de los melanomas según estudios(17),principalmente la V600E, en personas jóvenes (hasta 40 años) y en áreas de exposición solar intermitente como el tronco y miembr inferiores. La expansión del conocimiento de la genética y los avances en la inmunidad anti-tumoral proporcionan un rico terreno para el despliegue de nuevas terapéuticas. La mutación del gen BRAF en la actualidad representa el principal biomarcador genético. Sorafenib, un inhibidor de BRAF, tiene un efecto citostático en la mayoría de los melanomas con mutaciones que afectan a la proteína cinasa activada por mitógenos (MAPK). Los agentes terapéuticos, de ser eficaces, deberán ser seleccionados de acuerdo a las vías relacionadas con las mutaciones genéticas presentes en el melanoma. Dado estos avances se abre una gran posibilidad terapéutica para aquellos melanomas que presentarían este tipo de mutaciones. Nuestro objetivo es, determinar la mutación V600E del gen BRAF en pacientes con diagnostico histopatológico de melanoma de la ciudad de Córdoba y relacionar la con la edad del paciente en el momento del diagnóstico, sexo, fototipo , antecedentes de melanoma en familiares de 1 y 2 grado , de foto exposición y variante clínica y localización del melanoma.
HLA-A2+ melanoma patients develop naturally a strong CD8+ T cell response to a self-peptide derived from Melan-A. Here, we have used HLA-A2/peptide tetramers to isolate Melan-A-specific T cells from tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes of two HLA-A2+ melanoma patients and analyzed their TCR beta chain V segment and complementarity determining region 3 length and sequence. We found a broad diversity in Melan-A-specific immune T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoires in terms of both TCR beta chain variable gene segment usage and clonal composition. In addition, immune TCR repertoires selected in the patients were not overlapping. In contrast to previously characterized CD8+ T-cell responses to viral infections, this study provides evidence against usage of highly restricted TCR repertoire in the natural response to a self-differentiation tumor antigen.
Novel cancer vaccines are capableto efficiently induce and boost humantumor antigen specific T-cells. However,the properties of these CD8T-cells are only partially characterized.For in depth investigation ofT-cells following Melan-A/MART-1peptide vaccination in melanoma patients,we conducted a detailed prospectivestudy at the single cell level.We first sorted individual human naiveand effector CD8 T-cells from peripheralblood by flow cytometry, andtested a modified RT-PCR protocolincluding a global amplification ofexpressed mRNAs to obtain sufficientcDNAfromsingle cells.We successfullydetected the expression ofseveral specific genes of interest evendown to 106-fold dilution (equivalentto 10-5 cell). We then analyzed tumor-specific effector memory (EM)CD8T-cell subpopulations ex vivo, assingle cells from vaccinated melanomapatients. To elucidate the hallmarksof effective immunity the genesignatures were defined by a panel ofgenes related to effector functions(e.g. IFN-, granzyme B, perforin),and individual clonotypes were identifiedaccording to the expression ofdistinct T-cell receptors (TCR). Usingthis novel single cell analysis approach,we observed that T-cell differentiationis clonotype dependent,with a progressive restriction in TCRBV clonotype diversity from EMCD28pos to EMCD28neg subsets. However,the effector function gene imprintingis clonotype-independent,but dependent on differentiation,since it correlates with the subset oforigin (EMCD28pos or EMCD28neg). We also conducted a detailedcomparative analysis after vaccinationwith natural vs. analog Melan-Apeptide. We found that the peptideused for vaccination determines thefunctional outcome of individualT-cell clonotypes, with native peptideinducing more potent effector functions.Yet, selective clonotypic expansionwith differentiation was preservedregardless of the peptide usedfor vaccination. In summary, the exvivo single cell RT-PCR approach ishighly sensitive and efficient, andrepresents a reliable and powerfultool to refine our current view of molecularprocesses taking place duringT-cell differentiation.
PURPOSE: Several studies observed a female advantage in the prognosis of cutaneous melanoma, for which behavioral factors or an underlying biologic mechanism might be responsible. Using complete and reliable follow-up data from four phase III trials of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Melanoma Group, we explored the female advantage across multiple end points and in relation to other important prognostic indicators. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients diagnosed with localized melanoma were included in EORTC adjuvant treatment trials 18832, 18871, 18952, and 18961 and randomly assigned during the period of 1984 to 2005. Cox proportional hazard models were used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs for women compared with men, adjusted for age, Breslow thickness, body site, ulceration, performed lymph node dissection, and treatment. RESULTS: A total of 2,672 patients with stage I/II melanoma were included. Women had a highly consistent and independent advantage in overall survival (adjusted HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.83), disease-specific survival (adjusted HR, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.88), time to lymph node metastasis (adjusted HR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.96), and time to distant metastasis (adjusted HR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.59 to 0.81). Subgroup analysis showed that the female advantage was consistent across all prognostic subgroups (with the possible exception of head and neck melanomas) and in pre- and postmenopausal age groups. CONCLUSION: Women have a consistent and independent relative advantage in all aspects of the progression of localized melanoma of approximately 30%, most likely caused by an underlying biologic sex difference.